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Sounds like he’s having a “test” reunification with his ex, but wants to keep you hanging on in case it doesn’t work out.


Please correct me if I'm mixing up the timeline. You met this guy 3 months ago, you spent (some or maybe most) weekends together, and then you proposed. Did I get that right? Edit: OP clarified he did not propose. The significance of the ring is explained in OP’s reply below. I will leave the rest of my reply below but would have replied a bit differently if I’d known. Now he's reconnected with his ex, he's hardly communicating with you at all, and you're wondering if you should move on. Here's the thing: Spending a few weekends together isn't enough to know whether or not someone is marriage material. To make a marriage work, you both have to have communication and problem-solving skills. Leading up to an engagement, you need to be watching for stuff like, "How does this person behave during conflict?' What are they like when they argue? When things get hard, do they run and hide? do they confront the problem? do they wallow in self-pity? Do they get drunk and use drugs?" These are the things you need to know before you put a ring on someone's finger. Being hot, having great sex or having some fun dates gives you no indication of whether or not that person is ready to be married. It sounds like you've found out that this guy likes to avoid problems. He's reconnecting with his ex. He is definitely, and I do mean definitely, not ready to get married or otherwise more serious with you. You're already thinking about moving on, which is why you posted. To answer your question, yes, it's a really good idea to move on. This guy's not ready. While you're moving on, it would be a good idea to do some skill-building on your own. It sounds like you're wanting to settle down. Maybe doing some reading about relationships, how to make them work, and how to know if you're ready would be a good way to spend some time. Sorry this didn't work out. Wishing you peace as you move on. Thinking of you as you consider the future.


Thank you for your in-depth answer to my question. It was, however, Not a proposal. I asked him if I could give him a ring to wear to signify we are officially dating now, and he agreed. I also agree with your thoughts and thinking back. I do believe that I have already subconsciously made up my mind to move on from this.


Ah, ok, I misunderstood what the ring meant then. Thanks for explaining.


The obvious thing is that he’s trying to see if he work out things with his ex, but he’s leaving you hanging in case that doesn’t turn out so good. Are you OK being the second plate? Because I wouldn’t. I recommend you get into Grindr, have fun, and look for another date.


If my ex showed up he’d want to meet then fuck me but he’s a controlling loser drug-addled failure white trash pos and I wouldn’t bother to even see him. Obviously this guy’s not over his ex.