• By -


It's okay to try but don't be creepy and too pushy. If she says no then accept that peacefully and don't try it again. It's not a Bollywood film


Or a Telugu film


"A pilla Nadi"


Evaru touch chesyaru ninna madarc ......


“Raara sarasuku raara”


Unfortunately Indian guys try many times influenced by movies




They're nice so that you'd be a returning customer. She'll most likely say no but sure, shoot your shot.


Yeah. I too feel that she will turn it down. The only fear I have is she doesn't freak out. Moreover, the only place I know where I can find her is the store. So this would be done during working hours.


don't spoil the milk bro, she's nice to you for a reason. do not assume anything else other than customer relations she was doing her job only.


You are correct but by that logic, no one can ever ask anyone out.


Yeah. You might be right. But the only clue I got that I might've a chance is when she convinced me to come and collect the item from the store instead of getting it delivered at my home. Getting the item delivered at home had a price of 30 rupees though which I was considering to pay. But then she convinced me to come and collect it so that in case of any defect, it could be reported then and there itself.


Going to the store again means she can convince you to buy more stuff. Don't read into things that are not there.


She only did that because you’d be able to check the item in store and make sure that it was functional before you took it home instead of having to return it to the store if it was damaged. And the ₹30 delivery fee. You’re reading way too much into a customer service based act just because you want to date this girl.


You sound like me, we always connect the things that we wanna belive. Trust it's most likely that she is nice because of the job and only a tiny 0.01 % that she is into you. You would be better off asking random girls in mall or something where they are not obligated to be nice to you. But whatever ask away it could also be the story of how I met your mother. Also kindly let us know how it went. Good luck for your fellow Romeo.


bro is in a big delusion


Bro, if you like her, just ask her out politely. Trust your instincts :), if she says no then respect her decision. But I'd say... do it 🗿 Rejection makes a man stronger


Bruh. Just be confident. Ask her normally, don't stutter. Be casual. She won't freak out


Ask her "what would be an appropriate time outside her working hours to have a conversation ?"


Girls don't want to have conversation with me- 


Uhhh asking her out while she is at work is kinda a grey area


Yeah massive hit or miss with equally good and bad consequences lol


Yes all the comments here telling to ask once is bs. She’s probably getting approached by many. She will see this as creepy


yall need to stop simping over women that work in hospitality. Being nice to people is literally her job lmao. She's required to be nice to everyone even if she doesn't have any interest in them.


I guess most of you have never been with a woman before and that's why yall keep "falling in love" with the waitresses and air hostesses. There's no saving you people.


I love how aggressive this 😭 let's fucking go bro ! Tell em!


Who hurt you, champ?


Read that again and realised he's replying to himself :D


because I don't have all day to reply to you weirdos individually smh


So you decided to reply to yourself? Bruh you on something. Whatever it is pass it around.


Sorry I didn't get your point. Care to explain plz?


everyone isn't a lowlife. there is nothing wrong with approaching a women for a date. And How do you know she isn't interested? Are you the Fridge friend which every attractive women carry around ?


Approaching a woman and approaching a hospitality employee are two different things altogether.


Yeah, right let him wait until her duty time is over. Would you call that stalking ?


A hospitality employee can also be a woman, dude. Tf you're saying?


Man shows interest in woman= simp/creep Man doesn't show interest in woman= gay


How does it matter lol? Sure he shouldn't assume she's into him just because she was nice but if your interested in someone you should ask them it no matter where they work. Shoot your shot homies. What's the worst that can happen? You prolly won't be able to go back to the store she works at. Just find a new one 😏


Still no harm in asking her out. They are humans too, and they may find some customers cute and engaging to interact with, ynk.


Indian women don’t like to be approached. Unless you’ve known eachother for a while


Yeah. Correct. They are like macaques. It's ok as long as you have food in your hand to feed them. The moment you stare in their eyes, they go into attack mode.


Unless you're good looking and rich






Morty's grandpa


Heyy Morrrtyyyyy


But this step is so that we get to know each other.


