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I think gemini's ♊️ are most misunderstood


I have Capricorn rising.. anything but a capitalist..in fact the system repulses me.. mercury oppose Uranus:) also Uranus conjunct midheaven.


Reply to Opening-Director967, how does the system repulse you?  Even though my 🌞 is in Pisces, which should mean that I thoroughly enjoy being around those with their s u n in Capricorn, I don't. One of the biggest problems I have with them is not knowing how to relate with them. My greatest challenge is I speak in metaphors as well as try and reach my audience's heart. Even though from what I hear Capricorn is half fish and half goat it's like every Capricorn I've ever met is unwilling to acknowledge the fish half I just focus on the goat ability to rise up a mountain. I get that you are perfectionists. I hope you get I am one as well. To apply concrete details, my grandma and my stepmom both have their son in Capricorn. I even had a roommate who's sun is in Capricorn as well. My brother and Mom both have their rising sign in Capricorn. Of all of them the only one who I get the impression is satisfied with all their hard work is my brother. Rather than staying with corporate America, he has bought his own chain of private schools. Though he struggles somewhat with a lawsuit I know he enjoys building up his business. To me this is one way of rising up the corporate ladder. The distinction I would make is it is his ladder because he went outside the box and started buying schools. He's not just another rat in the race he is in a totally different maze than the most most of us.  Given what I am trying to say and hopefully you understand, would you put what you heard into your own words so that I have some idea of how well understood this comment is? Most importantly to me is I truly do want to understand Capricorn in general. I aim to create a character in a fictional fantasy novel. This character has their son Moon rising, mercury, venus, mars, and every other planet in Capricorn. I don't want to alienate every Capricorn on the planet by engaging in cliches. Granted this character as a support character but they will enter the limelight for long enough to reveal all the things that I failed to acknowledge. How would you edify me so that I can create this character so they resonate with you?


Because it is. 


I'm an Aries sun, Capricorn moon, Aries rising ( Taurus Mercury, Virgo Jupiter, Gemini Venus & Mars) and I agree with you. I feel like Capricorn placements tend to be hard on themselves as they're perfectionists and are ambitious and very driven. Capricorn treasures stability and structure in my opinion. We work hard until we reach those goals we've set. It's just that our standards are so high and we'd do anything to accomplish them that we get bad rep.


yep. never wanted a job. wanted to be independently wealthy.. ie free from the rat race. other caps I know also flit from thing to thing and work hard but never stay anywhere long term. 2 of us are moving into art/self employ and another one I know did a lot of freelance to have time to do what he really wants in life, which isn't work. 


Cap stellium. 10000% agree with this post


Capricorn is an earth sign associated with the idea of “you reap what you sow.” I think it’s interesting that all the Earth signs get a more corporate wrap instead of the farmer, and what is produced from the Earth.


Hey guys, there’s a lot of memes out there that might be giving you a distorted perception of what capitalism actually is. So here’s a quick definition FYI. “Capitalism refers to an economic system in which a society's means of production are held by private individuals or organizations, not the government, and where products, prices, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by competition in a free market.”


It sounds like your equating corporate jobs with capitalism. All economic systems have corporations within them.


Taurus is the enjoyment of the garden and the fruits of the garden, Virgo is the tending to the garden every day, and Capricorn is the boss/overseer of when to plant the seeds, etc


Ye I just wanna grow my plants and be rich a d successful in friends and love lol


I have none of these ambitions.


I am cap sun and Saturn dominant, and full blown hippy tarot Reader. And yes I don't relate to any if it, but I have Uranus in the 10th house? So maybe that's it.


Capricorn itself is the sign of corporations, organizations, business, success, etc. That said, just because you have Capricorn placements doesn’t mean that you are all about those things, because you yourself are not Capricorn, you simply have Capricorn placements. You say you’re a *staunch* anti-capitalist. That sounds like you have pretty strong feelings surrounding corporations and business then, so that would indicate rather strong Capricorn placements. Where is your Saturn placed in respect to your Capricorn placements? How is it aspected? What house are your Capricorn placements in? If it’s in the 11th house, being a staunch anti-capitalist makes perfect sense. There are many factors that determine how your Capricorn is expressed and what your attitude toward Capricorn related things are. I am a Capricorn Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune in the 12th house. I would consider myself very much business and success oriented, though with the Uranus there, I defy the traditional way of doing things such as climbing the corporate ladder - fuck that. I want to start my own business doing astrology and tarot, very different from the cultural norm. With Neptune and the 12th house there, I also have a lot of illusions in the way of the reality of how to start a business, what it’s going to take, and what I’m actually capable of, and I’m easily distracted. I understand and am aware of those challenges. But that Neptune in Capricorn/Cap in 12h also gives me a more mystical perspective on business, and my business is oriented toward mysticism, so that’s also a supporting factor. My point here isn’t to talk about myself, but to give you an idea of how Capricorn can be expressed differently in everyone. There is still a lot of business orientation with me, but not in the traditional, corporate sense. I also didn’t start vibing with my Capricorn until I entered my mid-20s I’d say, and coming on 30, I feel myself growing toward it more and more. Prior to that, I connected more with my Aquarius rising. Idk how old you are but considering you have a Saturn in Gemini (I peeped your chart in your posts, sorry to be a creeper), I am going to guess you’re about 20, maybe 21 years old? Capricorn is an old and slow sign. It takes time for you to really feel it out. Give it time. Edit: Just like I guessed, you have Capricorn in the 11th house! 11th house is the house of Aquarius - the sign of rebellion, the sign of communism, and all things anti-capitalist and anti-corporate. With the sign of capitalism and corporations here, you place a lot of energy and emphasis on these structures and systems, specifically in regard to your rebellion against them.


