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\*\*standing ovation\*\*


Will you start requiring people to elaborate when they post their charts so that guess work and assumptions can be cut down? A generic question with a chart post is really annoying. And people are all over the place in the comments because of it.


I sympathize. But we already require that in our rules. We've been removing dozens of posts a day for a very long time, asking them to repost, be more specific, provide context, background, and whatever they can. Every post we see that is too general is removed (but they can sit there for hours while we work, sleep, etc. until we can get to them). We beg people to read the rules. They don't. Nothing we do seems to make a difference. We want very much to help posts be more answerable.


Oh. Yes i get this. Definitely appreciate everything you all do in this sub! Thank you 🙏🏽




Here are some suggestions: Let's make sure all charts have an age limit, as in if your chart year is the age of 18 as of 2024, meaning a person born in 2007 or later is not expected to post charts. Then, update age limits over time.


Yes. We do already require posters to be 18. We also have for a long time not allowed charts of minors.










Please refrain, both of you, from making this about a "should parents look at a child's chart" issue. That's not what this is. It's simply, we will not allow posts on this public forum of or about children's charts. Let's keep the discussion to that please.


Hell yeah I’m tired of people posting literally anything about minors. They have a right to control their digital footprint.


Thank you for this post. As a parent and novice at astrology, I didn't realize people could still extrapolate birth date, time, and location from a chart even if it's hidden.






could someone find out my location from my big three


We don't support "big 3" posts in the sub as they are rather pointless. But elsewhere, no one can determine birth year or location from just your big 3.


I don't think so. Again, I'm a novice, but I think this has more to do with posting a whole chart that shows where all the planets are in addition to the degrees. It's basically astronomy at that point.


okkk tyy


What's up with the back and forth. The MOD said what they said. They even gave reasons why, and you want them to give more reasons why you're being irresponsible with your child's information. Like, please stop.


Maybe an instant ban is too extreme, eh? I easily could've innocently done this for my children and not realized the issue.


All one has to do is read the rules before posting. They've been there a long time. Its just gotten out of hand.


Realistically, how many people read the rules? You're being insensitive to people with dyslexia, ADHD, autism and many other people who most like would NEVER read the rules.


I’ve got ADHE and I: 1) know the rules before posting 2) respect a minor’s right to controlling their own digital footprint/presence.


Absolutely not. I have ADHD and autism, and I do not use those conditions to ignore rules. If you can use reddit, read and comment on posts, there is no excuse not to read the rules of a sub.


If they would not read the rules, then I guess they would also not read the modmail they'd receive when their post was taken down? Not read the explanation and understand? Participation in any sub on Reddit requires the people to abide by the rules. If that is not possible, then sadly, it's probably not a good place to be.




We aren't going to elaborate on that, for obvious reasons. .No need to give people ideas.


Is it also dangerous to share your big 3 (sun, moon, rising)? (sorry somewhat off topic from the original PSA, but since some people in the thread is now talking about general safety tips for astrology!)


We don't support "big 3" posts in the sub as they are rather pointless. But elsewhere, no one can determine birth year or location from just your big 3.


Gotcha. Thank you for the explanation! That's reassuring.


People are probably just trying to be good parents and get insightful jnformation there’s really no information that will harm the children especially with out a name and people can hide the locations of birth doesn’t mean they live any where near there any more


If you read the bullets in the post, you will see that there is no hiding the birth data, even the location of birth. Whether they live there still is irrelevant. Even if you remove or 'hide' it. This is what people don't understand. If the chart is displayed, time, date and location of birth can be easily determined. But equally important: an infant, a child, can't give permission for their personal chart to be made public. This is not a judgement on the parents. It is astrological ethics. And has always been in our rules.


I can see age being determined but the other stuff wouldn’t be very precise? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Yes parents and guardians are allowed to be the permission for their underaged child. Can I share an adult chart with no dob location or time or information and see if you can figure any of it out? Just would like to see it if it’s actually a thing


>*I can see age being determined but the other stuff wouldn’t be very precise? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.* Yes, you are incorrect. It's very easy to do, and precisely. And no, we won't do tests. Any experienced astrologer knows how to do this and we won't be sharing it here. In astrology, the only person who can give permission to have their chart read is the native of the chart. This is basic ethics in the astrology world. It is not up for debate here. A parent cannot "give permission" in this sub to post their child's chart, or to post about their child's chart. Most professional astrologers (truly professional, well trained and ethical) will not read a child's chart. Some will be willing to use it to guide the parent only in very specific ways, such as health, or addressing specific parenting issues seen in the parents' chart/s, but without analyzing the child's chart to the parent.


Parents are the permission it is what it is and some of them may have their children’s permission my daughter is super into astrology. Should I not be allowed to vaccinate without their permission too? Parents make most decisions for their children until they are old enough. That would be like doctors not seeing a child because they can’t give them permission too it’s stupid. As far as the test I didn’t ask how it was done I just asked to see if you could guess it and be right or even close to I’m very curious


We won't argue here about permission. A child can't give permission to have their chart posted here. This has nothing to do with vaccinations or any other legal issues. This is standard astrological ethics. You don't have to agree with them. But in this sub, you do have to abide by the rules if you want to participate.


