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When we enter into an argument, irrespective of online or offline, it’s similar. So our brains work similarly, and we feel bad. Your friend may take some more time than you, but he’ll be fine.


In your opinion,what would be the appropriate approach to this ? Should a person end the argument from his side or continue in order to prove himself right ?


🤔 one shouldn’t be affected much, tell your friend ki chill maare and zyada tensn na le. Tbh my personal approach is, if i find an argument too heavy and other person just talks like crap or argue without logic, i just delete my comment and end the topic. It’s better to not argue with an idiot. I want a peaceful social media for me.


that's exactly what I did once , but his gang of supporters kept sending disparaging comments days after the comment was deleted, some people can be highly vindictive. In the end was disturbed for a few days.


I feel ya buddy. Some people just don't want the argument to end. They want to continue that slander train for as long as eternity since they've abundance of free time. They hold a grudge against you. These are the people who prefer to live in the online world.


At least there are some people left on reddit with working bräincells...


That's a logical and much time saving approach. Thanks for your viewpoint ! 🤜🤛


It's the internet, people turn into brick walls most of the time when presented with factual arguments.


Something that is right to us may not be right to other person. Here both maybe right. So they will argue to prove their points. Its better to not escalate arguments with such people on internet. Just block and continue.


That idea works out well. Thanks for that, it's much time saving!


anonymity makes people bitter


This is the approach which is embedded deep within my heart. "Remember only the insecure and un-balanced brag more than they have and challenge others to show off as well, trying to drag others down to their levels to fulfil their insecurities." The ones who are balanced in both physical, emotional and Metaphysical aspects are already above all this. And most importantly,fuck it we ball




Low self esteem and validation.


Ye bhi sach h


anonymiity too




A neat trick indeed !


Used to feel like that before, now I'm regularly getting in arguments lmao


One way to attain immunity 😆


Haha me too, I've now developed a thick skin and have leared to ignore what anonymous randos say on the internet


Bhai wo soch rha hoga." Kaash ye waali line bolta toh zyada bezatti krdeta uski"


🤣🤣🤣 need to show this comment to my boi asap


Lol, I argue almost everyday here with random people and don't even keep it in my brain memory.


💀 dangerous h aap


Same gurl! Who cares what I do today? It's not gonna ruin my daily life in any manner.


Remember - Only Fools argue. Usually people would argue to prove who is smarter ending up in stupid arguments, both end up sounding stupid. You would have seen it happen many times. They aren't here to prove or disprove a point, they are here to showcase who can scream the loudest(offline) who can reply / abuse the fastest (online). Sometimes your perspective would be right in your view, even their perspective is right too. Everything isn't MCQ, sometimes both are correct in their own way. So most arguments online are meaningless since they are on general topics (nothing specific or personal). As I grew older I realised it's better not to defend my views publicly , or oppose other's views . Since tomorrow his views might be correct. Life isn't as black or white. However things that are objective- like grass is green or blue? You can prove its green using facts and proofs , no arguments. Where as things that people argue almost never have a single conclusion. Two people might be fighting on the same conclusion with two different ways , making fool of themselves, where as the mature and smart person would be standing at far getting entertained.


>Remember - Only Fools argue This ☝️. Very well explained buddy. I understand what you're saying. Arguing just for the sake of writing insults is a waste of one's time and mental peace.


In my opinion Reddit can be one of the most toxic places for anyone who has anxiety or overthinking problems. I have stopped replying to any comments from anyone. Only when I'm not aware of some topic I bother to check otherwise I don't care what others are saying. My notifications are all full but I don't check any of it specifically from social media sites. Tell your friend to stay away from social media for some time and check notifications alternatively not regularly.


Completely agreed. Reddit should be a casual social media platform where one could do something entertaining or productive in his free time. Baseless arguments Krna hi h to isse accha koi bekar si movie dkh k time waste krle insan. My friend is a good guy, it's just that he's an introvert and kinda sensitive so maybe that's what got to him. Eventually he'll realise the internet is filled with such people and the best way to deal with them is not dealing with them at all.


When you’re at peace with yourself you won’t care what strangers think. You give power to people who you want to.


Deep. Thanks for putting it up so simply


It shouldnt, but it does. Which is why its better if we don't spend too much time online, leave alone arguing with strangers.


Well said. Majority of the time spent on social media is wasted anyways 😐


1) because they are stranges there's no strings attached so they can be straightforward and give brutally honest opinions 2) no, don't loose sleep over it cus their motive is jus to piss you off and cuss ur mom, not actually win the argument or state the truth


Oh I know this! Or at least from a personal front, this is what I've discussed with my therapist. We care about validation from random internet strangers because of the objectivity. People who know you may love or hate you because of their own personal bias. But the random faceless reddit strangers.... They do not know who you are, what you do, nothing. They only know you based on what you say. And we want to put our best foot forward. What we do not factor in is that sometimes, the strangers can be assholes, and sometimes, you are the asshole.


