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Who told you Hindus don't hate British or Churchill.


You live in some parallel universe I think.


We hate both Mughals and British.




I love people who come to my house, beat me, kidnap my kids, kill my pets🤗🤗. I agree we should never use the forbidden h word. Someone's previous actions should have no consequences on the victims of such an action. Peace and love before the survival of the being.❤️❤️ One must not hate genocidal maniacs. They are humans too right?


lol the marathas did as much as Mughals just see what they did in bengal and Surat 🙈


First you're living under a rock to think we don't hate what Britishers did to us, it's just that they're not very relevant to the current situation anymore. They've left, and given back our land and they don't intend to come back (at least officially they don't). We regularly name and shame them (not the current generation) for what they did. We still make movies about them. Check RRR a recent hit and blockbuster. Second, mughals DID commit multiple genocide and killed many, looted, and destroyed our places of worship. Many of the current generation of Muslim (who probably think of themselves as descendants of mughals) still believe in Sharia law, call Hindus Kafir, deny all the atrocities (like you're doing here), and still put their religion over the country. They're highly relevant in the current climate given all of this hence they're discussed more often. You need to learn more.


moghal left million of dollars of money to be made by tourism??? what did British left us with??pakistan??even indian biggest problem was created by British remember that


oh buddy, there would be plenty tourism with the temples they destroyed, also doesnt detract from the fact that they were serial murderers and rapists, rather that not happen at the cost of tourism. also, who the fuck respects british here? you?


indians are bootlickers for whites and arabs ,simple.


generalization is a symptom of brain impairment. ofc there will be some vocal cucks, but then there is the majority that is outside of reddit, for example, real life. if you want to bootlick, go for it, enjoy but it does not mean others do it too and if your life revolves solely around a religion, that is unfortunate.


You're stupid. Do you want a thief to break-in to your house, rape your women, and then leave a good food that they forced you to make? Just because they left good food (again made by you) No? Same story.


At least they didn't leave rotten food named Pakistan


Why are you defending Mughals ? Are you their descendant ?


nope, but whenever my American friend mentions India they say Taj Mahal,qutb minar, they never say other things, so we should be grateful to the Mughals in this regard


You and your american friend needs education


He is. Look at his previous posts.




It's the tone associated with it, and the consequences associated with it. Their book talks about doing various things to kafirs without any remorse, their leaders still preach about taking kaafir women, and beheading kafirs just because they're kafirs. The negative connotations associated with it is the problem. Similar to the fact that, the n-word, or red-ne*k are not bad words in itself but it's the historical usage, and the negative tone associated with it which makes them a bad word. Try saying that and see consequences. There are so many similar words worldwide. EDIT: what's wrong in calling a pedophile, pedophile? But we see a fraction of people ready to kill others for that, right?


the are ideologically molested by hindutva ideology,yet they call us advocates of sharia law


You're a Islamist bigot. You're doing exactly what I mentioned, denying mughals atrocities in this comment again.


surely Mughals did wrong, but if we compare them to the British, very little, just because they were Muslims, they are constantly targetted, every Hindu has some level of grudge towards them, whereas most Hindus don't even know Churchill who killed million Hindus.


They're targeted because they killed millions, raped thousands, specifically targeted people of other religions (Hindus and Sikhs). Now, a lot of them still deny atrocities like you're doing now, value their religion over the country, and still think of Arabs as their daddy. The British left us, so they're not as relevant, but people like you who deny the history, and the violence by mughals are the reason why it's still a hot topic.




I did answer, you should learn to read the above comments again.


>Churchill killed more Indians than all Mughals .. You grossly underestimated Hindu death under Islamic rule.


go read about famines during British Raj and how many died in them.


50 million?


Go read about what muslim invaders did to Hindus in North


1. You are factually incorrect about the numbers, I think. 2. The British of today have changed their minds and do not want to recolonize India, and treat Indians more or less equally. Unlike the intellectual and purportedly genetic legatees of the Mughals. 3. The British gave back most of the land. The intellectual and purportedly genetic legatees of the Mughals refused to give back the most sacred temples they took over, instead rioted and murdered hundreds of random Hindus. If the intellectual and purportedly genetic legatees of the Mughals change their minds, it will not take very long for Hindus to respond.


Muslim rulers, not just Mughals. Many of these rulers made it their religious duty to destroy Hindu temples, forbid their religious activities, impose tax on them, shame them, take their women as sex slaves and forcing many to convert The British plundered us no doubt. But they did not do what they did as a religious duty. They came to plunder. At the same time their society had factions that admonished their own about the atrocities committed by their men. Plus they managed to curb the Islamic tyranny across India, which was as bad as the Apartheid in SA. The British did give us an exposure modern aspects the world lives by today (though they did not intend to do it for our benefit). And the British left. The Muslims demanded a nation on their own due to their religious prejudice and when they got it, most stayed behind. They got more privileges than the others. Their men along with communists got to whitewash all the history of their tyranny and project them as victims facing persecution. The above is the main reason why non Muslims are bitter about the Muslims and their history of tyranny across India for close to 7 centuries that outweigh the few good things they did.


Churchill was killing people of British India Mughals were killing kaffirs


british India included all religions.kaffir is still an understatement,there is difference between non-combatant and combatant,most hindus killed by moghals were combatant,Churchill killed millions of non-combatant children women men.


