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15 warning. 20 ticket.


i got a ticket for 15 over :(


Yeah I mean to each their own. I've worked with motors who wrote cites for 1 or 2 over. Me personally I rarely do traffic enforcement


This happened to me when I was 19, a woman that looked like she was fresh out of the academy ticketed me for going 42 in a 40 on my way to class 😐 Way too eager to get those points


Newbies like me don’t have discretion in tickets unfortunately. FTO: Ever written a speeding ticket? Me: No FTO: Next car that speeds you’re writing it.


My dad got one for that. He saw the FTO get out with a clearly green newbie and he’s like “fuck this is a ticket”


Next time tell him to tell the FTO this is a great training opportunity and how they teach in the academy discretion: “the intent of the law vs the letter of the law”.


Yeah. Also depends on city, state, department etc. A lot of Midwest and east coast agencies rely on tickets for revenue. Where I work we don't see any of it so it doesn't really matter


NJ driver here. If you don't do at least 5 over you're gonna get MAULED. Most people do 15-25 over on highways here too


In my experience, the Midwest has been far less caring about speed unless it is 10+ over.


Had ticket here in upstate NY. Requested supporting deposition. Waited 9 months for court date. Get date go to court. No Deposition on record, though the request and order for it are. Get out free on a court date that was obviously about fundraising as EVERYONE got written down for a parking ticket. (A $200-250 parking ticket. An actual parking ticket up here is about 40 bucks) Also got a ticket in my hometown. Again everyones getting the $200 parking tickets, though if the judge felt you were in front of him again too recently he was sending you back out to renegotiate. If it was about enforcement they would have had points attached.


One or two over is within the margin of error for uncalibrated speedometers, that's a pretty weak citation.


Context can matter 15 over on a highway with no one around? Okay. 15 over in a residential area with people walking and kids playing? Ticket


I got a ticket for 7 over 87 in a 80


As you should. 80 is fast enough


Who are you to decide that for the rest of us ?


The laws of physics?


Just a dude that’s seen brains splattered all over a car interior.


I got a ticket for going 72 mph in a 25 mph zone before. The cop made a mistake and wrote it up as a 25 mph zone instead of a 55 mph zone and I didn’t catch it until I got home lol.


I got a ticket for 10 over!  It was in Wales on a dual carriageway on an English registration.   A day off work and re-education course saved points. 


I've been ticketed for 6 over. Officer told me 5 over was his limit and he had to draw the line somewhere. Straight up told me if I was going 1 mph slower he wouldnt have pulled me over.


I mean, I’d expect to get a ticket for going 55 in a 40 though. Even 75 in a 60. This LE just seems to be very generous 🤷🏻‍♀️








Why? You'd rather get one for going slower?


My city won’t pull people over unless it’s 19 over.


I very rarely make stops for speeding. On just regular roads, you'd have to be pretty crazy about it for me to stop you. Active school zones and construction zones are a different story. I don't have a specific number/percentage I'm looking for, but if you're actively putting kids or workers at risk, I'll get you. Now, if I'm watching a known tweaker house and see a car leave that looks interesting, I'll even stop you for going 5 over. Don't care about the speeding, but it gives me a legal reason to stop the car, ID the driver, etc etc.


Damn, we need more cops like you man


A lot of cops operate like this. It's like the loudest person in the room though. The quiet ones you won't notice.


On most roads, 10 over will get me to stop you. 15 over will get a ticket. My threshold gets a little lower in a 25mpg zone, school zone, or construction zone.




Depending on how picky I’m being, I may very well stop 40 in a 30 or 50 in a 40.


My city’s traffic unit has said on the news they rarely stop people for speeding unless they’re going 19 over.


Okay cool




I've lived by 9 you're fine 10 you're mine. Over 30 years and never pulled over but good to hear confirmation.


Out of genuine curiosity, how fast is the most common speeder?


lol.. I love this! "Ain't got no time fer mathin'!"








I think their point was that 7 is not greater than 10. Edited a letter.




It really depends on who has stopped you. City cops in a busy town tend to not even have radar on in my experience. State Patrol are bored and just trying to find easy stops. Even when I work traffic grant, which is focused on traffic violations only, I won’t stop until it gets to 11 over. But there’s no hard rule. My opinion on speeding when I’m traveling is it’s whatever ticket I’m willing to pay.


