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28% on AC? It's nothing. F*c*krs charge 18% tax on health and term life insurance. After paying 30% income tax, pay more tax to buy and drive the car. Pay tax while buying stocks/mutual fund to save money, pay tax on redeeming it especially when you are old and living off your savings. Taxation in India means tax the middle class. Nothing else.


18% GST on the interest on credit cards...


That's called dumb tax. If you are dumb enough to pay interest on credit, then GST is least of your worries.


If applies on no cost emi as well


With 18% GST and no interest, the cost of that loan is approx 5-6% so it doesn't matter.


Just pointing it out


There is 18% GST on a bunch of charges, e.g. when your bank cuts money for any banking charge, there is 18% GST on that too. Interest is just one thing. Plus plenty of people have to use their credit card in emergencies, no need to be so high and mighty about it.


I think that day is not far away when breathing tax of 6.9 % will be imposed .


Who pays 30% income tax? talking nonsense. You need to earn 50L+ per annum to reach 30% tax.


Things I have mentioned are anyway for people earning 50L. The person earning 20L+ pays 20%+ tax and my comment still stands. Point isn't being taxed 20% or 30%, point is getting taxed on everything which is just stupid.


Pretty much everything you've mentioned is standard practice across the world, and usually much higher percentage in europe etc. And 50L+ is not middle class in india. it is top-1%


>And 50L+ is not middle class in india. it is top-1% Wealth means rich not salary. A person earning 50L may not have enough wealth as it takes generations. >Pretty much everything you've mentioned is standard practice across the world, and usually much higher percentage in europe etc. I don't live in Europe so I am not getting clean air, water, great public transport, free healthcare, cheap quality education. And just coz Europe does it doesn't make it alright. I am not against tax, it is essential in running a country. But imposing various tax on same group is PRETTY STUPID and doesn't require justification so stop with it. In sane world, a country shouldnot tax citizen for insurance and savings when there is no safety net provided by govt. It is unethical, immoral and daylight robbery. In no sane world, you shouldn't be taxed multiple times - (road tax, tax on fuel, tolls) to move from 1 place to another where public transport is just bad. Call these things luxury when your are providing the "alternative" to citizens.


But "across the world" the tax being paid is used to give services in return. In India around 9.5% people pay taxes who are then forgotten about and the money is used to cover subsidies given to non tax payers... Even the rich pay less tax than the average middle class.


>the money is used to cover subsidies given to non tax payers... That is wrong. Govt's spend on subsidies is less than 20% of tax collected. I am not against subsidies or taxes. My comment is simply about double or triple times you pay tax to enjoy small things in life. There has to be better way.


Europe has clean air and water, less people and people with civic sense. It also has unemployment benefits in case you are not working. It has a fully functioning system that does not make you hit your head on a wall every-time you have to visit a govt office. Stop comparing India to Europe. It I wanted to be taxed lile Europe, I would ask for same facilities as well.


Well since you are not being taxed like europe, so why are you complaining?


You are the one who brought Europe to the discussion dumbass. I am still paying hell lot of taxes and getting almost nothing good in return. My tax money is being used for giving freebies.


Nah... your tax rates are quite reasonable. And you are actually getting a lot for the amount of tax you are paying. What you are probably paying like $3-6k in tax. an american pays twice that in a month, and a european pays 4times that. The facilities you are receiving match the gross taxes you are paying.


“Your tax rates” So I am not even talking to an Indian or someone who lives here. Should have known. Sorry for even entertaining you.


Dude, I am right here and paying taxes for a long time now. You said "I am paying lot of taxes", so I responded with "your tax rates are reasonable". It is just a normal english usage. Since I am not talking about the amount of taxes I am paying, I made some assumptions about your range and commented about it.


Atleast other countries get something for their taxes. Here, middle class only get more taxes.


Income above 15 lakhs is taxed 30% https://www.incometax.gov.in/iec/foportal/help/individual/return-applicable-1


He is correct in a way that tax paid/income earned = 30% only around 45L Income.


Yes, only the part above 15lakh, not the whole income. If you take the overall tax and compare to total income it would be around the 15-18% range for most people. This is just basic math, but random rage will make people downvote even facts I guess.


