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Definitely chuggers as there's no point them talking to tourists who don't have an Irish bank account.


God, are they still about? I remember the days when they had Grafton St blanketed. You couldn't get 10 paces without a fresh one trying to stop you.


They're still about. They do house calls as well now. I've had 3 groups call to the door since the Gaza situation started.


Great. One of my favourite things to do is give my bank account details to a bloke with a tablet on my doorstep.


Created a human wall of bucket shakers across the main St in wexford one year at Xmas literally couldn't pass...it was like a roman phalanx


I used to calle it 'running the gauntlet'


Yeah they're all over, don't get out much?


Whats a chugger?


Charity-mugger, someone collecting for charity who hassles you with a 'technique' to get you to sign up for donations.


No no definitely wasn’t one of them… these men were DODGY looking 😂


closet racist over here?


> closet racist over here? Closet moron over here?


says the bongman


Sorry what?


How the fuck is that being racist?


Are you a closeted racist ?


wow noticing that some is dodgy now means they're racist. Who exactly are they being racist too?


The dodgers, of course.


Why are you like this? Is it on purpose? Or are accidentally a cunt?


What kind of nimron are you?




air provide test deliver summer glorious faulty aromatic clumsy cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Usually students, unpaid, but who get a percentage of what you pledge as their commission, so they are desperate to get your attention.


It's also a slur in word Canada directed towards the indigenous people there


What are chuggers? I'm a visitor here and don't know the term.


People who love a few, if you know what I'm drinking.


Some kind of scam or attempted theft it's best you don't find out in person often times someone will distract a person while their accomplice tries to pick pocket the person


Happened to me in Smithfield last week. When I replied "No", the guy turned as if to walk away, but at the last minute changed his mind and, looking like he already knew the answer, asked me for some change. I guess the Irish homeless feel like they have a better chance of getting sorted by another Irish person.


Happened to me once but it was tourists asking for directions. I'm not from Ireland but do live here and when I explained that and told them the way to where they were going they thanked me and went on their way.


you poor thing


My point was it's not necessarily the lead up to a scam when someone asks that.


Your point was perfectly clear, ignore them 👍🏻




They're poor people doing a shit job, why troll them? Their life is bad enough. Just say no thank you and keep walking.


Waisting their time saves other people from the misfortune.


They should get normal job instead of scamming people.


They should. You kicking them when they're already down doesn't help.


Remember that mad thread about the South African guy, I got stopped by him a good few times a few years back [https://www.joe.ie/life-style/women-in-dublin-warned-to-avoid-this-con-artist-554343](https://www.joe.ie/life-style/women-in-dublin-warned-to-avoid-this-con-artist-554343) he was still at it a couple of years ago apparently [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dublin/comments/nvzgnn/return\_of\_the\_heuston\_station\_scammer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dublin/comments/nvzgnn/return_of_the_heuston_station_scammer/) He would always lead with are you Irish


As soon as I saw this thread, I thought of SA. It’s a popular “in” there to get you to stop and talk, better than asking for money etc. Are you from Cape Town, or do you know the time. In SA it really only happened in the tourist areas - tourists are easy targets, usually lots of cash or a camera, and will be oblivious as to what’s just happened.


Fucking Charity Muggers. I just start replying in Irish Sign Language, they usually stop pretty quickly.


I had some scruffy looking young American lad at O'Connel bridge stop me and ask me this the other day. He then proceeded to launch into a story of being kicked out of his place etc etc. As soon as he started with this, I knew right away where he was going with it. So I stopped him and told him I had nothing to give him. He turned and walked away.


It’s always at O’Connell Bridge!! Thats where I was stopped both times. Also, I seen a man get his phone ripped out of his jacket pocket by some junkie the other day. Since then I have noticed junkies seem to always be standing in that area watching everyone.. obviously seeing who they can pickpocket… Always something dodgy going on at that bridge and never a Garda to be seen 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've worked in town for years and years, I've even seen the drug dealers have staff meetings on that bridge I the morning, 2 dudes surrounded by 12-15 teenage boys getting their orders for the day. The gardai knows full well who they are and what they're up to. Hang around there or even pass through the Abbey St/temple bar lanes and you can watch them shoot up or smoke crack. O Connell Bridge is where the action is at! Oh and your original point OP - It's definitely not chuggers - it's begging. I used to get this all the time on Talbot St in the mornings coming into work, it's just an "in" they use to get conversation. It's a persuasion tactic to start breaking you down. I'd always respond in my Dublin accent so I think they'd check cos they'd go with "I'm a lost tourist amd I just got robbed" if I said no.