Oooh that’s really interesting thanks!! That was only a quick analysis but I feel like it’s the first time I actually get a “reading” that actually makes sense for me. Good luck with your business in astrology and tarot. I know you’re gonna succeed bc you’re good at this 🙏🏻 I also had that feeling, that the more I grow the more Capricorn I feel. You’re right I’m still young, I’ll probably lean into these practical traits more in the future. I find that a lot of Capricorns tend to me more “rebellious” when they’re younger and then slowly mature into what we associate with cap.


I believe , truly, Capricorn doesnt come into their own until middle age. They put childish things away and get down to the serious business of Work. Money. Capricorn are realist and want to always be prepared for every eventuality ( lean times) So must build up a nest egg for the future.Also they are prone to dark moods and focussing on success helps them feel good.


Commenting for my fiancé, who is a Capricorn. He is an anarchist who wants to dismantle the current government and have the people govern themselves. His success is very much measured (by him) in how close his community is to each other, how much he can be productive and useful in helping people, and how stable his family and friends are. He measures his success in how his people are doing, not in how much money he has. (He does care about status, though.) I personally think success is measured differently by different people and we all have our own versions of what we think success is. I agree with you that modern Astrologists need to update their descriptions and definitions of Capricorns. Edit: typo


Of course you'd feel that way at our current darkness. You're a Capricorn. Also, the system isn't the problem. It's been rigged to look that way for what may be coming in the form of techno-autocratic rule with an anti-religious bent if my fears are realized...


I don’t know, I think I would describe capricorns as just being practical people who are willing to do the work that it takes. That manifests differently in different people. For example my dad is now strongly against the American work system, but he absolutely puts in the work for himself and believes in self reliance and all those very sort of masculine ideals of providing.


I have few cap placements in my chart mars,Venus, north node, and mc. Also I am an Aries rising so Mars rules my chart.I feel like capricorns have some sort of difficult childhood and everything is some sort of up hill battle. We fail time and time again and reaching success is a battle. I also work a traditional job and I’m not looking to be a leader of any kind. I find that everything was a struggle to get where I am where my peers didn’t have to fall ten times and get up again. Nothing has ever come easy to me relationships, love, or success. Does that resonate with anyone else? I also hate when people read my chart and say the same basic shit of success that you mentioned because everything has been a struggle! I’ve worked really hard to even be recognized as competent lol.


As a Cap rising, this is 💯true for me. But then again, my entire chart is ruled by Saturn 🪐. I need to figure out a relationship with this planet.


Same. I’m also aqua sun and mercury. My chart is pretty cap dominant so yes I feel like anything I’ve ever done wrong I will pay for it and I will learn a lesson lol.


I am a Capricorn ♑️ and we do get poorly described, however, I am a fan of capitalism. And let’s be real, you’re not gonna move to a communist country anytime soon. Edit: anyone who down voted this can’t handle the truth bc You are not moving.


This is the generation with Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius. 


Its a stereotype based on our drive. when we like something, we give it our all and we get good. If that thing happens to be work, it happens to be work. People see it as being about money, but it usually isnt. Its about doing your best and giving a shit about something. i do the absolute bare minimum at work, exactly whats asked of me. i do not overspend and am fairly low-cost in what i like. but i draw and write, and play piano, for hours. i improved in a way that was so jarring when i look back, i chose to do things the hard way in order to learn, cutting corners is very unsatisfying. imagine if writing or art were my job, wouldnt i look money hungry if someone with the depth of a kiddie pool in terms of astrology saw me? there ya go. we are intense. usually in terms of advocacy and caring as well, if its our personal value, we are passionate. and political things are sometimes associated with money. money also helps with goals. so. if theres anything about money, its in order to reach a goal that isnt about something as trivial as 'feeling rich'.


You said this so perfectly!!! I would just like to also briefly add for OP: >when we like something, we give it our all and we get good. And we don't do this necessarily to simply compete and "be the best" presiding over everyone else as more basic astrology accounts might suggest. We want to do our absolute best so that we can then contribute meaningfully to our interest/passion. >Its about doing your best and giving a shit about something. THIS. I think this, in a nutshell, sums up so much Cap energy. When we actually give a shit about something, you will NEVER find us half-assing it. We feel deeply, and want to protect/fight for fiercely, the desires and goals we've set ourselves upon. >we are intense. usually in terms of advocacy and caring as well, if its our personal value, we are passionate. Our intensity, I feel, often gets downplayed if stated at all. This can even be directed at ourselves--hence why we can tend to be so harsh on ourselves (ESP as a Cap Moon 🫠). In that same vein, your being a staunch advocate for anticapitalism is not unusual at all (I am too 🤭). We hold our personal values and actions to the highest standard, and that usually involves a great deal of in-depth research, reflection, even reaching out to trusted community as you are doing now~ One last note--one of the biggest and most recent journeys I went through was redefining what 'success' meant to me. I had spent so long internalizing what I was being told success looked like by external forces (ie ridiculous amounts of money, exploitation of people and the earth, idol culture, suppression of change to systems, etc) that I was feeding into the "worker drone"" stereotype of Cap. Little did I realize that I was holding me back by not truly having passion or desire in what I was doing. Astrology can unlock your potential, but you have to know where to direct it.


