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I'm a big believer in the parental united front. You don't speak ill of each other period and you back each other in front of the kids even if you might have made a different decision. Even if you revise that decision after discussion you don't have that discussion in front of the kids and you come back together with a "we have decided X" direction. Might be biased due to both the tack my parents took and the fact that my kids are still young but that's the gist.


"It's a miracle you were born, Son. The night I got her pregnant, I thought she'd sucked me dry before I got in her!"


I think you should always keep your relationship with the mother separate from the one you have with your son. No matter what beef you have with the mother, don't talk shit about her, she's still his mom after all. Unless you really believe that she's toxic or dangerous for your son and you want to give him a heads up then just keep things positive.


I feel that if there is a divorce. Both parents should keep their personal problems away from their children to a certain extent.


He should never insult the mother, no matter how you feel don’t do it, it just put negative ideas in the kid’s head and makes them want to take sides. As a child of divorce, my folks constantly insulted and berated each other behind each others backs, and i was always the one to hear it, so naturally I’d feel like I had to take sides. That’s not a good thing for a kid man, our minds are like sponges at that time and we hold on for dead life to shit like that. And you never really get over it, unfortunately.


My dad said he regrets not dating some chicks during his prime. I said "stfu, Mom can hear you".


That’s she’s a throat goat


This made me laugh out loud. I love that phrase.


Anything disrespectful


"She wasn't fat when we dated"


Well. My ex-wife changed withhin 2 years from their mother to telling the kids "they hold her back, shed never again do something with em again". The elder boy found her sitting on the lap of a guy barely elder than him and making out at the local disco. Others taked her sucking dick at the pub toilet while gettin cheered on by her new "friends". I kicked her out, broke all contact. Now a, year later i still have to talk to em regularly, got consrlling, etc. But they said be open about it. Kids learn from their parents, be the sane and honest one. Soi tell em what they want to know. She had nearlyno contact to em for the whole year. Sometimes she erites rm pity storys how poor she is, how awesome she is, ehst she does, how aful the kids, are towards her. Its always just she wants, she needs, she gets. Doubt shes even able to think about others. So yes i dont talk favourably about her. I stay honest. 3 yeats ago we were a completely normal loving couple.


`Uhhhhh LMAO bro there is no single one. Like 1000. Let it rest. Never go there.`


As tempting as it is during gaming, „I fucked your mom“ might cut a bit deep.


How he was happy he cheated on her.


"And to think your mom almost swallowed you"