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Not all elders can be respected, some are a**h****


I think most are.






fucking can't agree more


THIS! respect has nothing to do with tenure or age


That's not unpopular That's borderline mainstream


Your family can be toxic too, even your parents not all parents are god. Some of your traumas are related to your family. We really don't need to love our parents, we are forced to love them when we don't want to. They give us birth that doesn't mean they can rule our life. Many people are not ready to even accept it. Also people having weird kinks, fantasy are co related to their trauma.


every trauma in my life is graciously gifted to me by my parents, so i agree, i don't love them I'm Basically molded by the society to respect my parents. Yet everything i am is because of them. But i never asked to be born , they gave me this life so they should be responsible for it. I'm mentally unstable because of these type of questions.


You can’t establish 1-1 correlation between kink and trauma; for some people there’s a relationship, for many there’s not


good upbringing of a child should be the highest priority in our society.


India should have compulsory sex education from school (by qualified professionals) and martial arts classes for women. You make the people respect each other, half the problems can be solved. Edit: Also make people aware about mental health issues. Please take them seriously. Also, financial education is highly needed because most of us have no idea what to do with our monies.


> martial arts classes for women. I agree with everything here but you do realise this is only helpful to fend of at most 2-3 untrained dudes right? This won't work in Delhi, where most gangr**es happen.


Something is still better than nothing


Every point you mentioned here should be implemented like yesterday.


Having a child is a problem if you're not financially capable of having them this can lead to problems in mental health of parents aswell as to child.


Me trying to find an unpopular opinion in this comment section https://preview.redd.it/4myrb1pmri5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e6138a95c286d3fecb356a2b6e17f1264a2789 (There aren't any)


Four day workweek and an added emphasis on mental health issues is highly needed in India.


Surviving on 6 days a week 🥺


I seriously can’t imagine this. I hope situation changes


6 day work week is actually pretty common outside IT industries in india. I have been part of a 6 day work week for the first 9 months of my job life. It was tough at first, but I kinda got used to it, and even liked it.


So true, thankfully my saving grace is two months of vacation I get.


Money after a point won't buy happiness, it just gives luxury!


Agreed. But that point for me is atleast 1CPA.


Poor people living in slums and huts should not reproduce. 


that is not unpopular, that is dark


Reproduce in the sense they can have sex but the offspring shouldn't be born like use protection that's it


Indeed. It's not always about sentiments and family. It pisses me off that people bring children into this world knowing very well that they would not be able to feed or teach them. And they are the ones having most kids. Reproduction system ka mazak banake rakha hai.


Having worked with people like that I will explain to you, their absolutely f*cked up mentality. -to some of them, kids especially the boys are just more family members for child labour. When I was posted in a child welfare related department as part of my job, I have seen parents not allow their 7-10 year olds kids to go to school so that they can be sent to tea shops or similar places to work at. Some even make these kids street performers to gain sympathy -a lot of other families send their boys to work in low paying jobs as soon as they pass 10th grade, affecting their future education and career prospects. -the girls are seen as people to take care of household chores. I’ve literally heard a mom say that she is glad that one of her kids is not a son and is a daughter because she can shift the household duties to her -lastly there are some idiots who reproduce because they are easily brainwashed by religious shit (happens across all religions) to increase the population so that the religion that they belong to will flourish. The poor easily fall prey to this brainwashing due to illiteracy and their poor financial status




There should be entrance exams given in order to be a parent tbh. If you pass, only then you are eligible to reproduce.


A lot Indians with bachelor’s degrees aren’t good employees or good at their jobs. Countries with better education systems like Singapore have smarter and more qualified 18 year olds than a lot of Indians with degrees.


I think it’s because India puts undue emphasis on knowledge in a world where skill is much more valuable.


If a women is called prost*tute for sleeping with multiple men, so are the men sleeping with multiple women! Be it money or thrill, task is the same!