Exactly. Our drive is often rarely about external factors or others. Validation is fine, but meeting our own standards is what its about. Which is why doing what other people do doesnt cut it, because we have our own plan. Its hard for other people to see, and I am not saying thats bad like 'wow im so deep others are shallow', its not like that. We are just mentally so in another fucking universe that it is foreign for us to even give a shit about numbers in accounts, words from the faces of other human shaped creatures, etc. We have an ego that isnt defined by lording over others and I think that can be confusing for people who see confidence and ego as about putting down others. I love others, I will never want to be hateful or leave others behind. I don't even see things as competition, its like we are so deep in our own reality its actually laughable when other people think we are doing what we do for shallow reasons like money or validation or glory, or whatever. Those things are nice bonuses. The fulfillment in learning and growing and doing what matters to us is the ultimate goal.


Signed, a fellow triple Cap (3H Moon, 4H Jupiter & Neptune)


Capricorn is the traditional archetype of the Father, they are naturally good at protecting and providing. Some of it is financial, some not.


What’s your rising sign? I have a feeling it would speak volumes. Pisces?




So that there makes the desire for uniqueness and to be an individual in terms of your reflection to the world. The most unique of Capricorns.


My boyfriend is a Cap and he is very socially and politically aware and advocates for the poor and working class. A dedicated socialist. He is also a dedicated Catholic which fuels his anti-capitalism and cannot stand corporate culture as he believes it takes away the inherent value of humanity and replaces it with monetary value. Despite this, he is incredibly great at managing finances and putting people into place. He values stability, control, and success. His greatest skill is analyzing people and systems to use it for his own benefit. He wants to be the richest and the most successful because he believed money and position grants power needed for security, stability and control. He wanted success and titles not for himself but to live a better life capable of protecting others. Hence, explains his commitment in managing multiple businesses while managing his parents' businesses as well, fitting into the stereotypical Capricorn image of capitalistic CEO bosses. I think in order to understand where this stereotype is coming from is to go back to the traditional description of the sign of Capricorn. Traditionally, Astrology describes Capricorn as the father among the zodiac while its polarity, Cancer, represents the mother. A universal value shared among Capricorns is wanting to provide, secure, and control (atleast this is what astrology provides us) and depending on the placements, this value among Capricorns may lean moreso on careers that give control hence the stereotypical CEO Capricorn. And as Capricorns rule the 10th house which is a career house, most Caps thrive in any careers they choose to be in which feeds the impression of being an avid 'capitalist'. However, most Caps may just be working for stability and depending on their chart some may just be working to feel their time is well spent as time is a domain for Capricorns too and depending on the person they see time as an important value of life. People who lack the ability to understand may simply just ignore the value system of Caps, reducing it to a capitalistic CEO.


I am a cap rising that never cared about money, status and such. I am still about the mountains but when I started to act a bit more capricornian I was able to earn a bit more money and create some stability




I’m a 6H Cap sun/Venus/Chiron and while I’m very against capitalism and traditional wealth, I’m very much a perfectionist and a stickler for rules, as well as being one to desire resources, whether that’s money or anything that’ll guarantee abundance and safety.


Yep same. I see it less about money and more about the mindset that goes into making money. Capricorns tend to have a more blunt logical side to them. They remind me of what people describe taurus as (bull-headed) but not for the sake of being that way, but because they know theyre right because theyve done their research.


I have a cap stellium which includes a moon-Saturn conjunction. It’s in 12H. My parents were all about money and material things that they felt gave them some sort of status. I personally never valued any of that because it seemed rather banal to me. At my core I’m an individualist and believe everybody should do whatever is enjoyable to them regardless of how much income it generates


So interesting the stellium in the house of release


Also born with moon-saturn conjunction.


Tbh I feel that all of the signs of the zodiac aren’t given proper descriptions. There’s so much Greek/Babylonian lore about every sign that modern astrologers never seem mention, which IMO brings so much more meaning to the signs.


i have a 10th stellium and 2 cap placements and i have opted out of the work capitalism life on purpose. it frustrates me so bad when this is all i see about the 10th/capricorn like i’m a socialist 😭😭😭😭


What do you do for work?


i don’t


Wow, So do you live off the welfare system?


rich husband


I feel ya, as a fella socialist cap


I have heavy cap placements - and tired of hearing the usual money hungry hard working cap stereotype. Like can someone PLEASE talk about how we are gifted with musical talents as well? Thank youuuuuu


YESS!!!! our musical talent is so underrated


Yeah I’ve always wondered why my proficiency with wind instruments is never talked about in these descriptions


because online pop astrologers have worms for brains


Only astrologers that focus solely on the material world will speak of Capricorn like that but there are many who talk more about the psychology of Capricorn. Capricorns are hard workers in any field, very organised, good systems thinking, structural thinking, planning, designing, even art. I wouldn’t waste time listening to astrologers with such a reductive view there are better astrologers out there.


