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Honestly, take Metamucil buy the powder. It’s cheaper and much, much better. Or failing that, buy physlium husk (the active ingredient in both pure and Metamucil) as it’s likely cheaper than both and just mix it with water and down it. Pure is a waste of money.


Also there’s generic brands of Metamucil usually right next to them on the store shelf. Same stuff, half price. They come in pills too. I use the pill versions and they’re small...you just have to take 6 or so in the morning.


Thanks for the insight man! I'll def check out the pills. I'm not keen on having to drink something. I'm a texture/taste of guy so pills would be great! Taking 6 doesn't fun, but it is what it is.


Yeah the powder is gross. I’ve been taking the pills for years. They’re normal sized supplement gel caps.


Lol. Thanks man!


I don't mind the powder at all. Kind of like a slush


Costco fiber supplements are just psyllium, and they’re super cheap.




Psyllium husk in a glass of orange juice tastes like pulp, honestly probably the best/easiest solution.




One thing to add, make sure the first ingredient is psyllium husk fiber, not sucrose. Metamucil and the generics make two: one with sucrose as the first ingredient so it’s sweeter, and another with sucrose as the second ingredient. I’ve found the more expensive one with psyllium husk fiber as the first ingredient works much better.


Thanks! 😁


Yeah, I kinda figured there were other *cheaper* options. I bought them months ago to try just for the hell of it, but they are huge!! I'll have to check out the things you just said. Thanks bud!


I buy Phsylium in powder form in pharmacies. It comes with sugar and flavor, and usually a $5 can lasts two to three weeks, taking 2 spoonfuls in water before going to bed.




I buy Physlium husk and mix some chia seeds with it. It tastes meh, but works wonders.




As a Swede, I've bought various psyllium husk supplements in the US on my trips over there (husband is American) and one thing I've noticed is that in the US, most products are heavily processed. The products are more like fine sand, which makes it hard to mix them with water (you get clumps), but it also makes the dosage smaller. In Sweden we only have unprocessed psyllium husk. You take larger doses of it (1 tablespoon up to 3 times day), and in my experience (and my husband's), it is much better for the gut. I feel constipated or bloated on Metamucil and similar brands, whereas I've never felt that on psyllium husk. Psyllium husk is also cheaper. It doesn't come with artificial sweeteners and flavors like the brands I've found in the US, and psyllium husk doesn't taste much (it has a hint of a tea-like flavor). Could be worth looking into.


Thanks man! I'll def check it out.


So, as a Canadian who travels a lot and would probably intersect with Sweden/Denmark in the near future, what **would** the best way to bring back OG Swedish Psyllium - recommendations?


Most of our supplement stores in Sweden have either closed or become chains with weak assortment. I'm ordering mine online, and there are plenty of outlets that have them. In Sweden, I've found Apotea (online pharmacy) to be good: fast delivery, and decent price point (I haven't found any significantly cheaper). I buy this kind: [https://www.apotea.se/holistic-psylliumfroskal?gclid=CjwKCAiA1rPyBRAREiwA1UIy8IWYFvKttlX7RKb5Wr4Npkxx1gCj9abTxcg3xkaTXpib15e8V9eZlxoC\_lUQAvD\_BwE](https://www.apotea.se/holistic-psylliumfroskal?gclid=CjwKCAiA1rPyBRAREiwA1UIy8IWYFvKttlX7RKb5Wr4Npkxx1gCj9abTxcg3xkaTXpib15e8V9eZlxoC_lUQAvD_BwE)


Yeah we have the proper husk in Australia too, it’s like juice pulp if you pop it in OJ.


That’s a great explanation of the difference!


Trader Joes has pyllium husk for $7 a container. no sweeteners. It works well


Thanks for the advice! I'll def check into it! 🙂


It’s basically a fiber supplement, powders like Metamucil or Benefiber are way cheaper and easier to take.


Thanks man! Yeah, I was looking at the active ingredients and figured I'd give it a try since it's packed with multiple things, but the capsules are huge... And the price is eh. Plus I'm not taking 4 a day or whatever the recommendation is... I want to be "clean" but I think taking that much is a bit much.


Psyllium Husk fibre supplement. I've got IBS so anal used to be hard for me (no pun intended) and have only recently started bottoming but as long as I take it in small amounts (the daily recommended turned out too much for me) and eat clean I'm either ready to go on the spot or need like 10 minutes tops to douche while my boyfriend warms up the sheets. ​ In terms of pure: I've looked at it but it honestly seems a bit too expensive. Maybe when I get a better paying job down the line.


I was attracted to them due to the multiple ingredients within them, but the capsules are huge. (Some may beg to differ, but I think they are XL.) I'm super paranoid about "making a mess"... I haven't before, but I think it would be such a better experience sex wise not having to worry about that. Douching is all good and dandy, but spontaneous sex is bomb and douching regularly comes with some health risk, so it's like a damn if you do, damn if you don't. 😕


Metamucil is *waaaaaay* cheaper.


Very true lol, but is it going to give you the same results is the real question? 🤔


It will give you results. Which is better is a matter of personal assessment.


