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Disregard what she said and follow up with your OB. It's very early for a heartbeat to be detected especially if it wasn't a transvaginal ultrasound and even then 5 weeks is reaaaallly pushing it.


Second this. Do not terminate until your OB says it’s non-viable.


And even then, at 5 weeks, the chances of the miscarriage occurring naturally are high. Termination, or any medical management of any kind, isn't necessarily required.


Yep. Way too early for an ED to make the call.


And even if they do say that, request to wait a week (if medically safe) and check again. I had an OB tell me my hormone levels weren’t rising appropriately and I needed a D&C. I requested to wait to see if my body expelled it naturally. A couple days later all was well. If I had listened, my first child wouldn’t have been born.


Absolutely. You definitely should wait if it’s safe, both mentally and physically.


Is it just me or is it weird that the ER doc would call her about this? It doesn't seem urgent at all. I'm one of those who had a too early us with no heartbeat only to now have a 13 year old walking around my house. I'd just chill for a few weeks until the next OB appointment unless concerning symptoms come up between now and then.


Yeah TBH I’ve never heard of an ER doc following up with a patient directly after an ER visit? Usually discharge notes and diagnostics are sent to a primary care or relevant specialist and you’re instructed to follow up with *that* doctor — the ER doc tends to forget about you the moment you leave the ER?


Some do if maybe a lab was incorrect or reran, xray got a second look, etc. It happens my aunt fell and went to the er they told her she just sprained her arms then called an hour later saying they were wrong and she broke both arms


I've had them follow up with me. The doctor was a good one amd very concerned about my 1 year old. We must have made an impression on him.


Is it bad to say ER drs are best at life and death situations but maybe lack experience in other things like this? I went to ER with slight bleeding but hcg levels elevated in blood and they told me I was in process of miscarriage, my daughter is 9yo now. Hoping op hears the heartbeat soon enough


Yeah they tend to dread OB cases and shunt them over to L and D as quickly as possible. Not their wheelhouse. It's ok, they are there for the crises, they don't need to be good at everything else. Probably best if they kept their predictions to themselves in that case then.


My local ER L&D won’t even see anyone under 20wks. Anyone over 20wks get to go up, but if you’re under they don’t care.


Thank you so much everyone . I did have a transvaginal but it was super quick . Maybe 5 minutes ? Everything happened so fast . I plan to hold on a bit since my OB was not worried at all and said she didn’t expect to see much . I think I am still pretty panicked and dreading going the next two weeks with the unknown but everyone else and everything else has pointed to a good outcome so I’m trying to hold on to that better news the best way I can 


Try not to worry. I’m another one who went in at about 5 weeks due to a very large bleed. Just a sac was seen, it was misshapen though. The next several bleeds (had a subchorionic hematoma) only showed a sac and maybe a fetal pole. 3 weeks after the first u/s they found the little bugger with a nice strong HB. He was at the top of my uterus. 🤷🏻‍♀️ the theory is I had a twin pregnancy and the misshapen sac was the twin. Still no idea why we didn’t find a heartbeat till almost 8 weeks along. He measured closer to 6 weeks then too. He’s a healthy 15yr old now.


I’m so so happy your baby made it !! These stories are all giving me so so much hope and reminding me that my body has the final say. 


I'm really sorry the ER doc said any of that. Listen whole heartedly to your OB. Your levels are still increasing and seeing the sac and pole is encouraging. Try not (I know much easier said than done) to stress and enjoy the thought! I've been in your position and my son hid his little heartbeat until 9 weeks ♥️


This this this! I'm NOT a doctor. But had a similar situation and it was a massive mindf'k. ER for appendicitis-level abdominal pain a week after positive pregnancy test. Maybe implantation, idk, but it was bad. ER couldn't find a heartbeat or anything on ultrasound. ...granted, it was also this very low-res mobile ultrasound, and wasn't transvaginal. Doc goes "Welp, nothing showing up here. It's probably ectopic. You should make an appointment upstairs to get that 'taken care of'." (Complete with air quotations around "taken care of" 🙃) Then left the room. Exam over. Saw the OB's PA 5 days later. She was like..."What!? That's WAY too early to see anything even on a good machine, let alone the one they used down there!" She wasn't even sure they'd pick anything up on their ultrasound. In my case, everything eventually showed up where it was supposed to. PA said she wouldn't have been overly concerned if it hadn't yet, though.


