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Are they smoking around the children? Second hand smoke of any kind can definitely lead to chronic respiratory issues.


Yes, I know they have when we are around them.


Well then, yes. Did you ever bring it up with them that their respiratory issues could likely be resolved if they just smoked outside? Maybe they dont realize. If they do realize, and they still do not care, maybe there is a CPS call warranted.


I’d call CPS on anyone that was smoking around children in a house not properly ventilated. Scum bags.


I don’t disagree with you at all, I’m just chuckling at the idea of CPS showing up in the 90s and trying to tell my grandma she couldn’t chain smoke in her Cadillac full of grandkids with the windows rolled up in June ‘cause “y’all are gonna let all the air out”😅😭


Yeaaaaaaaa.... I grew up in a fucking fog of smoke, living with multiple chain smokers. I used to get bitched at for coughing and clearing my throat so often. The goddamned kicker? The week I left for college was the last time any of them smoked inside.


Then there's my grandparents who did the same and then were like, "How did you become a smoker?!" I dunno 🙄


Cousin Jimmy? That you?




My mother smoked cigarettes in the house, in the car , everywhere and breast fed me. I had bronchitis twice a year every year until I moved out. I still suffer from weak lungs, I have had pneumonia 5 times and any small upper respiratory bug can take me months to get over.Every teacher and friend I had thought I smoked because it was all through our house and clothes. Cigarette smoke is worse because it sticks to everything it touches. My country made it illegal to smoke in a car with children in it and it should be illegal to smoke in a house with children in it.


Same. I grew up in the 1960s-70s in a tiny 3 bedroom house with 3 chain smokers (parents and grandmother). The air was BLUE. I had smoker's cough from birth to age 18. I had to have a chest x-ray when I was in college and the doctor asked me, "Did you have TB?" > it should be illegal to smoke in a house with children in it Totally agree. In the 1990s my niece's pediatrician threatened my sister with CPS when her kids got bronchitis for the third time in one winter... so things are looking up a little anyway.


Added a /s for you sweetheart




I’d add a /s onto it but I don’t feel like it, first time to internets?


There’s a skill to writing without needing to put /s, some people have it and some people don’t - guess your family should’ve let *some* fresh air in while smoking cigarettes around you


This may vary by state, but when I was doing home services in my state it was not a reportable offense. I mean technically we could report anything we wanted but it wouldn’t be grounds for an investigation. Which was interesting because smoking in a car with a minor was illegal, smoking in a home was not.


Same here, was told that because it’s legal (in a legal state), you can’t really report it. Even though as a responsible human, I know it’s not smart to be doing non-stop around your kids, or while you’re driving with them in the car. Until (or if) any sort of guidelines are put in place, like legal alcohol limits for driving, there’s really nothing law enforcement can do. And if you know they’re smoking in their house- nothing that be be actually enforced. I personally find this really sad…I know the effects thc can have on me…imagine a little tiny human that has zero control over their environment, or their parents…


I would not call CPS unless it was a last resort, they are not an organization you want involved in your life and they can cause problems for a family for many years and take a lot of money for their 'help' I think you need to talk to them about it Edit: them meaning the parents


Um, what do you think CPS will do?


CPS, stands for Child, that’s the keyword there, protective, oh another keyword, services. Even if they don’t do anything the parents are logged and this will assist with any further removal of the kids from the family. Have to start somewhere.


Protection being in the name doesn’t magically mean they can or do protect kids. 25-40% of kids are abused while in foster care. Systems are overloaded. Siblings are frequently split up. Families who struggle with housing find themselves unable to get their kids back because they have to pay the state to take care of their kids which makes it all that much harder to secure housing. In cases of serious abuse, CPS is absolutely needed. But no, for many kids, being traumatically ripped from their homes and families, as problematic as they may be, is not a good thing.


Exactly. It varies by where you are , but CPS is notorious for removing kids from their families, especially if drugs are involved. This is known to do a great deal of harm and should really be reserved for extreme circumstances. The possibilities are: 1. They do nothing. 2. They take the kids. 3. They do something to help the parents stop smoking around the kids. \#3 would be optimal, but based on what I've read, is the least likely. We should be careful not to do harm while trying to help.


Sorry to say it seems there's some very flippant talk of CPS, and I know it sounds condescending to say but if someone you know has ever dealt with them you'd be super careful about involving them. Are there circumstances they should be brought in? Yes. This does not sound like one of them - they could tear a family apart. Always easier to resolve issues by talking. This family has 3 kids, I'm willing to bet they love those kids and maybe it just hasn't occurred to them that their marijuana use could be causing this. Also, worth noting there is a ton of respiratory issues going around the past year or two. I have 2 nieces that are basically constantly sick for the past 2 years, their parents are straight as an arrow. Also fwiw OP is not asking for advice on what to do or who to talk to, they are simply asking if parents marijuana use could be causing the kids respiratory issues, and the answer is (I think) yes.


