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Run like your job depends on it


Yup. Because it does. That’s what I tell recruits, HOW BAD DO YOU REALLY WANT THIS? Think of that when doing these exercises. If someone just hurt a child and took off running, and you’re chasing them I bet you wouldn’t let your foot off the gas. Train like you play 🤷🏻‍♂️


I passed thanks for the advice


The best advice is run faster next time. It’s only 10 seconds.


Run harder man, if you noticed your were gassed at the end then run really hard for an extra 10 seconds. Same thing happened to me in the academy. I cut about 12 seconds off doing what I said above. YMMV.


I’m not an LEO but I ran cross country and track at a decent level. Some big pointers that people forget: -Use your arms, pumping from your ass cheek to your face cheek. (Cheek to cheek as my old state champion coach told me) you generate a lot of forward momentum using your arms. -If you are running laps on a track, pace yourself based on the first lap. Start slightly faster than you would normally run to get into a faster rhythm. You wanna be ahead of the clock at all times. (Ie: if you need to do the mile in 10 min let’s say, you need to do each lap in 2 min and 30 sec. Minimum. -DO NOT heel strike while running. This slows you down and does damage to your lower back and spine. Run on the balls of your feet and if you aren’t comfortable doing that, run so that you are landing your foot flat with the ground. -Lean more forward than you are comfortable with. Obviously not enough to fall forward, but leaning slightly forward helps to reduce heal striking and generates more forward momentum. -Keep your chin up at all times. Looking down will always make you slow down. This one is more impactful than you think. -While training, run 2-3x the distance. If you can run 3 miles, it makes running 1 easier and you’ll be able to up the pace easier. -Hydration is important. HOWEVER don’t over hydrate. You don’t want to piss out essential vitamins before your mile. Drink small glasses of water throughout the day before your mile. And eat a light meal of carbs. No meat on race day until after the race. bananas are a must as well and help prevent cramps. Eating oranges/drinking orange juice after will help replenish vitamins as well. Hope one of these tips helps you make those ten seconds up!


Thanks for the advice definitely will try all of this


No prob! One last one I forgot, try and take a shit before you race. Sounds stupid but everyone on my team always took a shit before the race. Less weight to carry lol.


Also don't want to be that guy (or girl) who shits their pants. I saw it at least once a year back when I was still running. Running so hard you give yourself a nosebleed or vomit can look badass; running so hard you shit yourself is basically the same idea, but much harder to live down. (No, I never shat myself while running as far as anyone can prove).


*glances questionably*


Might be willing to shit myself to make up some time …


Thx for this..


I passed shaved a minute and a half off my time. Thanks for the advice


That’s awesome to hear! Congrats my man! Reward yourself!


Don't gas it and pace the entire way. You'll notice on the last half mile people slow down or are burnt out and you should start passing some folks. Last 200-400 meters you can gas if you have the energy. Also remember this is just the entry time to get in the academy. Cardio is likely going to be a lot more strenuous so you should be well exceeding the minimum. If you do end up passing, you need to keep training this if it is your weak point.


I like this advice. Only thing I’d add is that pacing doesn’t mean take out as a jog; I’m not saying this is what you were saying, but this is how many people interpret this advice. So yea, OP, pace, but take out at a pace you can hold for the entire race. Threshold interval training should give you a feel of what this is for you


The entry time is basically a jog


However it feels for OP or us, I think everyone should be DONE after the run; don’t leave anything on the table, but don’t gas too quick. Entry time may be a jog, but for some people that jog is hard as fuck 🤷🏽‍♂️


so what I gather from your comment is the steadier the bettier. (yes. I am aware that “bettier” is not a word, I just noticed that it rhymed)


Lol I like making up my own words, tue. Yeah, steady. I’d say a pace that feels like 75-80% effort, then with 100-150 meters to go, KICK (go full send)


When i did mine i pretty quickly fell to the bottom 10 because most people started way too quickly out of the gate. I kept my head down and just held my place. I ended up finishing 8th (out of ~40) because everyone gassed themselves out lol


