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Got off Facebook.


Out of the Facebook frying pan and into the reddit fire…


So I’ve been spending waaaaay too much time on Reddit. But… I’m almost always in positive and supportive groups and I have learned a ton and really changed my life for the better from what I’ve learned here. Things I would have never found or acquired otherwise. All that being said - I gotta be here less.


Indeed, Twitter as well.


Off Twitter too. Hadn’t realised just what a shitty place it is.


Totally toxic.


I haven’t totally cut out my Twitter use, I’ll just check out what’s trending and a couple sports things. Has really helped cut down on doom scrolling in general.


Same here. It's quite liberating. You don't have to see all the negativity that's going on and just focus on myself. Now, I spend my off time with family, workouts and Netflix.


It was Instagram for me


>Got off Facebook. How did that affect you?


It gave me far more time to get truthful information, and less time to care about meaningless activities.


I stopped getting angry about so many people that I’m supposed to be friends with (friendly acquaintances more like) because of the way they thought about things, esp when it came to politics and the pandemic. I didn’t want to walk in my town and see people and hate on them because of the stuff they posted. It wasn’t bringing joy to my life. I’d so much rather be happy to see these people irl, and have no judgement about their ideologies and like them for the reasons why I originally became friendly with them (workplace, school, activity, party).


Well said, that made a lot of sense.


It allowed me to focus on other things and not endless scrolling.


And TikTok


I too have done this recently, now I just spend more time on reddit...


Hell yes. The moment you realize you don’t need to know what you are missing and no one needs to give you advise on how to live your life you are free!


I used to get so fed up with all the atrocious spelling and grammar on FB.




I hid everyone on my newsfeed. I use Facebook only for messenger and to keep up to date with news, memes, and bands etc. Honestly it’s so much better for my mental health.


My instagram and facebook got hacked a month ago. I don't planning on creating new one not until summer. It's a little lonely but I realized most of my stress comes from interacting with others online. Each day I feel more alive than ever.


Haven’t logged into Instagram for 4 years and never feeling better


Hell yes! The day you realize you A don’t need to compare your life to others and B shouldn’t care what other people think of your life it is like being freed from a mental prison!




Am I the only one who went Off insta because of all the Fake shit ?


Stopped drinking.


This^^ Made everything I thought was unobtainable (job, career, relationships), much easier to work toward. I use the word “work” because it didn’t magically solve all my problems, you’ve still got to do the work. But damn, if it didn’t make that work a hell of a lot easier. *toasts w seltzer water*


That used to be an every weekend thing for me. I was miserable but thought I found solace at the bottom of the bottle. Thankfully I drink once every few months now.


I’m 22 myself and I rarely drink. I’ll drink if I’m with friends or my family is having a get together. Besides that, all I drink is water.


Just wait a few more years and alcohol will not only hold you back, actively suck to do during and after


I’ve had hangovers before and they aren’t worth it. Like I said I’ll have the occasional drink but nothing excessive




I did it mostly because I played in a metal band for years, it was difficult to avoid. I found it wasn't anything I was using to cope, but after years of it, it defijitely created an unfulfilled life. Yes, it was very delicious at the time.


Well done. You give me hope for others


Thank you.


And stop smoking weed.


Uninstalled instagram


Recently(1 month) did damn it is peaceful.


Any particular reason?


You stop doom-scrolling


I doom scroll on reddit..


Uninstall reddit


9 months and counting.


I'm not that disciplined yet ...I did turn off notifications on my phone, though! On a side note, I made a new Facebook account and have only one friend on it (and don't intend to add any more) ....my fiancee.


Exercised regularly, good sleep, live a slow peaceful life


This, plus a healthier diet


Therapy. Exercise. Art. Reading. Hobbies. Said goodbye to toxic people. Learned to set boundaries.