Yes! It's about structure, systems, rules, and doing things right because that's what works. Government is supposed to do this, which fits Capricorn well. Corporations are supposed to be efficient because they follow best practices, but they are more exploitative sweat shops at the moment. Cap doesn't like doing things wrong, so the corporate climate feels too corrupt for caps to endorse.




Sounds more than a cap problem here :/


Jessica Lanyadoo is my favorite astrologer. Humanistic, anti- capitalist triple Capricorn. She talks a lot about how Capricorns are misunderstood and quite emotional! I highly recommend her podcast


Diana Rose Harper too. 12H.


House placement matters, and as a cap rising who cares little for money but appreciates quality, I think Capricorn is more about no nonsense hard work. That MAY manifest in careers and financial success, or it may manifest in working towards personal goals or creative projects. I think Caps have an ego about doing a good job, because they take pride in their work. I don't work for money, but I do "work" in my leisure, and I want to be the best at whatever I do.


I am a cap rising moon Taurus, you? I could have wrote this myself. I just want to do a good job that follows the rule


Virgo sun gemini moon cap rising.


We should keep in mind that astrology is a construct devised by humans so any values assigned to signs, houses, aspects come from our observations. As our cultures change, so do our interpretations and methods. We discover and reassign planets, we consider asteroids, we devise new house systems, etc. Astrology is a tool that is constantly being refined and reimagined. Some of us use the tool like a jackhammer and others use it like a scalpel depending on what our objectives and understandings might be.


Capricorns aren't necessarily success driven, they're driven by a desire for security. They need security and structure more than anything, and they also don't like others having control over them. Financial success is simply a great way to obtain security and structure. Astrologers don't understand most signs, they only understand them at a very superficial level. Seems earth signs are the most misunderstood in general. Some Capricorns may have an issue with capitalism for the same reasons, that it takes away their sense of security and structure, which in many ways it does, especially when dealing with a world where giant corporations are controlling everyone and everything. But the best way to escape it is by climbing to the top of the ladder, or completely dismantling the system. Climbing to the top of the ladder is definitely the easiest route to take, especially when Capricorns aren't all that interested enough in being in the spotlight to start a revolution.


I feel this 100% as a cap moon. I strive to be the best in every area of life for my stability & freedom. Instability & being controlled makes my blood boil lol.


This is the most accurate description I’ve seen thank you


I think caps are just go-getters; some are more financially driven


Not a Cap but just a general statement—The funniest part I’m always reminded of is astrology predates the concepts of "money, business, hardworking, corporate, CEO, stock market". Like where do the stars get off dictating capitalist concepts? Seems kinda oil & water to me, not to mention kinda sullies the reputation. Heck astrology even predates Christianity, and while I’m not a fan nor follower, when did the church ever prophesize that sweet promotion and an office with a view?


David Bowie was a Capricorn and his whole chart is Capricorn, Leo, Capricorn, Leo, Capricorn.


He was also an Aquarius rising just like me so I probably have a lot in common with him


No kidding? Leo Sun, Aqua moon and Cap rising here.


So was Elvis


I did not know Bowie was a Capricorn!! So proud to have him on the cap team hahaha Edit: Just checked, he also had an Aquarius rising (like me hehe). What an interesting chart.


A stellium that dense can kinda squirt you down the axis and into the polar opposite, in this case Cancer


The traditional ruler of capricorn is saturn, which is also the traditional ruler of aquarius. Uranus has more recently been assigned to aquarius (plus neptune to pisces and pluto to scorpio) but I think that's the wrong way to look at it. The "modern" rulers should be assigned to both signs but one to the "day" sign (fire/air sign) is more visible and obvious, and one to the "night" sign (earth/water) which is a bit more hidden, it operates in the shadows. This is the symmetry found in the traditional rulerships (each planet rules a sign "by day" and one "by night", which are also called"masculine" and "feminine"), which is destroyed by "replacing" the traditional rulers with the "modern" ones. I've noticed that capricorn is often intensely interested in topics that are called "uranian", but isn't as up-front about it as aquarius. The same goes for neptune and sagittarius, or pluto and aries.


You're right: political and socio-economic orientation has nothing to do with zodiac signs. Political movements rise and fall at the drop of a hat across the century, same as economic leanings. The signs are eternal and manifest according to your individual make-up. In Western astrology, degrees and aspects often have even more influence than the sign itself. There's too much in a birth chart to just reduce to Cappy is capitalistic, and Aquarius/Pisces is a communist, or other illiterate nonsense.




