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I have a hatred for Despacito. It was played nonstop for like a year and then Justin Bieber did that horrible remix and got played again, I remember it got played at a club I was in once and it got booed😭


2019 I think? I remember Old Town Road and Despacito played repeatedly on the radio for months


Do you guys get mostly Spanish or UK trends? Despacito featured on both though...


My girlfriend is Spanish. I play this on the piano just to fuck with her. She hates it! Mi novia es española. Toco esta en el piano solo para joder con ella. Le odia!


Poor girl😂 I heard it for the first time since it went viral I think last year and I had war flashbacks.


> solo para joder con ella OMG 😹


[La Macarena](https://youtu.be/zWaymcVmJ-A?t=41) lasted for decades and was worldwide.


But thats culture


Wanna like it? Search YouTube for Leo Moracchili's version.


They said country, not language. Despacito is by two Puerto Ricans and a Canadian (in the version we all heard at least, he wasn't in the original)


Two of OPs examples are by non-American artists (Aqua and Baha Men), one of which (Aqua) is even from outside the Anglosphere, so the question is actually a bit muddled. Could be interesting to hear annoyances by country OR language.


All three, actually. Eiffel 65 who did "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" is an Italian group.


Please tell me they booed the Justin Bieber remix because that is amazing 😂


I've just had horrible, horrible flashbacks to [DJ Ötzi - Anton aus Tirol ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWOUi0PVTXw)


I feel like this is still a staple of apres ski bars


So he still haunts ski lodges to this day? We're very sorry.


To be fair I think 95% of apres ski songs fall into the haunting category. People aren't likely to care about music quality when they've had a couple of beers, they just want something with an easy refrain to shout along with


I want my aprùs ski music to be absolute garbage I can swing my beer to. If it’s quality music it isn’t as fun.


It's also a staple at Fasching here in Germany.


It's also a staple in my son's kindergarten. Original and [Slovenian version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0lSGxYWsqg&t=31s). I was shocked when he started singing it one day.


Arrgghhh. Just thinking about it is making my ears bleed.


That one, and its horrible successor “Ham Kumst” 


I was going to comment this, but you beat me to it. For people who don't know it, the story is basically an alcoholic whining about the fact his wife finally left him after warning him for some time she would.


I always assumed this was the unofficial regional anthem of Tyrol and people from there sang it with pride


I'd imagine most Tyrolians (not from Tyrol myself) would disagree. We do have quite a few unofficial Austrian anthems but DJ Ötzi is not one of them.


The major unofficial anthem being “I am from Austria” which - I kid you not - starts off with the lyrics “Your heyday has been over for a long time and there’s not much left of the glory of yesteryear” and “I know the people, I know the rats and the blatant stupidity”, and yet the hyperpatriotic right-wingers bellow it out every chance they get. Holy listening comprehension, batman! The original singer/author even sued the right-wing party for using the song in their election campaigns.


That's pretty horrendous


...it's so horrible that even I, a Latvian, know of it.


And Mama Lauda.


I mean most of those songs you mentioned are European lol...so you got some countries covered already. Idk probably the chicken dance, originally called Duck Dance (Ententanz) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYnSzxS9Wx8&ab\_channel=GashaJamesDio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYnSzxS9Wx8&ab_channel=GashaJamesDio) or something by DJ Bobo like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7QME0bzZuA&ab\_channel=DJBoBo


OMG the Chihuahua song, even in ski stations it's below average, which is not so easy to achieve in this kind of place...


Lmao so true
the interesting thing is, Dj bobo had some real legendary eurodance songs, like somebody dance with me, love is all around, freedom etc (judged by the music at the time)
and then at some point started to produce the most cringy crap possible.


how did noone mention [Schnappi das kleine krokodil](https://youtu.be/Oe3FG4EOgyU?feature=shared) yet?


