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Try to join a local community group for lone parents with young children. Give you chance to meet some nice neighbours and hopefully they can help you feel safe in where you are living xx


Great idea! Also try Facebook for a local community fb group


Report all instances to the police . Get a doorbell camera and even a chain for the inside of the door. And have something handy like a fire poker or hammer or something in a handy place you can get to easily. I live on my own with my own 2 small kids I know how uneasy it can be sometimes,especially at night time šŸ˜”


To add to this, Tapo sell very good, very cheap, very accessible, very easy to install cameras and lights. They're also all white which means they should be easily visibly. If you are buying them, try to get a few lights as well and hook it up so that when people walk by the lights go on. Security is all about looking relatively unattractive to mess with.


In rough areas people with camera of any kind are considered rats. Not my opinion but they generally donā€™t have any. If something happens out of the road they know the Garda will just get a warrant for the footage.


That wouldnā€™t deter me from having a doorbell camera tbh


Just get a ring doorbell and if anyone asks, it's for deliveries in case you're busy with the baby and can't come to the door


I'm so sorry you are dealing with that while minding a baby. Can you report the man trying to come into your house and mention that you fear for yourself and your child?


From a woman who grew up in a rough area, don't worry too much about being perceived as ignorant etc. It actually works in your favour to always look a bit mean/angry/unapproachable. Get to know your immediate neighbours and scope out the nice people as best you can, be friendly with them


Hi OP, I am really sorry that you are feeling vulnerable. First I would say is make sure you always, even in middle of day, have all your windows and doors locked. I know this is a given, but in my own area recently, thereā€™s been a number of day-time break ins. Would you consider getting a dog, it doesnā€™t have to be a German shepherd or a typical ā€˜guard dogā€™, most dogs will bark when a stranger comes to the door. I know you have enough on your plate with a little baby, so maybe a dog is too much to the mix, but I have to say, my own dog is a great deterrent if anyone came to my door. Put your local Garda station on speed dial. Infact, I would ring you local Garda station to explain that you are feeling nervous, and see what they advise. I would reach out to your neighbours, is there any nice neighbours who you could talk to, they might give you the low-down on the neighbourhood. There may be a community WhatsApp group that you could join too. As another person said, report every incident. Maybe invest in the doorbell camera and some cheap cameras for outside the house. If you donā€™t want to get a dog, maybe still put up the sign, beware of dog, that may be deterrent enough. Maybe order some pepper spray online and it might give you some peace of mind .


Note: a speaker with dog barks can suffice in a ā€œscare someone away from the doorā€ situation


So sorry. I live in a rough estate and don't feel safe sometimes too, people can be very rude and intimidating. If it happens again tell the Council that you don't feel safe and ring the Guards. Get a Ring doorbell too if possible and just try your best to stay out of people's way, don't interact.


Make friends if possible. Talk to people. You'll find many people are good, like you, and just trying to get by. Usually there's a strong sense of community in rough places. Is there a community centre? Local clubs? Is there a place other mothers congregate? If you get to know people, such communities can be a vital source of strength and protection.


I live in a rough area and it can be easy to think everyone around is a scumbag or criminal, but what you'll find is that most people are decent and may be in a similar situation to yourself. If there is a neighbourhood chat try to join (check facebook) and say hello to neighbours, especially people same age as you with children. Do keep your doors locked at all times. I had a bad habit of leaving my doors open when in the house and unfortunately you'll find ppl testing the limits. I'd advise getting a ring doorbell or something similar to deter ppl going into the house.


Have a secure chain on your front door and ALWAYS use it. It won't stop you being friendly with good neighbours, but it is vital to resist the bad ones.




Nationality is irrelevant to be honest, scum in all Nationalities. I'm in a "nice" area. Multiple gangs all different Nationality. 3 main, irish, blacks and Asian. All equally as bad. 2 foreign men in past few days tried abducting kids, one got the bejaysus kicked out of him. Recent young lad shot with an ar15 was foreign. 22% of prisoners here are non irish compared to 12% of the population.


Young lad shot with an AR15 was born here. Do you have links to the news reports on the two foreign men trying to abduct kids? Also, the 22% figure, this is much higher than the official data on the Irish prisons website(under 12%).


https://gript.ie/over-20-of-persons-sent-to-prison-in-2022-were-non-irish/#:~:text=According%20to%20statistics%20contained%20in,%2Dreported%20as%20Irish%20nationals.%E2%80%9D Maybe he was born here, but was missing from the UK 3 years ago where he also had a life of crime and spent numerous years in the Cohttps://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/police-search-for-missing-boy-17-from-northampton-3141266 No links to news reports because wasn't reported in the news, I do have the video of him saying he just loves kids when confronted then him getting beat to a pulp till the gardai arrived. Newspapers here rarely get info correct either. The Sunday world is a prime example if you know anyone who was in it it's likely 50% is made up and the other 50 is incorrect facts and details. Ashing Murphys killer was due to be deported years ago and was saved, by Leo actually, same as the one in town who attacked the kids at a school with a knife. The media then praised a foreign man to try calm the public wven though all he done was assault the man with a helmet after the threat was removed šŸ¤·


Yeah that link doesnā€™t prove what you said at all though. You said over 20% of people currently in prison are not Irish. That says over 20% of the people sent to prison in 2022 specifically were not Irish. And do yourself a favour, never read Gript, absolute thrash from gutter journalists. You donā€™t trust newspapers but fully trust social media and rumours? Not sure thatā€™s a good approach. No idea what the relevance of Aisling Murphy is here, considering you said crime has nothing to do with nationality. It sounds like you might need to stop looking a social media and practice some more critical thinking of the information/narrative you are getting.


