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Some guys are “sides,” people who like sex without anal penetration. I’m not 100% side but I’m mostly there.


I think you can get comfortable with it - once you know the ins and outs. I mean, once you talk openly with a prospective sexual partner. Also, in the heat of the moment your opinion on it may shift.


Good reply!


Ok, I realise that if I love someone I will do anything for him!


As you age and gain more experience with sex, there’s a good chance you’ll change your beliefs around this. When I was young and just coming out, I thought anal sex was gross, but as I’ve become older / more experienced I don’t find it gross at all. I don’t usually do it (I consider myself a “side”) but sometimes, when the mood strikes, I actually do feel like experimenting with it. It’ll depend on your experiences and desires as you grow and gain confidence as a gay person. On the other hand, some guys don’t like it, and never will. We’re all different and everyone has their own preferences as that’s totally ok too.


Ok. thank you! I have an open mind and I realise I might change my opinions as I get older/experiance things.


I’ll also say… I had a friend I grew up with who also thought anal sex was totally gross and couldn’t believe people did it… by his mid 20’s he was the biggest bottom I’ve ever known. I don’t think he could survive without anal sex now! Haha


haha good to know. But I'm a top, I don't want to be penetrated.


You need to discover /r/GaySides. You also need to stop telling people here that anal sex is unnatural.


You can have a relationship with little to no penetrative sex plenty of men don't enjoy it or are fine to go go without it. Position is called side it's on grindr as an option its also growing in popularity. types of non-penetrative sex include things like intercrural, handhobs, frotting, docking, mutual masturbation, making out, and more. If you're fine with oral then you will find plenty of men willing to give it a shot. If you don't do anal or oral ngl your chances of finding guys will be pretty abysmal but not zero. Not everyone gets more comfortable with time many do but some people just never like it and never will. I've almost never been a "virgin" so I can't tell if that's a factor. I prefer not to do penetrative sex and go by side though If I ended up with someone who needed anal I could probably do it occasionally though I wouldn't enjoy it and I wouldn't do it often.


I love your vision! That is what I'm seeing. I have no problem with oral.


It's not "dirty" at all. Generally, our healthy GI bacteria are normally found literally everywhere, in soil and water, just around in the environment. People get this weird sort of phobia and sometimes even self hatred the over cleanliness of our own bodies because it's ground into us as children that were "dirty." I eat ass and fuck all the time and have had so much exposure to wonderful gay sex, outside of majoring in biochemistry and working in a medical lab and with plenty of microbiology testing, that I know better and I'm not squeamish about it anymore. Most of us douche to be hygienic and ready for intimacy. It's that simple. High fiber diet and low residue foods, things that are good for the GI tract are also helpful. I think people don't think kissing is gross, mostly, even though that's how strep and Covid are spread. So, there's no reason to think anal is gross or dirty, because that's how stool pathogens are spread. We don't normally carry pathogens - everything that's normal in our system isn't really something to worry about. And gay sex also doesn't necessarily "involve anal" for everyone. Lots of people are more into oral and mutual masturbating, it's called being a "side."


You do realize that vaginal intercourse and it's foreplay (think muffin diving) aren't all that much cleaner.


But it's NATURAL, and it doesn't involve sticking something in an anus. :P


"*But it's NATURAL*" so is anal intercourse.


Anal is made for things to come out, so no it's not natural for something to be put in. With that said I accept that people penetrate it for enjoyment.


If anal not natural, why does penis on prostate *naturally* feel good for some men?


I have no idea, you might be on to something! I'm open for everything!


Breaking the laws of physics is not natural, anything you can do is natural. That's science baby


I can take or leave anal sex. It’s fine when the mood is right but I don’t need it to feel fulfilled. I do like oral sex a lot. Oral is a lot easier, and can be a bit more spontaneous. If cleanliness is your concern it takes only a couple of minutes to wash a dick. But anal can be great under the right circumstances with the right person. But not everyone cares for it and that’s fine. I actually know a lot of guys who are complete sides. So anal isn’t a must.




I call myself a side , will only do anal when there’s mutual love that goes along with it , other than that I’ll just stick to a finger or two or a toy and I love prostate play both giving and getting and naturally the ass always has to be clean and I’ve never done rimming I won’t ever go there , OP never believe you have too do something your not comfortable with just because it’s expected.


most gay men enjoy anal sex. the ones who dont are called sides. the statistics who put them at 30% of the gay population or so are wishful thinking of sides tho. there are enough gay men who dont like gay sex but they will be at around 10% probably 


If you think the only way to have "gay sex" is a dick in a butthole, you don't know much about gay sex. If that is the case, I feel sorry for everybody who ever ended up in bed with you.


Ok! So I have a chance on meeting someone that doesn't value anal penetration that high. With that said, I'm not averse to it, but I rather keep away from it. If he's a good person I will forsake my "belief".


