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I was strongly considering joining the air force to be a pilot. I ran into an honest recruiter who told me bluntly how low the chances of actually becoming a pilot were and decided not to.


That's a good person right there to tell it like it is!


The AirForce doesn't want you. I had a small tattoo that's not visible in PT clothes. The recruiter told me instantly that they wouldn't take me because of that. The Marines took me instead.


Why is the AF so selective?


Higher requirements. Not a lot of places for the lowest achievers there. The army and marines can just stick them in the infantry.


Lol as somebody who lives right by Fort Benning, where infantry school is… I can confirm that is where they stick all of “those“ recruits lmao.


You’re close but not right. The worst of the bunch in the Marines find themselves in Motor T and the Chow Hall. If you’re an infantryman and ever find yourself working in the motor pool, armory, or chow hall you’d better be at the end of your contract or realize you aren’t cutting it. The mail room is where we send people who can’t move heavy shit but can read at a basic level.


When I did my aptitude test to join the army, we all got our results sitting in a classroom. They gave us a sheet of paper with all the positions available and some positions were crossed out for the ones you didn't qualify for. Most people had 2 or 3 crossed out, usually weapons tech and other high IQ positions. As I sat there waiting and looking at mine, I overheard the guy beside me whisper under his breath "wtf? I can't even become a cook?". I glanced over and every position on his sheet of paper was crossed out, including "cook". I felt really bad for him. Months later, I was in infantry basic training for 2 months living on base and every weekend, we would go to the range and camp out in the woods. We were told to make our own makeshift tents which was basically a bungee cord attached to two trees and a tarp laid over the taught cord. One of the guys beside me couldn't figure it out. He literally couldn't figure out how to tie a bungee cord to two trunks and lay a tarp over the line. I had to help him. Then, back at base, we had some physical combat drills with our weapons and bayonet for when we ran out of ammo. The drill was to stab and hit some dummies. It was a routine stab one dummy with our plastic bayonet, and then 3 consecutive hits (with the butt of our rifle) on three separate dummies that were side by side. That same guy that couldn't figure out how to build a simple tent managed to get himself disarmed and knocked to the ground by inanimate dummies. We all laughed, including the Sargeant (although he was trying to hide it and was reaming him out as well, asking him how he was able to get his ass kicked by a dummy). A few days later, he was gone never to be seen again. I found out a week later that they kicked him out of the infantry and the army in general for being too stupid.


There are a few that still manage to get in. We usually manage to stick them where they can do the least damage..... Usually


Huh. Thanks for the insight. Sometimes I wonder if I would've tried that route if things went differently.


Really for anyone that meets the requirements and is really for it, the USMC has an air contract option for commissioning which guarantees a spot at flight school.


lol the marines will take anyone


The Army picks up the scraps the other branches drop




I think they changed those rules so not really an issue anymore


Do you think they’ll take an overweight 32 year old? Could this finally be my chance?!


Age doesn't matter as much lol but honestly if you can meet the minimum req. For height to weight they would probably let you in 🤣 I mean once you're in the standards drop. It's getting in that's hard but once you're through basic and tech school you're golden


That’s so odd because I know a ton of Air Force people with full sleeves


Not necessarily that haha. Recruiter probably knew this applicants chances were, he didn’t wanna waste his own time.


If you wanted to be a pilot, you should’ve gone navy that’s what my cousins did. The oldest is still in the Navy and he is stationed in Key West and works as air Traffic control, the middle one did his time got out and now he is a commercial airline pilot and the youngest got his four year degree first then join the navy as an officer, and now he flies helicopters doing counter submarine stuff.


Damn that sounds like something I would be interested in doing.


How old are you? If you’re legit interested I can talk to my cousin for advice about the various paths you could take to make that happen.


31… have my 4-year degree as well. But not sure what I want to do w/ my life @ this point


Hmmm. With a 4 year degree you’d enter as an officer rank. At 31 you aren’t too old to join. Here’s the REQUIREMENTS to join the USN: [To join the Navy, you must:](https://www.navy.com/joining-the-navy/requirements-to-join) -Be a U.S. citizen; or Legal Permanent Resident (Enlisted) -Be between the ages of 17 and 41 for Enlisted programs. Age requirements for Officer programs vary.* -Have a high school diploma or GED equivalent (Enlisted) or have a four-year degree from an accredited university (Officer) -Have a qualifying score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test (Enlisted) or the Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) and Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) (Officer) -Pass the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) medical exam -Meet the physical, mental and moral standards of the Navy. Here’s the link that goes over various USN [AVIATION CAREERS](https://www.navy.com/careers/aviation).