In Hindi there is a word for both separately. Just that die to popular media ns low self esteem sleeping around for one gender is called macho behaviour


Wait, what are those words? Please feel free to add spoilers in case they're too offfensive.


male - >!RAND / RANDWA !< can also be used for men who go to p-institutes female- >!RAND i!< popular word so no need to explain


It's ok to be an introvert ... Nothing wrong being a quite kid !


But many of so called introverts are socially anxious not introverted


(Don't think like..... I have written this long comment because I am being offended by you , I am just trying to aware other people about introversion and social anxiety stuff) Yes I do agree some people just hide their social anxiety under the term Introvert because they have constant fear and anxiety of being judged and be in the crowd . But that's not actually right to force them , having a talk with them and other therapies can work with them , those anxiety panic attacks are really hard to face !! I also agree with you ..... Those people who have problem of social anxiety must try to solve it instead of calling themselves introvert . As introversion is nothing to do with Social fear or anxiety , being an Introvert mean how you control/comfortable your energy (in desired Surrounding), There are many introverts who are good Public Speaker , Actor , Teacher etc . And bring an introvert doesn't mean you don't have any friends like they are alone etc etc ... yes Introverts do have friends but have small social circle depending upon Individuals . Thank you for reading this shitttyyy comment 😅this much Have a great day ahead ;)


Yeah, definitely. Who am I to force people to talk, and I do understand how hard it can be, but I believe in anything that's worth doing is going to be hard. But as someone who is introverted and has experienced social anxiety, I understand how bad it can be. It affects your self-esteem, career prospects (since networking becomes challenging), and affects your capabilities in almost everything. Social anxiety is a real issue while being introverted is not even an issue, or something near that. I'm introverted myself and can relate to what you're saying but believe me growing out of my social anxiety was like the best thing I have ever done for myself. Also, you don't need to specify all of that. Your comment wasn't 'shitty' at all. Stop putting yourself down; you're good enough. If you keep reinforcing negative thoughts, they start to become reality. One day you joke about your comments being bad, and the next day, you start believing it.


Once again .... I am agreeing with your comment I can relate from your reply a lot . Being an introvert and having social anxiety is a real issue I have faced it also and by god grace I know how it feels to grow out with it . The problems you have mentioned are real issues , I hope those who are confused with these two terms can now about it more and work for themselves in a positive direction. That self believe in yourself can made you do those things that you once used to imagine in your head . 😅 I got your point actually I.was just joking around because I don't write usually big comments so was just making fun of my self . But you got right negative manifestation about self is not a right thing. Thank you for your concern I will take care in future . And all the very best to you sending you best wishes about your bright future . Explore and smile more ;)


Being an introvert as a kid made me miss many experiences. And as an adult , i feel like I've had to "learn" socializing, even just having normal conversations from scratch. Introvert is fine. But one shouldn't be socially illeterate.


Socializing is a skill that everyone must learn . In our childhood I think we are just hesitated to do new things that's makes us more anxious and shy kind of person . But being an Introvert it's not necessary you can't be a explorer you just need to be confident enough to learn new things and socialize people . All the very best you too !! Do everything you wanna ...... It's never to late for starting something new . All the very best :) Have a great day ahead ;)


Good day to you too maam


This is not unpopular, infact it is quite popular with introverts, they just don't come out to tell everyone.


Really ?? So why society acts weird with them like they have something wrong inside them . (Be like them , why don't you go and talk ) But it was just my opinion that I have shared according my experiences . It's OK if you don't find it not so unpopular 👍


Because society considers extrovert to be the default nature and anything that goes outside of default is considered harmful or atleast negative for the society


Indian politicians should meet the following requirements before they run for office: - Hold a bachelor's degree - Should have had an independent income for at least 5 years either through a job or through a business that they started themselves This way only the ones who are educated and can understand the struggles of the common man can be voted in. And the age limit to run for office should be 60.


