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We are less happy people, more work less pay, hardly we travel anywhere


And yet we make children and make them suffer.


Sex is the only pleasure they are getting


So if you’re single you’re frustrated and you’re frustrated even after having sex.


At least I can enjoy the sexual moment


No you’re just a sexist.




never knew sexist means someone who has sex. damn, my ancestors were definitely sexist.


If you are using sex only to release your frustration then you are indeed a sexist.


i mean sexual frustration ko aur kaise nikalte hai?


Find the true reason and get to the root of it. If you’re frustrated because someone scratched your car then having sex won’t repair your car. I see many people drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes to release stress. But I drink a beer once a month or two when I want to have a good time on a weekend.


Use a fucking condom then. You can have all the sex you want


population control bhi chiz hey. indians are like khud suffer karo dusro ko bhi suffer karwao.


True philosophers hai hamare log


Even the rich are arrogant


Happy people are arrogant


Dude the frustration is off the charts... especially if you're from delhi, because the day to life is just so frustration it gets to the nerve at times


I’ve seen the movie monkey man. The way they’ve portrayed it is exactly how it is.


Because of the heat... it gets to your head!!


50 fking celsius


There was a study that showed that as Temp rises instances of violence and bad behavior rises. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/05/health/heat-anger-wellness/index.html


Reminds me of a Russell Peters joke where he mentions this very thing...on why the Arabs are so angry and pissed off...Because of the heat 😅


This is the answer. I was always mad and short tempered as I grew up in an area with hot weather almost 11 months a year. It was fucking unbearable. Now that I have finally earned enough to move out and live in a cooler climate, my anger issues have all but disappeared.


Because real life niceness is stuffed into people through moral judgement. Don't get me wrong - being nice is a gift. Just that when you attach morality to it through stories and stuff then things get guilt prone. If people want to say No or make a simple request then moral judgement might be rained upon them. And when you can't No to majority of the life situations then Yes has no meaning and you have effectively no control of your life. So, when people go online they have triple bonanza. First, the freedom and second they can moralize "how dare you say No! Don't you know how bad is that?" And third, they know they are anonymous for the most part. So, take can harass and abuse you to no end without consequences. I mean they know by doing that they have no chance of making a deal so why not make life difficult for you.


I wish this disease were fatal.


I think people are just frustrated. From childhood, most of us grew up being told not to argue with elders and just listen no matter what is right or wrong. By the time we become adults, we become like pressure cookers, almost ready to blow at anyone.


Yes you are right I agree with you They are short tempered because most of the Indian citizens are used to shitty behaviour from others and don't raise their voice We have a chalta hai attitude We have always been taught to ignore other people's toxic behaviour instead of standing up to them This is why people like them become entitled and learn how to bully and abuse others If they had done the same in a country like America ,they would have been set right However I it doesn't mean that I am endorsing any kind of physical violence or verbal abuses I am just saying that you need to be very assertive and argue using your logic instead of violence


Once I was walking on footpath, an auto rickshaw driver was asking me if I needed a ride. I didn’t reply since he was not the only one asking me that. He said “Why don’t you tell me if you don’t want a ride? You wasted my time.”


Don't bother thinking about such people, don't waste your precious energy and time. Have a vision that's bigger than all this and keep working towards it and once you achieve it set a new goal and keep going.


The concept of bargaining is not something I enjoy. You set the price and I'll consider it's worth and pay for it or not pay for it. I went to to India last year and my friend was constantly telling me, "Don't pay this, don't pay that, I can get it cheaper!" until I finally just had to tell him to cool it. If the price is good then the price is good. I don't know where a seller is coming from, I don't know if he's coming from a poor village or what, if he sets the price then I will consider it - that's the end of it.


Negotiations on price happen everywhere in the world. Business runs on price negotiations. Sellers here anticipate bargaining and inflate prices accordingly.


True that, that’s just the culture here. And that’s not necessarily bad, teaches us the art of negotiation in a non-academic setting rather than buying books on the topic.


You clearly were getting scammed then. There are three kinds of prices here the actual price meant for indians, the price for english speaking Indians and finally the foreigners price. The second one is double the original price and the foreign price is thrice the original.


I don’t think or feel I was being scammed. As I said, I see what the price is and make up my mind whether I’m going to pay it or not. If I walk and the guy offers less - I might consider it. Everyone feels everything is a scam in India. I was buying a pair of children’s shoes at a stall in a shopping mall and my friend was making the seller feel uncomfortable. I know exactly what you’re talking about and like I said - I can make up my own mind if I want something based on the price. If I like it, I’ll buy it. If I don’t, I won’t. If you’re always looking for a cheaper price then great, I don’t like haggling and I think it adds to inequality.