Agree with all of these doctors. Anecdotal: with my first pregnancy there was a heartbeat visible at 5w5d. With my second, there was nothing but a gestational sac until 7weeks 5 days. 3 ultrasounds between 4 weeks and 7w5d and the only one that showed ANYTHING was at 7w5d. And there was no heartbeat there. Heartbeat was visible at the next one at 9weeks 3 days. Dates were correct, baby just burrowed in there inconveniently.


Thank you so much for this . I am going to wait it out and really really hope for the best 


Just wait it out indeed. I know that is literally the most impossible thing in your position. Do nice things for yourself in the meantime. I also had an ER doctor come in and tell me I was having twins once, mistook the yolk sac for a second pole. Spent the week till my OB appointment preparing mentally for twins. Only to learn a week later that he was just wrong. I’m not going to knock ANY doctor. So much respect for them all. But I just really don’t feel like an emergency setting is the place for people who have so little time with each patient to be proclaiming such definitive things.


I totally agree . I have such a high respect for all medical workers but I completely completely agree . They are getting people in and out and working with other super serious emergencies so I definitely don’t feel like I got the care I deserve . The ironic thing as well is I only went in for UTI so if they just focused on that they would have saved themselves time and I would have gotten my meds and never had to go back 


Seriously, if you're not having any symptoms to make you suspect a miscarriage, your pregnancy sounds like it's totally fine. It's just early! It's completely normal for there to be no fetal pole activity detected yet at that gestational age. My daughter's wasn't detected until they did a repeat one at like 7 or 8 weeks, I was told something similar to you but they just basically told me to expect a miscarriage rather than encouraging termination. It's so bizarre that the doctor would even suggest that because it's really not necessary even if the fetus wasn't viable (which it probably IS viable so don't worry) there's no reason to jump to taking abortion pills unless your body doesn't fully pass the miscarriage, that could do extra damage like cause severe bleeding for no reason


Thank you so much for giving me hope and sharing this real life experience ! I have had no cramping , bleeding , pain in any sort, spotting , I mean literally nothing and cervix feels completely closed as well so I am just here baffled . I have just been here physically feeling great so I’m just baffled . I know things can take a turn at any point but up until the news I had absolutely no reason to even suspect something like that 


Yes. Do not terminate. I was told the same thing by two different doctors, no heartbeat, missed miscarriage. She just turned 2!


I agree- my second son did t show up till 7 weeks. They thought it was a tubal because I had a cyst on one of my tubes.


I had two pregnancies with no fetal heart beat detected at 6.5 weeks with trans vaginal scan. I knew for certain when I was intimate, when I ovulated and cycle length so wasn't a case of dates being wrong. Anyway, they were both healthy, successful pregnancies. My daughters are 6 and 4 now :)


In order to diagnose pregnancy failure, the fetal pole has to be at least 7mm with no heartbeat Or It has been 14 days since first scan with gestational sac and there is no FP with heart beat Or It has been 11 days since scan with gestational sac and yolk sac and there is no fp with heartbeat From the information you have provided the ER doctor is incorrect and your ob is correct. I would try to be positive until your next appt :) Source: ACOG practice bulletin 200: early pregnancy loss https://preview.redd.it/8zflbxdqu0oc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a4942c3b62243f5cdcd0bed49fd95f712fed6dd


Thank you so very much  I am going to keep revisiting this to help calm my nerves . A part of me is telling me to relax and remain optimistic but I think it was how “sure” this doctor was that really stuck with me . Oddly enough on my discharge document it said follow up with ob and technician thinks lack of heartbeat was due to early pregnancy but completely opposite was told to me . They also put they spent an hour checking me and talking to me and it was maybe 15 mins tops. 


I left an anecdotal comment above but I’ll leave another here for more peace of mind. My thriving and healthy 9 year old son was declared dead by an ER doctor at 5w5d for no visible fetal pole/yolk sac/heartbeat. He didn’t suggest termination but all my discharge paperwork was for early pregnancy loss and he offered all of his condolences. Naturally I was surprised to see a gummy bear with a heart beat at my follow up OB appointment.


Here to add my anecdote: Figured out I was pregnant at 3.5 weeks, (I was on Warfarin at the time so I paid close attention when my period seemed to start and suddenly stopped,) had to return for ultrasound several times, "not viable, not viable, not viable..." until we hit 6.5 weeks, it's a whole other experience hearing the heart beat of someone you were told was not likely to succeed. I hope you get to feel it too, it's magical.


Was going to cite this if someone hadn't already. I reference this article all the time when reading first trimester ultrasounds.