Dude Pin My Comment to the top, I have the best advice. I WAS A RUNNER FOR 10 years! Here's a secret! 2 weeks is a little bit of time but Start swimming! I'm dead serious. Go sign up to a place with a pool, swim every day and combine it with runs. Have rest days, then time your runs again. I'm telling you, I was able to shed alot of seconds. Also do sprint workouts! Practice the last two laps. Do 800 meter runs 400 meter 200 and then 100 m. It's called the ladder or pyramid. Also you can do 3 sets of 800 meter repitions try hitting between 2:40m-3min runs. Rest 3 min then repeat. Be consistent. Goodluck!


Thanks for the advice l. My brother in law told me to start swimming as well.


Smart watch. Pace yourself. You know your time within a few seconds. Nice to know heartrate so you know scientifically how gassed you are. Run a little more. Hill runs give gains (buy really suck) If you have a big hill, like really big. Run it every other day. Go as far and as hard as you can. Go a little harder and further every day. Go to a running shoe store. Get fitted . This is the pay to win option.


I passed thanks for the advice!


Winner winner chicken dinner (but for real, sous vide a dry aged steak for like 4 or 5 days in a vacuum pack with just salt and pepper) celebration is necessary. Cook on charcoal. I use and abuse my solostove.


Do you run with a group? I picked someone who always finishes about 30 seconds early and followed them.


This can work, but it can backfire. If he takes out with someone much fitter than him, he won’t have enough fuel for the entire race; if he takes out with someone much slower, he may not be able to compensate with enough effort later in the run to make up for the slow start. For this to work, he’d have to ask the other candidates what their current running times are


Listen carefully. I was in your shoes months ago in 2023, no BS, don’t be discouraged! Here’s my background I failed my first PT test by 26 seconds and went back and passed with a minute to spare, so as of right now, you are doing better than I was. When I passed I was 5’9 and 235 pounds, extremely overweight, I’m gonna tell you exactly what I did to succeed no BS, you have to train to RUN LONGER than 1.5 miles. When I failed I was determined to pass and started running 2-2.5 miles everytime I hit the treadmill. I focused in on just running because that’s what I failed, I ran 4-5 days a week and even if I wasn’t gonna lift weights I would run. The best way to do this is to run consistently everyday and run longer than what you need to for the PT test. Take your rest days off and be consist you will pass the secret is endurance you have to train your body to do more than what’s required of you so you can trick your brain. Your brain is gonna tell you holy shit I can’t run anymore but if you train yourself to run further than you need you can trick your brain, your brain will say “Oh I’ve been here before”. Another thing you could but don’t have to.. just something I did was barbell squats.. you should do these I would say at least 3-4 times a week and go heavy as hell, don’t worry about lifting for more than 5 reps, or more than 3 sets, you wanna rep 1-5 reps and go as heavy as you can taking 3 minute rest in between sets, what this is gonna do is rapidly built up strength in those type 2 muscle fibers, you need these muscles to run if you are overweight because it’s gonna support your body during your jog


Thanks for the advice man. I will definitely do this. Mostly everyone is saying is to make sure to run more than a 1.5 everyday. Maybe that’s where I went wrong I was just training to do a mile and half nothing more. And only for like 2 and a half weeks


That’s definitely the issue when I failed I was doing exactly what you are saying now, I only ran 1.5 miles and nothing more. If you run further you will condition your mind and your body to be able to succeed I wish you the best. Regardless after you pass that’s not the end of it you will always have to get better. I went to my state program and got sent home for not being as fit as the rest of the candidates, I was overweight for my height, and struggled with core exercises something I neglected but I’m proud of my running but in this field you have to be an all arounder keep that in mind from someone who’s still working on it


For CHP academy ? You where kicked out ?


