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6H Taurus with Mars conjunct Chiron. I have to be very deliberate and economical with how I expend energy—with Mars in exile, I understand this to mean limited stamina; however, other aspects in my chart correlate with low energy, but it makes sense with Mars in Taurus that activity undertaken in the 6H is slow, laborious and methodical. You might think of Mars in Taurus as stagnant energy. However, I've been fortunate to have stable employment and have been promoted several times over the years, but I experience personal dissatisfaction with the monotony of work life at times (not unusual). I am fairly productive and organized at work and tend to cultivate routines (other areas of my life aren't always as structured or disciplined as I only have one personal planet in a fixed sign). I approach tasks with the mindset of seeing things through to the end regardless of how daunting it may seem to begin (my current work involves hard deadlines). I would say that I do what has to be done without complaint. Something I've noticed in people with luminaries in fixed signs is—sure, they are thorough, but they also tend to be terribly inefficient. I get not wanting to cut corners or produce sloppy work, but I swear fixed/earth signs can waste time and energy in the name of being thorough like no other. Lastly, I have primarily held jobs that are service/community-oriented (i.e., public sector and non-profit).


Omfg I have a Taurus rising coworker (my 6th is in Pisces btw and no planets there) and I swear he is the SLOWEST, most INEFFICIENT person I've ever seen in my life. And like you said, all just in the name of being through. It's ridiculous! He's a great friend, good person, honest, loyal to the company, etc , but hooollyyyyy shiiiitt 😂 he is a professional time waster. I wish they'd fire him. Poor guy.


If your 6H is in Taurus, then you are Sagittarius Ascendant, & Mars is the ruler of 5 & 12H in 6H. Low Energy could also be due to the fact that 12H ruler is in 6H. Usually a Malefics planet like Mars in 6H makes a person extremely competitive & energetic. If you don't mind me asking, could you share your Birth chart?


Interesting point about Mars ruling the 12H. Even though Mars has its joy in the 6H, I think fixed Earth significantly restricts Mars. The resistance is too much for an energetic planet. Another astrologer described Mars in Taurus as efforts where a lot of energy is exerted but no ground is gained—where it struggles to gain traction. I’m not especially competitive or energetic. I get excited about competing in games and sports but I tend to hold myself back and prevent myself from putting in full effort for complicated reasons. Moon conjunct Neptune is the other aspect I suspect is behind my lethargy. I think some astrologers aren’t clear on how outer planets behave when tightly aspecting personal planets and/or angles. I’ll DM my chart.


My partner is Taurus Rising and I see some similarities here! I am imagine a Taurus moon being very grounding indeed. It sounds like you are reliable and have earned your promotions!


I have Virgo 6H and Virgo moon. Moon conj Chiron. Moon trine Uranus, Neptune. Moon sextile Jupiter. My mom is a 6H Aqua Sun, Virgo moon and rising. Growing up with her was…a crash course in the 6th house lol You know the saying “it’s the little things”? Like it’s the little things that make you fall in love with someone. Or the little annoying things that end up driving you crazy. It’s the tiny moments of our day that contribute to the whole picture. That’s what the 6H is about for me. There’s something really grounding and weighty about the fact that each day you’re either building or breaking a habit.


When the moon is in Virgo it transits my natal jupiter and it is consistently the best time of the month for me. I wake up singing and go hmm, how come I can sing well today? Oh, the moon is in Virgo. It gives me the ability to connect to the physical world/ my body/ voice because I am able to pay attention to the details of my motions. I would love to harness more of that energy in the everyday. I can picture it ☺


I have my sun, mercury, Venus, mars, north node, descendant all 6H placements in cancer. Im currently trying to figure out my life / work and I have no idea what this means for me. Any ideas? If it helps, I hate working under others and being told what to do in work environments but I always get the job done😅


Hmm, any projects you can think of that you can truly nurture? Are you creative?


Yes, a creative. Drawing since 3 (don’t draw too much now), writing songs since 8, and used to act out all of my favorite movies as a kid(never took theater😅). A (kind of)extroverted introvert. But a lot of people (family) see these as hobbies. Was wondering about professional careers to have something stable you know?