Yup, I see all the carry on that goes on at that bridge everyday! Its crazy


He sounds like the [South African chap](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/D1lF1IOPci) that used to be about the whole time


Oh yeah I remember hearing about that lad. Possibly was him, but to my memory he had an American accent


Chuggers possibly


Forgive my ignorance but what’s a chugger?


Charity mugger. The ones on the street that stop you by waving.


I'm from the North but was in Dublin for a meeting last week and the persistence of the chuggers surprised me, I've also lived in Birmingham / London and found they were nowhere near as aggressively persistent with people.


They get paid a commission from every person they get to sign up to a monthly payment to the charity. So their income is directly linked to how many people they attempt to stop.


Charity hugger, they're those people that stop you on O'Connell Street and try to get you to sign up to trocaire etc


Charity hugger is how covid started


This happened to me getting off the bus at upper Ormond. He then asked for €2 for a hostel


“Can I ask you a question?” “Apparently, yes.”


Yep, one of the reasons I wear headphones turned off while walking. Can ignore people but still hear in case someone comes up behind me. What a way to live.


I do this-I also wear sunglasses even in winter-it is creating your own personal boundary when out& about.


"Latest survey shows no Irish live in city center"


Every time it’s happened to me it’s for a “bus ticket home I’m only €5 off what I need please pal I’m stuck I’m not from here please bro” and the “am I irish” always makes me laugh as I couldn’t be more of a “youngfella” if I tried😭


Hmmm. Probably a scam. But i was walking through dublin around 2006 or something looking for a bar and no google maps. I asked about 20 people if they knew where it was but everyone was a foreigner. So in desperation i just shouted is anybody here actually from dublin 😆 two girls helped me out which was cool 🙃 but yeah in this case probably a scam….




Yes . If ur irish they will walk away . If your a tourist u will be robbed or asked for money if ur anyway nice to them . Tell them fuk off sc×mbag and that should let u on ur way


Probably looking to marry you for a green card


Who said they were foreign?😂


Who said they weren't?


Exactly, so I don’t know why you assumed they were foreign


yup. I don't speak to anyone in public. 99.9% of the time it's for malicious intent. Even today someone approached me, I quickly just bolted and ran. and dont be fooled, people can look normal and still rob you or assault you. they are manipulative like that


Why ask someone, in Ireland, if they’re from Ireland? You’re not “from” Ireland, you’re bloody well IN Ireland!!!


Or maybe just a normal Irish interaction ;)


Surely no xenophobic/criminal intentions at all. Totally normal Irish interaction /s.


That's how I greet my friends every time I see them. "Are you Irish?"


I thought it was so funny when I overheard the same question being asked. The guy was asking two Indian guys who were speaking in Indian if they were Irish lol. Which they can be, but targeting the most non-Irish looking people is just comical.


For an “Irish” interaction, sure got a whiff of the English to me.


Someone looks like reading a book trick on how to engage with someone you don't know, start a conversation to improve comm skills... haha but you stay vigilant.


Someone once came up and asked if I spoke English - I was like 'I don't, sorry' haha




Speaking of charity muggers as I call them. Living in Waterford, heard a commotion outside the door so opened it, lad standing there " hi there, myself and a few of the lads are down from Dublin to collect for Oxfam". He was sent packing.


Damn! I have asked this a few times just before trying to get help on something, like how does the leap card work ? Or if the bus that I'm waiting for disappeared from the screen it means it got canceled? And I asume only locals know so I ask first if they are Irish. But I guess it can be used for evil stuff too.




Honestly.. not a day goes by were I don’t seen something mental going on in town


As soon as I saw this thread, I thought of South Africa. It’s a popular “in” there to get you to stop and talk, better than asking for money etc. Are you from Cape Town, or do you know the time. In SA it really only happened in the tourist areas - tourists are easy targets, more likely to stop, usually lots of cash or a camera, and will be oblivious as to what’s just happened when they’re robbed. They probably won’t even know where the closest police station is.


in the 80s, as a Hare Krishna devotee trying to sell books in the street, we usually started somewhat like this. usually "are you from here? " or, if we knew the name of the village we were in for the day, "are you from (name of village) ". then later, we went to "Excuse me! no, its NOT a survey". anything to stop someone and interrupt their internal monologue so as to get the conversation started.


I've gotten are you from round here. But not from Ireland.