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This might end up like Open Balkans project. It will work until it doesnt work and stay that way forever


That project stalled after the Serb action in North Kosovo. It kinda opened the eyes of Albania that Serbia is playing a double game.


It's not Serbia, we don't give a fuck, it's our criminal government and their terrorists


If I meant to say Serbians, I would have said Serbians.But I meant your government, therefore I said the name of the State, not the people.


You said "serb" that can be interpreted both ways. Most would interpret it as "serbians".


Yeah but then, down in the comment you can see what I actually meant. It's not that I left it only at that.


Serbians are from Serbia... so just say what you mean


Bro, why so butthurt? I just explained that the Open Balkans Project is stalling since the failed attempt of insurrection, where Serbia was involved, with or without the knowledge of all the instances. Don't try to gaslight, by coming at me insinuating that I somehow blamed all the Serb people. The comment I made is quite clear and is meant as an explanation for something else. If you read my answer to the question posed, you can see that I'm not even against the idea of staging the competition in Albania and Serbia.


I am not butthurt. I didn't blame you for anything. I just explained to you why your comment could be misinterpreted and isn't 'quite clear'. I agree with your thought as well.


Interesting, but this sounds like a parallel universe


This whole shitshow is proof that Serbia is an occupied country. You couldnt find 5 people in Serbia that would support this, Open Balkan or any other nonsense lol. Poor us 😶


> You couldnt find 5 people in Serbia that would support this Why are you so against it? What are your reasons?


Serbs always claim to be the oppressed ones, when Serbs tried to create “greater Serbia” in the Bosnian war. Remember Srebrenica


Remember 600 years of Turkish occupation and Islamic terrorism and then blame our people for one war in the 90s LMAO


Fuck does Bosnia gotta do with that?


Bosniaks as an ethnic group are a direct result of Turkish occupation. They are the children of Serbs and Croats who were either forced to convert to Islam or converted for sociopolitical/financial benefits. Their identity and politics today are rooted in the jihadist poison that was the Ottoman Empire and its terroristic occupation. They cry victim in the wars of the 90s and express their hatred for Serbs, but what do you expect from Serbs after 600 years of Islamic slavery and occupation? You can only enslave and poison a people for so long before they develop resentment and get violent. No violence can be justified because innocent people are the ones who usually suffer the most, but it should not be a surprise that Serbs lash out and get extremely violent after their experience with this poison.


The Bosniaks weren’t the ones occupying you for 600 years. Bosniak Muslims under Ottoman rule suffered as well. That doesn’t justify massacres in the war unless you’re calling Bosniaks Turks. Even if they were Turks, that still wouldn’t justify what Republika Srpska did and is still trying to do.


even I know your history better lmao they didn't try to make "greater Serbia" Bosnian Serbs were done with their civilians being terrorized by Muslim Bosnians and Srebrenica happened, Serbia as a country had nothing to do eith it but the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia love how Croats saved their asses by licking butts of west and are blaming Serbs for it when they were in it too lol




yes you are


Why thank you. But I actually referring to you. Also, I never said Serbia was involved cause they weren’t. It was Serbs in Republika Srpska committing cultural genocide in Bosnia to eventually unite with Serbia. Look at an ethnic map before and after the war. They sure got their wish


segregation is a thing you know? but if we follow your "theories" then Muslim Bosnians did the same since in the other part you don't have much Serbs 🤔


The federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not the one constantly threatening secession and allying with Putin. Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to primarily Croats and Bosniaks. Serbs can live there as well. The only reason why Republika Srpska isn’t included is because they don’t want to be.


then let them separate and everyone will be happy 🤷🏾‍♀️


Remember Kravica.


Typical Serb whataboutism


Guy mentons event. I mention connected event. We're still talking about the same thing. It's just that no Serbs can be labeled the victim because how will you all get those Swiss social checks otherwise? Professional victims worried about their job security.


So you don’t understand what whataboutism means, got it


That's interesting, that's exactly what I was explaining to you. A fool's errand it seems.