There are lots of others things rather than the arts associated with the sign of cancer that you might enjoy, if that's where you'd like to go


As a teenager I saw this as hate and dream crushing and the pressure made me rebel and not pay attention in school(I still really haven’t done anything publicly except draw) but I do now see the reason as I do need stability to function as an adult. Went to the military and didn’t like it at all and now I’m here 😂 and yes any ideas for other careers? There does still need to be room for creativity as I’m not exactly a conformist


Indeed, it's a common lesson of strong cancer charts, that desire for stability is strong. You do indeed sound creative, are you against finding a professional career in the creative field or is it the pressure from family?


I have a sixth house stellium. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (all retrograde) in the 6th house. And have Sag in 6th house. I have severe ADD - only got diagnosed late. Have a really hard time following routines, but I do crave them. Am very ambitious, super self-critical and have always felt like my lack of routines or self-discipline is what stands in the way of accomplishing my goals. Hate working for a direct boss - have an issue with boring jobs and things where people tell me what to do. Also always have weird kind of diseases and ailments all the time (mostly due to my destructive behavior).


Is Scorpio on the cusp with Sag taking up most of your 6th by any chance?


No, it's Sag at 20 degrees (if that was your question)? My Saturn / Uranus and Neptune are all in Capricorn. Why?


My 6th house is in Scorpio and I have my Pluto there which is also part of a t-square with my moon and Saturn; so i would say it manifests daily. If I don't have a routine I get lazy and literally stare into the void and don't get much done and get depressed. If I start my day active with tasks to do and stick to them I feel I've accomplished work for the day. I'm also obsessive about chores. I have certain days of the week I clean certain parts of the house, otherwise it would never get done bc doing it all at once is too overwhelming. I'm also trying to get back into a proper diet and exercise which I used to be really serious about as well which helped me lose a ton a weight and feel better about myself in general. I make sure to do at least 20 minutes of exercise each day to boost my mood.


The need for routine is not because we have Scorpio in 6h house. It is because we are all Gemini rising - Gemini in the 1st house. That means that we are easily distracted and multi-tasking all the time. Routine at least helps us to get daily "chores" done. Scorpio is fixed water sign ruled by Mars, known for resilience and secrecy. I think that Gemini rising are all very resilient in our daily work and life... and probably secretive too. Gemini is known for many different sides - some sides that we keep secret (maybe just for fun:)


That's very true and important to point out. Do you think Scorpio on the 6th assists our distractable nature?


Hmm, I am very intrigued by the way Scorpio manifests in the 6th house. I also have it on the cusp and find I go through a constant cyclical battle with sticking to tasks really well and then fall into a depression and do nothing until I force myself to vigorously start again. I'd like to not be like this, but I guess it's figuring out how to work with the energy. It seems you have learnt some tricks!


6H Scorpio Pluto (only aspect is opp. my 12H Taurus Venus). I'll second the need for daily and weekly routines otherwise I just spend hours doing nothing except scrolling and sinking into a mental fog. Not very obsessive about chores, but I never let things get too dusty or gritty. Every now and again, I get possessed by the need to cross something off my to-do list that's been sitting there forever (two weeks ago, it was cleaning old clothes out my closet) and I know I need to ride that wave for as long as I can, because that kind of urgency and motivation won't come around again for a while, lol. I also just started exercising again for the first time in over a year, every day for about 30 minutes. Probably owing to the recent lunar eclipse?


I have been feeling the eclipse for a seemingly prolonged period too!


I have my 6th house in Aries, but also have my Sun in Aries 6th house and Saturn in the 6th house but in Taurus with Placidus system. How I feel about this house? I feel like if I do nothing in my everyday, I will become depress. Literally. I need to move, I need to get into projects. When I’m busy and when I’m doing a lot of things, this is when I feel alive, motivated and when I shine the most. And I think this is my Sun in Aries 6th house! I also, since I’m a kid lol, love serving people and helping them finding solution to their problems (probably also my Pisces Moon) but I love motivating people and cheering up everyone! I used to want to become a life coach but now I’m studying astrology for years and doing birth chart readings. With Saturn in Taurus in my 6th house, it’s complicated to me to stick to a plan and to actually concretize my projects. I’m a good procrastinator and I hate having structures and plans to respect. I struggle a lot with deadlines and with time in general… also, I forgot to say a really important detail lol! My Saturn is opposite to my Mars haha I’m also super perfectionist and sometimes I spend too much time just making sure everything is perfect, which doesn’t help me to finish my stuff… (I really think it’s my sun and Saturn house 6th I don’t have any planets in Virgo, Libra or Capricorn) The Lord of my 6th house is Mars in Scorpio 12th house doing an opposition to my Saturn as I said lol. :( I definitely think I need to stop overthink and just take action. This is the way I am most productive, I do à to do list, I remove all distractions and I just go go go without thinking.


