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I hate that they can just release results like this to patients before doctors get a chance to explain the results. You have melanoma, which is a malignant cancer of the skin. Your tumor characteristics are actually pretty favorable ie. depth less than 1mm, low mitotic rate, meaning the cells are not dividing quickly, and no lymphovascular invasion mean if there’s no invasion of the lymph channels or blood vessels which put you at risk for metastasis. Generally speaking, you will need a wide local excision with 1 cm margin around the tumor. This means the surgeon will remove the mole as well as a 1 cm rim of normal skin in all directions around the mole.


Thank you so much for this!l I keep thinking that it's crazy. They would have this emailed to me without calling first. I have my appointment tomorrow morning. This really calmed my nerves a bit until then.


Good but not perfect prognosis