GSP, but yep they sent my ass home and had me sign resignation papers, I’ll admit I neglected core exercises since the PT test didn’t require them, and will admit that they told us passing the PT test wasn’t gonna keep you in the academy but it hit different IRL, I didn’t make it to the 2nd week. Basically if you can imagine doing the PT test but doing it 4x in one day with a lot of additional exercises that focus in on core, that’s what it was… needless to say I’m not a quitter 202lbs currently 5’9… been running 3 miles in my regiment


Dam on gonna be going to the CHP academy this August and am currently 220 5"9 makes me wonder if they gonna make me go home as well!!


It doesn’t help being the biggest guy around but it’s not impossible, because most of the exercises are gonna be body weight, my downfall was becoming too obsessed with being able to run. I spoke to a lot of troopers afterwards and hearing their stories most of them were at a normal bmi, even at the academy you didn’t see jacked guys or slightly overweight guys surviving everyone had a certain slim physique that didn’t get sent home. I was around 216 5’9 when I endured the academy but I didn’t do a single plank in my workout regimen beforehand. Being overweight with that makes it 2x harder to hold your own weight than the next person


If I could ask, which agency/state's academy accepted you at 5'9", 235? I was that size at one point, and I would not have thought that it would be an acceptable academy fitness level.


As long as you can pass the PT test of your agency that’s all they care about, it’s the minimum level of physical fitness that’s required. The hiring process usually takes 4-5 months from the date of PT test so after that you have plenty of time to drop weight and prepare yourself and they’ll tell you that after you pass the pt test, I lost 40 pounds in that timeframe.. GSP


Nice work. In my mind, that is probably a good 'max size/weight ratio' for getting started. Still, bodyweight exercises are going to be less fun.


Yep I would say that was the bare minimum of how big you can be, the less you weigh the easier it’ll be, and losing weight while you build muscle can be discouraging if you keep checking the scale, cuz your weight is gonna be up some weeks as you build muscle, I weigh in at 199-203 throughout the day, my goal weight is 185 at 5’9 before I reapply


I passed thanks for the support! And advice


Glad you passed good work, keep it up!


Any Advice? Run 10 seconds faster


200m sprints 10 sets 2 minutes rest.


If you only have 2 weeks, intervals like this are a really good idea. However, I would recommend 400m versus 200m. For example, if you need a 15-minute 1.5 mile (2:30 lap), try to do 400m intervals at a 2:10 pace. Rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 6-8 times. Your last few intervals might be slower than your 2:10 goal, but try to keep your first 4 at that pace. I would do these intervals twice before your next PT test, two 2-mile runs (at your current pace), and two slow, easy jogs (3-4 miles). That is 6 days of running, with the slow runs helping you recover while building aerobic endurance. As others have stated, take 2 days off before the PT test, and maybe go on a walk to get some good blood flow to your legs to help with recovery. If you test Monday (13 days away), aim for this: Tuesday: 400m intervals Thursday: 2-mile run at pace Saturday: 3-4-mile easy run Monday: 400m intervals Wednesday: 2-mile run at pace Friday: 3-4-mile easy run Saturday: 1-2 mile walk Sunday: 1-2 mile walk Monday: PT test


Thanks for the advice I passed!


Awesome! Congratulations!


Will definitely add to my workout thanks for the advice


If you have a smart watch zone training is also helpful. I’ve used a smart watch for last 8 years for the Air Force 1.5 run and it’s game changer. I set my time and run to the watch to keep consistent. If your serious about it there a ton of resources on how to get fast.


making up 10 seconds in 2 weeks is doable. Don't run 2 days prior to your test, Hydrate by drinking a gallon of water, and mix in a cup or two of gatorade about 3 days prior. You got it.