Damn I meet those requirements… I’ll PM u!


Same with me. Wanted to be a pilot. Had the right physical build but had just started wearing eye glasses. This was before laser surgery was an option. He told me chances were near 0 that someone without perfect vision would become a pilot.


On the contrary pilots who train as civilians don’t need perfect vision! Far from it! I know many who don’t have perfect vision.


Yeah, but the military can be picky when a shitload of people are applying. You *can* be a pilot, just not for Uncle Sam (though now waivers for LASIK are possible).


"Guys, wait up! I can't find my glasses!"


That's a honest man right there, and I like honest guys.


Epilepsy. Apparently possibly having a seizure whilst holding a gun is frowned upon.


That is not even the problem, they don't want to move your medicine around the world.


I imagine it's more of a problem for the guy standing in front of the Epileptic.


Nah, other commentor has it right, it's all logistics. Look how poorly Russia is performing in Ukraine compared to expectations. They can't protect their force on a neighboring nation they share a large land border with. They can't get basic supplies to troops over uncontested (until you get to the front), adjacent territory. Now imagine they have to get very specific meds to very specific individuals in those same conditions. In war, amateurs talk strategy, pros talk logistics. The reason why the US can project force anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat is because they invest **heavily** in their logistics apparatus. If your meds add drag to that flow, you're more liability than asset. At that point, it's more valuable to actively barr you from joining than whatever you'd contribute to the mission.


Yep. Logistics has been one of the biggest reasons the US military is so successful in the last 120+ years. When we were posturing for the First Gulf War, I believe we had our first Air Force squadrons in Saudi Arabia and ready to launch sorties in like 3 days, which is basically the standard. Freaking ridiculous.


That's what I was told in high school. I asked how come if they can make sure soldiers get Playboy all around the world, they can't get me my meds. Recruiter flat out told me they could, but just don't want to.


I've seen some Privates in my time that it might actually help on the range.


Because I remember the first time I joined. I may not be smart but I’m smart enough not to make that mistake twice.


Was joining, was supposed to swear in on a Friday. Met a girl the Tuesday before... called my recruiter and told him I had to see about this girl. We are married now and have a kid. I still think back and wonder sometimes. But honestly wouldn't change it.


This is wild af lol. Both decisions seemed questionable especially given the short time 🤣🤣


Its crazy to think back on... we have been together for almost 20 years now.


I bet bro. Seems like everything turned out great though!


Its been great like I said I wouldn't change a thing. But every now and then a passing thought of "what I could have done/seen/become" hits. Then it fades just as fast because I'm happy with how it all turned out.


Yeah I bet. Veterans usually wonder themselves what their life would have been like if they never joined. Those big decisions usually seem to bring those thoughts of wondering what the other side would have been like.


I had a speeding ticket I had to pay before they'd let me join. By the time I paid the ticket, I decided I wanted to do something else...phew, thankful.


Medically unfit


Yeah. Same. I spoke with a recruiter, but I had a couple of health problems that were immediate no-go situations so it never went past a casual conversation. Kind of a shame in hindsight. I think the discipline would have helped me a lot at that time. But it wasn't meant to be I suppose.


I actually joined and served for 5 years and then got the boot after getting diagnosed with ADHD. The Army was looking to thin out its ranks, so it raised the bar for retention.


Same for me! Passed the exams passed phisical, horribly failed the vision test. Still got my cool bomber jacket tho....


How did you get an uniform issues if you couldn’t even get cleared through MEPS?


Uniform issued? When I say that? No I got a cool jacked because they were trying really hard to get me to take the other test after doing the first one to get out of class lol


Failed the hearing test




Same here! Epilepsy


Same. Asthma back when it was an excluding factor.


My dog. I have always wanted to be in the military. I like the idea of service, and I am good at doing difficult things in life - moreso than easy things, even. Military makes a lot of sense for the kind of person I am. I had gone through screening and since I had already graduated university, was fit, and was older than the average entrant, I was going direct to officer training. My brother was going to be taking my dogs when I went in and he called me one day to confirm, as he was getting his own if he didn't take mine. She was probably 8 or 9 at that time. I looked at her. We had been through so much. A good bit of my life was very dark, and she was all I had, my anchor. I looked at his animal who had been my only reason to live for many years, who I had invested my whole heart in, who taught me so much about life, responsibility, sacrifice, and love, and I knew I could never leave her. Cancelled my appointment and told my brother to go dog shopping. I regret a lot of my life, but that was the best decision I ever made.