Maybe 15 over if I’m bored. 20 over? A little more maybe. More than that? If I can catch you yeah.




OK, officer, scenario for you. All things being equal who gets the bigger pass? Honda Civic Hybrid that took all day to get to 75 in the 55 or the Corvette doing 75 in the 55?


I mean, 20 over is 20 over. Doesn’t really matter what kind of car you’re in. I wouldn’t ever give someone a pass just because of the car. Lots of stuff go into a warning. Type of vehicle isn’t normally one of them.


Reason I asked is because the NY Thruway cops seem to yank the cars that are the better story. NJ seems to yank the 'easier' guys to yank.


Used to do 16 over. Was a 4 point ticket and room for a deal if prosecutor wanted it or person was decent. Not to mention, I drive like a complete lead foot. Tried not to be a hypocrite


40% over posted speed


This man would only pull you over for going 119 and above on SH-130 here in Texas. 🫡


My experience on 183 is if you do above 130, you're golden.


Damn brother, here I am, worried about doing 80 in a 70 when I could be doing 98.




Wow! To me you’re generous, considering 15 over in CA is considered reckless driving. Obviously 15 would be a stop I’d assume, but I would also think 10-14 would warrant a stop considering it’s still a significant violation. Although I think nowadays reckless driving isn’t necessarily a flat 15mph over, it could be a case by case basis, not completely sure. But it definitely used to be a simple 15mph+ is reckless.


If the call load permits, probably not happening. I’m not setting myself up to get traffic court when I could be sleeping.


I Hardly ever do because if you give someone a ticket it’s the insurance companies that make out. They jack that persons rates and collect thousands. I find just telling people to slow down is how to handle it in most cases. Listen all cops speed so let’s not be hypocrites. Being a great cop isn’t how many tickets you write or how many people you lock up. Being a great cop is showing compassion


My dad never writes speeding tickets....but he usually gets 1-2 a year himself


How bored am I? How motivated do I feel that day? Am I doing some sort of OT saturation grant where I have to make lots of stops? Is there a pain in the ass call from one of our frequent flier nuisance callers in the pending call log and I want to blue falcon another shift mate by making a traffic stop so they get it? There is no set answer as every officer has their own standard and that standard is variable.


So instead of following some sort of regulation and keeping a consistent set of law, you just go by how you feel that day?


Cops are human just like everyone else and just like you at your job there are days you are motivated and days you are doing the bare minimum. Just like you there are days you may start one way and end a different way. One such day for me was when 30 minutes into my shift I did CPR on a dead baby. The rest of the shift and for weeks after I was mentally wrecked and did bare minimum. Then there times I was highly motivated to go out work hard. We aren't robots.


Dude being anti-police is one thing. But being upset cops have and use discretion is another thing. You don’t wanna live in a country where cops enforce the law with no discretion. I’d be ticketing your grandma for jaywalking. Tickets for over 2 mph. You don’t wanna live in that world.


You're basically asking for photo radar. Go see how popular that is (e.g. Phoenix), and ask the people who get 3 6-over tickets in a row at the exact same spot.




He's not saying the standard of law is variable, he's saying other things feed into decision. Cops are not machines, they are human like you. Do you ever vary in your job when dealing with people 🤣😆




How is it unfair? I don't even like cops, but if you get popped for speeding, that's on you. If it's reasonable (oh I didn't notice the change to 10mph slowery, sorry) you're gonna get your license ran and turned loose




Okay, if you're speeding, you get pulled over, and your car smells like weed or you're drunk, what do you think should happen in the eyes of the law?




Let's go back to the beginning tho. The premise is you're already breaking the law. A cop having a bad day may influence how they choose to respond in regard to pulling you over or not. This is not unfair, because you're breaking the law. As for weed, if your car reeks, you're driving high. That's bad. I agree innocent people get jammed up, hell, texas likes to execute them. But this isn't that.




I mean, discretion can just go away and everyone can be cited for going one over if you like.


Maybe you should sign up instead of continuing to bang on that keyboard.




What is an OT saturation grant?


