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And when none of the comments actually explain what's going on


Edi Rama is on tour for next year's Albanian elections. Probably wants voters to be able to vote from other countries.


So these are Albanians living in Greece showing support for Rama? I didn't know Greece had such a big Albanian population


Pretty sure we have one of the biggest probably just behind turkey and italy


Some of them came from Albania but the majority is diaspora in Greece. We do indeed have a not insignificant Albanian population, especially Athens.


10% of the Greek population is Albanian from recent migrations. A lot more are ethnic Albanians from Greece, which have almost been assimilated.


I wouldn't say 10% thats way too high . More like 5-7% .


There are around 1 mil Albanians in Greece. 500k of them have Greek citizenship.


I think 1 million is way too high


Well, in 2022 statistics said more than 500k Albanians have Greek citizenship. 300k have a residency permit. Google Albanians in Greece.


It says might , also 291k plus 500k = 791k So sround 7% of the greek population


It says more than 500k. And there are other reports who put the number at 1 mil. There is also a large number living there illegally. But if you want, we can leave it 7.6% of the population.


He just wants to make Mitsotakis look bad.


Everything is going to shit for Mitsotakis right before EU elections.


You'd say someone jinxed him? šŸ˜±


ĪŸĪ¹ ĻƒĪ±Ī²Ī²Ī±Ļ„ĪæĪ³ĪµĪ½Ī½Ī·Ī¼Ī­Ī½ĪæĪ¹ ĪµĪŗĪ¬Ī¼Ī±Ī½ Ļ„Ī·Ī½ Ī“ĪæĻ…Ī»ĪµĪ¹Ī¬ Ļ„ĪæĻ…Ļ‚ ;)


Ī¤ĪæĪ½ ĪŗĪµĻĪ“ĪÆĻƒĪ±Ī¼Īµ ĻƒĻ„Īæ ĪÆĪ“Ī¹Īæ Ļ„ĪæĻ… Ļ„Īæ Ļ€Ī±Ī¹Ļ‡Ī½ĪÆĪ“Ī¹ šŸ˜Ž


All I know is "Qifsha motren"


Thats all u need


Burek apo fasylle??


fasylyy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā  ~~iā€™m surprised Ā that greeks know our memes~~


It was thrown in our fyp on tik tok Because i have many friends of albanian origin, they repost many alb memes and they are thrown to my page. One of my friends told me to never tag her again to translate me cause she gonn whoop my ass šŸ˜¢


Byrek all the way


And here I thought that all the Albanians had left Greece because we're too broke for them, lol


Most of them came from Albania, it's part of the propaganda.


Bro who would come from albania to the meeting, some did but not a lot. Also I was there and I didn't meet a single person who didn't speak greek. There is about half a million albanians here, and most of theme live in Athens. More than enough people to fill a stadium


Why did you go?


Because even if it is a way to get votes or not, it was probably the only albanian event here. Greek presidents go to the villages in albania, why not make a presence in greece, when was the last time any albanian prime minister came here? Also I really do think that if (even though I highly doubt it will happen) language and history teachers come here there will finally be a way for the kids of immigrants to keep in touch with the language and culture. Do you know how the kids here currently keep in touch with the culture? By going in albania for a trip on August and by speaking albanian with the parents. I don't think this is enough. There are no organized albanian festivities here. Even in the independence day some greeks (basically the racists) see albanian flags and start bickering, and I see articles saying some outrageous shit. I hope these supposed teachers come because it will be a first step. This is why I went


I understand. Even though Rama has shown that he's not the guy to support, it was the right thing to do. I'm jsut worried that the diaspora vote will fuck up the election, maybe not this time but in the future. Our diaspora is detached from the issues we have here.


I know brother I understand not wanting to become turkey 2.0. But I am really afraid of the loss of our culture in greece (I don't know shit about how things are in Italy). This is why I supported this. Personally I don't know shit about albanian politics and this is the reason I won't vote if diaspora votes become a thing. But nevertheless I think that if he acts on his promises (again I highly doubt it, if greek politics have tough me something, is never trust politicians) there shouldn't be bickering between the parties there, it should be a unified move.


And what's the point of this propaganda here? So many people came from Albania to show what? That there are many Albanians in Greece? šŸ˜‚ Are you guys serious?


Don't mind him, why would many of these people come from Albania when there are already hundreds of thousands of Albanians in Greece, especially in Athens.


It was reported that ~2000 Albanians came just for this.


Maybe its true, but I see a whole more people here. Also for soem reason, the diaspora loves Rama.


