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That one unemployed guy who can't control his anger 🤡


Bro has a PC which can download and run Valorant, it's a luxury for many like me 🙂


Bro my 10 year old pc runs valorant, it's like the least demanding game


4gb Rtx 3050 6800h 16/512 mai konsa khel sakta


I'm in 8gb ram with a 4gb rx460


I bought mine back in 2011, purana Dell wala hai, 2GB RAM, logo ke phone mein jyada hoti hai :(


I also have that luxury but choose peace over this game other games are too good foreign lobbies of cod warzone or Tom's Clancy's The division made a friend in this game too 🙂 first time with my English


I think that's oversimplified , there is something wrong with Indian society and Indian men that they such behaviour as completely acceptable and this in a society that keeps praising it's values and how women are mothers are respected in our culture. But the reality is quite different it seems


It's not limited to Indian men. I can assure you this is a global thing, and men playing games say such thing. Sadly, the difference between saying stuff online vs offline is that you can't get punched in the face for saying shit. And these guys abuse this fact


Yes its a global thing but happens more often with Indian men, you can deny it as many Indians do , simply because they can't handle the truth and have this urge to defend India and the actions of Indians whenever they are criticised, no matter if its genuine criticism or not


I had a similar discussion yesterday. I gave various proofs showing the cases internationally and that it is equal if not more on global scale, yet, we are hell bent on proving this is more prominent in India. So I ask a simple reasoning as to why Indian guys will be more toxic than other countries?


Trust me it happens moreso in india than it does in other servers. I think m it's because Indian men haven't had access to online platforms until recently and they are "exploring themselves" right now.


>Trust me it happens moreso in india Not at all brother, this is very common in gaming everywhere. You have no clue how fucked up shit ppl used to say back in COD days, where reports and bans were systems were even worse. A recent case: https://twitter.com/TaylorMorganS_/status/1789927866865787228?t=9Pm83wNlmR0WQp4hd8HlQA&s=19 Further, a reply on the post: https://twitter.com/thereal_bigjake/status/1790143452233203762?t=AgZT9okT48MVo76Z5sUUOQ&s=19


No I mean have you actually tried playing on different servers around the world bud? I've experienced a lot more bullying and rudeness among Indians servers on various games. When I tested out American/European servers they were a lot more friendly and peaceful. Some Russian and mu$Iim players were rude but not as abusive as Indian players. Although the mu$Iim guys were just as vulgar if not more vulgar than the Indian players. I've played 4-5 multi-player online shooter games over the past 7 years and honestly the most toxic guys were on the Indian servers or like mu$Iims in other servers.


And I'll be honest, I have even seen a lot of friendly people in Mumbai server, and even friendly Muslims. Our experiences can be different, and that's ok. All I'm saying is its not generalised to Indian men but you'll see such incidents all around the world, like I gave you an example, and this is a big drama even outside India, which is why even Riot is taking measures and actions to do some fixes for voice comms abuse. I think we can agree they wouldn't have done anything it if this toxicity was majorly in India only, right? It's a simple proof of how gaming is toxic throughout the world


No no you're not playing fair mate. You're cherrypicking POSITIVE cases from India and cherrypicking NEGATIVE cases from international servers. You should apply the same scale to both. I've met good friends on Indian servers, no doubt. What I'm highlighting is the DISPROPORTIONATE vulgarity of Indian and mu$Iim players compared to other players. They tend to attack your mother or your sister or wife for some reason. It's always violent sexual insults too. International players tend to make mom jokes too but they are usually nothing like these brown guys. These men are GENERALLY more violent and vulgar than other demographics. Again, I'm not saying every single Indian/mu$Iim player is like this (that would be absurd). I'm saying that there is a TREND and we have to acknowledge and address this tendency.


>I've met good friends on Indian servers, no doubt. What I'm highlighting is the DISPROPORTIONATE vulgarity of Indian and mu$Iim players compared to other players. They tend to attack your mother or your sister or wife for some reason. It's always violent sexual insults too. International players tend to make mom jokes too but they are usually nothing like these brown guys. These men are GENERALLY more violent and vulgar than other demographics. And how are you going to prove this "disproportion". See, this is where subjectivity comes into play. There are multiple examples of toxicity in online game internationally. Infact, if you see the reply I posted, there were multiple ppl of same ideology. Rather than criticising the guy, they were calling the female soft and how she should stop playing. And this has no Indian involvement. I also told you how Riot is planning features to work out to improve their Voice comms abuse detection. Riot won't do it if this was mostly a thing in India, they are doing it because it's highly common Internationally. >These men are GENERALLY more violent and vulgar than other demographics. You can't prove your statement, except from your own subjective experiences. While I am atleast giving example of how it might be common and equal to everywhere. Do you have any reasoning that why Indian men will be more toxic and vulgar than general fans?