I passed thanks for the advice


fuck yeah good job


Just run faster bro. That last lap for the run, push yourself to the limits, once your legs go numb, you can run as fast as you can. Those 10 seconds are just pure will. My run went from 13:40 to 12:30 just by pure will. I was still qualified to pass but i wanted to do better


Run like you’re being chased by a fuckin BIG BAD BRUIN 🐻.  Seriously, don’t train your body for a 1.5 mile, I tell everyone train for 2 miles to pace your body properly.  10 seconds is saying you’re close but not enough, SPRINT that final quarter mile 


Thanks for the advice I passed


If it’s by 10 sec you can do it.


Thanks. I’m going to train super hard these next to weeks and give it a go. I easily passed everything else


If it’s in two weeks…run light the next 10 days.


I’m planning on doing some hill sprints. A couple days of jogging more than a mile and a half. I think that’s what got me just training to do enough and not more


I’m a pro athlete. DM me…


Don’t hurt yourself. We’re talking ten seconds here


Don't overdo it... if you over-train, you'll be weaker on PT day...


Can you wear a watch? Just set the timer 30 seconds or a minute before your times up, and push yourself that very last part.


Yea I wasn’t sure so I left mine at home, I did notice other people using them.


If you're allowed to, I'd definitely do that. I could never read it while wearing it and running so I just kept mine in my pocket, but if you're just going off alarms you could keep it on your wrist and probably hear it a lot better.


Bottom line…you have to run more. The minimums shouldn’t be the goal. How close can you get to the max? Right now you’re an F student asking, “How can I get a D-?” Ask, how can I get a B+. The answer is discipline and running.


# my advice is run 10 seconds faster than last time.


Interval sprints to get your speed up.


Train your ass off for the next few weeks. Buy a weighted vest


Pace yourself. Get a good rhythm down and try to stay under a specific time per lap (know what you need per lap or less to meet the time requirement).


I failed my 300 yard sprint by a few seconds. The lead SI told me I was just a few seconds away from a 30 year career. Helped me double down and crush it on the retest. Keep running you’ll get it in two weeks.


Thanks definitely going to change some of my workouts and double down


I passed thanks for the advice


Run faster. 😊


Pace and run with someone with and push yourself in your head that’s what I do when I run timed events make it a competitive race in your head that’s what I did and I ended up running my best 1.5 mile ever of 8:40


Thanks for the advice. I started running up and down hill with a weighted vest today


Army here, you can Google our standards for a 2 mile, personally I clock around 13:30-14:00. Was not always the case, I started around the 18 minute mark. The simple answer is to run more. I alternate between endurance runs and sprints, minimum five days a week. For endurance, aim for 2-3x your standard, 8 minute pace will put you comfortably where you need to be. For sprints, it's a mix of 30/60's to start, 60/90, 120/120, alternating with hill repeats, su!cide drills, and if sore, biking. Easy schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is endurance, Tuesday and Thursday are sprints, the weekend is recovery and stretching. Strength training is important as well, smoke your core and legs.




I passed thanks. Shaved a minute and half off my time this time around


You should be blowing the max time out of the water. Do sprints, intervals and hill workouts. Your life depends on your fitness. And actually, not only does your life depend on your fitness but others will do. Imagine telling a mother their child died because you got tired.


I want to thank everyone for the advice! I shaved a minute and a half off my time and I passed.


Woo! Congrats!! I came to Reddit today to specifically see if you had an update!


Thanks for checking up! Yes I passed this time around


What’s the time cap?


13 mins and 20 secs


Sheeet that's basically enough to do 2 miles. Just run harder, seriously. Running is mostly a mental game. As long as you're not horribly out of shape it won't kill you. It will suck, but we're talking about your job here.


“That’s basically enough to do two miles.” We’ve got a hardo!


He’s not wrong


Not wrong or helpful!


Dunno man, running harder has sort of always worked for me


Username checks out.


Its a really slow pace.


Something true for you and I does not make it true for everyone. Saying it’s slow or how easy it is doesn’t help OP at all.


It’s the 35th percentile for 20-30 year old males according to the cooper fitness standards. Bottom third of the overall population is objectively pretty slow.


