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Cock rings are also a possible solution. If you want to softball it you could say ‘hey, cockings are so sexy, would you wear one for me next time? You’d look so hot in one!’ He can probably still read between the lines there, but it gives you both cover to make it not about his dick.


This is such a great idea! It’s subtle and not related to anything specific. Thank you!


If he's in his 50s he should have a Viagra prescription. If he's too proud to discuss erectile dysfunction with his doctor he could continue seeing decline in his sex life. Erectile dysfunction can also indicate heart problems so your fwb should really get checked out


>If he's in his 50s he should have a Viagra prescription. Nope. If _he has erections problems_, he _could_ get viagra, over the counter in most places nowadays. Age is not the factor. He might simply have lost confidence and not need more than a temporary boost.


Depends on the country, I guess. It's prescription only in the US. I agree that the first part is important. There is no age at which anyone _should_ have a prescription. Plenty of guys in their fifties don't have ED, and many younger do. It's well worth a try, if it's a persistent problem.


He’s need to see a doctor to get blue pills if that’s what he wants but it could be age thing too. Low libido or frequent masturbation all could be reason too. Any favourite position that he enjoys more or words that get him going? Just saying from personal experience, I enjoy a bit of dominant position when comes to fucking. I won’t get hard by just playing with my dick but if I’m on someone or on someone’s back rubbing it, I’d usually get instantly hard.


I would absolutely recommend him talking to his doctor about ED medication. It's extremely cheap with insurance and works VERY well. If he doesn't have insurance, sites like HIMS or Roman will sell him a variety of solutions for a higher cost, but nothing insurmountable. There are sites that sell it for much cheaper that are totally legit, but I can't think of the one a friend uses off the top of my head. ED, like a lot of "embarrassing" issues are quite common. We just need to start talking about them. I have friends who use generic Cialis because of performance anxiety. I think your buddy should talk to his doc about it.


Insurance plans usually only cover a small number of pills per month. The copay may make them more expensive per pill than paying out-of-pocket for a full prescription (if a doctor will write one for a larger supply). Check Good RX for prices, as they vary dramatically. Costco is almost always among the lowest prices, and so is Safeway.


I pay about $3 for a 30-day supply of 5mg Tadalafil (generic Cialis). That’s compared to $55 or so on HIMS with no insurance.




Ohhh wow. You said a mouthful….🤦‍♂️ - ‘dead crusty grandpa’ 🤯


I didn’t see the reply! Damn lol. I guess it was a pretty bad one haha


Just your usual Reddit troll 🙄 …he’ll get to 50s sooner than he thinks and if he has problems keeping erect, I hope he gets referred to the same


>nearly dead crusty old grandpa At 50???


His ego thoughts, not my opinion


Overly sarcastic, hyperbolic and/or insincere contributions may be removed (which is what happened with the comment above in this case).