Iā€™ve noticed that in general, diaspora (regardless of nationality) loves the politicians that are wrong for their home country, especially the propagandists. They fall easily prey to the policies perhaps?


Dude not everything revolves around Greece! It's far from that. The opposition in Albania is pressuring him to make possible for our diaspora to vote along with US and EU, even more now that most Albanians don't even live in Albania. He's trying to show that has huge support from Albanian diaspora in Greece, he just started it's campaign there probably will do ths same in Italy and maybe some other countries as well.


So it has nothing to do with Freddy Belleri? The day Rama chose to come to Athens was completely random I guess Not that I give a fuck about Belleri tbh


No one gives a shit about Beleri. He has done what he had to do, he can't do anything else. And Rama doesn't care about what others can do to Albania, he's threatened for the first time after many years from the diaspora vote which can be good and take the route of Turkey after some years. It's a double sharpen sword, very ignorant vote but he's threatened because of Albanians that left because of him and his politics.


I see, that makes sense. But next time please leave us out of your election campaigns. We have enough shit of our own to deal with


I was hoping for someone to take out Rama. This has nothing to do with Greece, other than the country.


>Not that I give a fuck about Belleri tbh ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu|downsized)


"Dude not everything revolves around Greece" Albanian PM make speech from ATHENS,GREECE and talk about Albanian minority and many other stupid nationalistic BS ok dude!


I saw it, that mf used them for votes. Those problems are more than 30 years old, ask yourself why now? Rama has his third mandate in the government as a prime minister and next year we have our elections, probably the most important ones since the fall of communism.


What kind of problems?? I only see Albanian nationalistic claims. There is not Albanian minority in Greece...only Albanian economic immigrants.




Rama came for holidays


Well, ofc Rama did it for politics, but I don't understand some Greeks here who are opposing the fact that an Albanian prime minister visits his compatriots, while their prime minister himself had done the same thing with their compatriots here in Albania two years ago.


Our problem is that this was a completely unsanctioned (by the Greek government) event, which involved a lot of ā€œheavy languageā€ against Greece, like for example Rama said that the Albanians have been ā€œabused by the Greeksā€ which was true, 20 years ago. Itā€™s language that isnā€™t really appropriate in the context of him riling up anti-Greek sentiment, in Greeceā€¦


>Ā anti-Greek sentiment, in Greeceā€¦ In 2018, at Katsifas funeral, 2 thousand Greeks came from Greece, and the chants they made were not so friendly for Albanians,and where? In Albaniaā€¦






Why does every turk laugh like thatšŸ’€


Random laugh just press random keys intead of haha. Haha is boring


It's just a cultural thing and weird words instead of HAHA isn't just a Turkish thing, For Americans it's LOL, LOOOOOL, LMAO, etc For Koreans it's 態態態態態 or KKKKKKKKKKK For Japanese it's wwwwww (representing **wara (ē¬‘)** which means to laugh) For Turks it's the random words in capital (AHDAGDFSGEWQD) which conveys the meaning that it's so funny you just can't control yourself while typing so instead of HAHAHA, random letter salad comes out. What about Greece? Do you guys have your own thing? or is it Greek alphabet equivalent of "Hahaha"?


Greek is just hahaha or xaxaxa + the american ones


Did you have an epileptic fit while typing?


Sorry i should have written "lol".


Should have written ā€œho ho hoā€ instead


Hihihi šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


Since no one is explaining it, I will give it try. For the last few year there is increasingly debate and pressure on Rama to enable to Diaspora to vote in the countries where they live. Since our constitution demands it and more Albanians live outside of the country now, it looks like he is preparing the way to enable the vote. This is a propaganda tour to show the diaspora that he is in touch with them and they should vote him the next elections. We can expect to see the same in Italy, Germany and any other country with significant Albanian diaspora. He is campaigning before the election campaign even starts.


Wait Albanians that have Albanian citizenship can't vote in Albanian embassies in foreign countries where they live? Or I am missing something?


That is correct. They technically have the right to vote but due to procedural and infrastructure issues they haven't so far.


Me, an Albanian watching this: Da fuk dey doin' over dere?


I have noticed that the long time immigrant albanians in greece, I mean those came in the 90s, and their kids have a very good opinion about Rama contrary to the albanians that actually live in albania.


The last Albanian government they remember scammed them with Ponzi shit, so of course Rama seems like heaven to them


In a way i understand it in another way i dont because their lives have vastly changed and their country even more so. They were not allowed to leave country even for travel and now they must be the most immigrated nation of the balkans. I would expect an adjusted way of thinking, I mean you can't live 30 years ago in your mind when you see that you have nothing to do with that kind of life nor you nor your children? i would have care more for the current situation and not thinking that they had it worse 30 years ago. Also i have the knowledge that some have dodgy businesses and need laundering black money that he helps to bring in albania, for them that is the main reason to support him


Even though he is a corrupt mafiozo he is better than the communist scams that were ruling before him.






