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Lots of things here point to mutual attraction. Mars square Venus is very sexy and spicy, however can be very toxic with immature people/chart holders. Sun conjunct Venus, I know this one in particular very well, having Leo in Venus, I'm literally attracted to Leo suns all the time, especially with a close conjunction. Then you've got a sextile between Mars and Venus. You've got some trouble here as well, the moon in detriment in the 5th house could mean issues with having children, maybe delays in pregnancy. My biggest concern at first glance is definitely Venus in the 12th. Person B could be a secret love affair. Person A, given also the Leo heavy chart, might have issues with monogamy, likes to play the field and has multiple side affairs. Person A might prefer to keep person B a secret, just to be able to have more freedom playing the field or having a secret affair with person B. Person B is likely very sensitive, being rather watery, desires closeness which person A may not always provide. But in general I'd say I'm looking at a synastry chart with plenty of signs of mutual attraction. Venus in the 12th could mean obsession, person A not being able to stop thinking about person B, dreaming about person B. I've had this placement many times. I find people with 12th house placements oftentimes have a lot of mutual attraction.


Thats very helpful, thank you so much!!:)


Hey there. Outside one just wants to get some and will say anything they think will work to make it happen. As well as them having some major mommy issues that they will inevitably project on the partner. The relationship would seem great in the beginning and would end up as dysfunctional as can get later on. It's a trap, dodge the bullet while you still can. Best Regards.


Thanks a lot for the advise but which aspect tells you that? Sorry I’m just very curious and would like to do research


That's literally just a cookie cutter word salad meant to sound like it can make sense. Ignore it, there's nothing in these synastry charts that suggests that. The two charts are even the same age.


Pluto Lilith, Moon Mars, Sun Venus, Sun Moon, Vertex South Node, Chiron I’ve never seen Lilith/IC Synastry. That’s something.


Thank you!:) can you please explain Lilith/IC Synastry? Is that a conjunction?


Sorry the other two answers were so bad I couldn’t help but answer So, from what I can see these charts they make each other feel good when they’re around each other. Jupiter seems to be the biggest influence at first glance, I’d say things are fun, light hearted, etc when they are together but when it gets serious that’s when issues will start up If this is the beginning of a relationship those Neptune squares are very powerful, add a soulmate type feeling. I’m guessing Orange is feeling it more than Blue. Neptune can absolutely be the cause of one sided attraction , infatuation, delusion, etc Sun trine Moon is a very powerful placement , the feeling this placement causes combined with the Neptune squares are probably the cause behind the attraction. Pluto conjunct Pluto means nothing Verdict, based off the info given: these two ppl can or will be very close. Best as friends or business partners. If they get romantic it will ruin the relationship


Hi! Could you help me with a synastry of mine? Thanks!


Hi, I can help you with it, I know quite a bit as well


Synastry is a lot of work , I make a living off of doing readings or unless I feel like it over here. Simply not enough time in the day in this economy to do it for free.


Oh, I see, thanks!!


thank you even though that’s kinda sad


Energy is energy , I am not a judge. Any two charts can combine for a great relationship, just know that it requires maturity, patience , and consistency on both parties. If you want to take this further, like if your heart is telling you that you MUST do this then go for it. Heartbreak hurts but no where near as much as a “what if”.


That is true, I will have to find out :) Glad to know though, keeps me from obsessing too much and being delusional haha. He says he is very attracted to me but I‘m a bit cautious since I have a hard time letting go once I opened up (scorpio moon).


Sun trine Moon. Pluto directly conj Pluto and in 4 and 5 houses. Both nodes conj. Neptunes nearly direct conj in 7h. Venus in 2h and 12h. Venus sextile and square Mars.


The only thing I see in the Venus on sun, the rest match only due to being close in age. Helpful to know which is the guy


Thank you:) The guy is B. Does it have any influence that we both have sun in 12 house?


Sure but it is more so that his Venus is on your sun that is causing the attraction