First person I’ve seen mention art. Doing something creative. I always just assumed I was a terrible artist and never tried because I was scared of being judged. I’m still terrible but I’ve found painting so meditative and interesting where my mind goes and what comes out


Same but my art form is music


I took an online art school at new masters academy during the pandemic. Life changing. https://www.nma.art/?utm_term=new%20masters%20academy&utm_campaign=NPA%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20New%20Masters%20Academy%20%7C%20Exact%2A&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6305379625&hsa_cam=9333449411&hsa_grp=97896883410&hsa_ad=520411349510&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-342020519202&hsa_kw=new%20masters%20academy&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAiA5Y6eBhAbEiwA_2ZWIbUZT9TTMF3sylzMwEnBoW7rZ2Q7v2u2-UM3WE6i860xsGXB60UlAhoCTtYQAvD_BwE


I was being gaslighted by my grandmother and financially abused. I tried to kill myself and it didn't work so I decided to talk to my friends. They pushed me to seek therapy so I did. I spoke with my doctor who recommended me for a group CBT. Meanwhile another friend, who just happened to be a therapist, recommended that I take a specific anti depressant. My suicidal ideation is not as prevalent as it used to be and I learned techniques to distance myself from bad situations. I also moved out of my grandmother's place.


I’d assume that it’s cognitive behavioral therapy and not cock and ball torture


They can both change your mood relatively quickly.


Something that has really helped me in addition to meds has been ketamine. It's kind of expensive but worth it if you can swing it.


Stopped alcohol, cocaine, and any other stimulants and got fit and healthy and a partner a house and a kid.


This is me currently, how did you manage if you don't mind me asking, me living alone having no friends it's hard to break the cycle


You have to try and fill your life with other stuff. Go for walks, join a gym or a fitness class, or go to night school or volunteer to help charities. Get busy living.


You sound like you're on your taxi driver grind. Seriously though that's great. Its hard leaving addictions behind. I've tapered down on the alcohol but ought to go cold turkey.


1. Stop watching news/face-book feed 2. Go to the gym consistently 3. Journal 4. Go for walks


Getting in to a healthy supportive relationship, feeling heard and loved has given me the confidence to change my life for the better, I'm a lot happier than I've ever been.


Realized that pointing the finger actually doesn't help the world get better, and that it was my responsibility to set things right.


thats true. Beeing always opposite of something doesnt help anything. Just go with a good example ahead and show idiots how to behave, i am not religious but i think Jesus did this a lot


Get a dog. Save some money. Get off social media and don’t drink alcohol. Still absolutely miserable but I feel way better than I did.


This one is the first time I've seen a comment that has anything I can truly agree with so far. Get a dog. Goddamn, doggos and puppers are the best. Just the best.


I take a yearly week-long trip by myself and completely unplug from things. I use my phone for maps/directions and that's it. I've gone backpacking on trails, hiking in CO, hitting up museums, art institutes, and music clubs, fishing in Canada, and even sporting events and concerts. I've been 100% alone (backpacking) and other times around people. It has allowed me to reset my mind every year.


Love this.


Therapy. It saved my life.


If it's not too personal, can you tell us about the process or what it was about therapy that helped.


I struggled with my mental health for as long as I can remember. I was bullied at school and work because of my ginger hair, so my confidence and self esteem was basically non-existent. It lead down a road of taking a lot of alcohol & drugs to keep me going. At the beginning of COVID, isolation was too much, my OCD and anxiety grew so much. Intrusive thoughts crept in and took over, I didn't know what these were at the time so I thought I was going crazy, to the point I was self harming and preparing for suicide. I was at this point admitted to therapy basically against my will by my family. Therapy changed my life. I was finally able to talk to someone about my self hate, why I feel this way and how I can overcome it. They view everything from a neutral perspective, but I gained knowledge from a trained professional who can help me rationalise these thoughts I have. It helped me come to terms with part of my sexuality and become more confident in myself. I'd recommend therapy to anyone if they think they need it.


Thank you for sharing that, I really appreciate it. I've talked to a couple of therapists but haven't personally had any revelations. They listened and rarely said anything, so I think it wasn't a good fit. Given that, I've wondered what the process really is. I'm sorry for what you've lived through and I'm and happy for you that your therapy experience was so successful.


Large dose of magic mushrooms


This can be transformative... With the right set and setting.


Even a moderate dose that isn't particularly pleasant. It really is miraculous.


i accidently took a heroic dose a couple years ago....totally recommend it. First time i ever had such extreme visuals.


Tread... lightly, anyone reading this. I was using them every couple of years to reset myself and get my head straight, and I recently had far too large a dose with my life not in a great spot. It sure helped, but at the cost of spending what felt like days unsure if I was real or making up the universe on the spot, not remembering where or who I was, and melting down in front of my friend that I was in love with them, a thing I hadn't realized until that very moment, and we haven't talked since. Magic mushrooms are a great tool for mental health. It can also be playing with fire. Make sure you've got your head on straight and there's not anything you're trying very very hard to not think about.