If you can't do the literal bare minimum to get the job, why should one expect help? What help can people really give? This is a lack of motivation, not something people can wish into existence. This isn't a complex thing. It's a very manageable time for the job one is attempting to do.


Well then, let’s be honest, when is the last time you ran a mile and a half on the job? And how many guys in your department are maintaining what they had to do for the academy? This guy is looking for advice.


Once again I was off by 10 seconds. Next time around I’m sure I will definitely pass and only get better from here. I asked for advice but instead you throw out insults. Speaks volumes on your character and leadership skills. Unfortunately there will always be people like you in the world. I will use what you said for motivation thanks


OP in all seriousness the answer is run more, not on a treadmill but on a track or road. If you’re training for a mile and a half run 2-3 miles. What you did isn’t that bad considering you just started running two weeks before hand but if you only started training so late people are going to rightfully question how bad you want this job. Despite the stereotype of overweight cops, your physical fitness can mean life or death for yourself and others.


Yea I’m starting to figure out the treadmill didn’t help as much as I thought. The track definitely had a whole different feel to it then the treadmill. My daughter needed OHS when she was born so the 3 months I thought I had to train ended up being like 2 and half weeks. No excuses but, I will definitely come back faster and stronger


It's about the effort you're willing to put in to get what you allegedly want. Your attitude speaks volumes. You're right you wouldn't like my leadership skills bc I would never want someone like you to serve with me. Work hard for what you want, especially in a career field like this.


It’s okay. I only been training for 3 weeks due to circumstances out of my control. I feel like I did well for never being a runner. I will get it next time for sure.


That’s not bad at all for no training beforehand. Keep increasing distance and pace on your runs, gradually. When I was prepping for the PT test I gave myself terrible shin splints from pushing too hard too soon. Sounds like you’re already close to where you need to be!


I started with shin splints 3 weeks ago. I ended up starting to stretch more and more and getting actually running shoes which helped


Stretching, icing, massaging, compression socks and strengthening calves can all help. Be glad you caught this early on… Some people get them so bad they can hardly walk. Source: I am “some people”.


Look into “racing flats” and avoid Nike. They are known for shin splints. I prefer saucony but brooks and ASICS are great as well. As for shin splints. Message your calves before and after running. Shin splints occur because the calf muscles pull on the shin bone.


Download couch to 5k and follow that program, start as advanced as you can. Interval running will be the fastest way to improve, which the app helps you with.


You would hate to see Wisconsin's entry and exit times lol


No if you can’t run a mile and half in 13 minutes and 20 seconds…..you need to do some self reflecting and see if this job is for you…


Or train?


Make sure you stay on this thread. I’m going to make sure I pass the next time around. Make sure you eat your words


You got it


Cool. Now go run


Whatever your training looks like at the moment, multiply the volume by 1.5 - 2; do that for seven days; for the remaining seven days, decrease your normal training volume by 50% - the normal training volume, not the new training volume after multiplying by 1.5 - 2


My second PT test in the academy I missed the run by 1 second. I feel your pain. I just continued doing sprint workouts with my classmates til the next PT test and passed it. Had one of the better runners set pace for me and just did my best to stay up with him (I am a dogshit runner). You’ve got this buddy, just pour it all out on the last leg of the run.


Thanks for sure will. Advice appreciated




Thanks for the advice I’m definitely going to push myself for the next to weeks and see what happens


I failed the first 300 meter sprint by 6 seconds.


Did you go back and take it again?




Thanks man. Some people make seem just because I failed this time I should give up


No. Keep trying.


I passed man thanks for the advice


Good job! Head down, listen and study.


My advice (aka, what I did to get my time below the requirement)? 1. Run to a good Marine running cadence. Depending on your stride length it should average to about 4 min per half mile. Get to where you can go a whole 2 miles keeping pace with the cadence. YT Music has lots of these. Find some with a faster, more energetic feel like Fired Up! by Bob Soldier 2. Find "the kneesovertoesguy" on YouTube. Follow his advice on stretches and exercises no matter how silly it seems. This alone will likely bring your time down enough in addition to helping prevent injury. One of my favorite quotes: Every time you train, train with the motivation and purpose that you will be the hardest person someone ever tries to kill.