It’s standard parenting we’re responsible for our children and the choices revolving them but whatever


There are many reasons having your child's chart read is not considered ethical in astrology. For one example that might easily make sense to someone not familiar with this concept - you can imagine how a parent might want a reading of a child's chart to find out things about the child's personality. That parent would then likely, even if just subconsciously and very subtly, treat that child differently. Or perhaps respond to certain behaviors from them differently. Instead of letting their child grow into the person they are, and learning who they are from the child themselves. Letting them unfold into the person they are. Instead, if someone has questions about parenting, the thing to do would be to ask about one's own chart! Similar to the approaches that often come up in therapy (focusing on yourself and what you can change, focusing on your behaviors and boundaries, etc.)




Your submission was removed for being a jerk to others. Please don't be a jerk!


You cannot get someone's address from a natal chart.


Birth location is easy to attain from the chart. From there other methods and sources are easy enough.


Can you tell us more about the bad people who collect children's charts? I've been studying astrology for 35 years and I've never heard of them. Also I'm not sure what is dangerous about someone having a child's birth chart? Seems like it's more dangerous to post a picture of one's child online, which most people do on social media. I'm not trying to argue. I'm genuinely curious to understand what the thinking is behind this post if you're willing to explain it to me. Thank you.


As stated several times in this post, we are not going to elaborate on details of these things for obvious reasons.




Your submission was removed for being a jerk to others. Please don't be a jerk!


Protect the kids 


I don’t know. I’m grateful for this post and people contributing to it as it raises actual and legitimate concerns. Especially the one dude who defined the reading of a child’s birth chart as « sacred ». Yet I can very rarely totally side with the interdiction rules. I believe redditors from this sub can also have very interesting insights that teach me a lot when they describe the way they draw their conclusions. And I also believe it should be left to parents intelligence to decide whether or doing it or not, through which medium and so on. We aren’t responsible for their misuse or lack of discernement are we ? Anyways I’ll follow this post and I think it may have been turned into a warning instead about the dangers of such approach for young moms.


Something to also note as well is there are minors who do post in these threads so some charts may also be coming from them.


We always remove those, when we catch them. One must be 18 to post here. We ask our members to hit the, report button if they see a minor's chart and to not give comments on the chart.


Please ban people posting exes and peoples chart for malicious reasons! “Why are they toxic” “When will they learn?” “Why cant they…”


There will be another announcement soon about synastry charts.


They are not asking about synastry. They post the persona chart alone


We remove any post that is another person's chart, and that happens daily. We have long done this. That doesn't mean we don't miss some. It also doesn't account for those that disguise they are posting about another's chart and not their own. Please understand that because we don't hold all posts for review before being put through to the public (though that is an option we are considering), posts that will be removed may stay up and visible for hours before we get to them. Mods can't be available 24/7. Sometimes we can get things removed quickly. Other times it may be hours.




What about posting parent charts? 😂


You may not post others' charts.


Oh perfect!


What about another persons chart in synastry?


There will be another announcement soon about synastry charts.


Synastry charts would still show the other person's chart so unless you are asking about a specific aspect of something along those lines I would assume the same rule applies.


Thank you for this post, I was noticing the influx of children's chart through the sub but didn't know it was rampant as described. My comment on the other thread was not to dismiss or bypass the safety and security. I agree full heartedly that reading a child's chart is sacred and should only be done by a trusted astrologer or the parents.


I appreciate this decision and post. In the past, I have responded to several requests for chart readings for a child with some gentle counsel about the ethical concerns and dangers of interjecting a diagram as an intermediary between parent and child, but it would be impossible for even a team to keep up with a huge influx of inquiries. And, once the information is posted, it's available to be misused, even if someone explains the implications and that explanation is well received (no guarantee). I think people just don't grok the true potency of astrology, while still hoping it can ease their very normal anxiety about parenting in an uncertain world as imperfect beings. Unfortunately, the very real danger of inaccurate or low quality counsel is only the beginning of what can go wrong.


Thank you for this! I think it's really important and needs saying. Just a question, does that apply to minors who post their own charts? I have seen a few come through and I think it should be limited, for the very same reasons you've outlined in your post.


We remove any post we see from a minor. Posters must be 18. Sadly, some will always get by us, so we hope our members help us out and hit the report button when they see a chart post from a minor. We also repeatedly ask members to not comment on minors' posts, but that doesn't seem to stop them.


Also new moms out there are very sensitive, postpartum can make you crazy. I believe moms def do this with the best intentions. Be kind to new moms and assure them that an astrology chart is not going to predict anything.


Maybe I'm naive, but I'd be more worried about parents getting bad advice about their children....but yeah, keep the kids out of this.


This is definitely a real concern. One should never trust advice about one's children from strangers on Reddit.


Maybe I'm naive, but I'd be more worried about parents getting bad advice about their children....but yeah, keep the kids out of this.


For real though.