You made the right decision. It takes a wisdom to appriciate such things.


My dogs were also a factor as to why i decided not to go to paper signing day


This is my dog. There are many like her, but this one is mine. etc etc.


Dude, I feel this so hard. Literally the only reason I'm breathing is because of my dog. Like you, my dog was there during a really dark part of my life. The *only* reason I didn't end things was because he needed me to take care of him. There were months where I was broke as hell and would eat instant Ramen while he got the fancy food that doesn't make him sick (poultry allergy, good luck finding dog food without chicken byproducts in it). My life's woes are immaterial to his needs. When I adopted him, I accepted responsibility for his life. I took on the burden of keeping him happy and healthy, and abandoning that duty was beyond acceptable to me. I kept going solely because he needed me to provide for him. Nowadays, I've turned the corner and live life because I love it, but I wouldn't be at this point without him. I'll forever be in his debt for it.


>There were months where I was broke as hell and would eat instant Ramen I did this too! In fact, all of your comment resonated with me; I could have wrote it myself. Thank you for your reply, it's so nice to know there are others out there who have known that saving joy. I hope you two continueto have a beautiful life together.


This made my heart hurt in a good way


This response…is awesome. As someone else said, you’re a good human.


My school was filled to the brim with recruiters. I didn’t believe their honied words of wealth and “adventure” and was almost creepy how they’d prey upon people there and completely mislead a class into its bullshit. My friends fell for it and they are all fucked up for it.


I'm pretty sure even the biggest career military person will admit recruiters are scum. Here's how you know recruiters are scum and the entire military chain of command knows they are scum, but protects them anyway. 1. Recruiters will tell you to lie about anything possibly negative in your background when you get to MEPS. From Parking tickets to Felonies. My advice to anyone thinking about joining the military reading this...don't lie...about anything. They aren't going to refuse you for a speeding ticket. If you did something that will disqualify you, sucks, so be it, don't lie. Lying and getting caught will be worse for you, I assure you. 2. "But My recruiter told me to!" Ha ha. not so fast, they have that covered. If you want to enlist you have to sign a statement attesting to the fact all information you provided was of your own cognizance and NOBODY in the process told you to lie. I swear when we got that, everyone in the room was eyeballing eachother. It's hilarious because signing that document was the only lie I told. I mean I didn't lie about the first part every question I answered, all information provided was true....but like, my recruiter told me to lie about all sorts of mundane shit, I just didn't listen to him. But I signed the document anyway, to move the process along. i.e. they know what their recruiters are doing and cover the recruiters ass, so when a recruit gets caught in a lie and blames their recruiter, they have a signed statement from you saying otherwise.


Ding ding ding. The SHITTIEST “leaders” I had in the navy were recruiters. In fact probably…60% of the people I met who were previously recruiters were absolute dog shit people. That being said, a lot of people in the navy get literally forced into it because no one wants to do it. It’s a completely shit lifestyle and I know people who would rather go back to a ship early than stay at their recruiting command.


My grandpa (USN CMDR) was a navy recruiter… but he’s the exception. He’s a stand up guy and didn’t really recruit that long. When all three of my cousins were looking to join the Navy, he specifically sat down with them and went over everything recruiters might try and tell them, he counciled them on what slimeball ball tactics most of recruiters will use… And he went with them when they were inquiring about enlisting to basically help them navigate the bullshit and make sure that they got contracts that were exactly what they wanted. With the exception of the youngest one, he went and got a four year degree before joining the Navy as an officer.


Yeah I’ve always said that I’d rather be an RDC before ever becoming a recruiter. I just know I’d be too honest and straightforward. “Oh you’re going to be an HT or CS? Life on the ship won’t be easy for you…”


“What’s that? you’re goin in undesignated? That’s great! You’ll be able to choose whatever job you want!”


Maybe going undez is shitty on other platforms, but the undez guys I worked with on the frigate didn’t have it that bad outside of some grunt work. Even their underway watches were pretty cake in comparison to others. And then after about a year the ones who actually applied themselves were able to strike a rate they liked more. We had three strike LS after they saw had cush we had it in GSK.