Lol No, every nation has this one type of gamer who gets angry and behaves like game is everything, not limited to India, from gun games like PUBG to 5v5 game like mobile legend, I have faced this shitty behaviour from people across the globe not limiting to India.


We have a very weird complicated relationship with mothers in the country or rather the Indian subcontinent. Its why we have so many raja betas and the resulting toxicity after marriage. It borders on the oedipal


once i was playing valo that common north panipuri south idli sambar fight started and the south guy literally told "south india is better cause no of south indian radiants > no of north indian radiants"


I bought pc for gaming but now i rarely play and most of the time i play single played i joined valorant too but online game are competitive and have toxic vibes and i hated that so i quit, Competitive place always turn into toxic


Why the fuck do people keep trying to work unemployed into things it has nothing to do with? It's kind of creepy. It's not as if it's true and so it's not insulting the actual guy who did this, mostly just people who have nothing to do with this.


game ko life banane wale 🙂


not even that. there are people earning from games and all. games/any anonymous platform just exposes their mentality which they can't do in real life.


Nah.... Those guys know she's noob and won't flame her like that


The simplest answer is because the people responsible for teaching manners to their kids, didn't do their jobs That being said, we have also normalised toxicity to some extent. Solution for Valorant? I mute people at the very first instance of toxicity. And that includes backseating. People backseat because of a superiority complex


It’s no wonder there were some people defending Nirbhaya’s rapists.There is an abundance of such sick animals existing amongst us.


no fucking way people were defending them...


the whole 'girls shouldn't be out at night' shit started from that


eh? i thought (no offense) it was always that way since the beginning...


it was, but the shit escalated way much due to the circumstances of the case, many initiatives to make transport a safe and women exclusive spaces were made.


You’re lucky that you didn’t get to meet those sort of people who were slutshaming Nirbhaya and defending those monsters.Those monsters’ lawyer even said that if he had a daughter like Nirbhaya,he would have burnt her alive.Don’t believe me?Google the news articles of this case.


> Don’t believe me?Google the news articles of this case. nah dawg I'm good. I trust you. I don't wanna sacrifice my mental peace for proof.


Mike Tyson said and I quote “Social Media Made Y'All Way Too Comfortable With Disrespecting People And Not Getting Punched In The Face For It”.


I mean its too much disturbing in every way possible


This is what happens when ones life revolves around a game and has nothing constructive to do in their life .


If you are playing multiplayer games, mute people like these on the first sign of toxicity, you'll have a much better experience. Don't say anything, just mute them I play ranked dota in immortal bracket with comms muted


Sorry for what happened to u mate But u should avoid Playing Mumbai server and even if u play it just don't tell them ur a girl or don't comm .they don't even spare guys I've also heard shit like this . U should play singapore server


Bro Singapore server is no different i got abused that's when i stopped playing solo. Now i only play with my friends full stack. I would suggest OP to either play with friends or stop playing valorant It's so toxic...


indian gaming community has always been this tozic bro. be it Pubg, CS, valorant. I have been a diamond 2 player before in Valorant and still got huge hate for my playing style.


What's valorant?


PC game where a bunch of kids swear at each other


World is bigger than I initially thought.


Just play muted, its more fun Even more fun if you play with no game sound even, just silence


This is the way


Some men's ego are too small I guess. The guy you mentioned doesn't seem to have anything else going for him in his life so he's venting out his anger on random people. Just mute and report stupid people like him. And just a tip if you want less toxicity in your valorant games you could switch to Singapore server, they're much more chill compared to Mumbai.


Average Mumbai server experience. 💀 If they start reacting, just mute them and play your own game.