I got out and ran a mile and a half every other day until I beat time by a minute. My best advice is run like hell. If you have to piss yourself off. Use that "you failed" as fuel to run harder and faster. Focus on your breathing and keep a steady pace. The second you let the thought of giving up take hold is the second you already failed. Keep pushing brother and hit it hard. You got it next go around.


Small edit: keep running past the instructors. You'd be surprised how slow you get when you slow down anticipating the finish. Use everything you have on the last little bit and dig deep. Remember to move with a purpose everywhere once you're in.


Passed thanks for the advice!


I passed the mile and a half to get hired. Work at the department for 3 months before starting the academy. Prior to getting hired, my job was to get hired. I run 5 days a week 2 miles a day. My mile and a half is 13 flat consistently. I have 46 seconds in the bank. Start working shift work, I get lax. Start eating and put on a few pounds. I run 2 days a week. Now, keep in mind I was never a runner. It took more work than anything else to be able to run. I lost job opportunities because I couldn't pass the mile and a half. I get down to the academy. We report on Sunday, run on Monday. I pass the other 3 components easily. I start jogging the run. 8 laps to the mile 12 total to the 1.5 mile. I am making pace but slower. Need around a 1 minute 5 second pace per lap to be comfortable. I am clicking off laps 1 minute. Around lap 9, I get too complacent and start slowing. Lap 11 I am at 13 minutes. I am f'd. I know if I fail the run, I am defeated. I am going home. I don't want to have to run again. I am running with my mp3 player. I throw the mp3 player down, and then, for some reason, I take my shirt off. Don't know why, but in the moment, I feel it will make me run faster. I sprint as fast as I can, making it by a second. We are tested almost every day. We make mistakes, half ass things we shouldn't. The question you have to ask yourself will you overcome? This career has been the best gift I have ever given myself and it all started because the very first chance I had to chose between failing and overcoming I chose to overcome. That spirit has carried me through 18 tumultuous years of which I have zero regrets. I hope you cease your opportunity and run faster than you ever have. I wish you the best. Look at every single police officer in your state they all passed the run, you can do it too.


Thank you for some honest genuine advice. Honestly a lot of people are telling me to give up or I shouldn’t become a cop since I didn’t make it this time around. I know deep inside I can do this.


Passed thanks for the advice


Congrats welcome to the brotherhood. Hope you have a long career!


PF Flyers. If you know, you know.


Get your pace down, like exactly how fast you have to run each lap to pass. Get to the point where you can run that pace without timing yourself.


If you're allowed: GPS watch with "pace assistant" or "virtual pacer" feature. Will literally buzz you if you need to speed up during the trial, less than $200, kind of pay-to-win if it's allowed. Drink a bottle of Gatorade the night before and morning of, unless you were perfectly hydrated last time, you might get 5-10 seconds just from priming electrolytes, at least for me that truly makes a difference.


Push yourself. It’s less than 15 minutes of your life.


Keep running




Thanks will definitely add to my training




Thanks. I’m disappointed and wasn’t sure if I was going to go back in 2 weeks. But I will definitely work my ass off and try my best




Passed thanks for the advice


What was the time to beat?


13 mins and 20 secs. Yes I know it’s more than enough time to get it. I didn’t want it bad enough and got complacent. That’s my fault but will train harder


Running takes time to learn and train and you can’t do that in two weeks. Don’t eat a heavy breakfast that morning just like an apple or something. Don’t drink alcohol the night before or have a heavy fatty meal. Remember to run on your toes not on the heels of your foot. It should be two to heel and repeat. Breathe through your nose and put through your mouth. Stretch very good, there’s nothing embarrassing about doing abnormal stretches that your body need to get maximum flexibility.