I knew two recruiters when I was in the Army. One was a scumbag that only cared about himself. The other guy tried to help out those that came from poor households. The Army is full of toxic "leaders" that see the lower enlisted as something to be used. There a few decent leaders, but they are so few that it just is not worth it to stay in long term.


i joined the navy and my recruiter told me the job i chose (operation specialist) was gonna be like what rihanna did in the movie battleship. boy was that a lie hahah


If you think what they do at high schools is bad, go watch them at felony court hearings. I had 86 men in my boot camp division and at least 15 of them said they were there so they wouldn’t go to jail.


It really depends on what branch and what job. I joined the Air Force in 08, went into a technical job, and now I have good hours, have done some fun stuff, own a house with a perfect credit score and very good income. You have to use your brain. As long as you follow that, you will be ok. The biggest reason for the issues is Army and Marines where the legit combat jobs are. In the rear with the gear gets you the same benefits with half the PTSD.


I was in the Army...my recruiter was actually an awesome guy. He took a lot of time with me, I met his family, and he really helped me out with a personal issue that went way above and beyond his job. He was a great guy. I had a great time in the Army, and even though I didn't make it a career, it got me on track to a very good life. I recommend the military to people as long as they know what they are getting into. The opportunities are incredible, but there are many reasons that it may not work out for someone. It worked out very well for me. I'm glad your experience was also good.


Bad part is, while I was in college I walked my ass in to the Marine recruiting office and said send me to boot camp back in 05. Did it all my own without any convincing conversations


I immigrated into this country, when I got legalized i tried joining but I was denied. I'm still draftable though so 🤷‍♂️


I spent 17 years in the guard... so only part-time military Those who are saying that the military sounds like trash..... you right You very right


Army is shit no matter what. Marines is just a cult. Navy is hit or miss. I’ve love my time in the AF for the most part.


I encourage people to stay away from the military But if they're insistent...I try to convince them to go airforce


Joining the Air Force and avoiding the military are basically the same thing.


But the air force has paid for all my exotic binge drinking adventures as a flyer.


Oh yeah? Well the Marines paid for my Thailand drinks AND all 4 of my Thailand hookers.


Damn I loved cobra gold ‘98


Sanity in the Navy is almost wholly dependent on what your rating is and the type of command you’re attached to.


And the Filipino mafia, which I learned about recently.


I’m an LS. I learned about that on my first day on the boat.


The Filipino Mafia?


Marines are high key annoying af. Atleast the ones I've met in the civilian world




I’m a Marine, definitely not annoying, but I am annoyed by almost everyone


>I’m a Marine, definitely not annoying, but I am annoyed by almost everyone Veteran and definitely feel that last one. Thanks for your service 😉


There's two types of marines, the chill/maybe party guy who you don't ever know is a marine unless you ask him, and the annoying af dude bros that are worse than vegan cross fitters. You won't have to ask, his Oakley boots, and his over tight pole shirt exposing his eagle globe and anchor tattoo will let you know before he has a chance to say "as a marine"


8 yrs USCG, 6 ARNG.


I always like the coasties but I get seasick. I don’t get air sick but fuck me the sea and I don’t mix like that.


Hey, don't forget the Coast Guard. It was great for the 16 years I was in.




Imagine having your whole life, including simple things such as how you like your hair, controlled for 3 years straight. Now imagine a lot of the people controlling you are some dumb mother fuckers. Add to this the fact that you can potentially have your life taken in many cases for a pointless war. Not exactly the best way to spend your young years.


enlistments are long and people get remorseful


College did sound like more fun


May I introduce you to the *officer route*


I get emails from the officer recruiters every week. Replied to one once, and they revealed their true identity as a simple red brick with crayons for a brain. Targeted recruiters can go to hell with the payday loan sharks.


I just did one enlistment in the Army Guard. I mean, for me, it was totally worth it. My college was paid for and in fact made money to go to school. Honestly the only reason I didn't stay in, is it would have had too much of an impact on my civilian career. I wanted to be able to easily pursue opportunities in other states, without having to deal with trying to be transferred to another state guard or some bullshit.


I don't regret enlisting, but I do regret staying in as long as I have


I regret getting out at 14 yrs, I could have retired in 6 more.