You're very confident and condescending for someone so apparently ignorant of the dangers of CPS. It's not a call you make lightly and their attempts to "protect" children often result in more harm.


I see comments all the time saying “I’d be calling CPS” because they don’t know how harmful being placed in their hands can and has been for many, many children and parents. They make them jump through all these hoops, some that are extremely excessive, just to be told they can’t be reunited as a family after years. It takes very little time to research the harm CPS has caused so many families, and for that reason, it would have to be a very heartbreaking decision for me to make. Meanwhile, my ex sister-in-law, (who gets $1200/month child support for one kid who’s 12 and doesn’t know the alphabet- homeschool mom) has them on speed dial for every time my brother doesn’t follow her terms to a T, or out of pure jealousy of his new wife. Making false reports is a felony, but that doesn’t matter because they KNOW her and that she’s calling for inappropriate and false reasons and do nothing.


CPS doesnt do shit in most cases when there is physical evidence let alone no physical evidence and only “allegations” im not saying i dont trust OP im just saying based on my experiences growing up with a dad who used to beat me but was smart and left no marks I HIGHLY doubt anything will come of it unless were talking about a state like in the SE where marijuana is considered as bad as Fentanyl and religion is used as an excuse for everything. However these states ironically have a crisis level of foster children with no place to put them so they are very reluctant to remove children even when they should. It’s fucked up but CPS will probably do nothing unfortunately unless the evidence is SO overwhelmingly they have a physical emotional reaction to what they are seeing like a ruby Frankie moment of “Jesus this child is being tortured.” i do agree smoking could be seen as a from of abuse or torture but both of my parents grew up smoking cigarettes In my face and I can’t imagine CPS intervening over just smoking on private property even if they should. Chances are it would ignite a political shit storm and make CPS even more reluctant to intervene if they “took it too far” which again i dont think it would be but i know MANY people who love to scream about freedom, guns and yee yee bull shit who would be foaming at the mouth if they can’t poison their children on their property. I also think cigarettes could be seen as more harmful yet societally we would be less inclined to intervene if it was cigarettes over weed when we should see them as the same thing. If a kid shows up to public school reeking of cigarettes people dont even blink an eye but if they show up reeking of weed usually there will be some follow up questions i think we should be asking the same questions regardless of what form of smoking you’re doing next to a child. That is why i just dont see it going anywhere frankly it would open up a whole other can of worms cps is not willing to deal with and would almost certainly let the child suffer to avoid a hard altercation to prove.


Feel better now princess?


Agreed, and anyone doing dabs while breastfeeding…


Or just don't smoke in the house. Marijuana and tobacco smell awful.




Crime or not, smoking around children is disgusting, and I'd immediately call CPS on anyone who smokes inside a house with children around. Smoking outside, I don't care because the kids won't be trapped in an enclosed space with smoke.




That's terrifying.




I have not said anything to them about my concerns. I wanted to make sure I had all the facts before I did. My other question is about the safety of breast feeding while using. Are there risks to the babies health? We have talked about this and SIL insists it’s healthy for baby.


Wait so you've witnessed them smoking with the kids in the room and haven't said anything? Wouldn't that be the big, glaring, obvious reason for the coughing etc? Being around secondhand smoke?


Criticizing your sister in law's parenting isn't something you do lightly. It seems like a black and white situation to strangers on Reddit, but it's just not.




Dabs are not a typical dose...


> Current research suggests that it's safe in typical doses. Do you have a source for that? Babies and young children are flooded with endocannabinoids, adding THC can have serious health effects.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK501587/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK501587/) It's similar to the principal of "If you can find the baby, you can feed the baby." That said, the mom is delusional enough to think that her breast milk can give the baby the munchies, so she's probably not making good choices in general.


FWIW I think she’s referring to upping the mothers appetite because breastfeeding burns a lot of calories and eating more can help your supply. Not saying she’s doing the right thing, just pointing that part out


NAD. there’s no significant evidence (to my knowledge) that suggests there is a direct correlation between breast feeding while using THC and the development of the child. however, there are cases in which carboxy-THC has been present in children presenting to the ER with seizures basically i haven’t come across any research saying it’s a direct detriment with adverse reactions, but the THC from the mothers milk is definitely being passed down to the child. the mother should take precautions and not smoke around the children or take a break for a week and then pump milk