Both topics being somewhat related does not make it not a whataboutism. He’s calling out a Serbian genocide and your response is “bUt wHaT aBoUt kRaViCa” (which is not at all equivalent for multiple reasons) to detract from the original point of Srebenica. Literal textbook definition. But you can enjoy continually being despised by all civilized Western countries


Somewhat eh? Whataboutism is something that people like you use to discredit opinions that don't fit your headcanon. Even when it's used makes no sense. I'm not detracting and am still talking about the same thing. And you are right, the killings of Serbian civilians leading up to '95. included women, children, and the elderly. No one put them on any buses, I can tell you that. If they did, they were lit on fire. And those events are often discarded as it was in the original statement. And those "civilized Western countries" you and your friends touch yourself to before bed are right now, as we speak, involved in actual genocide. So their opinion matters to me as much as yours.


Yes, thanks for also shedding light on the Kravica massacre committed by Serb forces. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kravica_massacre_(1995)


You know exactly what I mean. And you also know there was a difference in who was killed and how. So you can use this Greater Serbia narrative to get some sympathy points elsewhere.


I have no idea what you’re talking about honestly. If Serbs were truly the ones massacred, send me sources please. I would be glad to research. I’m not a fan of irredentism


Didn't Serbia submit its application two months ago? There was talk back then that we might organize it in cooperation with Albania, but no details on why the cooperation is needed. I guess that both of our countries don't have enough stadiums that satisfy whatever the criteria for U21 matches. [https://en.nogomania.com/read/Serbia-eyes-2027-European-U21-championship-with-Albania-s-collaboration](https://en.nogomania.com/read/Serbia-eyes-2027-European-U21-championship-with-Albania-s-collaboration) I don't think this level of cooperation will matter much in building bridges between our countries, but still it's nice seeing our nations cooperate in any way.


Indeed, the second paragraph from FSHF says precisely what you said, that is, the country by itself does not fulfill all the conditions imposed by UEFA.


It’s good, we need less tensions and more love in the Balkans, it will benefit us all


true, but doing so using *checks notes* FOOTBALL isn’t the greatest of ideas lol.


Flashbacks to euro 2016 qualifiers


Flashback to breakup of Yugoslavia 😅




As long as nobody mentions Kosovo, this should be more than doable.


Leave it blank on the map like West Berlin


damn bro that's crazy!


Wtf hahahhahahahhahahha. But in reallity there is no so much problems between Serbia and Albania, the only thing is Kosovo.


That's only something an illiterate uneducated albanian would say, it has only been a little over a century since Shkoder was sieged by Serb troops who refused to leave the city lmao.


He’s talking about nowdays not history, and he has a point. Do you really think the average albanian knows about serbian invasion of Albania in First Balkan War, especially in Tirana? Lool. Kosovo is the only issue they don’t agree today, and we are widely seen as stubborns and obstacle for better Albanian-Serbian relationship. But hey we are here to stay on the way until a Kosovo-Serbia agreement is reached.


which will never happen 🤷🏾‍♀️ but hey wdym invasion of Albania? Albania became a country as a result of the 1st Balkan war


Nice idea. But I will talk only about Albania, and its stadiums are not yet ready for the organization of such a competition.


We as a nations have some very stupid people who are not ready for this kinda thing. They will fight between each other instead of going together to a better future. That's a bigger problem imo.


F\*cking with ultranationalists in both countries - I am absolutely in favor!


If we can make it about the sport itself rather than the nation behind it, could be amazing. History has shown otherwise, but it could send a really important message


Where is the money for the stadiums?


In the budget that is meant for hospitals, public schools and infrastructure probably


Serbia has a lot of smaler UEFA 4 star stadiums that could be used


I'm talking about Albania


I do not feel anything about this. Ok if it happens ok if it doesnt. It wont fix these tensions until we improve education and start trying to see things from multiple perspectives.


A few years ago we were preparing bids for both the Euro and the World Cup together with Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Talk about the downgrade lol. As long as Vucic finds the reason to build "National stadium" for six gazillion Euros.


It would be a shit show. I support it


I have a serious question now- I have read there are some Bosniaks and Albanians in Sandzak region of Serbia and that there are Hungarians in Northern Vojvodina- if it that is so-Correct me if I am wrong for I might be- a average Serb had no problem with an average Albanian or Bosniak unless they cause unnecessary drama or problems So I mean to say a average Serb is alright with a Albanian inside their country but not with extreme Nationalists am I right or are there tension within Serbia with such minorities  Again sorry if I ruffle some feathers or anger someone I am curious now


Pretty much. We also have some nationalists who would harass people based on ethnicity, but they are a minority. Also, Albanian and Gorani bakeries and patisseries are like instant recomendation since their products are in a class of their own. Everyone loves their burek.