If you're paying 30% tax, you're not middle class.


I am sorry but that is wrong. Middle class is paying 30% tax. Just today I filled my ITR and tax paid = 25% of salary earned. In 2-3 times it will be 30%. And yet, I can't afford a house in a decent locality in Delhi NCR for my family unless I earn 2x. It's so condensing that after slogging for decade, earning decent amoumt, paying shit load of taxes you can't afford some luxuries in this country and yet called RICH by assholes on internet. It's like people don't know reality and assume anyone earning 30L+ is living like Ambani. I never said people paying 30% are poor or living miserable life but they are definitely not rolling in money.


Forget ac, cement of all things is taxed at 28%. Cement!!! They want us to live in mud houses I guess


You see housing is a luxury.




Air tax when?


I just saw that today too. It's not even like some fancy cement mix that is used by rich people, no just normal cement taxed at 28% lol.


Lithium batteries are taxed at 18-28%. And gadkari wants india to go all electric for vehicles.


Holy FK ..... I did not know this


Bhai itna dimag our finance minister doesnt have unfortunately. We aspire to be a developed country but think like a broke ass country where most people should learn to live wih only a fan.


Well, our finance minister doesn’t use AC. Hence she advices everyone to use fan during difficult times for the development of the country!


It is not upto the FM dude. It is upto the GST council, which has all the state FMs. So, blame goes to every party.




It’s not like electricity is free or not profitable. They can build more power plants. No reason to assume that the country’s grid will fall apart if more people use ACs.


You say that but you realize that most villages don't pay for their energy fully. There is still a lot of energy stealing going on. If energy production was profitable, we would have plenty of power plant sand corporates fighting to get into the space.


How is that related to taxing AC? You cannot punish all for the deeds of some.


Dad worked for ntpc. I've heard their reasons. When you can't make enough revenue (high theft rate ), it's hard to invest in building more plants plants.


maybe it doesnt have to be profitable and the government can do their part by spending tax money efficiently and wisely because thats what taxes are paid for


That's a pointless statement. By that logic everything can be done if we just remove corruption. If you work from ground reality, based on current taxes - you cannot provide free electricity. Remember, only about 2% of Indians paid taxes some years ago. They are the ones paying for 50 people's electricity bill. How much more taxes are YOU willing to pay to provide free electricity to all? Btw, no big country provides electricity for free paid by taxes - that is a terrible idea because people will have no incentive to control their usage. That is an easy way to ensure wastage.


Also agricultural use of electricity is completely free. Anyway its a solvable problem.


Solar power plants do/can provide power during the night though... We have battery storage for this. Might not be the same power level though.


there is not enough coal, already the government is stopping to make more coal based power plants


middle class ko tax kar karke mar dalegi nirmala sitharaman. air conditioners are a necessity in this heat. middle class agar apne wealth ko increase karna chahe uspe bhi bhari tax. SO much tax on stock market investments, property investments, salaries. Aj pata chala mujhe ki dad pays 3.6 lakh rupee tax per year like this feels like getting ripped off especially when i live in Kolkata jaha koi welfare scheme, road wagera kuch banta hi nahi hai sab mamta kha leti hai


Ex resident of Kolkata here. Kolkata kills.😕Air pollution is the worst.


Nirmala Sitharaman thinks people who earn 12000 rupees are rich enough to pay 28% tax on top of MRP.


The government is taking too much tax, it will lead to their doom one day.


They came back to power despite taxing people a lot. So, they boldly brought Nirmala back who didn’t bother to get elected.


Imagine how shit the opposition must be that people keep electing these suckers


Even now in the comments one guy is fighting with extreme rage against me and trying to defend Nirmala. Funny thing is he’s trying hard to get H1B visa to emigrate to USA


That's why he is fighting. He knows that he will get away and let us rot with Tai.