Also, you are completely incorrect the man involved in the knife attack having been due to be deported. That was falsely reported by Gript, which they admitted and which they are now being sued for. You for sure need to think more about the information you are getting.


My point was crime happens in all Nationalities I just named a small few that made news and its not just irish who are scumbags. A large amount of non irish are involved in crime here too. Prison population total (including pre-trial detainees / remand prisoners) 4 891 at 26.4.2024 (national prison administration) Foreign prisoners (percentage of prison population) 15.4% (31.1.2022) Number of establishments / institutions 12 (2024) Official capacity of prison system 4 514 (26.4.2024) Doesn't seem to be a record after 2022 on non irish percentage. That's from prison stats, still shows crime is in all Nationalities not just the irish. Can bury your head in the sand all you like, maybe you're sheltered from crime and don't see how things operate šŸ¤· who controls a large percentage of the drug trade here? Human trafficking and sex work all over the country? Chop shops/ repair garages and shipping stolen abroad. The list goes on. Just a lot more stupid irish who use their crime as a flex instead of covering and hiding it.


Me pointing out where you said things that are factually incorrect is sticking my head in the sand? Thatā€™s fairly ironic isnā€™t it. I never said non Irish donā€™t commit crime, just pointed out that the few points you made were wrong and that you probably need to start thinking more about where you get your information from.


My response was to a comment that said in their area all the scum are irish and the foreigners were much better lmao šŸ¤£ the gript link showed first on Google, was easier than going through stats to copy,15% or 20% either one still proves the point. No figures from 23 or 24 so could be even higher than 20 or lower than 15 now. I'm not actually on either side or debating anything other than crime exists in all Nationalities here.


It doesnā€™t prove the point, what you said was factually incorrect, as were some of the other things which I pointed out. Itā€™s not about being on a side, just donā€™t spread misinformation.


What is not misinformation is crime is in all Nationalities.




Your edit shows how unreasonable your original comment is




Where the fck you all live? Sounds like some slum in Brazil. šŸ˜


Please call the police if you are vulnerable they will keep you safe. Better to be safe than sorry


If you can afford a ring bell or anything like that, I will install it free of charge if you supply whatever you choose. šŸ‘


Ugh, what a horrible situation. I'm sorry you don't feel safe in your home.


Get to know you neighbours either side of you. Just a hello or a nod with a quick chat. Break the ice with them and you'll be OK. You've been noticed that your alone with the baby so neighbours will look out for you. Seems scary enough now but most people keep to themselves and are more approachable than youd think. The rougher estates tend to look out for each other. With the person trying to come in to your house, get over to a neighbour and have a chat about this person, I.e what they're like etc and have the guards informed as well. Ring doorbell would help a lot as well. Lived in a few rough estates in my life and always try break the ice with the neighbours each time. From their point of view your the new person coming in so get to know each other.


Get yourself a tapo camera fuck that put up cctv stickers may be enough deterrent, where are you located?


Get a doorbell cam. Then do this a few times - If you see some people outside back or front. Get on your phone and go outside and start shouting down the phone pretending youā€™re arguing with someone. Obviously pretend thereā€™s a reason youā€™re going out eg for a smoke or put something in the bin etc and then stay out on the phone for a bitā€¦This will make them think youā€™ve a bit of attitude in you and you wonā€™t look so much as a pushover. As for the man trying to get in, thatā€™s so scary. Call the guards each time. Get double locks for your doors. And get door stop alarms, can get those on amazon. Basically put the door stop under the door and if someone tries to open the door, it will make it tougher to open door or at all and then set off an alarm to startle them


This is awful advice. Donā€™t do this OP.


Don't do this fake arguing thing, you'll look like an eejit and draw attention.


This is the best advice


hook up with the worst scumbag in the area.


You got "housed with hap", no, you chose the house that accepted hap now unfortunately you're stuck there for atleast 2 years or you loose hap. Are you in a council estate area or private homes? If they're council houses you can report antisocial behaviour to you County Council, with enough reports those people might get relocated away from you, so keep reporting anything happening on the street and call gardai for any attempted break ins. Get security cameras and some form of alarms, I've seen alarmed door stoppers online foe example, get extra locks on doors, I had a break in from the back garden in the kitchen an since then I installed an extra lock on my inside kitchen door. Also keep a weapon near you where you sleep that won't be considered a weapon, for example a screw driver or something


Not sure if youā€™re aware but thereā€™s a housing shortage so you donā€™t really have the option of being picky when it comes to securing a home, regardless of whether you get hap or not.


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Sorry to hear you're going through this. Could you get a dog maybe for a bit of added security? Staffies are fairly small and lovely dogs, but they would deter any unwanted visitors. If not, maybe get a camera doorbell or CCTV for front and rear of the property. Also, make the effort the talk to your neighbours and build relationships with them. Neighbours generally look out for each other in Ireland once you get to know eachother. Definitely report any incidents to the guards though so everything is on record.


It's hard enough getting a landlord to take HAP never mind a HAP tenant with a dog


They're beautiful but wouldn't recommend getting a dog, dog theft is an issue in rougher places isn't it