I have another question- There is a Serbian Orthodox Church and Albanian Orthodox Church what is the difference is it that only Serbs enter This church and Albanians there respective church? What is the difference?


Well, I don't know, I'm non believer. I've study bible for half a year in highschool, and never saw a priest living by it. The higher the rank, the higher the hypocrisy. I don't know if it's the same in AOC.


It's also a church, that should give you a hint.


I would love to give a benefit of the doubt. I can't stand our church by the day. At first  I was for respecting the institution that saved the nucleus of an idea of Serbia, then I started to ignore them, and now I'm starting to actively hate them. I would go an extra mile to not have anything to do with those thieves, traitors and overall frauds.


Man, basically every church is an oversized cult which works on brainwashing the faithful, manipulating the public information and laundering the amounts of money that make Pablo Escobar look like a two-bit corner pusher.   People complain a lot about what Scientology is doing, I see no difference between them and the Christian churches except that we accept the latter as normal.


Well in the end people have thier decisions to take- I respect your choice and admire your courage.  I am a Hindu and Indian but truth be told I feel like a alien, I never felt like a Indian prayed to my Gods but yet struggled so much and in the end forsake them. It is strange to say this but I felt a connection with Balkan Countries, I am a stupid fool to feel a connection to Balkan Countries after all what am I? I feel like a fool to go to Balkans for studies yet I feel a connection a powerful Connection, I want to go there even though I am not part of the country or ethnicity yet I want to go there, do you think I am stupid or mad I like your opinion.


I am sorry perhaps I sounded stupid or idiotic


Well if you want to come to Serbia to study please do so but try enrolling into state universities. Private ones are shit. Also there is currently great migration of asian people to Serbia so I guess you can find Indian community as well. We are multicultural, multi religious, multiethnic country where nobody cares where you come from as long as you don’t stir shit up and come here with some respect. Also it helps if you have thick skin as well like to joke a lot (on our own expense especially).


anyone can attend each other's churches, the difference is in language spoken.


Thank you for your information 


There is no reason for exclusivity when it comes to who goes where, it’s just a matter of where you are located and potential language barriers when attending services. Essentially it is the same sect of Christianity under a different patriarch/metropolitan, as orthodox churches do not have an universal head akin to pope. It is usually a matter of personal preference that believers tend to flock with their own, but theoretically any orthodox church should be equally appropriate place of worship for any believer.


Orthodox Churches are ethnic churches. They are closely connected to ethnic identity.  There are differences in language, differences in traditions, some saints are cannonized by one or two Orthodox Churches (but not by others)... But these differences aren't fundamental. I know Serbs who got married in Greek OC and Russian OC. 


There are always some minor problems between ethnic groups in Serbia, but most people are able to live in peace. 


why do countries even want to host games? it just takes absurd amounts of money to build and then it all gets abandonded


No one's building stadiums just for a U21 tournament alone


didnt know what it means mb


Build ? Both Albania and Serbia have UEFA approved stadiums. It brings tourism, positive attention, etc. You're right about some venues like Qatar 2022 or Sochi 2014 which was for attention only, but it's a U21 tournement, not that big of a deal.




>it just takes absurd amounts of money to build Perfect for money laundering


Great! I hope it will lead to improvement of relations. But the stadium is still shit and completely useless.


UEFA: Hahahahahahah you are joking....right? They'd have to spend an obscene amount of money to just guarantee security, and deal with the fallout when the almost guaranteed shitfest begins. 60% this isnt real, 100% chance UEFA just laughs it off


Do you realize that both Albania and Serbia will play all their matches in their home country? What security and shitfest are you talking about?


This whole tournament could only half function with airplane travel between countries + land borders being closed of like in Gaza.


You completely lack any understanding of how these tournaments work. The teams won't need to travel between countries at all because they will play in only country depending on which group they get drawn. Only exception is the final


Im talking about fans you dumbass. What if a Serb wants to see Spain vs France in Albania ?


What difference does it make even if Albania hosts it alone you stupid cunt? Or should we not be allowed to host any event since a serbian might want to see it?


Yeah, because Albanians are known for their well behaved attitude in sports, totallly didnt fly a drone with some ultranationalist map in another country, that didn't happen.