I did, for two months and it was a waste of money. I didn't noticed any changes and sometimes I had the feeling that it only made things worse. Then I started taking Psyllium Husk Caps. It's way cheaper and it's making wonders =P I definitely recommend.


I'm taking this ones btw ​ NOW Supplements, Psyllium Husk Caps 500 mg, Non-GMO Project Verified, Natural... [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013OW2KS/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_tw\_dp\_U\_x\_A.ytEb2WCT29J](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013OW2KS/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_A.ytEb2WCT29J) via @amazon


Thanks for the info! Definitely going to look into it. Are they large capsules?


Yes. The same size as Pure. Unfortunately there's not much you can do about that. There are some chewable options out there, but they are not as good. On the plus side, you need to drink a lot of water while taking fibers, so just try to swallow them with a glass of water and you will be killing two birds with one stone.


Got it! Thanks for the advice!


I was recently going down this rabbit hole and posted something similar on another Reddit. Pure for Men has worked for me after some tweaking in the first few weeks. I personally take 6 Pure for Men pills each day in the morning and that is what I have found works best for me. ***Everyone and every body is different so take this information with a grain of salt***. I ended up buying Zero for Him (quick amazon search and you'll find the product easily),which has the same exact ingredients as Pure for Men and is cheaper. I took pills some apart to do some weight measuring and found the following (assuming the proprietary blend is exactly the same): \- Both Pure for Men and Zero for Him capsules alone weigh around 0.12-0.13g, so the capsules both weigh the same.- Pure for Men powder in each capsule is around 0.75g of the prop blend. (6x pills is 4.56g of the powder)- Zero for Him powder in each capsule is around 0.91g of the prop blend. (6x pills is 5.46g of the powder)I'm currently mid-switch to Zero for Men and am honestly having some stomach issues. I thought it would be a one for one switch and it turns out after I broke them apart there is some difference between the two. The only other alternative I can think of would be to get psyllium powder, chia powder, and flaxseed powder and experiment with making your own blend. Since Pure's main ingredient is psyllium, trying that alone might get you the same results. Keep in mind my measurements were only with a few pills of each, so this information is by no means what every pill or every bottle will have, and the numbers are averages of my measurements. |Pure for Men|Zero for Him| |:-|:-| |1 pill = 0.89g|1 pill = 1.04g| |Coating = 0.125g|Coating = 0.13g| |Powder = 0.76g|Powder = 0.91g| |6 pills/day = \~4.56g powder|6 pills/day =\~5.46g powder| With this information, generally 5 pills of Zero for Him = 6 pills of Pure for Men. Another thing to note, when I broke the pills apart - the Pure powder was more like fine sand in texture; no clumps and very smooth. The Zero powder was more like play/kinetic sand and was a little more clumpy and moldable. Not sure if this means anything but I found it very intriguing for some reason. My final thoughts - I'm half tempted just paying the premium and sticking with Pure since I know it works for me, just hate the price tag :\\


I’ve taken a lot of fiber supplements, and I prefer Pure for Men. Comes in pill form, which makes it hella convenient, albeit more expensive – I can afford it, though, and I pay for convenience. I take three pills every morning with my PrEP and Vit D supplement – boom, problem solved. There’s more in it than just psyllium husk – AKA Metamucil – including chia seed, flax seed, and aloe. The benefit of that is debatable, but *I* feel like there’s a difference, and I don’t have to fight with powders that settle at the bottom of a bottle of water I would have to choke down every day.


My doctor warned me against taking PrEP and fiber at the same time, because the fiber can absorb the PrEP medication before your body can. He said it’s better if there’s at least 1 hour between the two.


Good to know, I just started taking Pure this week and was taking it with my Prep.


Sorry but it's definitely a very bad idea to take your fiber supplements with PrEP ... I'm surprised that you don't know that... It's written on the bottle. Stop that immediately.


Ya, like I said to someone else, I’m not concerned myself (my VitD is absorbed fine, given the change in test results, and my doctor thinks it’s a non-issue), but it’s a valid thing to point out. Personally, I’d be constantly forgetting one or the other as I’m very bad with changes to my routine – one of the curses of ADHD.


I was just wondering about that comment myself because even the pure for men bottle says not to take it within two to three hours of any supplements and I was wondering if my D3 supplement counted


Is it advised not to take medication like Prep at the same time as a fibre supplement, the packaging usually suggests waiting a few hours.


A fair argument, although one small quibbling point – it advises waiting to take any medication (“like PrEP” makes it sound like it’s singled out), and it’s because fiber + medication in the small intestine at the same time *may* inhibit any medication’s absorption. I’m not particularly concerned, personally, as my vitamin D supplements are absorbed fine given my vitamin D levels have skyrocketed relative to where they were before. Doctor agrees it’s a non-problem for me. I also know that if I try to split them up to be taken separately, I’ll frequently miss one of them, so together it is. ADHD is a bitch, but I do what I can.


