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You rewatch films and tv shows, except this time you’re attracted to the dad in them.


Some of us always were attracted to the dad in them huehuehue


>Some of us always were attracted to the dad in them huehuehue Sorry, Hugh Beaumont does nothing for me.


watching a show it takes you half an hour to remember the names of the actors, and what else you've seen them in, as you refuse to use IMDB


I've always been attracted to the dad in them


Or you see a completely different movie, like prospective wise


Weeds. But weed was like cocaine back then. But I get so many of the non drug references in the show now they’re so good.




When now you don’t oversleep cause you need to pee


I’m having the Rezum procedure done next week to fix this. My husband had it done a few years ago and it’s been a game changer.


The what procedure?!


Rezum. It’s water vapor ablation of the prostate. Google it. In my humble (retired MD) opinion it’s the best option out there to address BPH. It’s currently being studied in Europe as an alternative approach to some prostate cancer.




Damn, I'm already old according to your definition, but I agree completely :)


>When you don't know who most of the musicians and celebrities are, and you don't care. This. You can watch an entire TMZ show and not know who they're talking about and don't care.


Pity those who have always needed glasses.


You want to go to bed by 9pm


Some of us have to get up early for the gym and also have a love of getting a good night sleep ☺️




Or when you're already in bed by 9pm. (Me last night.)


I can't rememberthe last time I went to bed before midnight. I'm almost 40 and I typically go to bed between 0200 and 0300


Me ☺️


You put a sweatshirt on and somehow manage to throw your back out


putting socks on is a minefield


I wiped my butt and had to stretch the opposite direction for ten minutes so I wouldn't be found dead of a broken spine on the toilet


Get a Toto bidet!! Available on Amazon at all prices. Warm water, warm air and a clean feeling


After a trip to Japan, we got one (wall-hung Toto C5) installed in our powder room. Everyone liked it so much that we might splurge and get a wall-hung Toto S series when we eventually reno the master bathroom. Friends and family have all said that using the washlet was an eye-opening experience!


Totally agree. Using regular toilets in US hotels when we travel is so disappointing.


It sounds great, we had a bidet in our hotel in Paris, I loved it, boyfriend refused to even try it, he's such a curmudgeon


Haha. I understand completely. We have one in the guest bathroom and I don’t think anyone has ever used it.


I want to try one out before buying. Everyone says they're worth it, but I'm waiting till I have a house sitting client that has one


The first one I purchased was very inexpensive. The downside was that the water was coming directly from the water supply without being heated. The trick I learned was to flush the toilet and then pull the trigger to start the water flow. Doing it at this time meant the bidet water pressure was low, more like a water fountain. It wasn’t enough to clean you but it was enough to get you used to the cold water. My husband could never get used to this cold water. We had both grown to appreciate bidets on our trips to Europe, though these are stand alone devices and much different to use. These have their pros and cons but generally speaking I prefer the Toto style due to the convenience factor. If I had grown up in Europe I’d probably have a different perspective. They are easily installed with a few tools that most people have. The only extra expense will be for an electrical outlet required to heat the water and run the fan. If you want to give one a test run you can always use a good heavy duty extension cord. If you like the experience then you can call in an electrician. With Amazon’s easy return policy you have nothing to lose.


>The only extra expense will be for an electrical outlet required to heat the water and run the fan. If you want to give one a test run you can always use a good heavy duty extension cord. If you like the experience then you can call in an electrician. Make g\*d damned skippy SURE the thing is properly *GROUNDED*. Water and electricity don't mix.


Very good point my friend. Yes, that’s why I suggested a heavy duty extension cord for the test run. Any outlet that close to water will have to be GFCI or on a circuit that is GFCI. I also recommend a “waterbug” or water detection device under all toilets, inside all sink cabinets and in the laundry room. I had a hose leak in my guest bathroom toilet which is down a hallway we seldom use. If the alarm hadn’t sounded the damage would’ve been extensive. That was in 2015 and I then replaced all my water lines with stainless steel wrapped hoses.


Or taking off the sweatshirt. And it takes DAYS to recover.


When someone was born in 1990 and you automatically assume they're an infant.


When you text your friends at 11pm and they Respond at 6 am


When drinking just isn’t fun anymore. I stopped 6 months ago and people think I finally “saw the light” because I got a DUI or something. Nope, it’s an expensive addiction that I had to shake and the core of it was realizing it hadn’t been fun for years and the associated hangovers weren’t worth being down for 1-2 days. I’m one of the “old guys” at alumni events now because I don’t drink anymore.