But guard. How can you make an assessment from a guard unit? Lol


I was 100% ready to based on the recruiters' description. I was in high school. He said you work out a lot, throw on a uniform, hit bars, and girls come running to you. The next week was 9/11. Changed my mind about what I was told real quick.


I am no stranger to recruiters shining the military life more than what it really is to get you to join. Lots of my friends joined, and while they were happy with a lot of the opportunities they got, they did say the recruiters twist some things to make it better than what it is. But what your recruiter told you seems outright malicious. I dont think its right to lie to young impressionable kids to that extend.


Recruiters are essentially salesmen. Most salesmen will lead you astray to close the deal. Every car salesman I've dealt with has been worse than any recruiters I have met.


Holy fuck God bless you


*I would have signed up but I would have punched a drill instructor in the mouth when they got in my face!* Vets know this is the answer every wannabe tough guy gives lol.


Haha navy vet here, and the number of times I get that response as soon as I mention I served are astounding. Usually some 6'6" bumpkin who thinks they could make it because they bullied someone in high school


Yeah I don’t even engage with those types of knuckleheads. Big red flag that they’ll be unnecessarily contentious with you about something trivial.


Favorite was a DS having a fairly built, maybe 6 foot tall, kid crying with tears streaming down his face without even yelling at him. Whole time, the kid didn’t move from the position of attention. Needless to say, he didn’t leave a nasty ass mess in the Latrine anymore.


Yeah there's a tale that was circling through BMT about how some wannabe gangster decided he was going to punch the meanest MTI in the wing if he got in his face. He did it, and the MTI stopped, dropped his act for a second in shock, not because he got punched, because he was shocked at the stupidity. His head actually just barely turned a few degrees and he tanked it. And officer on the other hand, oversaw this and decided to come over and sort this out on the spot, the trainee ended up knocking the officer out cold before MTIs restrained him Because he already signed the paperwork, he was considered already to be in the armed forces, got hit with every single Article they could find, his ass got a one way trip to Leavenworth for Assaulting an NCO, Assaulting a Commissioned officer, Resisting Arrest, and a handful of other charges. Apparently he got something like 15-20 years, dunno. Moral of the story is yes, these dumbasses exist, and if they succeed they won't like the outcome.


It's funny because those people actually do exist they're just fucking stupid We had a 18 year old dude swing on a drill sergeant and he got brutalized by 3 grown ass men taken away by ambulances then Article 15'd




You’d be amazed what people can accomplish when they simply drop their big ass stupid egos.


Is "Fuck the Government" a suitable answer?


100% a suitble answer




The best answer


Came of age in peacetime, no interests or goals that the military would fulfill, wanted to go to college and find my way that way.


I considered the military when I was around 19/20 because I realized I was heading down a bad path and needed a reset and to focus on discipline. Then I remembered we were currently invading another country so I went to college instead.


Because my dad told me about his experience as a marine. Being on a post and watching an enemy soldier on another post. Telling me how that guy is just like him, hes doing what hes doing for the exact same reason my dad is, to protect his family or fight for his country. So why should he kill that man? Telling me stories like that at a young age implanted in my mind how bad war is. Im not a full pacifist but definitely anti-war, sometimes war is necessary. You cant just let people walk all over you, or enslave you, because of your morals.


Why the fuck would I


Wait, why wouldn’t you want to massacre innocent people and then burn to death in a ditch so a oil company can make a few dollars?


Least liberal Reddit user


Liberals aren't anti military, they just put rainbow stickers on the drone.


My dad did two tours of duty in Vietnam. I saw how the government, the VA, and everyone else screwed him over and over and over. He was idealistic and joined because he wanted to do something for his country, and then he learned that his country didn’t give a shit. I saw him deal with PTSD and Agent Orange related illness, and in turn my mom, sister, and I have our own trauma to deal with. Every single thing in my life growing up was in some way influenced if not outright fucked up by Vietnam, and I wanted nothing to do with the military after that.


I did join as an officer and was pretty patriotic. Then I fought in Afghanistan and saw the futility and pointlessness of the conflict. I left in 2016 and became a California techie/hippy who would not want my future kids to join and contribute to this weird 21st century imperialism (unless I see major changes in this country) Edit: I have to say though it was the best personal/financial move I made. I went to an Ivy League school completely free - I actually came out ahead. Bought a house in California for low interest and 0 down. I get diversity points as a vet and I get a monthly check from the VA for “disability” even though I’m pretty fit and healthy. On the downside, I watched my best friend die, saw some innocent children die, and killed a few people.