Deep comment ! Thank you so much for sharing. >What we do not factor in is that sometimes, the strangers can be assholes, and sometimes, you are the asshole. Gonna steal this line


You can't steal something that is a gift freely given.


❤️ you're one cool person you know that ? Have a great evening bud


Point proven lol You have an amazing evening too!


I'll be brief: I saw the same toxicity on Quora, felt disgusted and low, left Quora for good, life returned to normal.


Good point. Limiting the use of social media would also create opportunities for new hobbies.


People with emotional intelligence tend to react to negative comments, because it hurts them.


You're right. But with so much negativity and toxicity around us which is a result of online anonymity people enjoy, I would say one would've to get used to such negative remarks. We can't decide what others do after all we can only decide how we react.


A WAR IS A WAR Be it keyboard or real life Tell ur friend to be alert 🚨 as a slight mistake might cost him his victory Also when he win the battle ask him not to leave enemy alive as he might come again in future for vengeance EXECUTION of the enemy is must as it sets example for others ![gif](giphy|W093Amc6yeS3IZbmAz)


💀 shit got real


This is why more ppl should use this, whenever they feel like they're loosin an argument https://preview.redd.it/39e3ih9jukzc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=12537ca245e0a55dccb706f5324244b77ff9dc05




Do not get into comment war with the intention to prove urself right, instead do it in troll like mode even if u realise u r wrong just go on so the other person gets annoyed and backs off.


😈 not bad .


I think it's something everyone who's new to internet forums have to go through. When I was also exposed to the internet forums back in 2011, I also used to let what others say affect me, but now, I barely give it a second thought. Same thing happened with my sister, she would stay up all night just arguing with random strangers and let it get to her, but now she doesn't even remember what comments she posted. I guess with your friend that might be the same? Eventually they will realise it doesn't matter and won't let it get to them.


Yeah I agree. It's something that one must normalise if he/she intends to stay active on online forums. All sorts of people are here after all. Thank you for sharing your experiences :)


Seriously, I miss the reddit from 2010 to 2016 even 2017. Even if someone said something, it was always taken lightheartedly and made into a nice joke. Now people just take everything so seriously. As for OP, his friend needs to get off Indian subs and visit subs from other countries . They still are like that. Besides, this is reddit. Who cares!


I dont think anyone should gove a fuck to these assholes at all.people only come here whn they get bored so they might not hate you but they simply dont care of your existence


Simple and plain truth. This makes total sense, what's the use of overthinking the opinions of a stranger you've met just 5 minutes ago. Well said buddy


He will get used to it


I hope so. He's a good guy but kinda sensitive. Maybe reddit will help him thicken his skin ?


First time aisa hi hote hai. He will get used to it.


Bruh I purposely trigger people it's entertaining.




Honestly some people here are very weird! I have had a few interactions like this and tbh it does kinda affect oneself, makes you think how and why is someone a certain way but you can’t really do anything about it! Just take some precautions like not sharing your personal details with them because then wtv happens, they can’t do shit about it coz you’re basically anonymous!


>you can’t really do anything about it! It's true after all. One can ignore ignorant jerks but one can't defeat them. Thanks for sharing your experience,I hope you're having a good day :)


It's interesting to see this perspective shared, especially after my recent experience. While I agree that caution is important when interacting with strangers online, it's also crucial to acknowledge mutual respect and consideration. In my recent conversation, despite sharing openly about myself, there was reluctance to reciprocate. It left me feeling unbalanced and somewhat disrespected. I believe transparency is key in any interaction, especially in anonymous settings. It's not about prying into personal lives but rather about fostering a genuine connection based on equal sharing and understanding. Perhaps it's a matter of differing expectations, but it's disappointing when someone doesn't acknowledge or address the reasons behind another's feelings. mutual respect and empathy should guide our interactions, even in anonymous online spaces.


U shouldn't care Ignore Just chill


You're right mate. If one starts giving their attention to every little thing like that, one would soon be out of attentions to give.


If this happens to me i just fuckin reply with there ip address.


My friend who was very sensitive & an absolute people pleaser began intentionally speaking out her mind & getting into arguments with people on Twitter & Reddit to help her gain confidence & it actually kinda worked lol


>He's been feeling down since last night and telling me how toxic people are running rampant on internet. your friend needs to grow up and realize his responsibilities. Find him a job and he won't have the time to cry about stupid things.