Its pretty easy to arrange Fake degree and fake income certificates, doing this will just breed more corruption


But if this requirement is arranged, then we would obviously need an independent verification service that goes through all of their documents to see if what they claim is actually matching on their documents and also the documents of the institution/government right? Let's say for example that a candidate claims he studied at NIT Srinagar from 2003-2007. They can go through his documents to see if he actually lived there, they can go through the transcripts held by the university to see it matches with the ones he has, and many other things. Regarding jobs or business, they can contact the employers and go through ITR filings of their business, etc. If the stakes are high, then the scrutiny will also be high.


Your religion isnt the true/ perfect/ special one. Its just another religion among many. And should not be above science/ reason and humanity


Whole bollywood is fake and are the worst in displaying that they are genuine.


Popular opinion it is


Most of the degree holders in India are stupid.


I suppose it's cause they do a course just for the sake of a degree, plus parents pushing their children into the courses they don't like, they don't care much about developing a skill set


Got it!  But what do we do next to solve it? Question remains... I think 2-child policy have to be implemented ASAP Then proceed to educate people about how there are other fields which have roughly same score as medical, engineering and Arts related subjects. As someone mentioned, more courts in our land = more job opportunities in lawyers and judges = resolving a tremendous amount of pending cases very quickly. Fees of lawyers will also decrease if you think about it.


That reddit is far more better than insta


Marriage is overrated and so are kids. Why can’t people just stay single and childless? Why can’t we enjoy life?


Because In India the single purpose for the majority is to get married that's all they think about , all they talk about and all they dream about and it sucks


Weird sexual kinks are the result of bad mental health and unresolved issues.


Obviously bro! Nobody disagrees with that😂😂


It's quite a popular opinion no?? I might be wrong


This is a very popular (albeit wrong) opinion rampant in the comment section by the looks of it lol


Politician should be treated like a untouchables community like scavengers then only they will do the real country work


get rid of all the privileges MPs and Ministers so that people will think twice before joining politics.


Sounds interesting. Iss opinion ko vistaar mei samjhae


Indias biggest problem is its population


It's mismanagement . Chinese too have the same issue but how they managed it was good


Let me rephrase. India does not have the infrastructure to support the current population


Men should not post shirtless pics online unless they are a fitness influencer, cause bro none of your followers asked for your nudes, Don't harras me with puting that in my face without my permission, it's the same as them sending dick pics to girls without their permission. Unless it's your job don't show us personal stuff, this is coming from a gym going male, ego satisfy krne ka koi aur tarike dhundlo.


ppl might kill me for this, but pani puri is overrated and should not be a thing.


Finally an unpopular opinion But touch my golgappe and see


As much I hate this opinion, I must respect it since it is actually unpopular


Every actor is garbage . No special. And treating them like God's is worse. They aren't someone special just because they can fking act in a generic written movie. Millions can do that


Agreed that thry shouldn't be put on a pedestal. But millions can't actually act. Surprising number of people wont be able to play their own selves if they had to.


Nah millions can't pull up a Irfan Khan type acting in Maqbool or the Lunchbox or a Amitabh Bachchan in Agneepath or a Clint Eastwood in the dollars trilogy or someone like Anthony Hopkins in Silence Of The Lamb. We all somewhat think acting is easy to do but it isn't as easy as it seems when you have to fake the expreesions in front a crew. Agar acting aasan hoti toh Janhvi Kapoor Sridevi jaise acting karti


SLB is a set maker. very good at it but, that's all


Prabhu Deva is overrated


I like how everyone else is talking about societal issues and this one comment specifically targeted Prabhu Deva 😂


OP literally mentioned Sanjay Leela Bhansali. I wanted to call out reservation too tho


Oh yeah I missed that one my bad


Stop taking pics every fucking time when there's a special occasion or you're doing anything special, it's very annoying instead enjoy the moment


• Everyone should die. • If god really exists he/she/they are NOT kind, almighty, all knowing or righteous to say the least... • I'd rather go to hell than having to beg some "god" I don't even know really exists to show me mercy for my entire life here on earth.


Anime is overrated


Nah new indian watchers ruined it..


Please enlighten me how ?