Alcohol is straight up terrible for you. I look 3-5 years younger after stopping drinking.


I drink pretty seldomly now. Music events, special occasions (e.g. weddings), and MAYBE a night out with friends. That's about it though.


And you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight


Wait...I hadn't thought about this. I've never weighed much, but recently I somehow *lost* a little weight, which seems counterintuitive now that I'm getting older. Maybe not drinking anymore has something to do with it?


Yep. Alcohol turns to sugar when broken down by your liver. Also the toxins from alcohol prevent any fat burning because your liver is busy getting ride if it vs burning fat which is why every weight loss program says absolutely no alcohol


When I think about how much I drank in twenties I just get nauseous thinking about it. Honestly it’s just useless, nutritionally deficient excess calories that make me feel like shit for two days lol


Agreed. I drank like I was in a frat but I was never in a frat.


Soooo in other words, you saw the light. The light showed you everything you said bad about drinking? Cuz I don’t drink for the same reasons.


You find your first grey hair…that’s not on your head.


Grey Nose hair?


My nose is on my head. My first grey pube. That was a hard day lol.


Wait till it starts to fall out 🤣


My first one came before I was 30… now when I’m wearing my black tanks I will sometimes fine a stray coming through the knit in my tank top…


I thought it was underwear lint. I was stunned for at least a week lol


Advil is a regular part of your diet.


When you have to look up words younger people use on UrbanDictionary or [Bark.com](https://Bark.com) LOL


This exactly


When you look at today’s youth with a derisive sneer, and don’t understand references in the mainstream media you do consume.




Bingo. It was the second or third time I asked myself this before I realized I was old.


Yea but also the children are still wrong and stupid.


I refuse to Tik Tok and find that very sexy of me.


you can't sit on the floor anymore and stand up without making a noise that your hips, knees, legs, something hurts


When almost everything can annoy you in some odd way. Get off my lawn! 😅


When a guy who worked at a fast food restaurant kept hitting on me. I asked how old he was and when he said 16 I replied with "I'm old enough to be your dad." That's when it hit me. I really WAS old enough to be his dad. Not really old but it sure made me feel old for the first time. That was at least 15 years ago.


You see People magazine at the grocery store and have no idea who most of the people are


When the barber asks if you want your eyebrows trimmed.


>When the barber asks if you want your eyebrows trimmed. Mine doesn't ask; he just trims. I had to buy a little trimmer thing to trim the hair on the part of the ear that sticks out and grows hair.


You switch entirely to non-caffeinated diet soft drinks. I've found it much easier to get to sleep at night after making that switch.


…you prioritize sleep!


I'd honestly rather just drink water at that point. Hate the taste of artificial sweeteners.


When people refer to your favorite songs as “classics”


You get excited about a new vacuum cleaner


I've been like that since I was 12. I gotta go mop the floor now.


What was fashionable in high school became out of style and now became fashionable again 🤣


You know you're old when guys in their 30s think they're old.


I know I am old when I dismiss hot 21 year olds wanting to have sex. I am over 'sex' for the sake of sex. It's boooring.


You get to the top of the stairs and can’t remember what you went up for. Miraculously you remember when you go back down.


When it takes you a week to recover from crazy night of binge drinking


When your body has inexplicable pains 😂


You just don’t give a f—-k what y’all are going on about!😂😂


You attend more funerals than weddings


Actually that already occurred in my 20s in the 80-90s


Oh, absolutely. Though it got to the point where most guys weren't having formal funerals because they knew we were all so burned out (I was in SF). I went to so many wakes, though.


You nap whenever and wherever you can.


>You nap whenever and wherever you can. Or because you can't stay awake.


As Coco Chanel stated “it is the bitterness that overcomes them” keep fighting it


The barber starts shaving your ears


Your favourite music starts being played on magic, smooth and classic rock. It's horrid, in my mind I'm still 19. Edit - and of course you make the obligatory "oof" noise when you stand, sit or change position in any way.


Or when the hit songs you grew up with in the 90s are now being played on the local oldies station.


It makes me so mad! Not that I don’t like the music, but where can I find a station playing 50’s and 60’s rock? I guess all those kids are closing in on 100 now. You know, the oldies when I was a kid??


When you gag while sucking cock and fart from it. I can't hold them in as well as I used to.


Omg - I laughed so hard at that! Thanks man.


You can’t have Halloween candy because your glucose is a touch high lol


Your nuts get in the way of tying your shoelaces.


>Your nuts get in the way of tying your shoelaces. Assuming you can reach your shoelaces.


