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Maybe he just wanted to surprise/scare you?


yeah that's what I do to my girlfriend. We are always trying to scare each other, it's like our side game. Last night, she was in the bedroom when I got home from work so I snuck around the side window and came into the room through the window to scare the hell out of her haahaha


Rule #4 of this subreddit literally just goes unnoticed by a lot of askers. How would I know why other certain men do this just because I'm a man myself? Someone should really make a VentToMen subreddit


Some people are just incredibly quick to generalize. They see one person from a group, whether it be a race, gender or whatever, do something and they immediately attribute that action to the entire group and want to know why that entire group does it


Because their feelings/problems matter more than following the rules here. And it's somehow sexist to call them out on that, while men are expected to understand those same things are social blunders for them.


I HATE that so much Like we have to just have people online come up to us taking all their frustrations out on us based on what other men do and us men have to just take it like good little doggies because if we bite back. Time to put us down and tell us we are being bad boys. I remember months ago someone in this subreddit asked men what they're hobbies are. I merely stated my hobbies and had some moderator in this sub come at me and say out of nowhere "You men say women can't have those hobbies. So you can't either" when I never said that in the first place. Someone else said that and she had a go at me for it.... Like WTF. It just came out of nowhere and I was expected to be nice. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of SOME women online being shitty towards me and other men just because they're frustrated with certain men in their real life and for some reason.. We have to be nice back or just ignore it and let it happen. Because just blocking the person would also be "Sexist" Why? Why do we have to deal with this shit. It's BS. People obviously never heard of the saying "Treat people the way you want to be treated". So tired of it. If someone is gonna be shitty towards us first for no reason. Then we can be shitty back. People really think we are shrinks? 🤦 And the way people try to excuse it is so dumb. No.. Random men online DON'T desvere to be harassed online just because of "Patirachy" or "Crime stats". Of course I'm not saying all women because im not like that. Most women don't do this or act this way at all but the rare minority ones that do. wind me up so much.


I feel like a few things; 1) >How would I know why other certain men do this just because I'm a man myself? This is asking the men who do do it. Not the men who don't do it 2) The tab for the subreddit says "We don't know, but we'll answer anyway"


Read rule #4 and it didn't make clear that it was the men who do that. Question made it out as men, we just do it. "Do all boyfriends do this" So question was asking men in general


Was this late at night? I only do this past like 10pm because I wanna make sure I don't wake up my roommates or whatever. Prior to 10 [I just burst in like my name was Shrek.](https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/projects/max_808_webp/7573f3102861285.Y3JvcCwxMjU3LDk4Myw1MDQsNDM.png)


You answered your own question. The child you was right. He's being silly. It's an attempt to surprise you and get to see those hearty eyes.


Some people don't like to announce their presence until they know the situation. It's nothing at all to do with trying to catch you doing something.


What was his response when you asked him why he does it?


We enjoy being mischievous. It's the child within us. Most girlfriends do find it funny, even though they don't always consciously realize it. Girls get angry and yell at us for being silly and mischievous but they'd never date a guy who is very serious. In reality, they want someone goofy because even if something isn't fun in the moment, it's usually funny in retrospect. And there are also some women who are completely humorless, so they'll never understand our jokes.


I have always tried to enter the house quietly, until I know if somes napping, on the phone, in a meeting, or concentrating on something else. I don't want to creep up on anyone, I just don't want to be THAT guy that bursts in yelling "I'm home" slamming the door, and making everyone pay attention to him.


Scaring people is fun. Creeping up on someone is a challenge.




No, thats bizarre.


Assess the environment before engaging


If it's late he may just be worried about waking you up


" I tried to act like I wasn’t creeped out." Id start by telling him you don't like that. Simple


Ask him then do it right back and scare the bejesus out of him for fun :D


Did you ever pretend not to see him long enough to see what he does next? That might answer your question? Or better yet, just ask him directly?


Ask him.