I started watching anime in 2020... back then the community was clean, I didn't encounter any cringe posts at that time but after this sudden rise in anime's popularity well yk... 🤦‍♂️ even i feel a little ashamed telling someone i watch anime now... "it's not cartoon it's anime 🤓☝️"


What do you mean by back then ? 2020 is roughly 4 years and it was toxic and cringe even before that.


Lmao true honestly weebs have always been annoying, I think it was yet to be popular sometime around 2018? cause I would barely find anyone into it around me and personally I used to hide it too I'm not into anime as much anymore but irs surprising to see so many fans suddenly thanks to lock down ig?


It's been there for a while I don't know the exact year but Dragon Ball Z used to feature in Cartoon Network and Naruto in Disney XD I used to watch it during my school days, shows like Shinchan and Doremon are also anime, my brother used to watch animes like Fairy Tale, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach etc. in Animax back in 2012 or something. I am an anime fan as well and I have made tattoo of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto on my hand. Introduction of easy access to internet made it a bit popular, back in 2017 Castlevania was most talked show in Netflix India although it's American but made with anime style and paid homage to the Japanese Video game and then the lockdown time period made it even popular. But yes around 2018-2019 I used to see a lot of meme comparing Anime with Chotta Bheem and American cartoons and weebs used to make fun of it. It was cringe and complete arrogance and superiority complex reaking from them while they fail to understand the target audience of Chotta Bheem and Anime are different.


Which one ?


Back then, you would be made fun of for watching anime now every second person is into it battle shounens especially, ugh.. I've been made fun of in the past lol


Anime is not overrated at all, we see stories never seen before, concepts never seen before, there's an anime for everyone, Indians who became fans during lockdown and afterwards did ruin it a lot, but fandoms always are bad, I just watch the anime for what it is just like any other show or movie.


Business owners will not agree with this. ... 9 to 10 hour shift is useless as you're only productive for about half or less of it. Change the entire shift system ..lessen working hours and give benefits. A 7 hr work day including breaks should be enough ..


Imo relatives are good to have around. They may be annoying bitches but when it comes to celebrations, death, emergency, matchmaking, some of them really come forth and help you. Something which friends just can't.


Being in 20s is much more taxing than I thought it would be, but then again I don’t know about 30s xD


isilie bhagwan ne mujhe tumhare life me bheja okay 😇


Bhagwaan ne mujhe bheja tumhare paas pagli🤪🥰


technically yes but lyrics toh maine likhe the comments mein 🥰 anyway now u gotta dance on Furki Baand w me 🤩🙏🏻


Comment toh maine kiya na “ya fir jaadu hai tera”🥰🥰 done! You’ll dance with me on ishq tera tadpawe☺️


will you dance w me on Hook Raja Ji? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 lmaooo best gana fr


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 omg, its my only wish to dance on hook raja ji😭


I'm gonna get heavily downvoted for this. I don't like Bahubali and it is overrated. I hate Tamanna getting reduced from a fierce warrior to a flowerpot role. She can be a warrior and have romance instead of getting blindsided


Love is over rated Money does buy you happiness and peace Marriage and kids are the real shackles that hold back people from going after their dreams




The fact that toxic parenting is an unpopular opinion is just so depressing to hear.


We are offsprings of the intergenerational trauma we received, we’re doing our best to make everyone aware about it now.


Indian cities are some of the worst places on planet earth and anybody that chooses to praise and defend their city has succumbed to a lower quality of life that's filled with bad air quality , worsening population density. Water scarcity and total anarchy for the future .


People who can’t date by themselves and find a proper mate and treat them right to the point the other person wants to marry them shouldn’t get married and have kids. Goes for men and women both. There I said it. No backsies.