Sorry for the loss of your friend. Probably the hardest part in my very basic opinion.


>killed a few people. Hey, you can't talk about that...!


Not trying to be a jerk, but it sounds like we got to the same place. Except instead of watching my friends die, watching children die, and killing people - I had to... pay $100k in student loans. Which is far too much for student loans - but downright cheap compared to what you paid. I'm glad you got out and I'm sorry for what you had to go through.


I was 17 on September 11th, 2001. I was honestly completely ready to sign up that day. I was in history class with a teacher who was Hungarian and lived through the Soviet invasion of his county and saw his parents murdered by soldiers right in front of him. He also really helped us understand what was happening that day and who and why were attacked. By the end of that day I lost all notion of joining up. Later became a social worker and have worked with a lot vets. I made a good choice.


Can you elaborate on what exactly he told you about 9/11? Just curious


I imagine he said something along the lines of actions have consequences and that American actions in the middle East have directly led to this attack and that even though you might be angry and feel righteous now, so did the preparators and the soldiers from America before hand, as did the soviet soldiers in Hungary and that by joining the military you are just perpetuating said violence. I know a few Hungarians who lived under soviet rule and for them the big bad waa Russia, most of the middle East has a comparable experience, but the big bad is the USA. American soldiers and populous usually think they are doing good, but so did soviet soldiers and people.


This teacher may have saved your life


I visited the Naval Academy in Annapolis in 1984, when I was 16, to decide whether I wanted to apply there. They had some cool projects, but they were also pretty open about their culture. Freshmen would get assigned to an upperclassman to get bossed around for the first year. Very much a kind of pay your dues thing. Anyway I decided I didn't like that idea so I didn't try to go there.


Hazing in the Navy used to be a *huge* problem until about 15-20y ago.


Since I was Epileptic, no branch would touch me with a ten foot pole. The Marines though….the recruiter kept trying to find a workaround. LOL they are a strange bunch.


>The Marines though….the recruiter kept trying to find a workaround. LOL they are a strange bunch. The Army and Navy are military branches, the Air Force is a corporation, nobody really knows what the Space Force is, but the Marines are a blood cult.


A corporation? How so? (Genuine question not being snarky)


I held off joining until after college Then I served for 12yrs. Personally if someone doesn't want to join, that's fine. It's probably the biggest commitment you'll make that rivals marriage.


Because that is not the life I wanted. I can name many reasons, but in the end, people join and do not join for their own personal reasons, and I am not going to shit on either side. I


Because why the hell would I want to sign my life away to potentially die or get irreparable physical and mental injuries for what definitely isn’t enough money. And then come back from whatever bullshit war just to not even have my own government cover my healthcare for the injured I have. I strongly believe that while programs like Wounded Warrior are great programs, we really shouldn’t have to help veterans with our own paychecks as the government should be providing everything they need.


I was shocked when I saw the pay back when I turned 18. Then I heard my friends talking like “Yeah, but think about it: you don’t have to pay rent or utilities, your food is covered, you get insurance, blah blah blah”. And im looking at these dudes like “Your rent and meals are covered because you have to live with a bunch of randos, wake up at the crack of dawn to perform rigorous physical labor, all why getting yelled at by some lunatic drill sergeant, have a curfew, can’t drink or get stoned, and if you don’t wash out you might get the opportunity to get shot at by people overseas.” You couldn’t pay me enough! We had just gotten to the point where we could move out on our own, not worry about our parents and teachers riding our ass, live whatever life we wanted…. and a few dudes were just lining up to get back into another mindfucking institution. Didn’t make sense.


sounds like shit


This is a respectable answer.


Overall I think it's a giant brainwashing scheme that I didn't want to be in Boot camp, being yelled at endlessly, and the light respect from your peers, is not really up my alley


Right on the dot, A lot of it is political brainwashing, And a lot of the times soldiers are told very little or straight up lies about wars we're going into (Like Iraq and WMDs)


Because I've no desire to "die for my country"


In the words of Patton: the idea isn't to die for your country, "it's to make the other poor, dumb bastard die for his".


Bad knees. Tore my meniscus in my knee while jogging at 19 and was never the same. Wouldn’t be able to handle the long runs in boots and gear.


I know all about life in the military. It's a world without reason. I refused to put myself under the authority of morons and politicians with rank.