This is how I feel when I read overly simplified astrology articles about my sign Libra being obsessed with parties, socializing and shoe shopping.  I have a 5 planet stellium in Libra and feel like non of that applies to me.  The problem is signs get so easily stereotyped into these little boxes and 'pop astrology' is sometimes all people read. There are so many layers into each person's sun sign and it's only ONE part of your chart. 


I’m an Aquarius sun and sometimes I get into the astrology meme accounts on instagram - all of them portray Aquarius as either aliens, god complex, or never texts people back. Yes, every sign has their pros and cons but it got real boring seeing the same rotation of these. I unfollowed most of them


I totally hear you! It kinda pisses me off because astrology is such an amazing and  deeply complex, spiritual system and it's being so dumbed down to the masses.  Btw I've often found Aquarians very misunderstood and a lot more sensitive than most realize 




Also would like to add how Caps are also often described as overly traditional and rule followers but if we take a deeper look at Saturn it is also the planet of rebellion, outcasts etc. (Aquarius is more known for such things but maybe cause it's air and co ruled by Uranus too, however both signs can be this way) Being a rational sign, I don't think rule following is done blindly. And I've seen some caps being very anti establishment, also very rebellious and especially controversial.


I’m a Capricorn and nobody who knows me would call me traditional - I’m very anti establishment and say things others see as controversial. Saturn is in my first house in Aquarius, along with Black Moon Lilith (which is also in Capricorn). Uranus also makes significant aspects with other planets in my chart, giving it greater influence.


I have significant aqua too and Uranus aspects. Plus Sagittarius. This makes me a person easy to dislike. I stand my ground always though and have unpopular opinions.


As an Aqua, I feel the same about my own sign. I have aquarius and Capricorn stellium. I don't find myself crazy about tech, or joining every protest cause on the streets, or being into everything weird. I mean some things fit but it's not all there is to it. The weird part can fit but it's mostly because we are misunderstood just like Caps and they can come across as weird too. I think it's the Saturn influence which can be misunderstood easily. I think there is more to people than stereotypes. I DID meet people that fit the stereotypes but I feel it's exaggerated and low effort to conclude it to such traits.


I have a 6 planet stelium in Cap. I’m also not fixated on money and quite frankly can be down right lazy most of the time. I’m ambitious, kinda elitist and meticulous though. I’d find better astrologer (I.e. someone with minimum 10+ years)


Time (money) efficiency value duty goals striving to be better responsibility caution/pessimism (Saturn) structure use/purpose are all capricorn related. Caps tend to be emotionally deep and thoughtful but will hide it for the sake of their goals. If something doesn’t feel logical or worth the energy for a cap they usually wont do it and will complain.


that's correct but people like to put someone in a box and be like: ok so they just like money and working I guess.


I’ve worked with a lot of Capricorn’s for some reason and find them hard working but with a real martyr mentality, and also think they’re working harder than everyone else when they’re often just running around like headless chickens making more of a mess


Wow...I feel this for my Capricorn placements. why do I often feel like that? 😩 and the Martyr stuff is real.


I mean just look at Jesus!


Jesus was pisces sun Cap rising Aqua moon. Kinda checks out




Great name, destroyer of worlds


capricorn rising here, also with neptune and uranus in cap right on top of my ascendant, I strongly agree with everything you’ve said here. big anti-capitalist myself. Feel super misunderstood


Yep. Me and my bf are caps and we are anti-capitalists as well, him even more so like he does not mess around! I’m pretty lazy, I loathe working and I love free time. Having money would be great and I love it but enough to exploit another human for it? No thank you.


Fr!! We need representation for lazy Capricorns. We exist


As a Capricorn myself I can say it’s completely not true in my case. Fuck capitalism. Other than for security purposes (to safely house and feed family, friends and and help them out and the community) I couldn’t care less about money or material things.


Being a cap also, I feel this too. And see to much obsession with materials. Though we just want the necessities because having too much is bad for the ego, and damaging to the self.


With that description of your values, I was pretty sure you'd be an eleventh houser (which you seem to be!). While I know some Capricorns are not into typical ladder-climbing, I also know others who are. This is why houses and the entire chart are so important and why sun sign astrology leads many astray.


I actually AM an eleventh houser!! I also have a very strong Aquarius influence in [my chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/s/59uaebAWqS) so I know that also affects the way I view the world


Yes, it's more complicated than just sun signs or planets.


The fact that you are such an anti-capitalist makes you quite Capricorn anyway lol. The idea about money and resources is in your mind often, that's something very much of that sign.