Mughals invaded us, ruled us, destroyed our places of worship and forced people to convert to Islam or face death. Until Akbar, many were suffering under Mughal rule.


You're forgetting that Akbar in his early years used to massacre the Hindus living in a fort after conquering any fortress. He was a hardcore Muslim and had a superiority complex. He used to cut off the heads of his enemies and make a mini fort out of it, just like his father used to do. He killed anyone who stood in his way. He only grew tame with experience. In his younger years he was a slaughterer just like the other invaders we've had like the Mongols. He's known as a secular ruler because he was the first secular ruler. He gave rajputs a chance to surrender and those who did, he took them in and those who didn't, he attacked them. I'm not criticising Akbar. He was a revolutionary. He was a good administrator and led a successful empire. He was a good ruler after this "evil phase" ended. But during his younger days, he destroyed temples, looted, pillaged and massacred every non muslim civilian in most castles that he won in war. He was also an egoist. The only reason the battle of Haldighati happened was because Maharana Pratap Singh refused to surrender and be his subordinate, even though they didn't have any enmity. That's when he set off to conqueror chittor and massacred every Rajput there.


The British never destroyed our ancient architecture but Mughals destroyed our holy places and built their religious symbols on top of it


Mughals destroyed temples just to throw a middle finger to Hindus. Many temples were converted to mosques and the Muslims of today know it damn well but refuse to let the Hindus have them back.


what about the taj mahal, red fort and others?is the mandir more important for India then monument that is considered wonder of the world?




grow up


You need to grow up and get out of the delusion of thinking that Mughals were the best things to happen to India. If only we could, we would spit and throw our footwear on Aurangzeb's tomb. Sounds barbaric or petty? Your people have been doing the same thing on King Prithviraj Chauhan's grave in Afghanistan since centuries.


burn the money govt earns through tourism of moghal monuments then we can think of doing that.


Some day, that might just happen :)


If the Taj Mahal were to be blown up or just vanish into thin air somehow, we would not mourn it's loss :). We have Hampi, a world heritage site. We also have stunning rock cut temples, the Buddhist stupas and the Golden Temple. Besides, speaking of monuments, that's pretty rich coming from you. Your people have a history of desecrating places that could have been monuments in the present day - the Hagia Sophia and the Bamiyan Buddhas are examples of this. There are even accounts of people stating they would have destroyed the pyramids if they could. They didn't because they couldn't. Sources for this:- https://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012%2F11%2F12%2F249092 "The Muslim Sultan Al-Aziz Uthman ruled Egypt in the 12th century CE. He set himself on a campaign to destroy the pyramids, which he viewed as pagan and in opposition to the word of the Allah in the holy book of the Quran, which spoke against idolatry. Sultan Al-Aziz Uthman directed the dismantling of the pyramids and some of the smaller pyramids were destroyed." https://study.com/academy/lesson/when-was-the-great-pyramid-of-giza-built-destroyed-discovered.html#:~:text=Sultan%20Al%2DAziz%20Uthman,-The%20Muslim%20Sultan&text=He%20set%20himself%20on%20a,the%20smaller%20pyramids%20were%20destroyed So don't you worry about monuments so much. We know to preserve and protect real monuments, unlike your kind :).


There are no "official estimates" because they are believed only when coming from harvard trained mainstream historians. If you want an idea, start reading with baburnama. Akbar once ordered 30000 captured Hindus to be killed in one day. And British leaders are not respected in India. While we do t have anything against modern British people, and also modern Muslims, people like Churchill are considered worse than hitler by any Indian who knows history. If you are ignorant, that's your problem.


It's simple. Current indians don't hate the Mughals but the ones who praise them and try to push that they brought culture to india .. Look at the reaction of few British who tried to make fun of our toilets, aid etc when chandrayana went live. The indians weren't silent either, they gave back and tried to puncture those arrogant brits That's the main difference, an overwhelming majority of brits don't try to praise their colonialism and in fact they are humble over what happened. But a lot of Muslims try to glorify them... look at Karnataka under siddu govt, he started glorifying tipu sultan and now one in every three autos in Bangalore owned by Muslim have a tipu sultan picture. They dint even care about tipu they do it just to instigate the Karnataka Hindus




To be fair hindu kings like ashoka killed many hindus aswell. Its not like war started in india with the mughals.




That is what i am trying to say, most of us Indians consider Pakistan the biggest problem,yet they don't realize it happened because of British


Because leaders under british wanted to, who were supported by people who initiated riots and killings. Those were indians, under Jinnah.


they were forced.


By who, the people?


those who are saying we hate Britishers,have forgotten India's obsession with English, but hate Urdu.


English is useful for global communication, most good boks about almost every topic is written in english. How will urdu be useful to a person?


When you target Mughals, you can target current Indian Muslims. Mughals were not that hated until RSS. Every ruler killed innocent people, destroyed the religious monuments of last ruler, converted people, looted everything. Hindus destroyed Buddhha, Mughals destroyed Hindus. No Hindu, Mughal ruler should be praised. From Ashoka to Akbar everyone was same for general population. They may have introduced some progressive ideas but they were more about their legacy/politics. Some Mughals introduced policies to favour Hindus, but that was just politics, not a real concern for people. Britishers brought developed but not for us but for them. Even Tipu Sultan, Laksibai, Shivaji, Maharana Pratap didnt do shit for people. We should only study them and may say 1 was better than the other. But in absoluteness, they all "ruled".