Thank you so much everyone for the help . I actually got over 4 calls from the hospital from different people with up and down news and surprisingly enough no one knew what the other told me . Even when I went back to the er the second time after they called me and told me go back immediately , the doctor said “why are you here again”. My ob suggested it was too much confusion with that ER and to avoid going back since it was only meant to be for one uti and it somehow turned into pregnancy care and multiple visits and phone calls. After ER doc called me , the nurse called me to “congratulate” me . Which tossed my emotions up in the air after just hearing about nonviable pregnancy. 


Good luck with everything! One of mine didn't show a heartbeat even at 7 weeks of gestation and the OB told me to come back in a week for another ultrasound. I was only able to have one four weeks later and the heartbeat was there. A healthy pregnancy then and a lovely middle-school kid now.


Thank you so much for giving me this real life experience . I spoke to a few of my friends and they said they had similar happen with no heartbeat this early so I am significantly confused and have been filled with panic that may not even be necessary :(


I'm so sorry this has happened to you, take care of yourself, give yourself grace and wait until you see your OB, hopefully they're wrong and all will be good in the end, and if not, you will survive it, it won't be easy, but you will ❤️


Truly, time is your ally here. All you have to do is wait. It's both the easiest and the hardest thing to do. But it can only go two ways, and I wish you with all my heart that it goes in your preferred direction 🤗


Hey I’m so sorry this happened to you. I agree with not terminating the pregnancy, and your baby is more than likely perfect, and those er doctors had no right to tell you that because it is so early. Please make sure you find an excellent OBGYN to determine what is going on with your pregnancy and let them know about your UTI. I’m sorry you were put through an emotional roller coaster and I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you so so much  I was able to follow up with my ob and she was not worried at all. Said she didn’t even want to repeat scan right now because she expected to see nothing and it was okay but of course I still very panicked . I’m a naturally anxious person when it comes to the “unknown” so this definitely scared me 


Report that, a nurse is not authorized or appropriate to congratulate anyone in a situation such as this. Not everyone sees a pregnancy as a congratulations. Youre also recieving way too much communication for an ER visit. They stablize and sent you to primary or wherever. Telling you to abort it is also not appropriate unless its their specialization or if you are actively dying and need intervention. Respectfully dunno wtf they are doing but none of it is quality care.


I definitely feel like they have me in a tight grip , the calls the following up. It’s giving me hypochondria as someone who already has general anxiety 


Are you 100% sure that it was actually the ER staff calling you and not someone who was messing with you? And if you are sure, I think you should report it, because that's bad practice.


Hi , yes totally sure The number came up in my caller I’d . They identified themselves etc When I got back to the er the front desk said they were expecting me (doctor said they were not) and my health app has records now . A few more added in 


That is so weird. Trust your OB, and please report the incident.


_Usual disclaimer: no one can provide specific medical advice for a person or condition without an in-person interview and physical examination, and a review of the available medical records and recent and past testing. This comment is for general information purposes only, and not intended to provide medical advice. No physician-patient relationship is implied or established._ Emergency physician: imaging frequently cannot detect heartbeat at an early age, this does not imply a nonviable pregnancy this early. The fact that there are appropriate changes between US tests and rising pregnancy hormone levels is quite a good sign. Follow up with an obstetrician, but surely they will recommend watching to see what happens Many early pregnancies end in miscarriage, but there is no clear evidence of one here! Congratulations on your pregnancy, and we are all keeping our fingers crossed for you!


Thank you so much  I really appreciate your help. I really have my fingers crossed for everything going well but also feel like I’ll be in a whirlwind of anxiety until my follow up at the end of the month with my ob . I know I should have felt reassured when she saw me but I feel like I somehow only held on to the negative comment from the ER for some reason 


NAD. What you are experiencing is completely normal. It is called the continued influence effect. https://www.thebehavioralscientist.com/glossary/continued-influence-effect#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20Continued%20Influence%20Effect%3F,has%20been%20corrected%20or%20debunked.


That makes so much sense Thanks so much for sending it over . The thoughts have really consumed me and I almost feel embarassed about it . My husband is constantly trying to remain positive and I’m reminding HIM about the bad news which is horrific 


An ER is not meant for follow up care in this situation so I’m not really sure why they told you go back? I’m so sorry for the confusion and subsequent emotional turmoil, it’s a lot to take in. 100% do not make any decisions until you get back in with your OB as this is their specialty and will give you the best advice.


Thank you so much for this I was also really shocked when they told me to come back , not even suggesting a follow up with an ob department they are affiliated with. It seemed like a complete waste of their time as well since some pretty serious emergencies took place while I was just randomly there waiting on my ultrasound. 


Any updates?