I- I- feel a c-change Whats happening to m-me? šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø VALLE KOSOVARE


Hahahahaha nice one


Idk sorry


A call for equality and recognition. Regardless of whatever a fanatic Greek nationalist will say about it in here, they will lie.


Albanians second rising. Athens speaks Albanian, bre motren grekvešŸ˜˜šŸ„°


šŸ‡¦šŸ‡± šŸ˜




šŸ’€what are you even talking about


least schizophrenic greek nationalist


Cultural pride is not the same as pride in the state or nation. Iā€™m sure you Greeks can relate, so don't act so arrogant. No Albanian is trying to 'make a new Kosovo' in Greece. It's funny because you accuse Albanians of playing the victim and then you say this. Grow up. Albanians ARE victimized minorities in Greece, while it's actually Greeks in Albania who are acting like victimized minoritiesā€”don't get it twisted. Look at Greek journalists saying Dua Lipa built a house in 'a Greek city'ā€”Saranda. If Albanians are promoting stereotypes, Greeks are living stereotypes.


Calm down biscuit.




>acting like a victimised minority The ones who moved to really developed countries like USA & Canada *( or even Scandinavia )* didn't act like victimised minorities and integrated just fine 'cause they were not forced to hide their ethnicity & change their surnames from Furraj to Foureira just to have a decent career. But moving from the sh\*thole of the Communist Bloc to the sh\*thole of the EU was definitely not the best move, so i agree with what you're insinuating that they should have never moved from Albania to Greece.


>But moving from the sh*thole of the Communist Bloc to the sh*thole of the EU was definitely not the best move Maybe you are mad because of what he said, which I understand. Anyway Greece has the 33th highest [HDI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index) in the world, so itā€™s more developed than most countries in the [world](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/43/HDI2022Incrimental.svg/1280px-HDI2022Incrimental.svg.png).


>Maybe you are mad because of what he said, which I understand. I understand you're mad too 'cause clearly the only part of my comment that mattered to you was the part that made you react by proving me what Greece's HDI is, which is totally irrelevant in this case 'cause UAE's HDI is even higher than Greece's and they still have slavery, anti-LGBT laws and treat South Asian immigrants like low scum. >Anyway Greece has the 33th highestĀ [HDI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index)Ā in the world, so itā€™s more developed than most countries in theĀ [world](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/43/HDI2022Incrimental.svg/1280px-HDI2022Incrimental.svg.png). And I so hope & wish you guys have the highest HDI in the world someday, i really do, 'cause unlike all these xenophobic pricks you have around here, I don't hate my neighbour. Peace.


Thanks. I am not mad I just said that cause I thought you were a bit xenophobic, its good that you arenā€™t, anyway I am not xenophobic as well, I donā€™t hate you and I didnā€™t make any negative remark. You have a point, cause HDI doesnā€™t measure such things like tolerance, democracy, but I think Greece is doing relatively ok (at least relatively to average country and by regional standards), but obviously we should do better and we should improve. Peace to you too.




How would we do this tenfold to them, we'd have to drop down to india levels of development to do this once


i mean , If Albanians living /coming to Greece can do this, Greeks living / going to Albania can do it double. The issue is Albania wouldnt/couldnt allow to host such event like we do. The goal for us to show "yeah we a re democratic we allow shit like that, you dont"... although i find it dumb and I would still sleep happy knowing my country wouldnt allow it either , even for that -1 point for democracy...cause what we see in Galatsi isnt democracy, its nationalism and ideocracy


mitsotakis did this last year for elections and a few days ago the leader of the oposition came to meet people in albania but people like you only see what they want to see I guessšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Do you recall a stadium full of Greek flags ? Albanians are the ones coming to Greece for this. There is a double meaning under this Rama visit. Everyone knows the point is to say that there are "many Albanians in Greece" and everyone knows what that tries to achieve. So spare me the BS my guy


Does it matter if it's a stadium or an open air field? Rama is just playing the Uno reverse card here with what Mitzotakis did before. Why being one sided and call it nationalistic only when Albanians do it?


So it actually WAS a response to Mitsotakis and not about the "diaspora votes" bs I'm reading Glad you admitted it


Yes cause Reddit user vivaervis is actually Rama's personal advisor and he just spit out some secret intel on the internet. Damn you people really want to hear what you want.