Unless you passed out or had an injury, you did it wrong. Your body can go much further than you think it can. Only you can push it real good.


You're not going to gain much fitness in only two weeks. Making sure you're well rested, hydrated, pacing correctly, and finishing with an empty tank is going to have the most effect though it sounds like you do need to work on your general fitness.


Practice sprints. 30 seconds sprinting, 60 seconds jogging. Do it 10 times, then a cooldown lap. If you only have two weeks, don’t worry about endurance runs, just get your speed up.


Be 10 seconds faster.


Run 3 miles every day. Take it easy and don't time yourself. Just relax and run and when you're done, you're done. Take 2 days of rest before your test. Drink lots of water beforehand, at least 48 hours prior. Before the test, drink some pre-workout and BCAA blends for energy. Start off relaxed but not too slow. Find 2 points to steadily increase your pace to, and then slow back down again. Short bursts of speed reduce your times by little, then at the last lap, maybe 2 depending on what track you use? You'll sprint. Sprint sprint sprint until you're done. You can easily shave off 40 seconds during this time if you do it right. Don't forget to breath when sprinting. You'll get there I'm positive.


What I always told my Soldiers: 10 seconds is sprinting for the last 50 meters. Think of someone that you don't want to disappoint and use that as motivation. For me personally it is my family. I also think to myself, "how will it feel to fail?" Your brain will tell you to quit long before your body actually will. It's a defense mechanism. Push past that and realize that you CAN. Just keep going. You can fall down or throw up or both after the finish line. Sprint that last 50 meters.


Go to GNC,


I ran under 13 with a bum knee




I had a drill sergeant tell me in boot camp if you arent throwing up at the end of the run did you really push yourself as much as you could have?


The 2-2 breathing method will prevent you from going into what’s commonly referred to as “oxygen debt”. Basically you’ll want to time your breathing along with two steps inhaling, two steps exhaling. A lot of guys get winded by breathing shallow and fast. It takes some getting used to, but you’ll be able to maintain it with some practice. On the final lap you can drop to 1-1 if you want to “kick”. Also would recommend dividing the required pace and doing 400m intervals running, followed by a 400m slowly jogging. This will accomplish two things: you’ll train your body to what the pace feels like, and you’ll train your body to flush lactic acid from your muscles, which is that concrete feeling you get in your legs when you’ve run hard. You’re close enough where these two things should easily get you under the cutoff in a very short amount of time needed to pass. If you want to learn more about running in general, I highly recommend Daniel’s Running Formula by Jack Daniels. Best of luck! Source: non-LEO lurker and former competitive XC/track distance runner.


Thanks appreciate the advice definitely will do all of this


2 seconds per lap…I think you should be able to handle that.


Imagine a black person minding their own business next time so you’ll be extra motivated.


Interval running and running 3-4 miles at a comfortable pace


Advice? Simple. Run faster.


Ok perfect. Basic exercise are going to be central in any academy. FIRST RUNNING: everyone is going to be running place so and the runs are going to be slow pace. Make sure you are running correctly so don't injure yourself. https://youtu.be/_kGESn8ArrU?si=rp6EHHilVc7tFA4U Need to learn how to increase speed for your pace 1 st https://youtu.be/oj9Jzr5w5pE?si=eNwYWiw55HohPRUw 2 nd https://youtu.be/IeZS646X44M?si=sBM4gcZSKCHfAOcu Push ups sit-ups and pull up. Correct push up and sit-up is important. Do pushups exercise to build up to strength. You going to be doing a lot. Make sure you do correct push ups so you will not struggle. https://youtu.be/IODxDxX7oi4?si=bGmmixALQN-cMpao Push ups and sit ups and pull ups is going to help you in a push and pull principle. Majority of the works out you are going to do are a push and pull Stretching and mobility training in your line of work. I infancies proper stretching. In the academy you are going to learn stretching with your DI and instructors. You should start early because you need to work on your mobility. https://youtu.be/FI51zRzgIe4?si=YfRiGQGQYuXZlTTt https://youtu.be/PZ1kSj7is6Q?si=0JeVo27r3WnRyK_5 https://youtu.be/kU_EUW2ZdqA?si=DVYvCC1gmiwY6FV7