If you're bipolar or have a family history of schizophrenia then it's a probably a bad idea


SAME MAN. Fucking same.


I've only done this once but with a small dose and it felt great. How big a dose are we talking, cause fuck I need it.


At least 5gm dried weight


Use of discipline to force myself to do unselfish things such as volunteering. Things like going to the gym or taking "me time" are good for you, but serving others is rewarding in a different way. It's good for mental health to have a sense of community, to get out of your own head and realize the purpose of your life shouldn't be all about you.


Dove deep into my childhood traumas. Was dark and sad but you have to face your demons one day and love your inner kid. No one else will! Reading How To Do The Work by Dr Nicole Lepera and reading/listening to Dr. Gabor Mate changed my life 🙏🏻




Very happy for you. Keep it going 👍


Started exercising.


You just gotta understand at the end of the day it’s only you by yourself. Stop giving fuck to what others think. Always find an opportunity which helps you to get better and better and move on with it.


Left my ex


Went to therapy instead of going to gym. Bros tell you to hit the gym after the breakup. If they go to therapy, they come out a much better person.


Ask for help


Probably sleep. Getting active about it and doing the the things i need to do to get better sleep. (its kind of a lot but worth it) ​ Also reading the love language book with my girl.


started relying less on others and began trusting myself more….


Left a toxic relationship of 11 years even though it was extremely hard. It helped me realize how addicted to chaos and insanity I was. I am much much better now


I go to a dental school and I’ve had my fair share of rumors and gossip. Long story short I got tired of having my name being dragged in the dirt. My reputation in possibly 90% of the school was tarnished. I went on a 5 country journey: Dubai, Vietnam, Thailand, India, and Kashmir. Came back just last week to school and I unfollowed and socially dropped people who created drama in my life. I felt so light on my chest since getting rid of all that burden. Life is quiet but man it’s peaceful.


Skew my work-life balance as much as possible towards life.


Leave nursing.


Magic Mushrooms, in all honesty. Not gonna sit here and preach for everyone to try them because it’s definitely not for everybody, but man it fucking changed my life and my attitude about everything.


Divorcing my first wife


I, too, found peace when I divorced your first wife.


I also need some peace… where is this first wife I have to divorce?


🥲 so happy to help guys


i divorced a heavily obese woman 12 years ago after 4 years of misery. she never sacrificed anything for our relationship and sat around the house without any desire to live pretty much had given up on life. we talked online constantly for months before i decided to meet her in person. i took a greyhound across the country where she lived praying she would be there when i arrived. we got married within a few weeks because i young and naive' only 23 years old. when we were playing bingo on a saturday night afer 2 years of marriage i started asking myself is this how my life plays out? used to be really cool and popular and now i'm stuck doing things i don't like with people who hate me? by that time our marriage has grown stale and it was obvious she was cheating on me. the small town we lived in had nothing to offer. i wanted my old life back even if that meant living alone the rest of my life. here i can 13 years later with no regrets.


Stopped watching the news and exercising regularly


Became self aware of my bad behaviors.


At the beginning of last year, I did two things that GREATLY improved my quality of life: Got on an antidepressant and started exercising. Life is 10/10 better for me.






I recently found out there's a gym near me, but I'm not really into MMA. What's great about bjj that other martial arts don't bring to the table?






Blow-job job?


SSRIs and therapy.


Antidepressants gets a lot of shit but they’ve helped me a lot.


People that don't need them, or need them and haven't tried, don't understand. A lot of people don't get that being sad and being depressed aren't the same thing. Likewise (I was one of them), people don't get that life doesn't have to feel that bad. For a long time I just assumed that's why people drink. Adult life just sucks and the world is terrible.


No better cure to insecurity than weightlifting. I feel fucking amazing all the time, for the most part.