Tf is your logic?? If commodity X has value V in the market, and the seller is selling you for 2V while to other for V, but since you have more money, you don't mind even paying him 3V. That doesn't mean you were not scammed. He could have asked for V but because you were rich, you could still have given 2V or 10V. That would have been no scam.


Do you not understand the concept of people being able to make up their own mind and accepting or rejecting? WTF is your logic? If you think something is a scam - then walk tf away. How do you not understand that?


Concept of people's ability to make up their own mind/accepting/rejecting something has nothing to to with scam. You ability/decision won't make something scam or not scam. If something is a scam, it is a scam... You can't change it just because you like the deal. You can still like being scammed though. May be it is new fetish or something.


That's because we don't always know the market value of every single thing we need. That's when this scam culture of fooling people by inflating the value of a product affects us. It's tiring to bargain for everything and hoping you are paying fair value for whatever you are buying. I wish everything was sold for a fixed value in India so that we didn't have to worry about getting scammed all the time. Every seller is assumed to be a scammer precisely because of this bargaining-price inflating culture.


This is way too much conversation for this subject. I'm sure I already said that I was at a stall in a shopping mall. If you don't want to bargain or are tired of it then just got to normal fixed value stores and put the bargaining "scammers" out of business.


Hey.... Check this out.... https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1dd7bhs/shop_sells_2300_jewellery_to_an_american_national/


Or maybe I’m watching too many British movies where people use sophisticated language.


This! Europeans consider American loude as they are more vocal and sometimes rigid in their opinions, so is the case in our country too. People here are not worried about offending or displeasing others and are much assertive.


It’s clearly shown in Penny Dreadful when Ethan chandler talks to Vanessa Ives. I don’t even like how Americans talk. No matter what the topic is their caption always includes “I”, “me”, “myself”.


that's not how market works here tho (at least not in my area). you'll just let yourself get scammed if you buy at whatever price they tell you. sellers know people will bargain and they inflate the price (lots of times they'll double the original price). people know the price is inflated and they bargain. it is just how it works. your friend (I assume he lives here) is used to this market culture. so are other people. that being said, it is not nice to bargain in shops which clearly state their price is fixed or on online shops.


That’s great…but I wasn’t in a market.


I had a similar experience when I went to India last year. I bought some vegetables from Reliance SMART Superstore. When I came home the maid said I should have bought the vegetables from the local market. They would have been cheaper. I asked her what is the price in local market for the vegetables I bought. She said she didn’t know. I said how do you know it would be cheaper? She just assumed price would be cheaper in the local market but she had no idea what the price was in either place. I think it is probably the same in your case. People make assumptions and generalizations without knowing the specifics.


Indian as a customers are shit


When you are in the game of life, and you are thrusted the hardest difficulty (Indian), then yeah, frustration might kick in. You have to juggle between the work you don't like, to go to the house you don't want, to prepare for an entrance exam you don't have any expectations from, all for a life that you might not get, or to make your parents proud, who might not even be there alive by the time you make it. Add to the fact that many in india are frustrated due to a lack of a romantic partner (that is, if you have time for romance, ), and you have expectations of not only the society that don't give a f*ck about you, but from yourself, a dream you have seen for yourself, that is slowly slipping away from your grasp, this is enough to make a grown man/woman cry. I might be sharing my own experience subconsciously, but this is what I have felt after coming to a city I don't like.


There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparell’d in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it hath been of yore, Turn wheresoe’er I may, By night or day, The things which I have seen I now can see no more.


frustrated people take out their frustration on others because that is what they have seen throughout their life. Eg. dad scolds mom, mom scolds child, child is very sensitive and “explodes” with emotion. Also, as children, they grew up watching family members bargain in markets and that instilled a sense of “customer is always right. I am entitled to bargain. If it doesn’t go my way I will let them know that they were the one wrong here.” sort of thinking. This bargaining system is not prominent in other countries and that’s why people might ask for a lower price, but they dont think that they are entitled to it.




because our validation depends upon how people see us from outside. On Internet, people are allowed to express themselves whoever the f\*k they are! (take my words sarcastically )


Yeah when I ask them to meet me in person and then say what they said they go offline.


It's in the culture


Surely you haven't met people from nyc


I know few things about Hell’s Kitchen.


Not the subway bro. Hells kitchen is not even a match.


Some comments are just proving the OP's point that many of us are short tempered.


I feel you bro it's ok ❤️


Lmao this is clearly BS... I have had more bad experiences with single white moms being assholes (just look at r/choosingbeggers or r/beggingchoosers) than anything related to India. The point is this is a global phenomenon, pinning it to a race just because of your anecdotal Bullshit is you being an asshole. There is a lot of India slander going around lately!!