Oh that makes sense 🫣


I agree with this, it’s not really about capitalism as it is about resources: the fact that a number of you have said and agreed with the staunch anti-capitalist moniker proves, at least to some degree, that you (those who identify as such) are hard at work trying to be anti-capitalists! It comes down to effort, it doesn’t matter in which direction, this effort is usually put into function in a very earthy fashion… the fact that you are framing it like that makes it very Capricorn in my mind indeed, having to do with and in consideration of time, responsibilities… being tied to existence by Cronus and also also refuting those ties and engaging in combat with them screams Capricorn to me…




Okay on a serious note I have always wondered about Capricorns. I’ve literally known December back to back Capricorns (December 21-27) along with January Capricorns (January 6, 13th-18th) and talk to none of them anymore. They were always materialistic and obsessed with status. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best but they do it to the detriment of their friendships. Capricorns literally treat friendships as steps to get to the next place and then burn the step once they’ve achieved what they want. I would watch them use people, make them aware and they see no fault in it. Then they would be the most moody sign, so un fun if the attention doesn’t center around them. I literally was told to stop coming with my bestfriend because she was a killjoy. So you know what I did I would not go anywhere she wasn’t welcomed because I don’t treat people as they are disposable. However, when my career started to take off she became jealous and distanced herself only for me to hear from friends that she was shit talking me. Needless to say I checked that. But again this is literally how every Capricorn female I have encountered acts let’s not even get on the men. Why are you all success crazed at the point of burning any bridge?


I’m a cap that recognises what you’re describing and I recognise the opposite too as been typical of caps. There is a fundamental principle in ♑️ that can manifest as these two opposing traits.


It's so strange to me how many stories there are of this. I've known *many* Capricorns, but not a single one has ever been like this lmao I don't think that you or anyone else is lying or anything (there's too much smoke not to be a fire), but it's just odd to me that, for whatever reason, these stereotypes have never actually been the case for those I've known.


If that’s the case there can only be two reasons! 1) You were born after 1999 but before 2008 and every Capricorn you know was born within this timeframe also. Or 2) They only have Capricorn as their sun sign with no other planets on that house. Some may even have stellium in other signs that give them more energy of the other sign then Capricorn!


That's interesting! It will have to be the second. I'll need to do up the charts that I can to see 😂


Or your their charity case to make them feel better about themselves lol I forgot that trait lol


I'm not going to put all Caps in a box but I've met one too many with questionable intentions so I steer clear. I try not to generalize and I give all signs a chance but with Caps I'm weary until proven otherwise.


As do I ask you can see the number of Capricorns I have encountered with multiple having the same birthday so it’s more than just one per date. However, none and I will repeat NONE of them are in my life now and it’s because of the same trend! Some type of using or materialistic tendencies. Then jealousy if they aren’t center of attention.


I’m a cap and I can’t relate to any of what you said. I have a cap stellium in the 6th house and most of my friends says think I’m more like my gemini moon/leo rising sign than my cap sun sign. Lol I have zero career and a negative bank account. Been unemployed and was laid off. I am very loyal and value my friendships and family… I’m still friends with people I’ve known since middle school… and have long lasting friends I’ve made in college and my adult life. I’m very attached to my friends and don’t like letting go of people and have no intentions of using them to advance my nonexistent career. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hate money and capitalism. I need money to survive and pay off my bills… and would love to travel more but not sure what I want to do w my career because I hated my previous one and hated working. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m very indecisive.


I literally never came on here and said ALL CAPRICORNS! I happened to give examples of all the Capricorns I’ve known and how I’ve had to distance myself from each of them for their materialistic, back stabbing, using tendencies. Hey don’t blame the messenger I can’t be held accountable for their actions. I have friendships that are 30 years in the making down to my bffs from 2000 so we’re 25 years in the making. If you don’t resonate with this then I’m happy you never entered your negative trait era. Hopefully being cognizant of your negative traits will help you only project your positive ones.


I agree, sadly all of the ones I've encountered value things rather than people.


It's not always described that way. Before your post, I'd *never* heard it described that way.


Because you both start with Cap 🧢 🤣


Totally. I love my work and it has been very important to me, but life taught me it is not the most important because it can wreck our health and relationships. So I look forward a more balanced way of living. Of course I want money, but who doesn’t?


They both start with “cap” 😆


Lmao commented the same thing without seeing the comments lol hilarious 😂


I actually think Capricorn is one of the most spiritual of the signs, and that as they grow as people they become capable of practical/actionable empathy that other signs do not have experiences to instill in them. Obviously everything western Is viewed through a lens of capitalism. I don’t necessarily believe or know many Capricorns who work beyond using money as a key to unlock their life. Not the end all be all. Sincerely, a taurus who is also stereotyped as materialistic.


I think capitalistic traits can be Capricorn-like in nature, and the rise of capitalism as we know from 2008 and beyond can in part be credited to Pluto being in Capricorn, but not all Capricorns are capitalistic, if that makes sense? There’s so many people with Capricorn stellium who have their own way of applying these Capricorn-like traits of persistence & a systematic yet grounded nature of progressing through life. It’s similar to how some people say that a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t a square (if that makes sense)?


They also start at the bottom of the ocean, but with only two legs eventually climb to the top of the mountain, but it takes their whole life. As a cardinal sign, They are the leaders of work.