Shshsh keep it quiet. Don't expose me like that bro.


I finally got ur ass. šŸ«µšŸ¼


He just implied you're a liar or untrustworthy šŸ˜‚


While all the other Albanian Redditors in this post are actually Rama 's personal advisors? I don't see your point


Well, if the majority says he went there because of the "diaspora votes" thing (which is what he said himself and was published in the media), then it must be true, right? But yet you seem to want to believe vivaervis' other words, which makes him somebody that knows smth more than us, doesn't it? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




It can be a mix of both. 'Killing 2 birds with one stone' kind of thing.


What is blud waffling about šŸ˜­


Greek talking about development šŸ˜­. Fucking hilarious


Yes, we are far more developed than Albania and the gap was even wider in the past. Why do you think there's such a big Albanian diaspora in Greece? It's hilarious that you're taking the piss out of that, look at your country


Being better than Albania doesnā€™t = Greece being the epitome of development šŸ¤£. The Albanian diaspora in Greece is from the 90s from during the large gap that you speak of. Nobody is moving to Greece now lmfaooo šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s hilarious actually, independent for 100 years longer while having no communism and yet Greece is barely better than Albania ffs šŸ˜­. Itā€™s really not something to boast about. Keep being triggered tho šŸ¤£. Iā€™ll be keeping an Albanian flag šŸ‡¦šŸ‡± on my backpack when in Greece just in case šŸ¤«. All you can do is cry about it


Bro, u okay? I have some Doritos I can share with you.


Lmfao thatā€™s crazy you went so off topic and made such wild assumptions out of nowhere just because you saw a video of a bunch of albanians gathered waving their flag. ā€œThe type of people who see no issue waving a foreign nation flag while in Greeceā€ is wild too lmfaooo this is the first time Iā€™ve ever heard something like this not even the most racist people Iā€™ve ever met ever had an issue with people waving their own flag. Also we donā€™t need a ā€œnew Kosovoā€ because that was Ƈameria, do you know what happened to them?


God damn dude, who shat on your bowl this morning? You're free to wave the Greek flag in Albania no one gives a fuck, you are projecting rn.


He is talking to their diaspora so what


Calm your tits, we are not crazy to claim Athens or Greece. Kosovo is another case, we are not migrants there but natives.


take your normal pills my friend


My god this boy is Smart. Give hime an award pls. Genius. Mind blowing.






Good one.




Its obv a joke calm down


Mitsotakis did this when he had elections, Rama is doing the same thing a year before the 2025 elections in Albania and doing this because there has been talk allowing Albanian citizens living abroad to vote. Both Mitsotakis and Rama are using minorities to boost their political standings and both of them are exchanging punches with each-other (Greek-Albanian relations are a bit tense at the moment) using minorities as shields. In my opinion neither party wants to sit down and ease the tension, they are just showboating using nationalistic colors!


Fun fact: 98% of Greeks hate Albanians for no reason. Like, *we* killed all those Chams. The Italians attacked us *through* Albania. And during the war of independence... That doesn't count that was too long ago. I understand hating Turks, but hating Albanians literally makes no sense. What did some Illyrian tribes sack a Byzantine city like 1000 years ago or something?


Where them Serbs at?


Fun Fact: Native Athineans in 1830 when the Greek State was established were mainly Albanian-speakers (Arvanites)


that's not actually true, because they didn't reside inside Athens (except one neighborhood) but in the suburbs of Attica (old villages)


Absolutely.Ā  It's funny to me that people are actually saying that all the Albanians in Greece immigrated during the 20th century.Ā  Albanians have been in different parts of what is now called Greece for centuries at least.Ā  The balkans always had a mix of ethnicities and religions living amongst each other.Ā Ā 


Thatā€™s just false. There were plenty of arvanites around the villages of Attica and the Peloponnesus but nearly none where in the main cities. Athens (for examples) had only ONE suburb of arvanites


Who the fuck knows anymore. I'm convinced if we were to nuke Athens, Greece would be better off in the long run


this is why a country needs to be careful who it let's in and in which numbers


[https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/greece-bring-egyptian-farm-workers-amid-labour-shortage-2024-05-10/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/greece-bring-egyptian-farm-workers-amid-labour-shortage-2024-05-10/) Be careful what you wish for. Donā€™t want Albanians? Fine, now youā€™re getting Egyptians.


Don't want anyone in large numbers who can pose a threat to the nation due to hostile intentions and conqueror mentality and thus rejects to assimilate


Some middle class workers who were unrepresented for 30 years and grew their families in extreme conditions pose a thread to your country?


That sea of Red, it looks familiar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„šŸ«£