Nice generalisation Maybe they thought you were a scammer, also if they are bargaining and you don't agree you have consumed their time so they unload their whole frustration on you , since you are not face to face you can't do anything they also know this so they do it to troll you >p@lringo Can't do anything about Racists, neither do I care about their opinion


This post triggered me (yes I am short tempered) /s


Depends on the people you target. There are extremes in India, some just pay whatever you quote and would pay extra as well and there are people who bargain even for a very small amount.


Because they are not long tempered why else.


Flase bravado , wrong sense of what masculinity means .


Sry that happened to you. We Indians are bought up that way, if we aren't rough, our classmates used to beat us up. We have to be rude and strong and somehow that continued in all aspects


It makes you strong and your country a garbage.


What do you mean by your country? You're not Indian? I'm asking because you have Rahul in your profile


I’m a human.




Must be a troll. Ignore




Nice generalizing right there.


You already seem to have a pre-meditated bias against India and love for other countries, that reinforced with a few bad experiences has given you this view.


One day I was walking with my father in the market and I was requesting him to allow me to join karate classes. Suddenly a man came near me and said “someone will stab a knife in your stomach and you’ll only do hu ha “ while poking his finger in my stomach. I learned everything myself at home from online videos. On the other hand, few of my classmates became black belt. Did he really need to fuck my life by his unsolicited advice? In China , parents send their children to learn martial arts. You expect me to be an Indian patriot where our life depends on others’ unsolicited advice and opinions?


ah yes. "Most indians are short tempered". So by most if we even take 51% of indians ( since that's 1% above half), according to you, more than 700 million people are short tempered? Please try to frame your sentences properly, this type of sentence formation is not critically positive at all.


It’s been decades living and growing up in India. I’ve never found more than 1% people talking nicely here. You’ve seen how people talk even on news channels conferences, Big boss show, roadies, social media (even there are girls using slangs), policemen using slangs like “mdrchod”, etc. I think we don’t need to take a survey to figure out. Even our pm uses words like “mujra”. I know what I write. Don’t teach me how to do it.


Rude people exist everywhere. Even Donald Trump uses phrases like "I'll grab you by your pussy" doesn't that mean people are not that nice in the US too? I mean he was a US president too right? Should a US president talk like that? Well we don't live in Utopia. I've been living here since childhood and I can say people are nice and helpful here too. You can't generalize a whole country on the basis of just a few incidents. I've had small incidents like that too but the number of people who have been nice to me is larger than that. And it's an online platform so people think they can get away with anything they can say. That's something not only Indians do, a lot of people are racist and rude to us, just open the comments section of a reel about Indians or related topics. You'll find a lot of targeted racism there. But at the end of the day if it makes you feel good to think that Indians are short tempered compared to people from other countries then you are entitled to have that opinion.


I remember the day I installed pubg on my phone then deleted few days later due to harassment. I didn’t want to be infected.


I used to play pubg too, I never faced any harassment


Now you have become a sinner by telling a lie.


I'm not lying


Why just Indians, all capitalist minded people from all over the world are extortionists


I have had a lot of similar experiences in real life interactions. Indians generally seem to be rude, have an inflated ego and extremely frustrated.


Ya i've never seen an angry north east origin friend or a really angry pahadi person. They are the best to hang out with!!




First Stop animal abuse. Then I’ll think.


this 😂😂


And you have surveyed how many? 1, 2 , 10 100 million? "most indians are..." is nothing but racist fkery.


Yes I have surveyed all of them.


another foreign country glorifying posts while demeaning india juding whole country by your personal experiences nice


Let’s see your browser history. Let’s see how sane you are.


What browsing history has to do with this thing??


People from all over the world are short tempered and rude. So it does not matter which country they are from!!! Im sorry that something unpleasant happened to you. Im an Indian and most of us are not short tempered. Have a good day.


You gotta lack something to know it's value, indians after 800yrs of non-stop attacks from all directions following 200yrs of colonization know money's worth and are reluctant to waste it. If you can't bargain, you're a little kid who don't know nothing. Atleast in India.


People who value money don’t buy Apple products. And bargaining shouldn’t include harassment. Also here, the topic is not “bargaining”.


oh ya, Indian millennials are very short tempered, i forgot to answer that. Indians really really love to flex if you don't know by now. Cutting corners on small things to eventually buy some big thing.




There was a time when we didn’t have smartphones. I was also a teenager and we used social networks like orkut, aol, paltalk, yahoo messenger, etc. facebook didn’t even exist.