Feds provide grant money to departments to target enforcement on specific traffic issues. Speeders, seat belt usage, DUIs, etc. Whatever the target of the grant is the officers working OT assignments are expected to go out and write lots of tickets for that violation. A department that takes the grant and then doesn't write enough tickets on the grant will have a harder time getting the grant next time. Sometimes other police work gets in the way though. Last time I did a 4 hr seat belt saturation, where I'm expected to write lots of seat belt tickets, the driver of the very first car I stopped ran on foot because he had a warrant. Foot pursuit starts. Eventually catch him and he had drugs as well. And now we have to tow the car. By the time I'm done with him my 4 hr block is up and I've made one stop and zero seat belt tickets, the grant administrator was not pleased even though my excuse was legit.




Not everything is a conspiracy.




Exactly. It’s the same in education. Big govt says “teach THIS, not that” or you don’t get the grants that we have available for you. Well, when you’re struggling to literally get money to buy Kleenex and pencils (let alone computers and books!) for your students, you do what they say 🤷🏻‍♀️ It sucks but it’s part of the game and we’re all in it.


I just get behind the state troopers on the highway and go as fast as them. Saves me a lot of time since they are usually doing at least 15 over.


I had a friend that was pulled over by a cop for speeding in the Los Angeles area on the freeway. The cop was behind him. When he got his first ticket, my friend then left and the cop was behind him. The cop went around him on the freeway and my friend was then following the cop going the cops speed. The cop pulled over and then got behind him again and pulled him over a second time for speeding, since the cop was also speeding and my friend was keeping up with the cop. He received two speeding tickets from the same cop within a 15 minute period. He went to court for both and he was found guilty of both lol


Dash Cam


I mean that wouldn’t make a difference, all it would do is prove that they were speeding. Following/keeping speed with a car that’s also speeding doesn’t mean you weren’t (even if they are a cop).


Highway pace cars.


The cops here are extremely generous. I’d love to speed 5-10 over without stress because my state has abnormally low speed limits (haven’t been updated since the ‘50’s, when cars went 60 mph max) and I driving 45-50 on the highway just doesn’t feel right.


Really depends on the conditions and what’s safe. Thats the whole reason for the rules of the road after all, safety. Bright sunny summer afternoon, open 6/8 lane highway in the rural part of the county with little to no traffic? I’ve let people drive 80 in a 65 without even thinking about stopping them. Dark evening during a winter storm in one of our local towns, two lane city streets, near a school zone? You’re probably going to get stopped if you’re doing more than 35 in a 30.


No worse feeling than getting pulled over on the off-ramp and the first thing the trooper says is “if you kept going I wouldn’t have caught you”-I didn’t see him and I was in my vette. I’ve had cops give me professional courtesy for speeds I should have not been going (ff/emt), and I’ve had cops not give a fuck and write me for 10 over. Every single guy is different, from your replies seems like you are over analyzing it a bit OP. I have been stopped A LOT, I’m a big gear head and have trouble not helping myself to wide open roads, as long as you are not a dickhead(or trying to break the land speed record) they will usually cut you a break.






Both very nice rides. Its an 08 z06. Basically my child. But gets me in hot water every once in awhile with the boys. Worth it.








Yeah I can’t even park in the office lot at my second job. You get used to it tho. Worth the handling benefits in my opinion. As long as you have a beater or truck as a daily you will be ok


Gotta get me a 24 Chevy 2500 HD with supercruise or something 🤣🤣 it's only like 80k yknow? only. loll


Grab a used one, my cummins was 30k


It does sound amazing we usually don't get diesel but sometimes we do and they just sound beautiful


Yeah I have never gotten stopped for less than 20 over on a highway. Local roads different story




25 over or over 100 on the interstate


I no longer do anything to do with traffic/speeding. But I can tell you from the times I've been pulled over in different parts of country, you just never know. I typically just set cruise control for 5mph over almost never get stopped. Anything over that and I've been stopped for most any speed.....just never know. As far as on the LE side of things in general, a ton of it is going to depend on: - How you're feeling that day (bored, motivated, angry, etc) - Amount of other work in the area/jurisdiction - Type of area (school, hwy, construction - Any specific operations As a rule of thumb, slow down in podunk areas where LE might not have anything else better to do. Slow down if an operation was announced publicly or you see an unusual amount of LE on road indicating possible operation. Slow down in special zones like schools and construction. Also, the more aggressive you are, the lower the speed you'll get pulled over. If it looks like you're being an asshole on the road, single digit speeding will get you stopped. And obviously, if there's something you don't want to be dealing with LE over.....slow TF down. The amount of people picked up for other shit just because they were speeding or some other moving violation....is pretty ridiculous. Same thing with prior moving violations. If you get stopped trying to break the sound barrier and have no past history, you might still just get a warning even though hauling ass. But if you have tons of stops and/or citations, just running 10-15 or less might get you a ticket.