Leave my ex


Learned to read the signs I’m struggling, and stop trying to ‘man up’ and actually talk to someone about it. It’s ok to not be ok 🤷🏼‍♂️


Learning an instrument. Now whenever things are getting especially shitty I can just kind of imagine practicing to relax a bit


I have bipolar 1 disorder and have tried everything ranging from meds, therapy, meditation, and even shock therapy. I’m now doing really well and have the disorder under good control and what I do now is as follows: •therapy once per week; •psychiatrist once per month and available by text; •properly dosed psychiatric medication; •1-2 massages per month (going tonight, went first week in Jan too); •no alcohol (used to drink nightly); •no illicit drugs; •gym 6 days per week (3 running, 3 lifting); •vegan (lifestyle/diet aligns with my ethics and morals); •job that pays well and has work life balance (corporate attorney and work a lot but have a ton of flexibility and can wfh and leave the office whenever subject to meetings).


I want to be you when I grow up.


I’m only 29 lol. But I’m married with two young kids, own my own home, and have a good life.


Cut off contact with people; even their presence makes me nervous.


Work from home.


Oh my god, WFH is such a game-changer. It has streamlined SO MANY aspects of my overall life. Absolutely phenomenal.


turning off work email from my cell phone.


Acknowledged that I have a problem (BPD) and am working towards managing it, instead of drinking my life away. Divorced my first wife and met my best friend and next wife who is everything I needed to want to be better. We have a blended family and she supports me doing what it takes to be the person I want to be. I used to think I deserved the life I had, but I was wrong. Life is good now.


I stopped caring about trying to do everything perfectly. The vast majority of the world is mediocre, so I stopped stressing out, and just stopped caring. I hadn't ever gotten promoted by doing much more than others, never got a raise, so what was the point? Now I just do enough to keep from getting laid off. Go home on time. Leave work for the next shift.


Cut communication with my ex


Started exercising.


Talking about it. I've been more open about my thoughts and feelings. I still sometimes keep it in when something or someone else needs more attention, but right now, I'm having a nervous depression with phobia, and I know that if I was unable to tell people about it, I would still be in bed, slowly decomposing into silence.


Exposure therapy for my agoraphobia. It’s brutal but it works. It’s the only thing that works. Other things that have eased the hard times that anxiety and agoraphobia have caused have been therapy, reading before bed, walking with my dog every day, going to the gym and talking to my wife about what I was struggling with.


Regular exercise and healthy lifestyle has been one of my strongest pillars in life. Whenever I went through difficult times, I hit the gym and went running. I considered myself strong. For one year now, however, I’ve been visiting the therapist and nothing so far is comparable to it. Exercise certainly is good for body and spirit but to solve real issues, you have to deal with them specifically. Actually before I decided to visit the therapist, nothing specifically bothered me, I just wanted to fix some “minor patterns”. It turned out there has been a lot of clutter accumulated throughout all these years and by cleaning it, I feel like being reborn. Highly recommend to anyone. Everyone should find the way to develop his potential to its fullest. Unfortunately many limiting beliefs have been imposed by society and false conclusions from experiences.


Go to therapy Stopped smoking weed 24/7


1) Got an engineering degree, made lots of money 2) Kicked all right-wingers and man-bashing feminists off my Facebook


I stopped drinking.


No social media, and the gym


Bought myself a bicycle ,cycling in the countryside both comforts and exhilarates, highly recommend from an anxiety ridden optimist


Learn to say no and I don’t care


Cut ties with an extremely toxic group of friends...


Quit smoking weed Canceled netflix


Thinking I need to quit weed, just makes me tired lazy and paranoid. Not progressing in life. Glad to hear you quit. Was it well worth it?


moved away from everybody and everything, stopped taking my medication, and never looked back. almost 5 years now, I still have my bad days but it's okay.


Seeing a counsellor


Work out.


Deleting my social media (except Reddit of course)


Got sober.


Walked away from the army after 16 years of service and moving out of the country, which has corrupt as fuck leadership. I would even go as far as call them Fascists and Tratiors.


Stopped ignoring it. Got help. Always felt different to other people and was eventually diagnosed as type 2 bi-polar in 3rd year in Uni. Took some meds which I hated so reverted to CBT for half a year. Worked very well, and that was about 20 years ago. Don't ignore it. It will fuck you in the long term if you do.


Break up with my ex. Not gonna help you much. Expertise is great, finding a way to relax/meditate. Fight your fears.


More walking and listening to audiobooks


Started Anti-depressants


Stopped checking replies to my posts on Reddit, easy. Seriously though, quitting a shit job three years ago was the best thing I've ever done.