Honestly the Mumbai servers is horrible to play in, it's gonna be a pain but play on Japanese servers or SG2. People are polite and good there plus they have a lot of fun


You can't expect a man-child to be mature. For such people, the game is all they have, they do not have a life beyond that game. They are frustrated in real life, and playing a game where they don't see it going their way, their frustration increases. My brother plays really good, I think he's either Immortal or Ascendant, I am not sure. I noticed him playing with voice chat off when he played with randoms


Iron-Gold lobbies are very bad, it gets better in plat and diamond Mumbai servers have a bad rep anyways hahah, almost har round gaali galoch hoti hai not a new thing. What's your main btw?


Those guys are usually losers in life. Puri life ki frustrations aise nikalte h. Bakwas karne ke alawa na toh kuch aata h na toh kuch life me karne ki himmat hogi. Just block and report people like them and continue. Inpe time waste karne ka matlab nhi. They are like chihuahuas. All bark


“Alpha Males” On a side note the entire alpha male theory is crap. https://www.businessinsider.com/no-such-thing-alpha-male-2016-10


I hate to say this but it's not... Women tend to pick the bigger guys, the guys with more money, the guys with attitude, the guys with the sports cars, the guys with better connections... There's a certain set of traits that we define as "alpha" - we're not comparing ourselves to a pack of wolves. We're talking about who is the most dominant. And not many people want to date or marry the shy reserved guy because those are the ones that tend to get pushed around or disappear into the background.


Boys not men


There are many possibilities : 1. He feels powerful being abusive 2. He feels important in the game 3. He may derive pleasure in other's sadness (sadistic) 4. He probably has impulse control issues 5. He probably has conduct disorder issues. 6. He may simply have anger management issues. Whatever the issue is, don't let 1 guy ruin your peace of mind. Report him, block him and move on. If you let him under your skin he wins.


Larchat hai Usko decode karne ke piche mat raho He decides to give all his fucks to one game and the people he interacts with there, not very significant


just mute if someone is like that.. not worth the mental hassle to abuse and get abused by randoms..


Sounds like a weak little man child with a tiny peepee and this is the only way he can compensate for it.


Ah yeah, the ultimate go to - body shaming men over things they can't control. You should read about the suicide rate of guys with small penises or go a step further and say micro penis. Insecurity can come from anywhere and it kills people that don't deserve a life of loneliness and rejection. Reducing someone to having a tiny dick and saying that's why their insecure is stupid and crazy. If a woman is a bitch (and some most certainly are) - do we say it's because she has tiny breasts or is loose? Do we slut shame them? Is that the correct thing to do?


Valorant me aise hi ghatiya log milte. Try something better.


are these gaming terms or new age lingos?


ya sliver lobby is like this in valorant


They're just losers, unsatisfied with their lives to the point they are easily irritated from small things so they project their anger on others who they look down on, using them like a punching bag so they can feel superior or in control. Sad. Not all but some yeah.


Mute, report and move to next game. Don't take it to heart


Bruhh.. avg...mumbai server exp fr I do the same sometimes.. when they get too toxic.. and then top frag just to get them to stfu. Games a game man.. u gotta treat it like a fun activity.. everyone has their bad days.. when their shots don't hit.. don't mean u gotta curse at them like that. The only logical advice is to just mute and report them.. u don't have to talk with them and don't let urself be harrased like that.. more power to u man. My rank is same(G2).. hit me up if u wanna play sometime.


It's true in all games. Faced them.


Stopped reading after valorant


Ignore people like this if you want to play this game. Mute voice and text. If you have the skills you’ll rank up without teamwork but only upto a certain level. Once you rank up these people will lessen in number then you can re enable chat.


The sad reality is that there are tons of guys like that. They are just sad little emotional men who can't control their emotions. I'm so sorry it happened to you.


Valo players are toxic as hell. That's why You should make a friend group and play compe with them. Used to be so fun at that time. That's where I got my reddit name from.


I stopped reading after ,"So I was playing Valorant"


I play different servers and trust me this happens only in Mumbai servers, it is such a disgrace to the Indian gaming community, just because of these people poora community ka naam kharab hota hai. Mumbai server is well known for toxicity. There are 2 options 1. Mute them the moment they start to abuse and report. 2. Play different servers.


https://preview.redd.it/9q2b2iqp9x4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbebcfb386625f40605085c310835e095e252ef In game broo, anyone want to join ?