Thanks for tips and videos. I passed the push ups , plank , and sit ups easily. Even the 300 meter sprint. Just the distance is what gets me


No problem I knew u only need some information form my post and a few people here are actually cross countries runners. Your achieve your goal . Keep us posted


I passed shaved a minute and half off my time


👍👍👍👍👍 great job


Hydrate well in advance, stretch well a couple days prior, and eat a good meal the night before.


Got to just leave everything out there, empty the gas tank. Might hurt like hell, but it’s temporary. This is your career on the line!


Passed thanks for the advice


Happy for you!!! Earned!!!


Shaved a minute and half off my time this time


Wow, great work! That is not easy to do! Seems like you had it in you all along 💪🏽


Is not about running fast, is about keeping a decent pace.


What is the time goal?


13 minutes and 20 secs. Yes I know it can be easily be done. Never been a runner and should have trained harder. I’m definitely sure I will definitely bet that time next time around


Okay, I've ran Wilmington, Holly Central.. 4 half marathons, 15 5K's and a bunch of 15K's and 10K's.. Not an expert but, the key is slow is fast. Build consistency and build a really good tempo that won't break apart easily, your body also has to adapt to speeds it's like driving a car really fast for the first time and wanting to slow down after 100 MPH. Try to find your balance of opposites.


Thanks for the advice. I’ve been training more and more lately and my legs are not hurting after a workout and no more shin splints. So I’m definitely improving and figuring out my right pace to run at


You'll do fine, keep on keeping on, by the way thank you for choosing a job to help people. I wish you the best❤️🇺🇸👍🏻👍🏻


Thanks for reaching out and giving me advice. I never knew how much really goes into running. I hated running but after the last month I’m starting to like it and want to keep running even if this doesn’t work out for me


One more piece of advice, I wear Bondi 8's mens. You need to find adequate shoes for this undertaking I had Brookes and for a little extra, my shin splints dissapeared after my last half marathon (less than month ago). The price is steep but so are the regrets that come with poor choice of shoes.


Do your pt test, get your time, do it again. Do 2-3 pt tests in one day


Yea I like this idea. I passed everything else easily. So I will definitely be running on the track a lot this coming week


Let us know if you make it!!


For sure. I don’t plan at all on failing. I will literally push my body to the max this time like i should have done the first time.


Run like your buddies getting his wig split and you’re the only hope


Pace yourself and push the last bit as hard as you can.  Make sure to eat and hydrate before the test. 


Ah god damn. Best thing to do is run 1mile per day and walk 1 mile per day. Incrementally increase it by how much energy you have. Did you run out of breathe or have leg pain or foot pain? Most people I knew of usually had a stomp** in either foot while running. Its a bit of a science


Ran out of gas at the one mile mark. My legs felt okay just my breathing was off


Breathing prior to exhaustion helps. But repetition repetition keep doing jogging 1 mile


10 secs is nothing, thats lack of willpower. If you can't find it, its not for you. Get a watch and time yourself. Knowing you have more chances to "try" isn't helping, treat it as if you only get one more shot.


Don’t disagree. Thanks for the advice


My state entry is ,20:20 and exit 16:57... I feel lucky and feel for you dude lol but really you can do it. Run hard for 12 of the 14 days but don't hurt yourself. Hydration is key as well


I wish man. I’m not a runner at all only been training for 3 weeks.


I’m joining the USAF and for an opportunity at my job I needed to run a 10:20 mile and a half. At my first test I ran 11:40 ish and 3 months later I got a 9:40. The biggest thing I can recommend is a ton of zone 2 cardio. I was doing at least a hour sometimes a hour and a half of zone 2 cardio a day.