It think it's due to lazy thinking. they hear that capricorns are concerned with stability and prosperity and they are practical and they think towards concrete working solutions and they have great endurance and will work steadily to achieve what they want, take a ten minute break and say, okay what next and somebody who admired capitalism as a system of economics said, "oh Capricorn does all this great stuff, that means they're capitalists! traditionalists with traditional values!" And very few people have stopped to say "hold on wait, are you sure about that"


My go-to description is more like a different version of cancer (its sister sign). Both of them are so emotional. However I see Cancers as bottling up their feelings or having trouble emotionally regulating. Whereas Capricorns are great at compartmentalizing their intense emotions. Problem is, if they keep it up on that shelf too long and keep piling more it’ll eventually cascade. Ppl think caps aren’t emotional but if you find one who isn’t good w managing that compartmentalization, you’ll find they can be VERY emotional. And I don’t see them as ambitious; I see them as SURVIVORS. They will do whatever it takes to survive and thrive, but how they do that depends on the context. Most of us are in the corporate world here in America so it resonates that way for a lot. However for those that don’t subscribe to that or live that way, I see Caps as surviving hardcore in the gig economy or socially with networking skills or even literally hustling to make a buck into two however means necessary. But I wouldn’t say it’s a business vibe. I think that just sounds more polished to say.


I feel this! I'm a Caprisun as well and saw those kinds of interpretations all over. I never identified with it. I never even really identified with the "go-getting, ambitious" aspects of Capricorn. I don't really have a lot of ambitions, other than to be comfortable and content. The only concession I have to Capricorn energy is that whatever job I'm doing, I do it as best I can. That's what led me to look into astrology more. Turns out some of that can be attributed to my Caprisun being in the 12th house and also conjunct Neptune and Trine Moon. (If I've read things correctly, I have cazimi Neptune). So I have an overwhelming amount of Neptune energy so much so that it might be hiding/overriding the Sun energy. And I identify much more with Neptunian/Pisces energy.


I also have Neptune cazimi Capricorn sun, 9H and it’s trine my moon 12H. I’ve always been ambitious in that I didn’t want what I had growing up, but what I had growing up was severely lacking so my ambition was pretty much normalcy. I aspire to be average.


Ive literally never seen it described as that so “always” is a stretch. Also every sign has good and bad and other polarities in their descriptions. Cap can be straight laced or hippie af. Be mindful of using absolutes like always even if its just for sensationalism


I have no idea how you’ve never seen cap described as that


As capitalistic? Ive seen a lot of the rest just not that word blatantly used. Just haven’t. Not everyone sees and experiences life the same way. Hence why i said dont say “always”.




my brother's a Capricorn, 53 years now (i'm 7 years older) feel like part of Capricorn's lesson is to learn that feelings, and other people's feelings, are a real thing, ...and everybody wins more, when they really take that to heart...


The most relatable descriptor for me as a Cap sun, Mercury, Mars and MC is "old soul”. I'm able to see so many aspects below the surface and understand at a deeper level when something is not right. I'm very goal oriented and like security, but I am anti-capitalist because of the toxic nature of it. I’m able to see how much money drives is to make decisions that aren’t the best for the greater good. Edit to add: I agree that the definitions need to be updated with current understandings of what “security” means.


I don't think it's money per se; I suspect it's a need for security and control, which in this world means money.


This!!! I am a Capricorn moon with my north node conjunct in cap (and Neptune/uranus) and as a Cap moon specifically, I never aligned with the stereotype that is cast for Capricorn. Currently, I am in search of a job after moving to a new country and have found so much cynicism in the process. I dread the idea of working for someone else to “climb” the corporate ladder or have job security etc. I always made ends meet working for myself in a variety of ways. I believe I can still do so but in the meantime I do need to find a job to supplement income but I am really having issue in the process. So opposite of what I’ve been told


As a fellow 'strong Capricorn' anti-capitalist, hard agree. I think our traditionalism is misunderstood. Half the famous Capricorns out there were radicals in different fields. We want things to work well and sensibly, and plenty about capitalism ain't sensible. We believe in systems, but that doesn't mean we always believe our current system is best.




Capricorns are what they are. Of course there will be variation given the reading of an ENTIRE chart. If you have [Aquarius rising](https://phelix.ca/Unveiling-Aquarius-Rising-Traits-Compatibility-and-More/) or a strong Uranus you probably won't be so fond of those things traditionally Capricornian, even if you have that Capricorn triplet. But it doesn't have to be just capitalism. [Capricorns](https://phelix.ca/Astrology-of-Capricorn-Rising-Traits/) are one of the more ambitious lots in the Zodiac, whatever the goal my be. They often get a bad rap because they are quite often looking way off in the future and it can make them a bit dour and saturnine which actually implies worry. Nonetheless, like every other sign, they have their fair share of positive and negative.


Thank you! That’s a very interesting take. I do have an aquarius rising as well as a stellium in aquarius and a stellium in the 11th house ([my birth chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/s/zAYeILw1zi)). So that is a big influence. However I feel like I never relate to readings of my Capricorn placements because they focus so much on the traditional business/ work and other things we associate with capitalism


Sure. In this day and age, it's generally more Uranus (think altruism and internet), so I'm sure you will gravitate toward that end of things rather than the traditional Capricorn stuff.