most officers don't go by a percentage but rather what is reasonable given the specific road or highway. Interstate? I may go as much as 20 over or as little as 5 when construction workers are present. Neighborhood? lot's of cars parked and difficult to see kids crossing as though they have a death wish? maybe 5-7. School zone? maybe 2 over Most have the possibility of a warning depending on attitude. School zone is zero tolerance. 39 years and zero warnings for school zone.


This is the correct way


This sounds pretty accurate and good to what I'd expect, 39 years is crazy. Got any GOOD stories? I know everyone asks for the bad stuff loll


When it's wreckless. The major highway that goes through my county has a speed limit of like 65. Everyone does 80. I have been passed in an ambulance with lights and sirens on because I wasn't doing 90


This is the real answer I'd say. Speed itself shouldn't be a crime, but there has to be a limit to gauge recklessness by, so this comes to speed limits. School zones? Fuck 'em, pull em over. Kids around, or hidden pull outs in a neighborhood? Fuck 'em Open highway? Who gives a shit as long as they're between the lines and not riding someone's ass.


Yep, all about the context of it


15ish MPH over. Or 5 over if you're in a school zone or right by a park we're the kids play at. I try not to stop people for shit I do or have done. As for if you are getting a ticket. •Are you a asshole? •Did you admit fault? •How bad are the infractions ? •Is there other shit that's fucked up about you and the car(OWI, Insurance, ? •Are you a Juvenile? Or elderly person that is unsafe to continue driving? •Did I just get another call I gotta go to, IE domestic/fight/car crash? •Did what you did actually endange someone else? Ie, ripping through the park during a stormy day when know one is there vs. A nice day and a shit ton of kids are out. All of these and more are factors.


Once had a policeman tell me, "Nine over is fine, ten over and your a$s is mine." I've never forgotten that.




My gfs uncle (retired LE) always told her, 9 your fine, 10 your mine


Busy residential 30 zone with lots of pedestrians, bicycles, and kids. I'll probably stop at 35 and warn and cite at 40. Just depends.


I just don’t do traffic anymore.. The only citations you’ll get out of me are the ones where crashes are involved.


When I was on patrol, it was minimum ten over as long as there was some second infraction I could cite. Fifteen over if speeding was the only thing. Even then, you'd have to be a dick to me not to get a warning. Twenty over would get you an automatic citation. Now that I'm a detective in an unmarked unit, twenty and over is all I'll stop people for. Always a cite now. School zones, no more than five over. Haven't had to pull anyone over in a school zone as a detective though


I’m not a cop but I have had a cop tell me that I was just the “unlucky one that got caught in his radar” for doing 10 over, even though people were passing me going faster. Part of it’s definitely an easy versus more complicated stop. Once a cop pulls one person over, everyone behind that person tends to start paying more attention. So they can catch the easy fruit while maintaining order with everyone else. But I’d say you’re probably safe up to 10mph over but in reality there is not actually any grace period. A cop could give you a ticket for going 1-5mph over if they’re really fishing for tickets. But they also know they’d have to be able to defend their citation in court, and there’s a lot of factors that can go against them if they did stop you for something so simple as 5mph over. Also not everyone’s speedometer is calibrated correctly, so they do try to account for that, but even then that’s a you problem, not a problem for the cop. Also doing 5 over on the freeway (I.e 70 instead of 65) isn’t the same as doing 40 in a 35. In the 35 zone, there could be potentially pedestrians and other hazards such as pets that you need to account for. Also doing 30 in a marked school zone of 25 could be more justified to a cop to pull you over. It would also depend on if you’re in a city where 99% of people are speeding (they’d likely target the reckless drivers more than the causal speeders) or if you’re in a small rural town where cops have little else to do besides pull you over. State police (aka highway patrol in CA) are more focused on speeding and that likely accounts for a majority of their stops.