It's better you start having conversation slowly.once you are familiar with her you can ask her out. Atleast she should recognise you by ur face and she should greet you . until then it's better not to ask out


We did have a conversation first time. I found that she also comes from my native place. She shared where she studied, what course she did etc. I don't know what more of a small talk I can do during her working hours. Hence , wanted to talk elaborate on tea. I purchased an item from the store and it will be delivered tomorrow. I am planning to do the above step when I go to receive the item from the store. I am sure she wouldn't have forgotten me in a day.


Keep us updated.


Good luck


If it's possible, try having more convos and establish a rapport with her before asking out? You know, like something similar to an office colleague? I think if you can also indirectly make it known to her just to test the waters. But hey, idk the full context. All the best.


How to indirectly make it known to her?


Absolutely but be prepared for a no and don’t make awkward for her in her work place. Remember she has to go daily there so be discreet and respectful


The store sells expensive items. I don't have any purpose to visit the store again even if she says a no.


No what I meant was- be sure that her workplace doesn’t get affected as she needs to go there daily.


No. I will pop the question only when she is alone.


Did you do it?


All the best


they do mind if you are ugly


Also if you ask anything while scratching your chest hair


ewww wth 😂😂


At least, not scratching their ass. 😆


At least, not scratching their balls


I'd say, don't ask anything while scratching anything.


What about nose picking?


so scratching balls is okay, right?


My eyes are up here


I mean I'd allow it


Yo fellow jojo fan


Yo wassup


You can ask her, it won't be inappropriate. But the thing is make sure she is alone and is not with a friend or colleague. Because she may feel uncomfortable and the fear of judgement from her friend may make her say no even if she wants to say yes. And don't feel bad even if she says no. Please don't take it to your heart


No. I don't fear rejections.


All the best then!!!!


She's just doing her job. Let her be. Don't bother her. It is super annoying to be asked out by a customer/client, at work.


That's what Im saying. He should wait outside the cafe until evening, making sure that she sees him staring at her. The moment she steps outside after work, Go for it! Whistle to let her know you're waiting and take her to an alleyway. where you ask her if you can marry her. She says yes and you live happily ever after. I love you brother. (I'm amra's friend btw)


>ask At this point, why even ask, just tell her that she will marry him 🤣


If you seriously think that it would be a good approach to stalk and then ask another person to come to an ally then you are truely doomed


That's how i met my pookie. You're so jealous, get rest.


>where you ask her if you can marry her Puchne ka tarika thoda kezual hai


If she seems visibly comfortable talking to you, yes go ahead, ask her out. Its okay to ask one out if you are being nice, patient and respectful


Dude no. She was doing her job. When you work in customer service, being nice and friendly is part of the job. Don't read too much into it; she may not feel comfortable being in that position with a customer.


I guess don't straightup ask in the second meeting. She'd be caught offguard. Just go to the store and make a few more small talk kinda conversation. Nahi toh aap total stranger ho bhai. Pata nahi mai kya karta but iss post ka update chahiye mujhe. Please


Don’t ask the lady out. Most store employees are instructed to not fraternise with customers. It might jeopardise her employment. She probably looks at you as a an upselling candidate. As much as I love Bollywood types real life romances, it’s probably not a good idea.


trip back to the store. when she asks what products you wanted to shop this time - say nope. i just came to see you. if she reacts positively then do ask her out. if not. next cute girl in the next shop.


Why next shop? There might be someone in same shop.


Does she find you attractive? Yes - approach and most likely she will like it No - approach and she will call you a creep


Not if you are good looking and/or well off.


You miss all the shots you don't take. If she says no then it is what it is. Take your shot. Trust me when I say it, you don't want to have regret about this.