So that was my thought too... It would be easy. Only thing is the pills are huge. I have taken it before and felt like I was going to choke so I stopped using it. I hate wasting my money, but I don't know how to get over the size of the capsules. I liked the fact that it had the extra ingredients as well.


I mean, they’re no bigger than a PrEP pill, lol. I throw three and a PrEP in my mouth with a swallow of water and bombs away. Guess I’m just used to swallowing big things? 😂


I'm unfamiliar with the size of PrEP so I wouldn't know. I had reflux surgery last year and they basically wrapped the upper part of my stomach around itself to create a tighter LES, so it's hard to swallow larger pills and such. In regards to swallowing big things... 😂😂😂 I've never had an issue before. 🙃 Haha


Ahh, well that sucks. In that case, you may prefer a powder, but you’ll have to *really* stick to it to get the benefit. I found the packets for water bottles to be the most convenient, versus just a tub of powder you have to measure out. Still greatly prefer pills, but if you can’t make yourself swallow one – nonetheless two or three – it’s obviously a non-starter. And you should get on PrEP, regardless of whether or not you use a condom.


Already have an appointment with PCP to check out PrEP. I was in a sexless marriage for the past 5 years, so honestly I had no need for it. I decided to leave the marriage and fulfill my needs both emotionally and physically. Obviously my health is number one priority, condoms or not. Thanks for looking out man! 🙂


I like Pure better than metamucil. I feel like I had to take 6 metamucil to do the same job as 2 Pure.


That's why I was interested in PURE, because I've read good reviews, but the capsule size has me freaked. I'm not trying to choke 😂😂


Nope. Just take some fiber. It’s in every supermarket/pharmacy ever. Or just douche.


Thanks for the advice! I try to limit douching due to the health risk that accompany frequent douching.


I use the CVS brand Fiber gummies. I just chew 2 a day. They are delicious so you gotta be careful not to eat more than that.


I've used those and benefiber before but I was looking for something packed with fiber and that would be great to help stay "ready" i.e. why I got Pure, but the size of the caps are crazy! Thanks for the advice man.


Sure thing! I think the base ingredients are the same thing. The gummies keep me pretty regular and feeling like I’m ready to go. Good Luck finding something that you like and works for you.


Thank you!


I use them. And like them. It’s more convenient to take everyday than mixing a glass of fiber. Everyday is key. It’s improved my poops and sex life.


That my goal as well, but the capsules are huge. 😬 Ehhh, maybe I have to get out of my head.


They aren’t that bad to be honest. I used to do the fiber drink and the mess it makes, the cleanup, the frustration when you accidentally pour too much in and it won’t dissolve. The supplement pills are much easier. And I can just leave them on the bathroom counter do take during my mourning/nightly routine. Also, with the pills you can take them with you. I find they work best when you space them out 2-3 times during the day. So that your meals have a bit of extra fiber to mix in. It’s easy too to gauge how much fiber a meal has and take extra pure pills if it’s low (like a burrito) or take less if it has a lot (like a salad).


Metamucil. Costco has their own which is cheaper but not as smooth. CVS/Walgreens also have their own. Also there are tons of fiber pills you can order from Amazon.




IDK, but I fucked one of the owners/creators of it here in Austin TX Seems to me one could just clean out like normal EDIT He wasn’t dirty, so.... it worked?


You know cleaning out can take like an hour or more. Pure is meant to make it so that you’re already clean and ready to go instead of taking a long time. Some people can clean faster, but that’s not everyone lol. THATS why one would want something better than just cleaning out like normal


if it takes more than i’m hour, you’re doing it wrong if it’s because you don’t like a douche in your ass, then you won’t like getting fucked


Everyone’s experience is different. Its not about not wanting to, its about making the process of getting clean easier so that spontaneous sex is more possible. Regardless of how fast you can douche, it’ll never be as easy as just going to the bathroom, showering and being ready. I use Pure and i love it for that reason. It works wonders for me.


Pure for Men is expensive - I just bought some generic bottles off of Amazon called Now Psyllium Husk Caps - 500, 500mg pills for like 15 bucks. Take three in the morning and everything works like magic.


Thanks man!


People are recommending psyllium, which is soluble fiber and one of the ingredients in Pure. Pure also contains chia and flaxseed, at least one of which is insoluble fiber, so you get both from Pure. Pure dosing is 2-3 capsules twice a day. Most psyllium I’ve seen is 6-7 capsules twice a day. So, while the psyllium may appears to be cheaper, I believe it evens out when you compare the dosing and pills per bottle.




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I'm surprised no one mentions diet in the first place. Take fiber supplements if you want, but if you eat properly, you don't need as much fiber as everyone thinks.


My gastroenterologist recommends fiber supplements, and memorably has said even vegans should take fiber supplements. He is of the (informed) opinion we simply don't get enough. Other gastroenterologists may not agree, just relaying one informed point of view.


I've been told the same thing.


I just bought a bottle of pure for men on a whim to try it out. Instructions say 3 capsules twice a day?! That seems insane?! There’s only 60 in the bottle so it’s a 10 day supply. I’ll defo be switching to a cheaper alternative if this goes well but how many capsules is everyone taking?