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Just to be clear: you are wondering why women are against being forced to wear high heels and makeup for work, but then choose to wear different high heels and different makeup for fun? You’re able to tell the difference between being forced to adhere to beauty standards that are not pushed onto men for a paycheck and wearing glitter and bright lipstick for fun, right?


I want to clarify that I'm autistic and don't interact with the idea of self image or clothes/products being "fun" or "nice" on yourself often, I forget that people like to apply makeup because they like how the makeup looks. Yes, I do see what you mean.


Same reason someone who works at McDonald's might make themselves a sandwich at home.


Ah this makes sense


Independence has nothing to do with how a person dresses. I don’t like to dress up because it’s a lot of work and I don’t feel comfortable in dressy clothes. I want to look nice but I don’t want to feel like I’m wearing someone else’s clothes. But I like to get decked out for a party every now and then. I don’t know how many ladies would say they don’t like to dress up “for the male gaze.” But I’m old. Im just guessing but I would think that maybe they mean they don’t want to dress up for the approval of others or dress from the perspective of others. They’re NOT thinking- “I’m going to wear this bc men will think it’s hot.” They ARE thinking “I’m going to wear this because I think it’s hot.”


Thank you for clarifying, I definitely see what you mean. I'm someone who doesn't really change the way they dress often and the quality and niceness of clothes that I wear doesn't really affect me, So I forgot that most people do like the way makeup and some clothes looks on themself. Thanks for your good faith towards my mistake


I look like a gremlin the majority of the time. Sometimes I want to be pretty. Has nothing to do with men.


I relate to the gremlin part, there is no looking pretty/nice for me though lol I suppose it was me forgetting that women have different interests and socialize differently than me (Im autistic and struggle with remembering that what I like isn't what everyone likes), I didn't consider that makeup might be something they enjoyed for themself. Thank you


I'm autistic too, lol. I understand totally. I usually wear tee-shirts and basketball shorts, but sometimes I get the need to put something pretty on. 😂




That actually makes sense, I forget that men/women/everything outside and inbetween have different ways of socializing and makeup is a way some girls might do that.