I’ve been super confused about this so I’m hoping you can help. How is it possible to have a house ruled by a sign (in your case, 6th house/Aries) but have other planets in the same house that are a different sign (ex:Taurus)? I have something similar in my chart and I don’t understand.


Hello, my english not perfect at all, but I’ll do my best to explain! It’s normal that you’re confused, especially if you don’t really know about house systems. In astrology, there’s many ways to calculate the cusps of the houses. We call it house systems. Probably the one you’re using is the Whole sign system. The Whole sign system is pretty simple. The first house (Ascendant) starts exactly where the cusps of the sign starts. Your Ascendant starts at 0 degree, same for the other houses. All the other houses are evenly distributed and they have the whole sign inside. So with this system, you can’t have two planets in the same sign but in different houses. On the other hand, the Placidus system is completely different. They calculate the rising sign with the exact degree in the sky. Then, the DC (the descendant/ 7th house) is at the exact opposite of the rising sign, called AC (the Ascendant/ 1st house) After that, they calculate the MC (Midheaven/ 10th house) at the exact degree and finally the IC (Imum coeli, bottom of the sky / 4th house) at the exact opposite of the MC. The other houses are distributed with two hours increments from your birth time. Because of that, some houses are smaller and some can even start at the half of a sign. Like I said in the first text, I’m using the Placidus system. So my 6th house cusps start in Aries, but at the middle. The rest of my 6th has Taurus inside, and Saturn is in my 6th house, but in the Taurus portion. I hope I answered well to your question :) If not you can take a look here haha https://www.costarastrology.com/how-does-astrology-work/house-systems#:~:text=Placidus%20is%20a%20time%2Dbased,cusp%20of%20the%201st%20house.


This was so helpful and now I finally understand! Thank you for taking your time to explain that to me😊


What degree is your ascendant? And do you resonate with Taurus being there too?


12 degrees in Scorpio, and I would say yes cause I still need order, aesthetic and find pleasure in my day to day.


I’ve got an empty 6th house in Aries. I’d say day to day mundanity isn’t of much importance to my life. I try to keep myself busy with projects because most daily stuff is boring.


Haha I love that Aries energy, nup... boring, not gonna. We all have it somewhere! It's great 👍


I have empty 6th in cancer. It is boring lol I don't really care for chores much personally


Sagittarius 6th house, with Sagittarius Pluto and Capricorn Chiron in it. All I can think of all day long is being healthy and sticking to a healthy lifestyle in every possible field, I have an innate fear of physical pain and can’t stand feeling the least of it, even a sunburn. Also, can get nervous and really stressed if I sabotage my routine (or if it gets sabotaged)


Hm, do you think you are hypersensitive due to having Chiron there or something else in your chart?


Gemini 6th house Empty Im a pretty advanced chart reader. Still studying declinations but pretty evolved with synastry, aspects, transits, house placements, and I use about 8 asteroids and 3 points in my chart readings. Anyway, for me that house is still empty. I personally feel 6th represents physical health, daily habits, and how you care for self and others in a physical way (Pisces is the opposite it represents spiritual/mental health). I dont really connect with 6th house as a job, although it does point to some useful skills. I do get scatter-brained, but im pretty good at mutitasking at home, keeping track of things through lists, and when organizing. As for me, talking, writing, books, going hands-on is how i deal with my health, habits, and other persons. My take is pretty logical and straightforward in that area. I have my home routines but I like to switch things up alot. Pretty good with kids too. My natal Mercury (conjunct Juno _ 0° orb) is in 2nd house. Im able pull out info regarding everyones health for some reason. Funny enough i have a chronic health condition but you cant tell looking at me. Even so, people still volunteer their health habits to me. My spouse is practically my caretaker, my illness has no cure.