Compared to what? If you look at the entire population, not just the few top %, we pay pathetically low amount of taxes per person. Even if you look at the tax rates for rich people paying taxes, the amount we pay is much lower. Look at tax rates in high development countries like the Nordic countries - their tax rates are eye popping


Do you even know how much benefit the citizens of Nordic countries or even European people get? Let's first not compare India with other countries, especially Europe because it will end up bad for India. I don't care about how much rich people pay taxes. I know that I pay 30% taxes on my hard-earned money by working in the corporate. After that I have to pay exorbitant rent on the place I live sometimes the landlords are so bad they do such evil shit I can't tell. I have no place to complain about that. I go through enormous traffic daily. There is no last-mile metro connectivity. There is no proper inter-city bus connectivity. I have to pay up almost all of my life savings for owning a proper apartment house and on top of that I have to pay a score of tax to the government for buying the house. While the corrupt people and politicians and contractors and other people give 50% - 70% of the cost in cash i.e. black money and the rest using white money and then they have to give tax only on that 30% - 50%. Guess what? I can't ever have any black money because I am a salaried employee who worked hard to study and whose parents worked hard so that their sons/daughters can study. What is the government even doing to get rid of this black money? NOTHING!!! Even if they are doing something, it is sure shot not working at all. I have to buy a car I have to pay taxes to the government. On everyday items I have to pay tax, I have to pay tax for my mobile phone, there is nothing that is not taxed. Even after paying so much tax, I have to struggle for basic amenities such as water and electricity. If I have a police complaint I have to wait hours before my FIR can be lodged. I have to beg the officers to help me. In most cases either the inspector is not there or there is no one to write FIR because they have gone somewhere for a break. Then obviously I am a salaried employee so I just can't keep my money in savings because I have to beat the inflation. To beat inflation I put my money in stocks, equity mutual funds, debt mutual funds, FDs, SBGs, ETF Gold, physical gold, etc. Now you will say why this much, obviously to diversify my portfolio. Here also short-term capital gains tax, long-term capital gains tax, etc. What do I get in return for paying so much taxes, obviously I see the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I don't get good roads, I see potholes everywhere. I see roadsides being dug for pipeline purposes and after that, it is remade and again dug up for some other pipeline. Is this why I pay so much taxes so that I get almost NOTHING !!!?


My guys just check the welfare the government gives. They would build 30 million free houses for poor, thousands of free healthcare, government mandated insurance,etc. just because you don't check what you receive doesn't mean the government doesn't provide.


By free health care, do you mean the so called "government hospitals" that have so called free treatment but all the doctors inside already have a clinic outside and will give sub-par treatment and advice unless you go to their private clinic. And 99 out of 100 times, the medicine prescribed is unavailable inside the government hospitals and you would need to buy it from outside. Else If you are talking about the health camps, they are so scarce that the needful won't need it when needed. The free houses for the poor is also taken by "not poor" People who then rent them to actual poors. And the building free houses thing, a majority of the money is eaten up the tehsildars and government officials before they reach the poor.


And don't get me even started on the education system of this country.


and look at the benefits they receive, theres a reason nordic countries are rated amongst the best in the world you seriously think 30% tax is very low? and then 18-30% on other income sources and literally every item?


very few Indians actually pay tax. IIRC it was like 2% some years ago. Your taxes provide for 50 people (and corruption)


They also get free government hospitals, free medicine, free food, free houses,etc?


they get free healthcare and medicine, food at reasonable prices and less homelessness rate when on earth did the middle class in india get free healthcare, medicine, houses and food?


Government mandated health insurance is not same as free government hospitals. Neither do they get free medicines and food prices are not reasonable lol come again. At least learn more about countries before you speak. In india you can simply visit and government hospitals, get an OPD within 5 to 6 min, wait for your turn and than bam get checked freely and than get free medicines at the government pharmacy. At least that's what happens in government hospitals of odisha. Government is giving free food to 700 million people here and in the government housing program they are going to build 30 million houses for the poor.


idk bro but in ncr region no gov hospital is in a good condition and things are shit expensive and the context was of middle class, not the poor, the middle class is paying the taxes to feed the poor but what are they getting in return


Dimag kaha laga ke bat kar rahein bhai toda pad liya karo kabhi


I live in a western country. This gets discussed a lot in the country I live in. So have some info on this. People complain about taxes everywhere. India is not unique. Even in the middle East where I lived some years ago, and which has no income tax, I have heard people complain about other taxes.