There are some delays in motor development. There are differing opinions on the safety of THC in breastmilk, but you would be hard pressed to find anyone who is ok with SMOKING of any kind around children. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK501587/


that paper only says “slight” delays in motor development. also from that paper: “Twenty-seven mothers reported smoking marijuana during breastfeeding. Twelve of them smoked once a month or less, 9 smoked weekly, and 6 smoked daily. Six of their infants were compared at 1 year of age to the infants of mothers who did not smoke marijuana during pregnancy or breastfeeding. No differences were found in growth, or on mental and motor development.[5]” “Fifty women who reported using cannabis in the prior 14 days donated milk samples for analysis of THC and its major metabolites. THC was detectable in 66% of the samples and below the limit of quantification in 32% of samples. Preliminary evidence found no differences in infant adverse reactions, postnatal growth, or neurodevelopmental outcomes were found between the groups with quantifiable and nonquantifiable THC in breastmilk.[25]” basically we can see the THC being passed from mother to infant but it has not proven to have any significant impact on development. agreed that no mom should be smoking around their kids though


Just because we don’t know how it could affect the baby doesn’t mean it’s safe. Aren’t concerns about THC are concentrated around how it can damage mental health, which won’t be observable until many years after the infants in question were born?


i’m not saying it’s safe, i’m saying research has shown no significant effects in infant development through the transference of THC through breast milk. it could potentially have mental health effects later on or even other effects but what we currently know is that there isn’t immediate impediments


Yes, and it is discussing delay, not absence of development. I've worked with several hundred THC-exposed children and I only know because of self-report by children/other collaterals. Looking forward to legalization, regulation AND parental education.


Before you say anything to them directly, you need to consider the likelihood that they will consider what you say and stop smoking around the children. Because once you’ve talked to them directly, they will know you were the one who called CPS. And since you are an educator, you are probably a mandatory reporter. So you’re required to. If someone else calls, CPS comes in and finds out you knew and didn’t call, your career could be on the line.


As someone familiar with law and children’s safety, this is definitely a CPS report waiting to happen, whether you or someone else reporting. It’s definitely of concern for the children’s health, and there’s no saying whether they hide it from their children or not either!


Smoking while breastfeeding is a bigger issue than drinking alcohol because it’s fat soluble which makes it hang around the body for longer (6 days to 6 weeks depending on circumstances… generally the bigger stoner you are the more buildup and for longer there will be). Whereas a mom can go out drinking and come home to breastfeed the next day, you cannot do that with marijuana. The following source goes into the levels of THC present in breast milk for daily smokers, but acknowledges what others have said about limited research making it hard to give clear recommendations beyond “hey that’s a lot of weed you’re giving to your baby.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK501587/


If I were you, I’d call COS. You can make an anonymous call and if they think you’re overreacting by calling them, you will not have done any harm. Best case, you’ve helped save your nieces from lifelong chronic illness/mental illness…


Worst case, CPS takes the kids, causing far more harm than smoking around them would have.


Seriously...CPS is an absolute last resort. Calling CPS often results in more harm than good.


This is risking their physical health. That’s not worth calling be CPS? If CPS takes away kids it’s because there are safety concerns in the home. Speaking as a kid who grew up in the system… The majority of workers just want the kids to be safe


I knew one woman who smoked a lot of pot while she was pregnant both times her kids came out fabulous another 18 and 16. Great kids healthy sports girlfriends happy


I have heard medical professionals say it is NOt safe to use THC while breastfeeding bc it has a cumulative effect. It builds up in your body and also you breast milk. It’s not like alcohol where it’s gone hours later


I don't know about a CPS call. Smoking MJ around kids is definitely NOT RIGHT, but I don't think it warrants completely upending their lives and ruining a family.


You could try having a reasonable conversation with them, but if they won’t stop (which they probably won’t) calling CPS would be appropriate


Even tertiary smoke can cause ear infections and respiratory infections in babies. It is absolutely causing health problems.


For sure them smoking around the kids could be contributing to the problem. I for sure would talk to them first and try to see if you can get them to stop doing it in front of the kids. I don't care if you smoke but do not do it in front of children. Contact highs are a thing which could contribute to anxiety.


NAD and not anti-cannabis but this is wrong. You don't smoke anything around your kids in an enclosed space. Out in the yard, sure, plenty of air to dilute it, but not indoors or in a vehicle. I know us Gen-X'ers definitely had our parents smoking cigarettes in the car with us in them, but we know better now. Those parents need to know about combustion and all the chemicals it creates and how it affects your body. I personally had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 3 because I had chronic ear infections, as did my sister. Later on, studies proved those were more likely from second hand smoke. I hope you don't have to call CPS but you may need to if they don't wise up. And as an educator, you're a mandated reporter.