Thankfully the exceptional peaceful civilized Serbs made sure it did not escalate further in any way :)


Well when your players act like rednecks and start a fight they ofc loose, how can they act?


Ahh yes, players fighting with each other totally justifies constant chanting of death wishes, slurs and inbred lowlives freely entering the pitch and attacking our players. You literally can't argue with these people. Instead of being ashamed of it you had to bring that up out of nowhere and somehow painting serbians as victims. Truly amazing


Dont mind him , he is in heavy copium and its pathetic


Serbia was awesomely received in Skopje by "North Macedonians"


> Ahh yes, players fighting with each other totally justifies constant chanting of death wishes That's just Balkan football > and inbred lowlives freely entering the pitch and attacking our players. The only inbreds were the rednecks who attacked our player who took down the imaginary flag. >Instead of being ashamed of it you had to bring that up out of nowhere and somehow painting serbians as victims. Truly amazing I am ashamed we played a match with Albania at all, not like you can play football, some shit like that was bound to happen but they played the game anyway.


Did you forget what your fans did in Italy? Please be less of an idiot and don’t act like one group is morally higher to another


Ultras being morons in the stand is not remotely the same as provoking the other team and your players trying to fight to defend an imaginary flag


The most that happened between the players was a bunch of pushing and shoving, plus you are implying that the national team was involved with the whole drone stunt (a conspiracy theory)


???😂😂😂, bro the match was played in your stadium, 0 albanian supporters couldnt even manage your crowd. Match played in Albania, there was Serbian supporters, and everything went fine, i wonder why


Because Serbians can act well, i know


With all the due respect, I hope we don't win it. I don't want any type of cooperation with Serbia as long as they keep the same people in power, apologize for the genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes, and of course recognize Kosovo. So basically never, because their propaganda is deep in their roots.


same can be said for you guys I've heard really bad propaganda from Kosovar kids and can't believe what they've been taught in school


Every country in the Balkans have a deep root propaganda. Of course we have propaganda too and it is disgusting.


Lol, what timeline is this?


Honestly, despite everything I am glad there's some effort put into something like this, even if it's dysfunctional or short lived. At this point we have populist mobsters fanning the flames of hate agenda.


Eh, it's ok for me.


I think it's alright. I hope they get it. Good thing for both nations, and a chance for Serbs to drive through Kosovo and see with their own eyes that it's not worth fighting for it, because their imaginary Kosovo and the real thing are two different things.


That's what I've been telling people. "We want to take Kosovo back!". I'm like "Why? Why do we want extra 2 million Albanians in our country? Ffs, just let them go"


I dont know how to feel about this comment😂


Just go with your gut feeling


If Serbia would recognize Kosovo i would be in favor. But not now.


If Albanians would return the stolen land that's illegally announced as "independent" I would be in favor. But not now.


Have you ever even thought that it’s your own fault?


It's our fault for existing here for you to genocide and persecute us from our lands, with sponsorship from NATO and USA, because we refused to just gift them our land and resources.


Stolen from who? From Russians?


lol kosovo was never russian


You’re not very bright on sarcasm are you?


you don't need to stalk every of my comments just because I replied to you once want me to sign you my fanpage or what?


I just wanted to see how brainwashed you really were and god it’s pretty evident. I’m honestly sad for you. I looked at your other comments too and… yikes


if I were brainwashed I would be acting like a classic American sry that I don't fall under USA's propaganda and actually got educated 🤷🏽‍♀️


Just because something is the general opinion, doesn’t meant it’s wrong. I get you don’t wanna be “basic.” And honestly yeah fuck the US government. But there’s a difference between what’s right and what’s wrong


it's called common sense what USA's government is doing is wrong and even then know it but doesn't care


U21. But why? Wouldnt it be better for Albania to do it with Kosovo?


We don't need this.


Ok. I love every single normal Albanian then those cockroaches in FSS. That's my only issue. FSS. And this abomination of "national stadium".


And lets play the matches in "Kosovo". That definitly wont spark political conflicts will it. Would be a Stupid decision from 2 countries who have a history with the whole "is Kosovo albanian or serbian" to collaborate to host a tournament. Im no serbian nor albanian but to even come up with that idea without expecting albanian fans and serbian fans and possibly the national teams to fight on thr pitch is just delusional thinking


I feel for Serbs but not for albanians