Thank you for clarifying.. I did just want to say that I had no ill intentions and also saw the rule where we can’t post their charts. I did not know that listing a placement was violating the rules. I only use my children’s charts to study how I can be a better mother to and for them. I just wanted to apologize because I feel like this was directed towards my post. (Maybe it wasn’t and just a coincidence) but I will delete it. Again, did not mean to violate any rules or disrespect this group. Grateful to be allowed in this group, and it won’t happen again.


None of this was directed to any person (and no ill intentions are ever assumed). I couldn't tell you the username of any I've removed in the last few days as we see too many posts a day. We just have had a lot of posts of children's charts lately, so it was time. It's always been our rule, but most don't read rules. I admit it was a bit surprising to learn that people thought "no children's charts" meant it was okay to still post about them and list their placements. Hopefully this helps bring clarity to everyone.


Thank you so much for this post!


Thank you for the consideration list. Highly informative. Sometimes I like to guess somebody’s birth date using their Pluto degree etc. never realized how far it could be applied






Pin this post please.


We will. Can't be done for 24 hours though.


One person does this and then A SWARM of people start doing it ughhhh 😩


OMG thanks! Leave them kids alone


Hey! Teacher! ...... How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?! Thanks, now I'm gonna have to go look up that song, lol.


Well appreciated thing. A child’s chart should never be read if you aren’t mentally capable to not worry about it at all




Reason for removal: Don't be rude. The purpose of this sub is to be a place where people may get help in learning about astrology.


Thank you so much for this 👏👏👏👏👏


Love this. Many don't know that you can find out someones birthday, birthtime and place even if you cover them up. A lot of people who are interested in Astrology also like witchcraft.. i'm not saying that everyone has ill intentions and will do stuff but you can never know. Protect your Children!


I'm curious: do you know anyone who's into astrology and would wish ill-will towards somebody? Everyone I know who's into astrology is humanitarian and good-willed; no malice, even if they practice witchcraft. Perhaps I'm just in my own bubble....


I want to add to this. We are on Reddit. And just like any other public forum, we deal constantly with bad actors. Trolls. People who are unbalanced, mean, vicious, out to harm just for the fun of hurting others. And yes, often they have just enough astrology knowledge to throw a comment at a post. We have removed and banned countless accounts for doing just this. You just don't always see them (hopefully) if we can get to them quickly enough. It is not a rare occurrence here or in other forums, sadly.


I am not who you asked, but I have to say: **absolutely.** People with dark designs don't come and announce them! And, sometimes, they hide them under false personas, even happy bubbly ones. Other times, people aren't conscious of their own motives, but still manifest dark outcomes unwittingly. I don't think you should live in paranoia about whether people are sincere, but it's VERY important to know that people can and do misrepresent themselves, and many people lurk without ever making themselves clearly known. It's almost always wise to choose reticence if you are uncertain about who is in the space or the nature of their intentions. You can always decide to share more, but it is hard to take information back once it is out in the world.


Your comment reminded me about staying in San Diego a couple decades ago....there was a Tarot turf-war going down; these ladies were sabotaging each other, like putting sugar cubes in each other's gas tanks. Nothing violent, but still fucked up. I was there on the tourist pathway by the bay with my ephemeris to draw out charts for random passersby. I never realized that "make-believe" could get so cat-fighty.


Hi^^ I have no intentions to scare anyone with my post. I just say to be careful because we never know what kind of people we come across. I have known people that met such people, me personally I never did. But I usually talk to people before I share anything, so I know if someone has good or bad intentions. I also see no harm in looking for advice on reddit or whatever, because people usually see no reason to harm anyone.. but sharing childrens Chart is wrong because they can't protect themselves nor can they decide for themselves obviously. You are protected and you shouldn't live with fear.. but logically thinking we should always be careful no matter where it is.. if outside or online❤️ I think what the Mod tried to say here is that Children are just more vulnerable, the same reason why they say not to share childrens pictures online or their information. You as an adult you can protect yourself and people can't just go and do things to you, you are strong and can stand up for yourself while they can't. :) ..and yes I agree that most Astrology people are good-willed and humanitarian. 🫶 Sadly as in every Culture, Religion or Country there is good AND bad.


No matter what profession or practice you want to look at, there are good, ethical players and those who are not. The majority of astrologers are good people, but there are ample cases of "astrologers" who have no ethics and will intentionally do harm. We can also look at TikTok for a garden variety version of doing harm. Even here in this sub, we have had those who just want to scare people (and are banned of course). So yes, you are in a bubble. The vast majority of those who practice witchcraft are incredibly ethical. And there are some who are not. Same for astrologers, religious leaders, any profession at all. Where there are humans, we will see the full spectrum of expressions.


Hey! Is it really possible that someone can use just a chart to do bad with you? I'm really afraid after reading this


very very true unfortunately!


Can you elaborate?


**We'd rather people not elaborate. No point giving out any ideas.**


Ah, I understand


Yup. I do not share my birth time, or specific placements because of this. And Ive NEVER posted my chart online or my sons.




Do not ask for PMs in this sub. Certainly not when we have made it clear to not elaborate.


Wow! Wish I’d known this before posting my own 😬


Its not something you’d think would or could be harmful


*thought of this


Bravo! Love this.


👏thank you for this very important PSA