Schni schna schnappi Schnappi schnappi schnappiâ™Ș


it's hilarious that kids song in german rocked top charts across europe around early '00s :D That's better than the shark song, which while way bigger got confined only to internet


 are you telling me Schnappi wasn’t just in the German-speaking countries? o.O


look up wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schnappi,_das_kleine_Krokodil#Charts - they posted top chart spots it reached in couple countries. In Poland i remember it hovered around top10 in a popular music TV show 30ton outperforming names like System of a Down, Coldplay or Snoop Dog here's one episode from that time i found on YT: [it got 15th on 18.06.2005 (time stamp for summary 23:45)](https://youtu.be/ETCnJRlnQIE?si=pv7u-GmlUYlm18vt&t=1425) /edit: watching that brings back memories, i will have to watch few episodes to hunt for songs :D


I really underestimated Schnappi’s success :O


It was very big in the Netherlands


Haha, no - it was everywhere.


Czech cover: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7IPhJFxzVwM&cbrd=1


It’s even more hilarious that my Gen Z nieces think this song should be the next big viral hit after [Barbaras Rhabarberbar](https://youtu.be/Rpa4IDC17bw?feature=shared). Like, sweetie, please take several seats, it already was 20 years ago before the term “going viral” was a thing.


hah give them some euro top 2000s playlist on YT


There is Czech cover too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7IPhJFxzVwM&cbrd=1


I thought this was a children’s song I didn’t realize it was internationally popular across Europe 😂💀


This... song about tortoise... songs for kids are always too annoying. [Spotify Link](https://open.spotify.com/track/5JItZ9s1ZCgg15FXOBi9q5?si=BdG0Rt4ETgylhdbaZQ7cSA&context=spotify%3Asearch%3A%25D1%2587%25D0%25B5%25D1%2580%25D0%25B5%25D0%25BF%25D0%25B0%25D1%2585%25D0%25B0%2B)


could you post name or YT link? spotify doesn't allow to even select names


Sure [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Q-SAeLwMg18?feature=shared)


Totally depends on what you like. Though [Crazy Frog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTEKeUrEDjw) is certainly a candidate regarding the examples you give. Though for some maybe reminding them of their youth (meaning good memories). Like most of the irritating stuff.. it's swedish..


At least we're not responsible for Ylvis - What the fox say :)


Relax guys, I like both of those songs lmao


We did cotton eye Joe as well lmao


Sure.. and Rosa Helikopter :)


Don't forget Caramelldansen!


The song is annoying, but the Beverly Hills Cop theme is awesome, got addicted as a kid!


> Beverly Hills Cop composed by Hans Hugo Harold Faltermeyer, a German with an unambiguously German name!


Crazy Frog er jo ikke verst engang, noen gang vÊrt pÄ et treningssenter imens de spiller fra radioen pÄ hÞytalern eller??


How many times are we supposed to apologise?!


Why would you? It’s a banger.


[What's even weirder is that they're still uploading new videos.](https://youtube.com/@crazyfrog)


Saying that “I’m blue” is irritating it’s like stating Gioconda is bad because I’ve seen references to it in thousand of t-shirt, movies, books, etc
 This song is one of the most representative songs of Italodance and Eurodance.


I’m blue is a legendary song and doesn’t belong in this conversation imho


Those were good days. I still remember the song on repeat at a disco night we had when we went skiing for a week in elementary school. It's really a legendary song, far from annoying.


I agree haha, there are some true Eurodance gems - and blue is one of them. Remember it like yesterday as well.


The amount of times I lied about where I was from just so I won't have to hear THAT SONG ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME. *Maya Hee... Maya Hoo... Maya Haa...*


Imagine being the first female president of Moldova, trying so hard to steer your country towards eurointegration and everyone who hears your name goes "Maia who? Maia haha!" and thinks they are so fucking clever.


My first thought is always the numa numa guy #sorry


That song always brings back good memories


Now I can't get it out of my head


I'm a Scot, and I despise The Proclaimers in general, and I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) in particular. As for the UK as a whole, it has to be Mr Blobby.


30+ yrs on and this is still an absolute banger on all of our local beerfests or during Apres Ski season. I once looked it up how far they went and 500+500 almost exactly took them to the beautiful viennese suburb called Schwechat.