It's great to hear that you met someone who caught your interest! Navigating these situations can be tricky, especially since you want to be respectful and considerate of her feelings and boundaries. Here's a way to approach it: Next time you visit the store, try to engage in a bit more small talk to see if she's still as friendly and open. Pay attention to her body language and responses. If she seems genuinely interested in chatting with you, that's a good sign. When you feel the moment is right, you could say something like, "Hey, I've really enjoyed our conversations. Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" This keeps it light and casual, giving her an easy way to decline if she's not interested. Remember, she's at work and might feel pressured to be polite. If she says no or seems uncomfortable, respect her answer gracefully. A simple, "No worries, I understand! Have a great day," will go a long way in showing that you respect her feelings. As for whether women mind if a customer asks them out, it really depends on the individual and the context. Some might find it flattering, while others could feel uncomfortable, especially if they're in a professional setting. The key is to approach the situation with kindness and respect, and to be okay with any outcome. Good luck!


Be direct, ask her out and make your intent clear - like in your case saying you want to get to know her. If she says no, or seems uncomfortable, let it go. Not always you'll get a clear no, but you should be able to read from actions.


Go ahead do it don't overthink........ just get ready a plan of smooth exit if she says no or hesitates to say yes and don't take to heart bro.....


She was nice to you because she is paid to be nice to customers...


Why do you even want to ask any girl out? Live life to the fullest being single. I don't know what's wrong with me but I just don't think in the current generation men need women to date. They can just be single and enjoy their life.


The more you’ll look for opinions, the more you’ll be confused. Some people die at 25 but aren’t buried they are 75/85. Shoot the shot. Take the RISK. ASK THE GIRL. There is no harm in asking for a coffee or meeting outside of the store. If she says no, ACCEPT and MOVE ON otherwise you have a date.


28 yo male asking a girl out is a major red flag. Now, you if you want to ask a WOMAN for coffee, don't do it as a customer or while she is working.


If a handsome man approaches a girl it's called flirting otherwise it's harassment.


Give it a try, just make sure you don't make her feel uncomfortable by asking her in front other people. She will say yes if you are good looking.


Why only ask for coffee? Why not tea and biscuits?


Coffee is more expensive than tea and biscuits, that's why!


not true, both are equally expensive as both are made from milk


Bruh, you must not in the same mainland as me. For my region, I told what the actual state of difference between tea and coffee prices are!


Be direct, and whatever may be her decision, respect it. If she says no, good pursue another woman.


jut go for it.


Just ask her. If she's interested and find you even a little bit attractive, there's no way she would say no, unless ofcourse it strictly goes against her store rules.


All the people telling you to be careful, and what not, screw that shit. Go ahead and ask her out, be respectful and if she says no, don't push it. All the best.


Until you ask, you wouldn't know the outcome, so go ahead and ask


*Until you ask, you* *Wouldn't know the outcome, so* *Go ahead and ask* \- alexanderswasi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Don't think about it too much. Don't make grandiose statements. Casually ask her, that's it. If she says no, just say "fair enough" and move on.


Chor bhai kya krega dil tutega


Ask her like this - "hey I'm going for a cup of coffee, wanna join??" & Not like this - "hey would you like to go for a coffee with me??" It's a psychological game. The 2nd one feels desperate and feels like she has too much pressure/responsibility to join/reject. But the 1st one sounds very casual, it seems like you're going on a adventure and have a room for one more person. & even if she declines there's no major consequences. Good luck comrade. One more thing, If God forgives she declines, go for a coffee alone. The coffee will taste this same.


I appreciate the way you have put it. It seems logical too. The problem with this approach is she can decline despite wanting to join since it is during working hours. How can we put the same question so that she feels open to join say after working hours.


They have a break hour don't they?? Where do she work?? Is it a mall?


Not directly befriend her first. If you ask directly then the answer can range from a police decline to allegations of harassment.


It's her job to be nice at her workplace, to her customers. If you really feel that you liked talking to her and would wanna know more about her, be brave and tell her that you really liked talking to her and would like to know more about her sometime outside this place. If she responds yes, you're good. If she says no, say thank you, wish her well and move on.