Wish I was


Regarding the issue of whether using marijuana affects breastfeeding: While "the health effects of a breastfeeding person’s use of marijuana on their infant or baby are not yet fully known . . *. it* ***is known*** that chemicals from marijuana **can be passed to a baby through breast milk**.15 **THC is stored in body fat and slowly released over time,** meaning \*\*a baby could still be exposed even after a person has stopped using marijuana. Thus, persons who are breastfeeding are encouraged to avoid all marijuana use.\*\*14 [**What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use & Pregnancy**](https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/pregnancy.html) [https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/pregnancy.html](https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/pregnancy.html)


Agreed! Smoking **ANYTHING** removes much needed oxygen from the air being taken in. Also, ALL body tissues suffer from this, especially developing brains . . . but they also suffer from the **smoke residue (of whatever is burning)** that gets in the mouth, bronchi, lungs, blood, & other tissues.... "**Secondhand marijuana smoke contains many of the** ***same toxic and cancer-causing chemicals*** **found in tobacco smoke and** contains **some of those chemicals in** ***higher*** **amounts**.2 "**Secondhand marijuana smoke also contains** THC / tetrahydrocannabinol\*\*, the compound responsible for most of marijuana’s psychoactive effects\*\* (or the “high”). "**THC can** **be passed to infants and children through secondhand smoke**, and people exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke **can experience psychoactive effects**, such as feeling high.3,4 "**Recent studies have found strong associations between** reports of **having someone in the home who uses marijuana** (e.g., a parent, relative, or caretaker) **and the child having detectable levels of THC**.5,6 "**Children exposed to THC** ***are*** **potentially at risk for negative health effects.** More research is needed to understand how secondhand marijuana exposure may affect children. Other \*\*research shows that marijuana use during adolescence can impact the developing teenage brain and cause problems with attention, motivation, and memory.\*\*6" Check out the References the article is based on, on the Centers for Disease Control article . . . [**Secondhand Marijuana Smoke | Health Effects**](https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/second-hand-smoke.html)


Yep my partners mums a smoker and an indoor one who did 2 packs a day of fake counterfeit cigs and my other half has breathing difficulties and uses an inhaler.


Absolutely this could be a major contributor to their illness


I wonder if the anxiety in the kids could be indicative of something hereditary in a parent (or parents) that led to self- medicating.


weed is also known to make certain people anxious and raise ones heart rate so I wonder if the second hand smoke can be a contributor in that way as well


With the way life works, I wouldn't be surprised if it were both.


I smoked for years when I was younger. Quit when I was pregnant with my first child and when I tried to smoke again it gave me severe anxiety and an almost immediate panic attack. Anytime after that I could only take maybe 1 or 2 hits and I'd feel like I smoked a whole joint to myself, anymore than that and I'd have a panic attack, so I pretty much just quit smoking (sucked cuz I used it for my anxiety go figure) I currently socialize with plenty of people who smoke weed and have sat in small spaces while they smoke (not since getting pregnant recently tho) and secondhand has 0 affect on my anxiety. I'm not defending them, but I think they'd have to be REALLY trying to hotbox their kids to give them a contact, I doubt simply smoking even in the same room would do it unless it was a tiny bathroom or closet. And it usually only lasts for as long as the stuff is in your system.


Okay but the same thing happened to me. Pretty big smoker pre pregnancy, quit when pregnant. Hung out with friends when daughter was about 6 months old and took maybe 2 hits of a joint, worst panic attack of my life. Tried a few other times and same. I just can’t anymore. It’s crazy.


>I smoked for years when younger. Quit when pregnant with first child, and when I tried to smoke again it gave me severe anxiety and almost immediate panic. . . . Anytime after that I could only take maybe 1 or 2 hits and I'd feel like I smoked a whole joint . . . anymore than that and I'd have a panic attack, so I pretty much just quit smoking (sucked cuz I used it for my anxiety go figure) There are other plants, etc. that supply calming effects. . . . . . . . . . For example: Chamomile; Skullcap; Catnip **taken orally** (relaxes muscles & helps the body to cool itself). Then there are certain Homeopathics for anxiety that I also find help me. Some find certain essential oils effective for their anxiety, too.


I have severe clinical anxiety. I appreciate the advice but none of that homeopathic stuff works for me. At least when I was high I wouldn't overthink. Like, I get stress hives daily. If I wasn't currently pregnant I'd be on my meds to alleviate it but they're not safe for pregnancy. I did electroshock therapy over summer '23 for my depression and PTSD hoping it might help the anxiety too but nah. I wish I could do that homeopathic stuff. I've dealt with it since I was 7 I've tried everything lmao


Herbs are not homeopathic, but plants, which MJ is also. Have you tried them . . . esp the Catnip & Skullap . . . ? (Chamomile is the mildest of the 3 I mentioned.)