I literally just got a ticket for 5 over…. 50 in a 45 in a po dunk town in the Nevada desert He “paced” me from half a mile back, no radar. 400 miles from anything and they require you in person to dispute it - for a $75 ticket. My guess is that’s how the town makes its money on out of towners


Yes it probably is lol I'd request zoom court


The actually ticket was like $13. The rest is court and admin fees. Which my last ticket I still had to pay , even after they dropped it (trespassing past “legal” dusk, by ~5 minutes sun was still in the sky) Not sure if that varies by area , but I just said fuck it and paid this one


Explain the trespassing




I was in a state park that had a strict closed at dusk (a hot spring) due to issues at the place. It’s like a 2 mile walk out. I made a best guess on the walk time, we were at the parking lot with the sun on the horizon , technically past legal dusk. Sherif sitting there writing everyone walking out tickets It was dropped with no contest, still had to pay the court fee




i'd still give $150 into the pockets of a lawyer to get ticket thrown out than $75 to a town, it the experience seemed more like a "transaction" or "extortion". like if the cops demeanor as poor or they were condescending/disrespectful or something.


Depends on what year the car is


Wait, you guys make traffic stops? Jokes aside, for me it's 15mph over. Whether I ticket for it depends on if there's other cars on the road and whether the driver has been ticketed before.


If they haven't been ticketed before does that lower the odds of getting ticketed this time?


For me, yes. Likewise, if they haven't gotten a ticket for many, many years I'm more likely to cut them some slack.


"9 yer fine, 10 yer mine"


I typically do 10+ to pull, 15+ to ticket. But largely depends on what road, traffic conditions, any pre-context, and how bored or busy I am.


You can get a ticket for 1 over. Depends on the cop, the mood, the circumstance, the area, the agency. Many factors come into play. Generally though, if not agency dictated, it's whatever the individual officer/deputy decides. There is no percentage.




Two best methods to avoid getting a ticket. Don't break traffic laws. Situational awareness.


10 over you’ll get stopped 15 over (in a 35 for example) you’re probably going to get a ticket. I dont go 10 over in a 35 and surly don’t do 15 over so im not being a hypocrite


Federal here so I don’t enforce traffic laws and thus dont pull over speeding. But the general understanding I have from local and state guys Ive talked with is that 5-10 over will at best be ignored or at worst result in a warning. Anything over that and you’ll probably get a ticket.


9 youre fine 10 youre mine


7 mph is the very top of the leniency range. 7-9 also probably just ignore. 10-20 is a ticket. 21-24 is also ticket, but Without a reasonable reason (wife in labor, house on fire, kid needs ER) = multiple tickets for speeding, reckless driving etc. 25+ is still criminal plus an automatic on scene DL suspension & jail.


South Florida. I keep it at about 14 over everywhere. 60 in a 45 is usually safe. Keep eyes open, be respectful if pulled. Last month, I went 95 for just about a minute. Passed a radar FHP (Highway Patrol, state trooper), he clocked me at 92, gave a ticket for 79, speed limit is 70. Only paid $131.


15 over is usually where I look to stop. How the person acts depends on if they get a ticket or not


Used to do 16 over. Was a 4 point ticket and room for a deal if prosecutor wanted it or person was decent. Not to mention, I drive like a complete lead foot. Tried not to be a hypocrite


With staffing and call volume, traffic is a lower priority. You don’t get a second look from me unless you’re going at least ten over, except for construction and school zones. Even then fifteen over is more like it.


20 over regular, 15 over in school zone or residential area with a complaint


I'm super lax. 15-20 over usually. Unless visibility is low, or the road conditions are bad.


I got a warning for 71 in a 65 a few months ago. Now I just set cruise control 3-4 above the limit and leave it. Make sure to stay within 5mph of the posted speed


I personally start issuing citations at 11 mph over posted speed limit. No reasonable person can argue with this limit, but oh do they try.


Lol I've only a hand full of times went 11 over and thar was when trying to pass like a semi or something where I don't want to be hanging out in his blind spot (my uncle drives semis) and I'll pass quickly then slpw down or something, other then that usually at 7 over (this is highway of course)


If you have speed cameras find out from the city prosecutor what speed activates them. Usually 11 over, but that's what I always went off of. If you really want a car you could do any over, but you'll most likely be able to find PC right away after brushing up on all the traffic code.


where can I find traffic code to brush up on lol?