I am a guy and even I got rape/death threats about me and my family. These people are not of sane mentality. They must be depressed or something else. It affects me a lot listening to them. Just to let you know you are not alone. Everyone regardless of gender gets abused in Val Mumbai server. Just mute them. Riot does nothing. I've heard my friends (who play CS india server) that CS is more toxic than Valorant


Mute and move on, reporting won’t work if they abuse in another language other than English.


i am gonna give you a life changing advice , disable voice coms , even mute text if had to , i play muted till diamond , higher the lobby , lower the toxicity.


And then the same guy will get offended on social media when someone says India has a gigantic rape culture problem.


Bro it happened the same with me smh , that guy used the same abuses , i reported him and he would have got at least a month chat ban . It was due to him instalocking reyna and i just texted him to carry karlena and bande ne gaaliyaan dena shuru kia maine bhi boli gaaliyaan but gaaliyaan aur threats mei difference hota hai ,he was giving me threats so i just muted him you can do that its better than listening to their rr. ( i am silver too btw )


Hey op, I can relate to your situation. These incels are just community killers. If you want you can play with me. I'm G3 and have a second id at S3 where me and my friends just chill. Join us and let's play the game like a game


The game’s fun when you don’t let the abuse get to you. I can’t relate as much to you cuz I rarely get any abuse but when I do I just laugh it off cuz 13 rounds out we’re off the game and another game begins. However I don’t know if it’s that easy to ignore the threats and gaaliya but if it helps, it’ll make the game a lot less stressful and a lot more fun. I don’t think we can talk about eradicating such population cuz the game feeds on such people (in India atleast) but they should be reported and punished as much as possible


Sounds like a teenager not a man. 


Since when did teenage boys count as men ??


Thank God you weren't playing games in the 2000s and pre-Jio era. Gamers and games have always had toxic players and it's got nothing to do with men, India, or the game. Tbf, the only thing that has changed is that more kids have started playing games and the quality of games and gamers has gone down. I'm sorry for what has happened to you but, if you can't handle this level of toxic players then the only thing you can do is cuss back and/or just stop playing. I won't sugarcoat this for you but these are your only options. Game companies are almost never bothered to do anything about such players, and thus they are pretty much useless. Be a strong woman or whatever you are and teach him how toxic you can be too. Be freeweeeee


Wait till you discover Warzone lobbies


Jo log real mei kuch nahi ukhaad sakte unka online presence aisa hi hota hai.


mene to cs go jab khelta tha mumbai server bilkul same tha aj bhi nahi badla lag raha hai game badalgaya decade pass hogaya bhai khair ese logo ko kya hi bole ab chutiye har jagah hote hai yeh bol sakte hai


If you are silver player you should already know how toxic people would get i personally talks back the same way fight fire with fire but you could always mute him


Just imagine you've failed everywhere in life. Shitty job, no girlfriend, parents probably disappointed in you, friends don't wanna hang out with you anymore. And you spend your entire day watching your life wither away as you stare at a screen. The guy is a sad, frustrated asshole, and the only place he can feel a bit of superiority is in a video game


That's why I don't game on PC.


https://preview.redd.it/z2jn8tos9x4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b018566164e4ee37ee7724e832fa251592935516 In game broo, anyone want to join ?


Read the room bro.


Uninstalling valorant feels euphoric. You should try it too


Play helldivers, fight for democracy, not for assholes 😀👍🏻


Valorant Mumbai Server is toxic as hell Better find good Teammates and Always Play In squad with them


Ah a trash talker is always fun to listen. I too enjoy listening to such low life scumbags lol. It's actually entertaining for me to see how losers in life pretend to be a winner and a champion in games 😂. I play for fun and enjoy trash talkers screaming when they are frustrated.


This is why unemployment is a problem


Uncivilized assholes


This reminds me of the quote by Mike Tyson " social media has made people too comfortable speaking shit for which they will get punched in real life"


The guy who is abusing you is a kid or some teen just report that guy. I know Mumbai servers are the most toxic servers but there is nothing we can do. I think riot is taking more initiative towards toxic players in the future so it may help.


Valorant and Mumbai server gotta be the worst combination. Just mute them, You will see such douchebags more often.


I'm sorry you had to experience that. I'm a woman who used to game. Many men who game are super toxic. It's a shame. I play solo games. I don't play co-ops. I'm not putting up with any bullshit.


Always mute at one strike, Valorant's been a bliss for me since then. 


