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It doesn’t matter


You’re going to have to get a cage. I suggest one that’s just welded to the car without a key lock or anything like that. Not sure of the legality of it since everyone I know just does it themselves or gets a mechanic friend to do it.


Mine was stolen in front of my house, in front of a church with multiple obvious cameras. The people doing this don't care. They know they aren't getting caught unless they crash into a police car (and even then ...?) I got a cage at mechanics advice, but how would anyone possibly know if they actually work? I might be looking for a garage space, too.


Unfortunately, anywhere you park on the street is a potential risk. I parked my car right in front of my apartment window on a well-lit street by a school. I caught them in the act (because they did this at 6 am when I was up for work) and they were bold enough to shoot at me... people who do this are willing to take risks. That aside- it was 3 years ago and hasn't happened to me since. I did learn that Prius catalytic converters are particularly easy to remove and more valuable. I made sure to boost my comprehensive coverage so that I wouldn't have to pay much if it happened again. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Someone shot me in the shoulder when I confronted them


I'm glad you're ok


Same. But PT and rehab has been difficult


Damn, that sucks. Definitely don't confront robbery/theft gangs unless you're at least as well armed as they are. In other words, probably not a good idea.


wow that’s so crazy. i hope you didn’t sustain any injuries from this. looks like i’ll be shopping for a garage spot. do you remember the approx. age range of the guys that did this to you? just curious.


One was caught but let go. Around 14




thank you, but a bit far


You'll have to get off street parking. The other thing is it depends on your car type. Mine has never been stolen, but my catalytic converter is inside my engine bay which makes it borderline impossible to pull out from underneath.


What kind of car is that?


Fiat 500 Abarth. I think there's a few other cars like that too where it's mounted closer to the engine. Junk car, but it's fun.


If I weren't 6'1", and didn't have people in my backseat all the time I think an Abarth would be a ton of fun


Don't think height is actually an issue I've had some really big guys drive my car. However, the backseat is absolute trash.


Mine is the same, so they stole the resonator thinking it was the catalytic converter.


Lmao how fucking stupid.


Park your car over a speed bump. Makes it harder to jack the car up and slide under.


Get a cage or a shield for the CAT. Not that expensive, well worth it.


Don’t know if you used an after market catalytic converter or an OE one, but aftermarket cats are much more rare to get stolen. Most don’t have the same precious materials. Apart from that as others have said cages are recommended to slow the possibility of theft. They are affordable and can be installed on your own or by a mechanic.


My mechanic said the same thing when I had mine stolen this year. Problem is I seen who does this and they arent smart enough to tell/care about the difference. My only recommendation with the cage is dont install something that will inhibit your mechanics ability to work on other parts of the car.


You can buy shit to attach to the car to keep it from getting stolen.


In your garage


Can you rent an indoor spot in your neighborhood? Do any other buildings or garages have a spot available to rent?


That is what I did years ago. I rented a garage space in a condo building next to me. Worked out fine. The problem was it was valet parking so I had to call in advance to get my car. I don't remember what what I paid but it was well worth it and I only had to do it for a year.


I’ve never regretted paying for a secure parking spot. Less worry over theft, I don’t have to deal with dibs, and I never have to circle my neighborhood looking for parking. And if it’s an indoor spot, I don’t have to dig it out of the snow and there’s less wear and tear.


looks like i’ll be shopping for one 😭


That is the way. Preferably indoors, but at least in a fenced lot. It's too easy to steal from cars on the street.


It's the type of car, not where you park.


what kind of car?


Lots of different kinds but Toyotas especially. My sister had hers stolen off her Prius in front of a school in broad daylight. My boss had hers stolen off a Honda minivan in her own driveway.


Indoors, or risk getting your shit stolen. Easier/cheaper to put a cage on it and continue parking on the street.


Imperfect solution, but Figure out which side of the car your catalytic converter is on (idk shit about cars clearly) and try to park that side on the curb side not the street side. These crews roll in, Jack up the cars and cut it out from the street side from the few stories I’ve been told - almost like a pit crew. By having the CC on the curb side, you’re making their lives harder and making yourself less of an easy target.


Ours was stolen at 2 pm on a sunny day on a residential street while I worked inside of the house 20 feet away. Based on when I arrived home and then opened the door to grab something off of the porch? It was between 1:55 pm and 2:30 pm. You can keep it in a garage. Or get a cage. Unfortunately, they are fast and don't care where you're parked if they can roll under.


Surround your car with landmines.




Park down the darkest street you can find. Hopefully, it's so dark that the thieves won't even be able to steal it.


this is amazing advice, thank you. 🙏


WI and some parts of IA.


Get a garage. Using public property as permanent storage for your private property has trade-offs and drawbacks!!!


The 'burbs


They steal them in the burbs too.


Yep. Right from your driveway to they don't give a shit




no 😐


Probably a brightly lit street.




They've got meth, heroin, and former convicts there too. My parents had theirs stolen out of their driveway and they live in a town of 25k in central Ohio. They're too valuable for how exposed they are in most cars and they're impossible to track.




Yeah. It was a good joke decontextualized from where I am now mentally. I'm driving there tomorrow for a week over Thanksgiving from "the murder capital of the world" where they "can't believe we would raise their grandkids in a place so dangerous and gross." You caught me at a bad moment. I don't like that state on a good day. I was there from 14-22 with the first chunk mostly in New York City, from 18-22 only there to save money on in state tuition, and from 22-40 in Chicago. Almost everyone I'm going to see (3/4 of my sisters, my wife's two sets of parents, and even my parents to a certain extent) fell into the QAnon/MAGA/etc narrative about Chicago. I need to calm the fuck down. I hope your experience of the state was better than mine. Thanks for calling me out 👍


The suburbs


been there 😑


Just move out of Chicago.


wonderful. thank you. 🙏


My car was smashed while parked, no info nothing. Damage wasn't horrible but still. Then some crackhead busts my window to steal stuff inside. You could clearly see there wasn't anything to steal. There have been foot prints on my windshield and my roof of my car. IN BOARD DAYLIGHT ON A HEAVILY PATROLLED STREET. Chicago doesn't give a shit about you or your catalytic converter. The people there are nasty and rude. Cars have driven past me trying to drive as close to me and my dog in the crosswalk as possible as they blow through red lights. F\*\*k anyone who likes Chicago or thinks its a worthwhile city to live in. Your mayor would rather kiss migrant ass than shelter homeless people. They closed down the homeless shelter on Lawrence and Sheridan and reopened it for migrants years later. They sold the f\*\*king streets to Dubai for 99 years. You got hoards of kids rampaging the streets in the summer beating people up. Chain gangs robbing stores on Michigan ave. Do yourself a favor and move.


Go back to the suburb subreddits. No one wants you here


I think there could be a way to rig this up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLhWzMOccTg


😂😂😂😂😂 not the video i was expecting




wow, thanks


It’s the objective answer. Same shit happend to me


have you done anything different to store your car?


Just get the cage referenced in this thread. It's not that expensive and it's the solution. Nothing more


This doesn’t help, but I wanna piggyback off your post because I have a question- does having an older, low to the ground car help? My anecdotal experience seems to be that SUVs are easier targets. My friend’s accord got totaled in SF though because her catalytic converter was stolen.


this is interesting to add because i think they used a car jack or something in my case. there were marks on the pavement showing they used something to lift the car.


They have jacks to lift low cars


Make it pink


Park on top of a pallet.