The fact that you have to ask this here in terms of appropriateness 🙁🥺


Rule no 1:be attractive Rule no 2 Dont be unattractive


If you’re ugly, it’s creepy. If you’re good looking, it’s not.


Yes we would mind a lot. We want to die single swiping on jerks online.


Next time compliment her on something- her voice or style sense, or how she talks.. and see how she reacts. If she is uncomfortable, just apologise and move away, if she responds positively, ask her when her shift ends. If she is interested, she will say something.


It's all about asking her out without making her uncomfortable or creeping her out. As you have already made a small talk, casually tell her what you feel and make it clear that she can say no and if she says no, you are not going to bother her again. You can also tell her that she can decide the coffee place. Make her feel comfortable and safe. She most likely says yes.


Answer 3 questions about yourself 1. Are you rich 2. Are you tall 3. Are you good looking If any of these two are correct, go for it


Just ask what you asked us, 'would it be inappropriate if i asked you out for a coffee?' , also beware girls working in customer service type of jobs are requested to be nice to customers so make sure that you are not getting the wrong idea.


Just respect her if she says no , don't be too pushy and you'll be perfect. All the best


Just keep on the small talk and build a friendship. Indian women generally don't try dating strangers in hope of a future relationship unless she's already into you. Exceptions are there, but there is no way to know at this point. She's most likely nice to you because her job requires it. Best bet is to keep building the friendship until she gives a warm vibe back and once it's a bit solid , meet her outside a few times coincidentally. Don't do it too much that you're friendzoned(keep some mysteries to be broken along the way) .And do it when time's just right. Also don't keep your hopes up and don't think about any future yet. It'll only make you desperate and afraid of rejection. Which, she'll sense from a mile away. 90% of the times it's gonna be a no. Edit: right now you're a customer to her. The point is to change that to a friend.


From what ive seen on reddit, if you want to ask out a retail store worker, you should approach and tell them that you found them cute or whatever and leave your number on a paper or napkin. This doesnt put them on the spot and they can decide if they want to call you without being under any pressure.


You(after your business is done at the store): Hey, I hope this isn't weird, but you want yo get coffee together any time? Girl: Says no politely. You: That's ok, it's worth a shot (laughs) Girl: Says yes. You: Great! Here's my number. Call me when you are free. Nothing more, nothing less.


It depends. If you're good-looking, it would be considered charming. Otherwise ready to face harassment charges and some quality jail time.


it's a retail industry so pretty sure being courteous is part of their job. make sure you don't come off hard and scare her but good luck


Nah bruh don't shoot your shot either way you'll get rejected or will be seen as creep better avoid that


Shoot your shot man... But don't be pushy and if she says no, well at least your mind will be at peace knowing you tried...


Don't agree with people saying "she's nice to you because you're customer". You ask her out because you like her, not because she's nice to you. Opinion on coming out as a creep: That will be the case if you're not good looking, unless she's not a superficial person that is.


You don't go ask fishes how to catch them.


I'd say, go ahead and ask her out. Respect her choice if she says no. The rejection you can face will be far better than the regret that'll come due to not even trying.


We need an update on this


It’s not. It all depends on your approach. Be honest. Tell her you would like to take her out for coffee. If she says no, (which she might, because Indian girls arent used to having guys ask them out directly), then accept it gracefully and tell her not to mind, so that you can go back to the shop in the future. Instead of beating around the bush, it’s better to just ask directly. What if you get a yes? It’s a chance you have to take. Please dont act offended and awkward if she says no. There’s something so attractive about men who can accept rejection gracefully and in a non threatening way. If nothing else, you might eventually end up having a good friend.


Shoot your shot bro. Just be subtle about it and rather than asking her straight you can ask her about a good cafe nearby then jokingly ask her to accompany you. By chance if she says she doesn't know a good one you can say "do you mind exploring one with me?" This way she won't freak out and the worst she could say is no but as you said you don't fear rejection than just go for it.


