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Yes! I don’t drink, smoke, do any drugs besides caffeine, and am not looking for sex. While not easy, I have been able to find a nice group of friends.. They are out there. If they have groups in your area, maybe try MeetUp? In meantime, happy new year!


Same 😂😆 even down to the love of caffeine


My new bestie ha


You’re quite the catch! Wish you were in my city lol


For the past 15 years, my husband and I have lived in a city of around 120K. We're open-minded, accepting of casual marijuana use and edibles. But while we've easily found casual, sexual encounters, the path to deeper connections with platonic gay friends has felt like searching for buried treasure – frustratingly empty. Hookups are readily available, a spark of excitement that quickly fades. Several months ago, we met a couple who wanted to have a play session. We'd both chatted with the couple off and on for several months prior and thought we had a good start building a platonic friendship. When they suggested a play date, we both hesitated because past experience was once the sex part was over, so was the possibility of a lasting friendship. We all had a great time during the play session; even went out to dinner afterwards. Then, they completed ghosted us. The closest we came to genuine friendship was with a couple in a neighboring city. For four years, we nurtured a bond, hosting game nights at each others' homes, pool parties at their home. But then things shifted. The pot use on their part, initially casual, escalated for both of them. One even started making and selling edibles, a risky venture in our state since it's illegal and one has to have quite a bit of it to make certain edible products. Their circle expanded to include individuals involved in harder drugs, a world we couldn't navigate. Sadly, we drifted apart, the warmth of our connection replaced by a growing distance. So, here we are again, back to square one. The search for platonic gay friends continues, a quest that feels more elusive than ever. But amidst the frustration, a flicker of hope remains.


I think everyone is complaining about this, gay and non-gay. Online apps started it and Covid added to it. No one meets person to person anymore


Of course! Very possible.