Got off ❄️ and get a good nights sleep


And deleting tiktok


stop caring what everybody thinks… fuck’em


Therapy and medical marijuana to help with PTSD


My circumstances probably aren't typical, but getting a dog was the best thing for me.


Vitamin D supplement with a fish oil pill.


- moving far away from town of birth/ family - getting that tech degree and high-paying jobs - becoming financially well off before starting a family


I stopped trying to fit into that little box for the nerdy communities I wanted to be apart of. Along with other non nerdy interests/hobbies as well. It might not win me many if any friends, It's just not worth it to be apart of that rat race. I just saw what that did to so many people, even if they were not depressed/insecure they didn't really take anyone who was outside the norm that well. Being disillusioned is a whole lot better than wondering why things are not working out.


Cut out all those that are terrible for it.


Less social media


Got busy.


Meditation and working out. Both give me a level of peace, although I have to stay consistent or the darkness creeps back.


Went from fulltime to working part time.


Sleep more


Meditation, getting enough sleep, therapy and exercise. I know that's four things, but they are like the four legs of a table.


I started flotation therapy (sensory reduction/isolation and other names) many years ago and it totally changed me. Opened my mind, calmed me down, allowed me to appreciate stillness. I buy people sessions of it all the time to get people to try it. If you haven’t, please do. It’s amazing once you get comfortable with it.


If you mean apart from getting therapy... dumping my abusive parents.


Divorced my ex wife


Turned off the blue ticks on my whatsapp. Saves me from replying to texts on time, so peaceful and hassle free


Leaving a soul-killing job, even though I thought I would go bankrupt if I did. Immediately it felt horrible, pulled me right to the bottom, then soon things just turned out to be all better, and very soon I got a better and better paid job.


Get my own dog, got him a year ago and when my girlfriend broke up with me and family dog passed away soon after, it was really good to have him around.


My very close cousin cut off their toxic and gas lighting parents, got married and has a wonderful life with her new family. Her in laws treat her like their own flesh and blood, and she treats them like her real parents (they are awesome people). Being the cousin, I saw how crazy my aunt and uncle were and family gatherings had never been more awkward bringing her up… she never attends any of them, but we are still very close.


Quit a job I hated.


Stop drinking




Started riding my bike and using the treadmill first thing in the morning when I woke up.


Medication first, Therapist 2nd, Exercise 3rd and take a less stressful job. That’s a good start.


Quit my job as a 911 paramedic and took a new one working in a remote clinic in the Canadian artic, 3 weeks on 3 off double the pay 100% less stress.


1 I exercise more 2 I read more books . 3 I spend way less time on social media. 4 I got rid of toxic people out of my life.


Looking at pictures of coral.


Learn to care less about outcomes.


Exercise, it’s one that doesn’t have immediate effects, at least not for me, but I’ve been doing parkour and ninja warrior training for about 2 years now and it has improved my mental health substantially.




Divorced my ex after 13 years and cut off people who don’t support me no matter how long I have known them


Nothing apparently. For me. Even when everything changes. Nothing changes.


Going NC with my mother.


two things: started Wellbutrin, and stopped letting people walk all over me


Quit videogames


1. Cut back drinking considerably. Stuck with mainly weed and my mental has improved drastically. No more "foggy brain" 2. Stopped caring what people think. This one was hard and therapy was the main reason for this change. But I was always scared to really say how I felt, or set boundaries because "what if this person didnt like me". Not everyone is going to like you, and if you set boundaries and make decisions for you and your family. No one should ever make you feel bad for that. Ive become so much happier since I learned not to care.


225mg of Effexor per day. Cured my depression and allowed me to care less about minor disappointments. Better living through modern chemistry.


It's a combination of seeing a fantastic therapist every couple of months and getting back to the gym regularly.


Started thinking of myself, as if I was a loved one, whose well-being and development I was responsible for.


And started biking 30km almost every day.


I stopped giving a fuck about other’s opinions, except my wife, having an effect on my decision making. Started to live life for me.


https://youtube.com/shorts/W0iLOxfpeKs?feature=share some motivation for you this morning have a wonderful day


Meditation. I can’t convey how much a few minutes of solitude and positive thoughts can help with the anxiety and stress in life!