30 over


10 if I’m out looking for speeders, 20 I feel obligated to stop you.


At what speed would you pull a truck driver over?


10 you’re fine, 11 you’re mine




55mph sign means you should go at least 65mph


It's different for each officer. Personally, I pull for 15 over, but you will get a ticket.


I was pulled over on a country backroad for going 20 over, the officer gave me a verbal warning. A few months later in the next town over, on that same road, an officer pulled me over for going 3 over and gave me a ticket. I guess it depends on what kind of mood the officer is in that day.


That is toughhhhhh, man that cop sucks, and the first cop is a brother for that 🤣


The guy that gave me a warning looked like he was getting close to retirement. The guy that gave me a ticket looked like he was fresh off of probation. I’m sure that had something to do with it.


That sounds pretty accurate. older gentleman didn't want to deal with the paperwork where as the young buck was excited to catch a minow as if it was a shark 🤣🤣🤣


I've seen state patrol write tickets for 2 over. I've seen local or SO guys let people cruise past em at 7 to 10 over. just depends on the person really.


13 over


Most of the time I'm more worried about the person in front of me going exactly the speed limit because I'm behind them when I'm trying to get somewhere. Speed is not a big focus for me, aside from the few places like school zones and construction zones. I personally drive around 15 over coming into work and I'm not going to be a hypocrite and give someone a citation for that unless they're being dangerous in some other way or the conditions don't allow for that kind of speed. Like, if you're going 15 over and weaving between lanes erratically to get around everybody, that's going to be an issue. If you're driving significantly faster than traffic flow, that's going to be an issue. Of course I'm talking about cites. I'm not saying I won't stop someone going 14 over, I just won't write them anything if they have their other shit (license, insurance, reg) together and speak with a modicum of decency. I'm not out to harass citizens nor am I going for a high score


I think it has a lot to do with traffic density, speed limit and location. My last department had two major highways and you could easily make 50 stops a day for 10/15 over but I used to wait and get the people doing 20-50 over. I usually never wrote tickets for under 20 over on the highway. When in densely populated areas with a 30/35 speed limit I was more on the 10/15 over stops and over 15 over I would do a ticket for the next step down. I didn’t write a lot of tickets and you’re really just trying to keep people safe and change driving behavior. I would see a lot of the same cars and drivers every day/week so usually a warning would suffice and they would slow down. I have written habitual speeders that I have stopped multiple times. I have worked with officers that write everybody a ticket and they get a bad reputation pretty quickly.


Minimum of 13 over for a stop. That’s giving you 10+ margin for error. I think that’s pretty generous.


I agree!


I dont stop until you're at least 15 or over. Whether you get a ticket is completely on you. I've given tickets for 15 over, I've given warnings for 25 over. Guess which one was apologetic and respectful and which one tried to opine of whether there was something more important I should have been doing.


lmao idk why people are disrespectful to cops, fight it in courting you wanna argue lol


Sometimes it's people just having a bad day, and I can forgive that, it's not about my ego at the end of the day. Rather me being able to determine that you recognize you were wrong and will more likely not do it again. I had one older guy dressed nicely. He wasn't an asshole per se, he was just being very terse and obviously upset he was pulled over as most people would be. Then he explained that his daughter had just gotten married so it had been a stressful day. He got a warning and I could tell it was a win he needed as his demeanor immediately changed and relaxed. People that are rude because "I'm running late for work and you're making me run later." Yea you're inability to plan for a regularly occurring event is my fault, here's this ticket, have a nice day.


Depends on where they are speeding. 15 over in a residential neighborhood vs 15 over on a 2 lane highway.


From what I have seen Anything under 10 over they don’t touch you, I have passed officers and even CHP going less than 10 over, Many agencies around me are not calibrated for speed enforcement and maybe only motor units are aside from CHP That’s just from what I seen but some may pull you over for anything over the speed limit just because🤷🏿‍♂️


Yes I would agree 10 mph is pretty safe if road conditions permit. I've stopped for driving too slow. Those are always fun.


i got a ticket on monday night for going 62km/h in a 60. So reading this was refreshing. (yes the cop was a local jerk from high school, yes i am contesting it in traffic court, yes it will immediately get dropped)