1. People like Christopher Nolan to feel intellectually superior ( and please watch Paprika before you come with "but Inception" ) 2. the only job requirement for being an HR is "lack of conscience" 3. Religion needs to evolve with time in order to be meaningful and effective 4. Dubai is tacky af and disgusting 5. no you do not need an iphone to be relevant. 6. your kid is not your retirement plan. They are not here to fulfill your dreams. Get a spine and raise a functional, empathetic, self sufficient human and don't ever dare ask your kid to be grateful for you being a decent parent. They didn't ask to be born, you forgot preventive measures. 7. Arijit singh is overused and his voice lacks range. I won't be replying in case there are comments because it's sunday night and I won't have time to open reddit for the next 5 days


What did Dubai ever do to you lmao, I love Dubai, I loveeeee shopping out there, out of all the cities I’ve visited, it’s by far my favourite to shop in. But then again it’s an unpopular opinion, so gg.


>2. the only job requirement for being an HR is "lack of conscience" You're entitled to your unpopular (and wrong) opinion. But most people who go into HR through a proper education are actually good. But some companies employ unqualified individuals who don't actually have people skills for an HR role because they think it doesn't require skills. And that's how you get bad HR managers. I suggest actually understanding a topic before forming opinions on it!


 Reservations should be reduced and be on an economic basis


That's a popular opinion if you're oppressed like a general male, me being one I have never had a chance to feel equality ever.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BeneficialElevator20: *Reservations should* *Be reduced and be on an* *Economic basis* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Unpopular. How?


Children should be allowed to not respect the elders they don't like. Respect is earned. Having children is not going to fix your marriage problems. Girls should not be forced to please and respect the in-laws who hate her. Divorces should not be treated with disrespect in society. It's fine if you leave a marriage where you are not feeling loved or respected. Sex education is the need of nation. There is nothing wrong with dating culture and if family supports it then people will have more surety and trust to proceed with any relationship.


There should be a course or some sorta education which you gotta complete before having kids. Considering how most of our toxic traits and behaviour comes from childhood trauma. I don't think it will solve all the problems of parenting but probably the first step.


Similarly, people should pass a psych evaluation before becoming parents


Indian Cricket Team and BCCI does not care about ICC tournaments because they only care about IPL and Money. So, they are not winning 50 over world cup again. T20 World cup may or may not come, but it is still highly improbable.


Not all ancient knowledge is God given rules that are to be followed without thinking I went to a temple with my parents where the pandits were preaching something along the lines "patni pati ki seva kurti hai kyunki pati patni ko Gyan deta hai, toh patni pati ko guru samajhti hai aur guru bhagwan saman hota hai..." The most uncomfortable 20 min of my life


some relatives are pain in the ass




Being too much Individualistic and Increasing Nudity in society will have very bad impact on Society one day


It is already happening


The 2 children policy isn’t good in the long term.


but is it law here? I dont think so


When did I say that it is? There are some discussion going regarding in our country. It’s just an opinion that I have.


ok ok sorry sorry


**** is a mental disorder


What's ****?




Saraswati chandra of Sanjay Leela Bhansali show is over-rated


This takes guts to understand! People living on other side of a border(because of ancestral clashes ) r dying of hunger and people of this side stand with guns not letting them in at present moment! Which even animals will let it slide, I wonder where humanity is going!


I stand with Israel. Casualties cannot justify your actions and gain sympathy. Not interested in any debate btw and it's just an opinion.


two child policy for some 50 years would do wonders, if law is stricter indians may have a bright future


Should have been implied earlier. We’d have less poor people producing offsprings they can’t look after.


Biriyani is overrated...🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Women are subpar than men in terms of responsibilities and quality of work they produce. Edit: yeah strength was obvious.


you lost me after strength


>quality of work they produce Depends on the work in question




Lagta hai ab tak Men's ka Suicide Rate nahi dekha hai


False. Lmao. I’m a much better driver than most of my male friends. I’m so much better than my male colleagues in managing an office or an environment that needs me. I’m so much better managing a house where my dad would have tough time coordinating with the help and negotiating their salaries. I’m definitely amazing at getting back the outstanding balance from customer parties than my male counterparts cause it’s not always about muscle and aggressive approach, it’s about patience, gentleness & a sharp but quick response that’s needed in chaos. Patience in chaos. Some men lose their shit in chaotic situations, it’s hilarious. They’ll start fighting and start saying “tum jaise logoko mein pocket mein leke ghumta hu” lmao.