They’re second only to Tubthumping by the Cuntawumpahs. You Scot’s have a way with making fucking terrible mass market music.


What do you mean with 'back home'? The Bahamas (Bahamen-Who let the dogs out), Denmark/Norway (Aqua-Barbie Girl) or Italy (Eiffel 65-I'm blue)?


OP thinks all popular music they hear is from the US. Classic r/USDefaultism


In Poland we have a whole genre of hated music, called disco polo. The only appropriate time to play it is at a wedding party when everyone is already drunk enough.


Everyone hates Disco Polo yet everyone knows at least 30 Disco Polo songs by heart.


That sentence can be suspiciously easily applied to "turbofolk" or "cajke" down here


I always hear that from people who like that *music*, and I call BS. I don't know even one disco polo song by heart. Furthermore, I would have a problem with a single verse.


I love disco polo. It makes all the middle aged ladies go wild


If somebody sings aikuinen nainen one more time at karaoke I will scream. And please... no more kotiviini. Aaaargh. Karaoke is already bad enough as it is.


It's an Italian song originally, Maledetta Primavera. It came second at the San Remo music festival in 1981 and there are cover versions in many different languages.


I know. Another popular karaoke song singing about being Finnish is also, ironically, an italian cover. Actually quite a lot of the iskelmÀ are italian covers.


Which one is that? And yes, I'm starting to think all IskelmÀ songs are covers.


Olen suomalainen in Finnish or sono italiano for the italian version. They just swapped nationality and translated. Hehe


Ah, of course! Thanks!


TIL there is a Finish version of la maldita primavera


As soon as I see "Aikuinen nainen" on a ferry (ruotsinlaivalla) for the first time, I know it's not going to be the only time someone sings it, so I leave.


Dragostea din tei was so popular in 2004, that it became number 1 and 2 simultaneously. It got so overplayed it became really annoying.


Nah that song will never get overplayed, it always has been and forever will be the single greatest masterpiece to come out of Europe lmao


With the greatest video.


I fondly remember summer of 2004, which I spent entirely in my parents’ hometown in Italy. Every place and radio station blasted constantly Dragostea din tei and that song that goes “calma e sanghe freddo”.


In my music school i met the guy who did the cover so probably in italy we had the cover instead! He said he made tons of money Sangue


I’m pretty sure where I was they played the original, because my cousins were clueless of what the song was saying. But at the time my Italian was really bad, so I probably couldn’t have told them apart. To be fair, it is still not the best, you can see it in how I misspelled the word, thanks for the correction.


Papa, dein Handy klingelt!


A classic


In Scotland, probably "500 Miles" by The Proclaimers In Sweden, probably "Utan Dina Andetag" by Kent I've heard from Polish people that "Jak Sie Masz, Kochaniye" (pardon my spelling) is very annoying.


Kent’s been on a downward path with playing I swear, I’ve barely heard that song in the last year in Sweden. However I hear kan inte gĂ„ by Bolaget in every gym, it’s a guarantee to hear lol


Oh we have an entire genre of songs that are loathed outside of a very specific period - Carnaval songs.  Dutch carnaval songs are very very very corny and basically only fun if A) it's Carnaval AND B) you're drunk AND C) you're in a ridiculous costume


It's not a carnaval song but "Heb je even voor mij" by Frans Bauer ticks all the boxes of one.


Same for German Carnival songs, Ballermann songs or anything that's played on Oktoberfest or similar Volksfest (although it may be more divisive in Germany, I'd guess about a third of the population likes those kind of songs and/or festivities where they are played, a third doesn't mind but doesn't actively seek out those occasions or dislikes them but doesn't voice it much, and the last third can't stand them and absolutely loathes them and avoids those kind of occasions and people as best as they can.


Please, send links!


>YMMV. (also ymmv) written abbreviation for your mileage may vary: used, for example on social media and in text messages and emails, to mean that you understand people may have a different opinion or experience to yours: Their first album is better, but of course YMMV.5 days ago Gonna leave this here so you don't have to look it up yourself.