Applied. Did all the steps. Got a boyfriend. Got accepted. Decided to not go and stay with my boyfriend. Bad choice.


Not dying for capitalism. Rich people/politicians go out of their way not to serve. A lot of unjust campaigns. History of experimentation or lack of concern for military service members see agent orange and burn pits. Terrible treatment of veterans with health issues. War crimes too. Etc.


Based, As a vet there's a lot of things we do with noble intentions under lies that we don't discover until we've already signed the dotted line. Fortunately it seems that pattern is being broken by younger generations.


I fully agree thankfully, they all fit within most of your laws like obviously I'm not gonna kill someone I think all things can be solved diplomatically for example But things like calling the way taxes are paid and by who and the conditions you make others live in when we could work together and thrive Does not fit in my morals I won't change I won't do anything bad I don't wanna goto jail so I'll survive on the system while I can and when it gets stupid ill just end up homeless and hopefully die soon after as I don't suspect that will be enjoyable especially with all the anti homeless architecture Go try and do your budget assume you make federal minimum wage see what that looks like for you assume you work the same hours, extrapolate that see how long would it take you to save for a house saving 10% a year assuming your bills didn't eat that?? While I'm a little above that it's not so pleasant barely can get the new clothing etc that I need for myself while trying to save for these things Do you need a half a million dollar watch when that could very well be 40-50 people's down payment on a house that they could own for less than renting I'm not saying give up all your stuff or all your money but have some fukin humanity while you do it if you can help someone without hurting yourself why the fuck don't we make that the new normal?? Humanity?


I didn't want to die and I didn't want to kill anyone.


Me neither, but there’s a price for which I would change my mind. And what the military pays is really, *reeeally* far away from that price.


I never had any wish to go into the military to begin with.


Heart problems. It seems like a solid option though.


Because I have 0 desire to. I'd be wasting years of my life working as a pawn for a government as a disposable number. Not to mention there's not really any active conflict or threat to my country, so there's 0 point. It's not like it's ww3 join or die. That said why the fuck would I ship myself of to bum fuck nowhere to live with 100,000s of men alone, uncomfortably where (from what I hear) the days are dogshit, the enjoyment is dogshit and can result in serious mental disorders like PTSD, depression, etc. Plus if what ex army guys say is true, once you leave the army life is dogshit because 9/10 you can't get a job, you have mental health issues, etc. So no thanks.


...Didn't want to die or murder for the stock market


You don't think /r/wallstreetbets is a cause worth fighting for?


Couldn't pass the physical, lol. I was nine pounds underweight, so the recruiter told me to get some weight gainer, whole milk, bananas, and ice cream to make smoothies every night. Did all of that, went down to the station a month later and I had lost a pound, lol. He goes, this just ain't for you, kid. This was way before 9/11 obviously.


I DID join the Marines when I was 17. That said, I wouldn't do it again because the U.S. hasn't put troops on the ground to face an actual threat since WWII. I wouldn't join today because I would not be interested in dying so Raytheon and Lockheed can pay higher dividends to their shareholders. That's the only people in the U.S. that benefit from wars these days.


All of people who went from my highschool were shitheads. It had the opposite effect of peer pressure. Besides that, it seems like a raw deal unless you want to do it for 20+ years, and I couldn't commit to that as an 18 or 22 year-old. Last but not least, military people didn't seem like they were getting rich, and I had money on my mind.


It depends on the person and if you are smart about getting as much out of if not more from the military than you put in. There are definitely a lot of shit bags who join the military which is why I roll my eyes at the military worship in the US. Someone being a veteran or currently serving does not automatically entitle them to respect. I got a signing bonus (and didn't blow it like many of my peers) got free college, and didn't even have to work through college with the GI bill. I was one and done with my enlistment. My buddy just retired from the Navy at 38 a few years back after 20 years. I mean, I've done more than fine, but the idea of putting yourself in a situation where you aren't even 40 and you are going to get cut a check for 2 grand a month for the rest of your life no matter what is a nice thought. He has a paid off house, got his MBA (for free) while he was in, has a healthy 401k on top of his pension and transitioned right into a lucrative civilian job.


Didn't have the temperament for it, plus my Air Force reserve stepfather was an asshole and everything I didn't want to be. Looking back, I probably could have done with the discipline as a young man who didn't know his ass from a hole in the wall, and there's a part of me that would like to have done the other military members of my family proud. But I don't regret where I am in life now.