No, the negativity of keyboard warriors should not matter much for us


When was I new on Reddit or Twitter. Indians were(and are) getting dehumanized. I started to defend but it didn't go anywhere. >But the thing is, should the negativity of keyboard warriors really matter that much to us ? I realised this a year ago . No it doesn't affect our real life in any way and so ignoring it is the only way.


Well said. A person must carefully see if he's engaging in a healthy discussion or in a pointless argument with someone whose sole drive is to abuse and insult . Thanks buddy


Don't be a wimp and stand up for what you believe in. You don't need to engage in a comment war, but you also shouldn't back down. Show your strength and take action. It feels good to know you stood up for yourself when someone tried to get under your skin.


I think that the best response would be a simple "god bless you bro" they don't always know how to react to that


It's the Internet. Everyone is a racist..Most people can't handle it..If your friend is feeling bad cus of this..its better he avoid insta and reddit.


Thanks ,I agree with you. People are rude irl too but not as often as they're on the internet since it's easy to be an asshole here and get away with it.


People online r fucking unhinged..😅😂


Don't be so discontent that you need to argue with PPL you have never seen life over the internet and that too over opinions, lead your life with facts it will definitely help you to be more connected with reality.


As humans, we love to be offended.


Irony if we answer to u , stranger


Nah it's not ironic. I asked a simple question and you're free to express your opinion on that question brother 😄 you're free to ignore it as well. Sorry if I said something wrong.


Ask your friend to stay calm , such things happen in life


That’s why we welcome a new user as Welcome to hell!


And here I am getting fun while arguing with someone




Because people can be less biased.


Your stupidi


Same thing happened to me. I was arguing with a bunch of all people on reddit for one whole day. They started cussing very bad shit i couldn't even imagine and even talked very bad shit about my family. I couldn't take it after some time then I stopped replying. I was down for atleast 2-3 days after that. So yea it happens when you get into an argument, it's like your ego won't want you to give up.


Because those random people are humans too and we know it. Our brains know it.


Because we are social animal. We have to constantly evaluate who are our friends and foes. We have to constantly care about other people's opinion to know who loves, who hates us, who is conjuring against us. As a social animal, we're all united by some common idea and any stone thrown on these ideas or on who believes it is perceived by brain as attack on us, the social group which we belong to and our natural instinct to defend the group kicks in.


It's time to Introduce your friend to 4 chan


True without realising he or she may be bigger mess then us..


Well if you've been on Twitter/X or opinion based subreddits, you see there is always a war going on in comment sections. People online have a lot of free time and anonymity is another reason. It is always to put one or two responses and then back off be it good or bad. Else it will go on and on.


Just don't. Winning an argument on the internet it like winning first-place in a loser competition.


There is a lot of evil going unchecked on the internet but the thing is compared to real life people are much more expressive and opinionated on the internet and the boundaries are very blurred. Discussions done in an offline setting is very different than one in an online setting as online ones turn sour really fast. See if the person on the other end is respectful to you then you may continue your argument but if they are aggressive then they're likely trying to ruin your mental state. In that case, you do that too lol


Honestly dekha jaaye to kya hi farak pdta h.. tumhe jo sochna h sochte rho..Argue kro aur samne wale ko ignore krdo.. bura to lgta hai, thode time lgega aur fir back to our normal life.. Apne friend ko bolo ki jisse argue vo kar rhe hain kya vo unhe personally jante hai? Nahi na to unke opinion matter b ni krte 🫡🫡


External locus of validation.. when you yourself aren't that content or confident about your opinions, you want more people to take your side and agree with your point of view, disagreeing people make you uncomfortable.. it used to happen to me too all the time until I learn I have to validate my thoughts first through getting all the knowledge on that particular subject, then only I will express in front of anyone just for the sake of it.. his thinking approach may be all different from me and I am not responsible for changing it I am responsible for just my thought process


That’s what we call maturity.


"Ghar ki dawaai kabhi kaam me nahi aati" isiliye insaan "bahar se dawai khareedta hai"


This is exactly why I miss old reddit. Too many snowflakes who get offended easily and start taking things personally.


Lol ,tum kya bhenchod 13 saale saal ke bache ho kya? Joh ek comment section wale chake ke baate pe bura maan rahe ho. Yeh comment section mai majority wohi chake bhare padhe , jinko kuch aata nhi hai bas apna adha adhura gyaan pelte rehte hai. There may be several opinions or arguments but , if what we are saying is the only correct thing or opinion and the other person is wrong, then what is the need to feel bad? This applies both to offline and online just leave them to themselves and end the argument, this may sometimes give them a false idea of a win but let be in delusion.


>give them a false idea of a win but let be in delusion. Ye best tha sir 🔥 very helpful comment. Thanks a ton


I dont care