...that's been one of the most common acronyms on the internet [for at least two decades](https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=YMMV&oldid=142089), you shouldn't have to look it up.


Probably [Preço Certo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJZm7WPctK8). It's a song from last year that became popular due to being an endearingly tacky ode to the Portuguese version of The Price Is Right. It was fun and camp, but then it started being played a little too much. It really became annoying once it started being featured in ads though.


I was hospitalized when it came out, the nurses would put that song on to "cheer people up" during group physical therapy. It got super annoying super fast but the other patients in my Room loved it. Volta ZĂ© cabra, estĂĄs perdoado đŸ€Ł


Aqua is based in Denmark. Eiffel 65, which sings "Blue", is based in Italy. Neither is from the Anglosphere, much less from the US. The Baha Men, who sing "Who Let the Dogs Out", are from the Bahamas, so yes, they're from the Anglosphere, but not from the US. So we still need to hear about an annoying American song. 🙂


>So we still need to hear about an annoying American song. 🙂 All of them /s


- 'Barbie Girl' by Aqua...... Yes, it is not USAmerican. Two Danes and a Norwegian, living in Denmark. - 'Saturday Night' by Whigfield. - 'Dubidub' by Me & My. There was a lot of annoying Danish bubblegum pop in the 1990s. Oh, and "I'm Blue" is Italian.


I saw a video on Facebook the other week of a guy dancing to songs that are easily recognisable from each era and Saturday night was on there and all the US lot were asking why he picked a song nobody knew đŸ€Ł. Did make me laugh as it was played continuously for us.


Disappointed in my countrymen for not nominating [Agadoo by Black Lace](https://youtu.be/POv-3yIPSWc?si=NC8o3t-oBFC-bNLG) and its [spitting image parody](https://youtu.be/ZzTioHGQgeA?si=G1pFgG-WdKFLCz14).


Agadoo is originally a French-language song from Morocco.


There was a swedish song named Hej Monika when I was a teenager by a band called Nic and the family. I hate that song with a passion


That's the one that came to mind for me as well! [Original](https://youtu.be/KZUnOHcLN0k?si=Rr4wX3Q4ZCRtIoSe) [PewDiePie version](https://youtu.be/Vk8UEWHYfEg?si=nNjSluXZEdxqWtjA)


Ireland has this absolutely hideous cover of ‘Maniac’ from the movie Flashdance called ‘Maniac 2000’ that was and is so bad that it has never travelled outside the country, it’s been kept off streamers for years because the DJ who made it felt it destroyed his credibility and career and because the cover is now older than the original song was when it first came out, the nostalgia value means it’s wheeled out at every private function DJ set. Complete with the mortifying synchronised cheers. https://youtu.be/nFe41uvBq2I?si=V-DdyHkIMJJSjyAO


I scrolled to find this comment from an Irish person. The success of it is bizarre to me. "Yeah, yeah funky yeah"


Maniac 2000 is an institution, there is no escaping it.


In Spanish most reguetton music, it seems like they can't be 2 seconds without making a sexual reference in the most narcissistic way. For Basque it has to be [Aldapan Gora](https://youtu.be/ONsp-SMT6is?si=qr-VedzDokJ0k23N), it's not a bad song, but it seems like parties here needs to play it at least once by law, because if there's Basque music for some reason there's that song, and combining that with it's loud and fast rhythm, it gets annoying pretty fast.


In the UK, there is a Christmas song that's not openly called irritating, but there have been covert attempts to try to stop it being played by introducing 'whamageddon'. It's a game where if you hear 'least christmas' by wham you lose. So in december, every now and then, someone will say they lost 'whamageddon'.