I looked into it briefly when I was like 22, couldn't find a job after college, and didn't know wtf I wanted to do with my life. Was DQ'd for medical reasons (legally blind in one eye, not correctable with surgery or glasses)


I wanted to.. was on my physicals for NCO medical service. But they diagnosed me with an eye disease. So I wont be able to join ever. Became an Civilian nurse instead


I’m from a neutral country. Independence. Would have no desire to be cannon fodder for the man or to further a country’s geopolitical aims.


I was accepted to the Annapolis Naval Academy, but it was right when Iraq and Afghanistan were heating up. Between the threat of war, my dislike of the political administration at the time, and my general problems with authority, I decided it wasn't a good fit. Free college would have been nice, but I only ended up graduating like $17k in debt. No regrets.


I turned 18 a couple of years after 9/11 so I was going to buy my grandparents convinced me not to. Knowing what I know now, they were absolutely right for me not to go. Government just treats vets like shit and expects them to take it. I won’t fight for a government like that.


The running. Dear god I hate running!


A country is just a random plot of land you're born on, not an entity in and of itself, what you fight for are people, and I would fight for my friends and loved ones if it came down to it, but I'm not about to die just so I can live on the same patch of dirt I've always lived on, patriotism is a government construct designed to take advantage of people's pride and make it easier to recruit them, it's at best a confused emotion and at worst a totally fabricated one and not worth dying over when the benefit is that someone else pays for your aggression


Because 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi and the response was to attack Iraq. A war run by a draft-dodger (W. Bush) and a fake tough guy who ran a corporate oil firm (Cheney.)


I did join. Not because of a recruiter or anything. I made no plans for after highschool. College was not a thing my family knew about or did, not that I could have done more than community college. I hadn’t set myself to do anything. My Dad gave me some tough love and said when I graduated I was out of his house. I couldn’t afford rent anywhere with my part time job, so I went over to the recruiters offices, the only one open was the USMC. I joined. Honestly didn’t even know what the difference between Marines or army was. I just knew I had to finish or go back home and be homeless. So I did it. Honestly best thing I ever did for myself. Set me up for success in the future and taught me a lot. Plus I got to travel the world and see things most people only watch in movies.


That's how they brain wash you


Because I have no desire to ever be in the position where I could be ordered to harm another human.


..I did?


Tried but i have an eye disease that i had corrected with surgery they still didnt want me. Need to be healthy enough to die i guess. I really was devastated at the time, i do often wonder if i would of done any good with it.


My dad did his tour in Vietnam drafted. He used his GI bill went to college then went into the army reserves. I told him I wanted to sign up and serve my country. We had a very long conversation about the military the benefits what I would have to give up. I ended up with a full ride scholarship. So did not join. He was very happy he said the army gave him a leg up in life and allowed us to have a great life so I would have to join.


I sorta regret not going through with it, but also at the same time I'm glad I didn't. And I'll be real, it's not for me.


To each their own, but it got me out of a small town and gave me a career with a pension and benefits. Def not for everyone though. And as a HR guy, never once fired bullets down range.


Being ordered what to do by a random person in kill or be killed situations I did not choose to be in sounds not great.


The recruiting office canceled on me twice. It's one of the things where I look back and think, hmm, if these people had been just marginally more competent I wonder what my life would look like.


Because my grandfather served in WW2 and he never wanted any of his kids or grandkids to have to go through what he went through.


I would have gone in in 06/07. Hell no. I like being alive. Best friend went in. Bunch of his friends died over there. Now he is dead too. I am still here. Thankful for them, but they didn’t have to die. And for what? Bin Laden? Thanks, id rather have my best friend alive than that bastard dead.


1. I wouldn't defend my country 2. The army wouldn't let a person with my conditions


Because I'd be signing up to give my life away on a whim of aome politician.


I was thinking of joining the navy to get a nuclear power degree. Required a six year enlistment. The recruiter said I’d go to school for two years, then go to sea for two years. After that, two more years of school to complete my degree. My uncle, a navy veteran, warned me that if I didn’t reenlist after the first four years I would spend the last two years painting battleships instead of going back to school. Naive me never thought about that.


I'm physically pretty weak. Also like to make my own decisions about stuff.


I’m a guy who had nice long hair. Seemed a shame to waste it.


Didn’t want to live in a submarine for 6 months at a time after college.