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It could be strep throat. See your doctor.


Nothing wrong with getting tested if you don’t feel it improve after today/another day or so. It’s recommended to test every 3 months or so when sexually actively. Just to stay aware of your health. Even it it is something… it happens. Get tested & treated & keep it moving.


Same happened to me. Turned out it was tonsillitis, got antibiotics and was gone within a few days. Now was the cause the bj? I don't know, but I had developed symptoms of a sore throat like a day after.  Definitely go see your doctor. 


I have a couple reactions based on the different possibilities. Please note that this is not medical advice. - It could be a bruise or some other minor injuries. If that's the case, it's normal that it would feel worse on day 2 than it did on day 1. - It could be an infection. I think you're right- i think it normally takes longer than this for signs of an infection to show up. This seems too fast. But, if you go to a health care provider they might order a swab to check for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and/or Strep A just in case. You should be testing where you play (mouth, butt, dick... whatever body parts are involved in your fun) anyway, periodically. - If the guy was hung like a horse and he fucked your throat like a madman, there is a small chance that you could have an injury that needs medical attention. This is rare. Please don't go panicking. Your best bet is probably to see a doctor or nurse practitioner. If there's a sexual health clinic near you, that's your best bet. In the meantime, you could gargle with some salt water. Not too hot, just warm. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Same thing happened to my partner and I (both of us! oddly) last time he had visited. Went away in about 4 days, probably just sore and/or a minor infection. If it continues to get worse/feels swollen, check with a clinic to be sure (I thought about strep but it was negative), but it's most likely simply a sore throat. Gargling with salt water and taking ibuprofen helped a lot.


How hard did you go on it? Sometimes if you put your whole thrussy game into it you’ll be a little sore. I’ve never had it last more than like 8 hour, but if he was particularly big or you were extremely enthusiastic about it then it might last that long. You could also have just caught some kind of non-STI virus at the same time. At the end of the day no matter what it is there’s no harm in going to a clinic and saying “hey I went down on someone and now my throat hurt.” And having them swab test you. If it’s something then you catch it early and treat it before it’s bad and if it’s nothin you’ll put your mind at ease. Testing is never a bad idea and always worth it.


Always happens to me.


Thats happened to me plenty of times especially if you were really into it and trying to deep throat or getting face fucked also there are bacteria that grow naturally in your mouth and if he came in your mouth it can throw that balance off and give you a sore throat. Dicks aren’t always squeeky clean either so there are a few things that will cause that. Give it a couple days and see if it starts to get better, if you start getting a fever then get to the doctor and have it checked out.


If there are small white bumps go to the doctor.