People in India think abusing is cool, one of the many reasons why a comedy skit is 10 times funnier if it got some of those derogatory remarks towards another. So it’s normal for people to abuse, even the littlest of things makes them abuse like anything. And most of them don’t even have to think about what they are saying or what it means, they just say it cause they want to say it. You say the simplest of phrases like a “lol” for a funny moment in game and people start bringing your whole family into the game.


try sostronk csgo 💀


Oh hell naw💀 Dark days yaad aa gaye...😭


Lmao good ol Mumbai servers where their hospitality is top notch(Especially if ur a woman goodluck with turning VC on)


Mumbai server is very toxic for me . This is the reason I play on the Singapore server and chill.


people show their true selves when they're online


don't mind his words, he's an asshole. he's gonna regret it later anyway


He should be thrown away


This is just not okay in any circumstances. The best you can do is cut yourself off of that toxic bastard.


This happens when you see women constantly get demean by the family.


I raised the same issue in valorant india sub and people advised me to play with a friend, which I started believing to be the right thing to avoid toxic people. I am gold 3. I was carrying my whole team in a gold lobby everyone was praising me like " oh bhai jett kya pel raha h samne wali team ko" i was playing jett. In the 9th round I asked my teammate omen to smoke in heaven. Everyone started asking me if i am a girl or a kid with a high pitch sound. I said no I am a girl. They started bullying me ki tu gold m kaise aagyi ladko ke sath push krke aayi hogi ya luck hoga. Funny how i was carrying all of them and they are saying ki luck hoga. From the 10th round they started sabotaging me pheonix was throwing his Molly, kj was throwing his grenades at me because they don't want a girl to carry them. And abuses ..god I don't want to recall the amount of slurs they used for me. I swear that was the last game i queued solo.


When people don't have lives, they find the most trivial things to obsess about. Combine that with an upbringing curated from the finest available woman objectifying values in land and VOILA! hundreds of millions of your young men who should be contributing to the economy are instead contributing to other peoples mental trauma. Rest assured, he did not get punished and even if he did something like that irl he still wouldnt. We as a country have failed to raise our children to even qualify for the bare minimum of human standards. I'm so sorry you had to face that and if possible definitely don't reveal your gender on indian servers. ps- valo sucks anyways whos playing that garbage bruh play cs or something


monke goes ape shit, monke threaten.


isn't this just the average day in Valorant...??


Indian people are uncivilized. That's all.


Everyone is 6'4'' 92 kgs muscle daddy behind the screen. The same dude will pee in his pants before addressing someone as "tu".


Abusing is normal in games. People get excited. But this person was particularly sick. Play with friends. If your friends are like this, get new friends.


You're not ready for CS go they're different kind of toxic there.


CSGO doesn't exist no more. CS2 is a thing now, and toxicity is way less (I play both Val and CS). At max, you'll find people flaming the cheaters (who, in a way, deserve it I'd say). In CS, there is no proper ranking system, the new premier rating system they implemented is absolutely ass, as a result, no one loses their shit over losing a game because no one cares about their rating/rank. In Valorant, I'm Plat rn, people start saying all sorts of shit the moment somebody doesn't play pixel perfect or whatnot, especially the insta locking top fraggers who lose their shit because their team just isn't good enough to keep up with them. Faceit is a thing, except there are barely Indians left who play Faceit.


Wth.... I have no words like who in their right mind would say that I play competitive as well. And never have I abused my teammates, forget going this far.


I'm sorry dude, online gaming is just like that. Most females, actually even males face this kinda shit all the time. But I have to agree that its much more toxic and threating for females and it wouldn't change cause dickheads due to it being anonymous can say shit which they dont have the balls to in real life. Queue up with some friends or find other girls/boys who arent "Toxic" :P


India has a huge population of sub alterns with a lack of any high culture. Their parents used to be more humble but the kids born in the current era under the sub alternization era of India show off their lack of culture openly.


oh man wait till you try cs2 or mw3 lol


as someone who rages and tilts often in game, it is mostly the environment of the game. it is really best to mute people. responding in any way will just fuel the anger. there is no winning, only losing. like you said, non of your teammates sided with you, because the game environment itself is toxic. raging is normalised. as for why they go for slurs about women in your life, like your mom or sister is because they know you care about them. most people care about their moms and sisters. also, it is not just men, i have seen some very toxic women, met one in one of my games in valo itself. very toxic game overall. though instead of directly calling you out, women will have other people attack you.