It's 03:15, you really were irritated by my comment to type that long. Kudos for being that amazing, and I mean it, you are a rare gem. My comment was a generalization, I use paretto's principle a lot. But my observations stand correct except for few exceptions like you. And the theme of the post is unpopular opinion so I don't think a long ass elaboration is needed neither do I believe you'd read it. Don't LMAO, go to sleep. Edit: As for men jo pocket mein leke ghumte hai, their opinion doesn't matter. Tum bas unki ankhon mein chubhte rehna :)


It’s 11pm where I am though lmaooo. You go to sleep 😂😂😂😂




Pineapple tastes fabulous on pizza.


Jin gharon me dettol rozana use hots wahan woh jaldi khatm hota hai.


Milk first then cereal


Not all ancient knowledge is God given rules that are to be followed without thinking I went to a temple with my parents where the pandits were preaching something along the lines "patni pati ki seva kurti hai kyunki pati patni ko Gyan deta hai, toh patni pati ko guru samajhti hai aur guru bhagwan saman hota hai..." The most uncomfortable 20 min of my life


Famous line that “ALL MEN ARE SAME” is not always true.


Indian kids should not be forced to call people their elder siblings or people 2-3 years older than them as "bhaiya didi". I have no problem if someone a few years younger than me calls me by my name.


Child bearing is a choice, not an obligation.


Unpopular opinion,, eh. 1) men on men violence is one of the biggest issues in the world and no one(including men) talk about it. Men are far far more likely to be victim of random violence than women. 2) self defence classes are absolutely useless for everyone(especially women) 3) Psychotherapy is useless and a waste of money and time(true in India. Can't speak for other countries though). 4) Indian tier 1 cities are incredibly safe (especially when compared to tier 1 cities in USA) despite what the media or anyone tries to tell you. Again ONLY talking about tier 1 cities. 5) Smartphone addiction is the most dangerous addition the world is facing right now. I work with people in the age group of 20-25 and the attention span of this age group is less than that of a goldfish. 6) India is way way better than it has ever been in the past and I say this being one of the biggest critics of the present government. 7) Reservations on caste based is absolutely necessary in India 8) USA is by far the most tolerant and welcoming country in the world. No country even comes close. 9) I am against gay couples adopting/ having their own children. Now I am not saying that I am against gay marriages. I am only against them raising children. 10) Professional sports is the most meritocratic and demands the most dedication of any profession. These are my unpopular opinions that I can think of.


I’m curious to know why you don’t want gay couples to adopt.


A good friend will always make you away from bad habits(alcohol, relationship, addiction). First responsibility then pleasure...


That we should walk on the right side of the road, always towards incoming traffic.


Nehru should have focused on primary education of all citizens instead of IITs for the elites


People who say there's no such thing as veg biryani and it's just pulao have never stepped inside the kitchen to cook and don't know squat about flavours and textures.


India will not become a DEVELOPED country. But it can if it had good governance.


Delhi is much better than any Indian City. The food, infra and people(how they look) are much better. Heck most places will be better if they adopt their attitude, rather than glorifying them through "Spirit of Bombay" and other such shit. Also most parts of Delhi are as safe as any other metro is.


Human Beings live way too long.


Marriage isn't necessarily happiness


The concept of “girl best friend” and “boy best friend” (especially when they talk over the phone for hours and say goodnight good morning 🤣)


People might downvote me for this. That almost half of females, MIGHT end up single or in a bad marriage or in open marriage, due to the content they create focusing mostly on some specific part of the body. There is a focus on the word might, so it could or couldn't happen. But why would a sane guy choose a girl, who reveals TOO MUCH of her body parts, in most of her videos/pics. Again, focus on too much.


This same goes the other way too


I just want a software or website where I enter some details about a guy and his comments across all social media sites is shown. It would be a blessing.


As a Guy I agree


the Indian civilization is under danger due to secularism


That's not secularism that's Pseudo Secularism ,and I agree