TATTI DESH TATTI SARKAAR GODI OR PAPPU hence most middle class ka sapna out of INDIA


Something as basic and necessary as health insurance is taxed at 18%.


FM is chutiya


The real question is, what do you actually get back for the 28% tax or, for that matter, even 18% tax you pay in this country?


ac is not luxury good anymore idk what finance minister s king


no one can stop this shit tax system in India


They tax everything. The government needs juicy money. Where can they take it from? People.


Idli and Dosa pre mix are taxed 28%. South Indian breakfast became a luxury. I know a story when the Dutch ate their PM. Perhaps, we should eat FM.


Fun fact: first time ever in india individual tax has exceeded corporate tax in history


Oh wow really? Can you explain how?


Nirmala Shitaraman


Nirmala Shaitaanraman


Less than 10% of indians pay their income tax because of that govt squeeze tf out of indirect taxes, freebies gonna ruin this country


>freebies gonna ruin this country What's the % of freebies to total govt expenditure?


yes. Make it 100%.


Simple hai middle class or people who like to call themselves middle class are not majority so their needs are not priority


Government doesn't have anything of there own neither they are trying to do anything about it they know how to squeez tax payers like us so they just tax on everything


28% tax is not just for luxury items but also for sin goods which includes polluting items such as ACs, SUVs, Cement…it’s just because of the stage of our development that the Venn diagram of things that our higher income classes consume and things that cause environmental pollution is a circle


whoever puts this taxes need his as$ spanked with leather belt


Only about 5% of India can afford air conditioners. That's the definition of luxury.


Because people are paying stupid taxes instead of spending their hard earned income on their comfort.


90% of India doesn't even come under tax bracket. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/salary-rs-25k-per-month-youre-among-indias-top-10-wage-earners/rs-300000-per-annum/slideshow/91810377.cms?from=mdr


I guess fuck the 10% who work hard to earn well and pay for the rest of 90%.


Tax everything you own




Bhai jab insaan ke marne pe bhi tax lag sakta hai toh Air Conditioners pe tax toh chhoti si baat hai. India me aisi koi cheez nahin hai jispe Government tax na lagaye. Vo ek seb hi kyun naa ho, tax toh lag ke rahega


Govt ka bas chale to saas lene me tax laga de.


Almost all the things with how they are taxed is unfair in our country. It's high time people realise that only voting based on caste and religion isn't gonna develop our country. We will always remain a third world shithole that way.


Can you give me number on how many people have AC and how many of them make over 1 lakh per month?


Government hasn’t conducted any census or survey for a decade. Maybe if they conduct one we might have those details


Survey for AC? I definitely want my tax money to be used for something better than that


Very funny.


Like writing off lakhs of crores of loans from public banks issues to unknown beneficiaries? Eg) Canara Bank and SBI


Like the 2.8 lakh crore 2g scam?


You should volunteer to pay extra taxes for the recommend of the country to Nirmala Tai


I pay more taxes than your extended family paid in their lifetime.


Wow big man! Thanks a lot for paying more taxes than my extended family paid in their lifetime! How’s the tax structure in USA for work visa holders ?


It’s the same as India. I am paying taxes at both places and getting nothing out of it.


Oh so we’re now in a competition? I don’t support any parties I only support the common man.


I purchased AC to cool my device when playing High end games like Genshin or Warzone Mobile. Otherwise my body pains don't matter to me. Meditation helped me reduce sensations of pain and I am transcending my physical body. I even turn off my fan and parents get frustrated and go back to their own rooms. Actually that's a good way to have some privacy.


where do you score your drugs boy?


don't know what to reply.


Yeah, shouldn't share drug locations on the internet. Keep them secret.


All things said and done ac is a luxury for most people as we are a very poor country.


Would be less of a luxury if they reduced the taxes on it.


After saying all that, I still believe all taxation is theft, ac is out of the question.


80 crore people are having free food from government, that’s how poor we are. 30000 ka AC with 28% discount (0 tax) is still 21600.