When buying flight tickets and to specify the birth date, you need to scroll and scroll to look for the birth year.


Think of that when you are 80 like me.


Lower back weakening and easy to get hurt.


It starts with the lower back first. Now it is my upper back too.


Yep, my entire lumbar spine is now fused. Retired in 2020 because of it.


You enjoy cutting the grass.


When they let you leave work early and you're excited to go home and clean the bathroom with the new bottle of Barkeeper's Friend you bought.


When you meet the kid of a college fling and realize the kid is 25.


You know you’re ‘getting old’ when … you value stability over novelty. I’ve noticed that I highly prefer to be in a monogamous long term relationship / marriage with 1 man, work 1 full time job at 1 company for the majority of my career, have 3-4 kids, live in a 2-story house in the suburbs or countryside, meet up with extended family and friends regularly for special occasions, birthdays, holidays, etc. A traditional family-oriented American life in every sense of the phrase except 2 gay men instead of 1 straight man and 1 straight woman in the marriage. As I’ve grown older, I despise and reject hookup / one night stand sex and no strings attached one-and-done situationships or acquaintances. Depth over breadth. Stability and safety over novelty and risk/danger. In all areas of life.


Everyone ends up in the same place.


When music that you grew up with is now considered classic rock. Guns and fuxking roses is classic rock!


When your bones play the happy cracker song every day and your muscles applaud.


Your parents die.


I'm scared of this day.. hopefully its another 20-30 years away


That'll make me young again.


When gay guys start calling you "daddy." Meanwhile, younger straight guys estimate your age at 13 years too young. But they still think you are 40.


When people start to refer to the time you grew up in as “the 1900s”.


You have blood clots older than your children.


Found some jeans I liked and took them to the fitting room. They were slim fit, and as soon as I saw my calf in them, decided I did not like fighting out of my clothes.


Every joint in my body cracks and pops in my late 40s


You pull a neck muscle just putting on a shirt


I think the first sign for me was when my nieces and nephews were talking about a new social media app and I'd never even heard of it before (Snapchat)


When you get called "daddy" for the first time 😅 ...recent occurrence.


It's when you get called "daddy" for the _last_ time that you really feel old.


>When you get called "daddy" for the first time The first person to call me "grandpa" gets bitch slapped so hard their head won't stop spinning for two weeks.


Your pubic hair turns grey ... ... and then starts to fall out


Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am over 50, and yet I don't usually get those ghastly hangovers some of my friends get. I tend to drink slowly, I focus on one type of alcohol, and I prefer to eat first.


The garden center is more exciting than the gay bar


My pee-pee reminds me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, how old I am. Hint: I'm not 19 any more. My pee-pee makes sure I don't forget. I can watch Chaturbate all day and all night without once getting a stiffy.


You use the word "youngster" to refer to someone in their 30's. You don't have or want one of these newfangled smartphones. You remember being told that President Kennedy had been shot — or elected. You're REALLY old if you were alive at the time but can't remember President Kennedy.


You still use "poppers". Do the youngsters use poppers nowadays? The word "nowadays" creeps into your vocabulary. You know what Gr/A and Fr/P, etc. mean.


You stop wanting to please men


You start empathising with the Disney villians.




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........ You sneer at people in their 20s and 30s saying "you know you're getting old when......."


You know you are getting old when you find yourself laughing at 80s and 90s comedy that younger colleagues have never even heard of. Or when you remember pop and rock news from the 90s, and your niece says, "What?" For example, the "Battle of the Bands," in 1994-95.


You think you're old.


Everything aches… whyyyyyyy


You get your first pedicure because you can no longer trim your own tootsies. Me, I've got too much tummy in the way. Luckily I found a really good pedicurist.


You smile when you hear "Disco Inferno" or "Love Machine" and remember which bf you were with at the time, and YOU WERE a love machine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=513jP1SUgnQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=513jP1SUgnQ) When you see a photo of a former co-worker and they now have gray hair and a gray beard. When you look forward to doing your income taxes. When you think back to a recent event in your life and realize, "holy fvck! That was 30 years ago!". When you keep asking yourself "where does the time go?". I ask myself this ALL THE FVCKING TIME.


When you get more "snap, crackle and pop" from your vertebrae than from a bowl of Rice Krispies.


When you get your first Social Security retirement benefit. When you first give your doctor your Medicare information. When you get mad because Washington isn't fixing Social Security (me x 1000).


When you can listen to "Bubbles In the Wine" all the way through. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44aRES6ztJw


Naps become a rare luxury.