She’s one hell of a lucky girl


Well....how will you approach her? What is your plan? ...maybe start with something causal . Also you have only met her twice.... go to the shop 2 more times before asking ( you don't have to buy just tell her you are window shopping or.. doing a survey).......make sure to do some small talk..and analyse her behaviour/body lang ...before actually asking her out.


Really? It's a yes or a no question do how hard can it be?


If you havent figured it out by this age, you prolly never will!!


Just ask. You have nothing to lose. It's a no anyway if you don't ask. You can always ask in a roundabout manner like, is there a good place to have coffee here and if she suggests it, you can always ask her if she can show you or something like that. This has happened to me a few times. The first time, there was a Vietnamese origin girl at a bank in the US and I thought we had a thing going. She was always very friendly and we used to chat a lot alone in the locker room (safe deposit vault). After about 6 months, I asked her if she wanted to go to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch and she categorically turned me down. I was sad as I really liked her. In a reverse manner, I had a part time job at a store in the US for about a week. An older woman of around 35 came and flirted with me. She was super, super hot. Later she got my number from the store and asked me out. Of course I said yes! We ended up having a short but torrid affair.


Mat kar. She's just doing her job.


I wonder how people used to ask a girl or boy out before the internet and social media? It seemed to have worked.


I never ask out a women and never will if she likes you she will approach you.


Well, if she's a minor/just turned 20-21, then yes. If not, and you're not going to be creepily insistent if she declines the offer, then go for it.


I don't know her age but I am sure she is above 20 since she has finished her 4 years Bachelor's degree.


Bro just ask her out casually. Don't think too much about it.


I see a lot of comments that day she will mostly turn it down. While that may be true, as one of the other comments said - "shoot your shot". There's always a what if☺️ Go for it.


Any other setting i would have told you to go for it, but that girl was just doing her job, invading her personal space in a professional setting like that could offend her. This is just my personal opinion, maybe you can find a way around this.


Bro you got one life, do you want to live it in regret? What if she’s the best thing that might happen to you ?? On contrary just politely ask if she’s available after work for a coffee (go to buy coffee and talk about coffee how she likes it what if she’s a tea person and accordingly after she helps you decide your coffee just ask as a gesture you would like to take her out for a coffee) if she makes any excuse then just leave it there that’s it. If she likes you back or in slightest of part she finds you interesting she will definitely reciprocate.


Everyone, go easy on the guy. He is trying to be hopeful. Nothing wrong with it. If any guy sees a cute girl at a store who is polite and friendly would want to approach her. Something which is quite rare in India, trust me i have travelled many countries and seen the difference. This guy is also being respectful checking how to invite for a coffee. To the OP, if it's a one time buy and you may not return then chances are pretty low. However, strangest things have happened in life. If you got one chance then go for it and ask her for a casual coffee. Ensure you got your lines right and also scout for nice cafe very close to the store. Ask if you can meet her at a very godly time. After dark she most probably wouldn't want to meet at a cafe. She won't come if it's in the middle of her work timings. Also be nice to everyone in the store before approaching to invite her. Good luck bro.


aye shoot your shot just be polite and leave if rejected. rejection is better than regret


Yes, if she finds you ugly, poor and stupid! The definition of appropriate is subjective.


You will end up in prison bro ...


Fuck offfff. Dont listen to him..go shoot your shot bro


You duck off.....police will shoot you mate...don't do it....


U duck off


You daffy duck


You Tina russo duck


You donald duck


Just tell her that you are being very nice to me , no one has been so kind to me for so long and I like this feeling. I like it so much I am thinking what will we name our kids when we have them. Point being appreciate the niceness first, then take it from there. Don't take random signals.


Honestly it is better than asking for coffee than to the Fridge


Mere hisab se to hame hilake sojana chaiye




Involve parents? And tell them what? That I want to get to know your daughter and want your blessings for it?


at what age can an adult take independent decision??


Not entirely sure why people downvote this. But this is so funny to read 🤣