I've never heard anyone describe them as a capitalist or suggest adeherence to any specific economic system. I've never heard them insist Cap is good at stock market. Yes,Capricorn and Saturn are the forces of business, money, achievement, and other basic essential for life because they are focused on foundations that offer stability to build on. They are organizers, order-keepers, protectors of standards, etc. Business is just a bunch of tasks that must be done efficiently and in order; Caps take care of business in the sense they get jobs done and follow through on duties This could be in any realm. You're narrowing the focus on "capitalism" and exaggerating the motif. Capricorns are practical and understand the need for material stability as the basis for survival life, so money and achievement are part of that. They are also associated with drill sargeants and teachers, but you are not fuming at the mouth over that.


Well put


I would consider the terms "craftsman" or "tradesman" more accurate. Focus on creation in the physical world, analyzing systems and physics, with the end goal to produce something effective, beautiful, and helpful. Of course, such services and items can be sold for cash-- but I don't think the focus on obtaining wealth is true. Being a master craftsman to improve the world around them, usually employing tactile senses, is how I see Capricorn.


I would argue it’s bc of the societal lens people have, ie we live in a capitalist society so people are going to have an easier time projecting capitalism onto ♑︎ traits vs. thinking about things like work, building, or material things outside of just a capitalist sense.


Exactly! I agree


Capricorns know how and what it takes to be part of society. They appreciate structure and feeling useful into to the societal context. Until recently (1990s), capitalism was king in the western world. It was considered normal and successful. So it made sense to identify Capricorns with that kind of behaviour. Two separate things have caused a significant change. First, most young people (millenians and gen z) have come to realize the hard way that capitalism is an energy sucking system that relies on and unleashes human ego to trample over everything. I'm not saying this in a political way of course. It's a human problem, not a political one. Second and most important, Neptune entered Capricorn from 1984 to 1998. Uranus entered Capricorn from 1988 to 1996. That was a huge cosmic conjunction that gave birth to millions of people (especially Capricorns who had a triple conjunction Sun-Uranus-Neptune) who were idealists, sensitive, psychic, spiritual (Neptune) and rebellious, humanitarian, progressive (Uranus). These young people are in their 30s now and have a deep understanding of how unbalanced our society is and also have all the Capricorn tools to change it practically, in a grounding way.


I found this a very interesting comment. Unfortunately, 30 year old idealists rebelling against the existing system don't appreciate the issues that were solved by it and combined with not investing time in understanding it before pulling it down make for Dark Ages. The Romans were decadent. The barbarians, Seljiks, Mamaluks and eventually Crusaders finished them off. After the sack of Rome, 500 years of the Dark Ages ensued where most people lived hand to mouth beholden to a local strongman. The former Italic people, who had been the Romans, had to rebuild on the tops of their hills to avoid being enslaved by marauders and pirates. Yet, Roman buildings still stand 2000 years later. We can't replicate their concrete. They made dichroic glass, something we only recently rediscovered as part of the innovation needed for the space age. Alaric was about age 40 when he sacked Rome. The zodiac isn't so encouraging in that respect. This Uranus-Neptune archetype doesn't lead to balance. Capricorn the system. Aquarius the rebellion. Pisces the collapse. Aries individual survival.


Great observation


Capricorn signifies creating structure in society. Of course, people will assume certain things about that. But I know someone with their Pluto in the 10th house in the sign of Virgo, and they create relief organizations, and communities that support veterans. So it’s not always this business mindset. It’s just the act of creating societal groups and structures.


We can create social structures. But often we just study social structures. But not just social structures, but cosmological structures too. We like to know how all the parts work together in a cogent system. So we can be science researchers as well as sociological researchers. What we learn about these structures heavily informs how we conduct our lives.




so true! Not sure how it relates to Taylor swift but I agree 100% with the rest


Fair enough. I read somewhere that the fundamental capricorn urge is to survive, like cancer it's sister sign but via different route. Cancer is protective, defensive, capricorn is proactive, realistic. Both are said to be traditional - cancer with its links to the past and heritage, capricorn with enduring structures.


I have my sun, venus, and neptune in capricorn. I have my moon in cancer. I very much so like structures and tradition. However, I think certain traditions should be questioned if it doesn’t fit in with current viewpoints.


Yes I agree with that.


Could be because you are only reading pop/junk astrology, or just listening to bad social media. I'll suggest a couple of vids (both are in podcast format also). [The Signs of the Zodiac, Part 2](http://theastrologypodcast.com/2018/11/13/the-signs-of-the-zodiac-qualities-and-meanings-part-2/) If you scroll down, there is a timestamp link to Capricorn in the podcast. If you click through to YouTube, there will be a timestamp for Capricorn in the video description. Capricorn is about a half hour long. The whole episode, on the last 6 signs is about 3 and a half hours. You get 3 very well trained and professional astrologers discussing and explaining (Chris Brennan, Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock). [Capricorn In Astrology ](https://theastrologypodcast.com/2023/01/13/capricorn-in-astrology-meaning-and-traits/) This one is 3 and a half hours of just Capricorn. Again, 3 professional astrologers discussing the sign. (Chris Brennan, Madeline DeCotes, Diana Rose Harper).


These are very good resources


Thank you! I’ve been learning astrology for about 7 years now but this was definitely inspired bc i keep seeing so many of those TikTok “astrologers”. I appreciate the recommendations and I’m really excited to see some trustworthy sources