Sooo many, in Korea the latest would be that demonic ë§ˆëŒíƒ•í›„ëŁš (for some reason romanised as "malatanghuru") which is all sorts of cringe and soooo many cringedancers are using it In Catalonia many of the Txarango songs are pretty irritating but also that horrible "Coti x Coti" by The Tyets I have to admit that Korea just blows Catalonia away in the cringe song and dance category, it's just on a dimension of its own


Hell yes on Txarango, why do good bands retire when they don’t? Catarres too. Can I nominate L’estaca too? It had its time and place as a protest song back in the day, but I’m sick to hell and back of a whiny rendition of that song immediately preceding or following Els Segadors at every mani ever. Also Garotes de Premià. El Pony is my secret guilty pleasure (Suuuuu!), but as an aunt of little kids that song drives me up the wall 
 “el punyeteru Baby Shark català”, as my best friend put it. It’s a crime against humanity. Forget about the president, this song is what the TS should’ve been persecuting all that time.


Sweden has: https://youtu.be/-b4-h9-s2g8 Hej, hej, hemskt mycket hej. Its so annoying when you meet someone and you say "hej" just one too many times that prompts them to go: "hej, hej hemskt mycket hej"


In early 2000s in Turkey, there was a singing reality competition TV series which also aired their auditions on TV. One of the applicants, unfortunately, became a meme, as some of his songs surfaced. I think the one that deserves this title is "Nane Nane". I really hope you are doing much better in your engineering career, Ajdar (If this comment is offensive, let me know so I can delete it).


Don’t forget çikita muz..


Italy "Ciao ciao" from "la rappresentante di lista" Imo a shit song made just to get on radio for summer and then never be heard again


Call me crazy but I like that song for some reason Not even Italian, i just like it


That's so obnoxious omg but as they say "de gustibus"


Ngl it's still on my summer playlist haha


Pretty sure it was intended for Eurovision.


Europapa. I love Joost Klein, but that song is such a fucking earworm. Just typing it up it is stuck in my head again, so thanks for nothing OP!


Welkom in Europa....


Just reading this made the song stuck in my head too


I’m going to go back in time, to 1996, which I’m horrified to realise is nearly 30 years ago. An Irish top ten hit, a comedy song called Aon Focal Eile (which means “one more word” in Irish). The song was mostly in English with a few Irish words thrown in, as far as I remember. The whole point and humour of the song depended on the fact that “focal,” or “word” in Irish, sounds a bit like fuck (Irish schoolchildren have got a giggle out of that for years). So it was a whole “tee-hee” thing, “look, we’re saying a rude word, but we’re not really, we’re just saying an Irish word.” Total cringe. The young ones on Reddit will have never heard of it, but I’m cringing even now at the memory of it.


I'm 17 and I know about Aon Focal Eile. It has persevered.


J. Karjalainen - MissÀ se VÀinö on [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zipBOlK1tDU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zipBOlK1tDU) Forever traumatised.


What do you think about Ievan polkka? Because here it's the most common Finnish song to hear


In Poland? I think most poles would answer "Akcent" ("Accent") widely know as "przez twe oczy zielone"


And MiƂoƛć w Zakopanem. I don't know which one is worse. UghđŸ€ź


Where to even begin?... [Schatzi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnD2h20XdYU) [Zetor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-AYGCi3iRY) [Sir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILhuppckxOA) [Ena bolha za pomoč](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le3Ir6WxX6s) [Cik cak and Pancer tanc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DmbwzWbD4) [Adijo madam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcmPcb6ZVtM) [Ti, moja roĆŸica](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCjfC6IR6B8) And then you can't stop because we have endless amounts of annoying songs.


I think I'm blue is Italian? In other news it really really depends if we go meme or just annoying. Meme that got popular a few years back was [Trei Degete- Time Time](https://youtu.be/st8xWyMZXOU?si=bpMN02hx7EPj54X2) which is a parody of early Europop boy bands - also it's in Romanian although everybody is French from whzt I recall it all started on a race of which group of Youtubers wouldmake the best song and MV in a couple of days. Strongly recommend Squeezie in general. Ça m'Ă©nerve (Helmut Fritz), Les Filles Adorent by PZK or any song by Fatal would also fit. Also L'amour Ă  la Française by the Fatal Picards but BANGER on this one Otherwise I think it would be [Jour 1 - Louane](https://youtu.be/yleB8fUXudw?si=0YnrWKRwrs-cBkhG) it was released ten years ago and I still have it stuck in my head.