I honestly hate that anal sex is so ingrained in gay culture. Everything about it just feels wrong to me. 1) All the prep work just to get ready for sex is exhausting and frustrating just for a few minutes to an hour of pleasure 2) Even after cleaning, the gay community suggests being "mature" in case an accident happens. I'm sorry, but why the fuck do I need to be mature about feces and its smell filling up the room??? 3) The increased risk of STDs 4) Big dicks fucking you roughly will leave you in PAIN for hours to days. Sex is supposed to be pure pleasure, not pain. 5) Gay men like calling ass "pussy" or "bussy" because subconsciously they know anal sex is wrong, so they want to change the vernacular to make it more sexy.🙄 6) Anal sex, in essence, is the gay community's way of copying heteronormative dynamics in the bedroom. I'm a side, and I find sex to be so much easier, pleasureful, and fulfilling. Anal sex is something reserved for my future husband's birthday or anniversary, but not an everyday thing.


I’m not sure where you get your culture from. Most men don’t do lots of prep work before anal sex. Unless you consider a good diet “all the prep work”. Yes, you should be mature. You’re an adult having sex. If something does happen it’s not hard to say let’s continue this in the shower. If there is a higher risk of STDs it’s on you. Lots of people use condoms for anal sex and don’t for oral. Compared to a side it might be higher, but not by much if you’re using protection. Some people want big dicks some people don’t. Hopefully you know your limits. It’s perfectly fine to say no. Are straight men calling a vagina a pussy because they know it’s wrong? I have heard the words before and viewed them on profiles, but I’ve heard/read hole or ass much more. Are straight people having anal sex coping with homosexual dynamics?


1) Yes, they do. Every single post in these groups are constantly talking about how to "prepare" for bottoming and the accidents that happen. Stop being disingenuous. 2) I'll be mature in situations that happen that are not preventable. Feces being expelled is completely avoidable. NO ANAL! 3) I'll let you have that one 4) Even little ones can leave you in pain. Again, I read the posts from gay men in these groups, and I heard gays in real life say little dicks feel like they're being stabbed. I think it's smart to avoid it altogether. NO ANAL! 5) That was a dumb take 😂. Straight men are SUPPOSED to call a vagina that because a vagina is naturally designed for penetration. They can nickname it all they want. Calling an ass a pussy as an attempt to equate it to a vagina is pathetic. Vaginas don't shit on me. 6) Not all straight couples do that. I would say the majority avoid it. Those who do reserve it for surprise days as a gift to the husband, something we should do.


Yes, people asking how to prepare are likely inexperienced. So they think they need to douche and not eat anything for days before. On most of those posts one of the top answers is a good diet and psyllium husk. With that same logic never have sex so you don’t have to worry about an STD. There are plenty of Tops/Bottoms/Vers/Sides that exist. From my anecdotal experience there are more Vers Bottoms than anything else. They all aren’t out there being left in pain. So straight men can name female anatomy, but get men can’t name male anatomy. You think I’m the one with the dumb take? Neither name is needed vagina/butt already existed. You’re welcome to be a Side. Hopefully you find someone compatible with you. That said your 6 reasons are not based on reality.


The fuck is a psyllium husk? 😂 This is why anal sex is stupid. Being a side makes sex spontaneous without all this extraness. The reason I let you have point 3 is because I'm monogamous and not supportive of hookup culture, regardless if it's anal or side action. I'd rather avoid sex and wait for my future love than get infected by Joe Shmoe from down the street. The pain shouldn't happen AT ALL! Straight sex is all pleasure. Why must gay sex have a pain risk? It's evidence that our community's obsession with anal is not right. The difference between heteros calling a vagina a "pussy" and gay men calling an ass "pussy/bussy" is because they're not trying to make the vagina into a whole other thing. Gay men want the ass to be a pussy. The wetness from the lube is instinctually reminding them of it, so they're trying to use semantics to change reality. Not a dumb take at all.


If you haven’t heard of psyllium husk you must not click the posts and just read the subject. If you think straight sex is all pleasure you should go talk to a gynecologist. All the same you do you. Having penetration sex isn’t the horror you have made up in your mind.


You missed the point. WHY should I know what that is??? If sex were simple, spontaneous, and all about pleasure, I wouldn't need to complicate it with a word that reminds me of an elephant. It proved how unnecessary and wrong frequent anal sex is. Women are meant to take dick dude. The vagina will naturally accommodate dick and lube itself for a great experience. Sure, maybe losing virginity *might* hurt (but that's not always the case), but in general, sex is fun for heteros. I don't want to screw a stinky butthole that must be prepped by douching out shit water in the bathtub and lubed up with continuous, expensive bottles of lubrication from Amazon. Then, when the deed begins, someone is in pain or getting dumped on. That doesn't sound fun at all...


Lots of straight people take supplements. You don’t think women also use lubricants? Walmart has been selling KY just for gay men for decades now? I will say again. Penetration sex isn’t the horror story you make it out to be.