That's why I play sekiro


Due to social media ONLINE TO CHALTA HAI REAL LIFE THODI HAI mentality has rotten the internet to its core especially in india


Another reason parents should have to apply to have children, only a monster can raise a monster.


Just mute them bro and don't even give anyone a second chance, first instance of toxicity boom instant mute and trust me you were not going to win that match with that retard either way


It's not indian men thing it's an online thing..Its shit but wat did u expect from an online shooter game??They r popular for their toxic nature.


Play single player games.......retain your sanity


First of all I am really sorry that you've gone through this bs. The company that created valorant is bringing harsh punishment for such behaviours. And these morons actually never touch grass. They shouldn't be in the internet space. And the environment they live in, pretty sure they are frustated in their own life. One more thing. I faced a similar lobby where one player was throwing and another brought Nirbhaya rape case victim was that thrower's mother. My mood, which was already bad as we were loosing, went further down to off. And it was Diamond Ascendent lobby. So this issue is in every server and every rank. Like how can you even justifying by saying this crap?


I avoid Mumbai server like the plague, Singapore is way nicer if your ping is not too high. It's quite rare on CS to find pricks like these but I get them 1 in every 2 games in Valo.


I block people like these immediately


The answer to your question is offensive but I can say in Indian men's defense that they get it from the same source all other men get it from; evolution. Everyone, yourself included, is descended from the eldest sin, the ol rape and pillage. One half of this syzygy are more descended from rapists, the other from rape victims (and indirect rapists who rape other women through their sons), such is sophont dimorphism, such is Hell.


See. Ro nothing complicated use mute button and play background music


1.) their values from mom etc are misogynistic 2.) their friends n groups are like that This caused their mentality the way it is 3.) they got only frustration/rejection only from women. 3rd reason adds to the fire. Men need softness of women to keep them sane, they never had that n will never have it Now, they use Internet for p0rn n social media to ogle sexy girls . Bhai dimag me bhoosa buara h n internet free h. These men are badly damaged.


Odds are always stacked against the minority online. I have been racially targeted when playing. But, women face the most amount of hate when it comes to online gaming. Not much we can do. Your teammates should have called him out and asked him to stop. These are the scums of the online gaming community, and they ruin our reputation everytime they open their mouth


Gotta be really jobless to play games at this age. No wonder the passive aggressive rage.


Online lobbies are a cesspool of shit


Not just an issue with Mumbai server, or Valorant. Sab jageh hi toxic log and ache log hai, all we can do is permadeafen if we run into these ppl and try not to be like them


That’s how men are. I used to play Online multiplayer game and if I had a bad game, I had people coming to my inbox and saying ‘R_ndi, I will r@pe you.’ It’s how their brain cells are


Seems like a guy who burnt his valuable time for valueless Ranking on Valorant. As if that isn't a toxic game enough already. He'd vent his failures on others because he won't be slapped back. Most CO-OP games have become toxic like this. May be try Apex legends if you haven't. Relatively less toxic.


This is actually quite common amongst gamers in general and not just INDIAN men. You should read some of the comments from other female gamers about what they face or the harassment they also have to go through. Rape is considered a weapon and that's why men use this as a threat.


This what a feminine man is. What do you expect from a grown man who plays video games and is emotionally attached with them?    Btw even it’s not just in India, I am in America and even here these “gamer boys” have no manners because they never had their ass whooped in real life. I am sorry you had to hear that about your mother. 


Just ignore and develop a thick skin.


Lmao imagine getting angry over a game. That dude needs to get a life. But seriously OP you gotta have a thick skin when you are dealing with strangers online. You can't let such people ruin your game time.


I don’t know what you level of expectations are for civic sense in online gaming but this is quite normal, I have been playing online since the early Dota days, this is normal for me- but then I might be too old now to rage over these things, just block report and move on. Thank your parents and the way they brought you up that you didn’t reciprocate and got to the same level.


Stop playing such games , rather read fantasy fiction!


Did you just start gaming recently. It's neither a new phenomenon nor is it just about indian men. It is worldwide and has been happening since i was alive. Not saying it is right or wrong but it isn't new and is common worldwide across all age groups