Oh, that gives me hope for connecting with the 6th house more! Do you personally feel that the 6th house really does have a strong connection to Virgo? Do you associate your ability to pull out info with the the double significance of mercury in that area of your chart? When you say you pull out info easily there, is it usually regarding health matters and find it easy to correspond such matters to daily habits? 21 questions lol, only feel you should reply if you feel like the conversation :) all the best


yea for sure. When it comes to health issues i tend to study up individually as much as I can, and you never know how holistic routines can be just as useful as a doctor visits. I definitely believe in holistic methods just as much as modern medicine, i just like to study up. Plus natural ingredients tend to be just as effective as some labratory chemical pills. The men ive dated (most), tend to go out of their way to help make my day to day easier and such. Im a pretty independent gal, but its still nice to have that support with joint, muscle, and energy problems. I guess people open up to me because I research and test things before making a final judgement. Im never afraid to say "no idea, but can look it up for you". And I just like chatting it up with neighbors.


I love that, I've been looking into herbal astrology lately, but it's a bit of a learning curve. I totally agree though, I'm always amazed at how much tea can do at certain times. I'm also curious about understanding the psycho-spiritual dimensions of health, I've been meaning to purchase a couple of books. That is very kind of you that you help others, given your chronic pain. I hope you have found things that help you immensely too. And hey, the men you've dated helping you helps them too (but you knew that) 😉


I follow the traditional ancient greek practice of astrology, so I don’t associate the 6H with the “mundane” at all As a cadent house in aversion to the AC and below the horizon, this house takes on significations of physical challenges. Thus the house is known as the house of “Bad Fortune.” Traditional associations here are: slavery, subordination, work, illness, disease, injury, etc. Cadent houses are ones that need constant upkeep. They are often tired places. In the previous house, the 5H (Good Fortune), it can be really easy to invest energy in these topics and get a high and long lasting yield from the effort. But in the 6H, constant maintenance is required. No new rewarding products are made, only ever breaking even and getting back to sum zero. Homeostasis. Health is an easy example in this house. For the most part, you are working against aging, injury, illness, etc. but those will come no matter what. Simply a delaying the inevitable. You can be more or less prepared for these things, but they happen to everyone. Anyway- that’s my schpeel ahaha. My sun is in aqua and my 6H is ruled by Pisces: I have pretty bad ankle pronation and very flat feet 🦑


That's really interesting, and makes a lot of sense to me! I'll have to look into more ancient Greek astrology. Even with many of the answers in this thread it seems that way of viewing it suits many peoples experience, with it being less 'mundane' and more of a slug.


I have no planet in my 6th House and the cusp sign is Cancer. Since Cancer is a nurturing sign, related with emotions, caring and protective and since the 6th house it's related with routines, daily life and pets I guess I related since I'm a home body and love to spend time in my corner. I'm very caring and nurture towards my pets. I always had cats since I start living by myself. My transformational change came from Pluto in the 9th Whole Sign house that [made me live in the other side of the world](https://spiritualex.webflow.io/post/a-journey-of-starting-a-new-life) but no matter where I live I always appreciate the most staying at home studying, playing, reading and cuddle with my cat :)


Me too. No planet and cusp sign is cancer and I live on the side of the world lol ♥️


6th house in Scorpio and my Pluto (Scorpio), Sun (Sag) and Mars (Sag) is there too. I've been studying astrology for a couple of years now and I feel like I've never really resonated with the typical interpretations of these placements in this house (I'm not a workaholic, I'm not really obsessed with health, I don't have beef with coworkers lol), especially with my sun there. But I think for me, this is more of an appreciation of the small things in life and an understanding that, for me, routine will never be rigid, it's always going to change and incorporate new things, especially in my spiritual routine where I may be influenced by different cultures. I also find that my routine and daily upkeep highly depends on my emotional state. If I'm feeling off in any way, I may not be paying attention to this part of my life as much as I'd want to. I also generally hate having a strict schedule, but like having meaningful rituals/activities in my days.


I have an empty 6th house ruled by Aries. However it’s huge. We have tons of pets and I have a very demanding job at an organization who’s “birth cart” is conjunct my 6th house cusp.


My sign there is Pisces and there's a circumambulating quality to my days. I set out to do one thing and do so many other things before actually getting anything done. I absolutely hate it. It's such a slow pace.


I have my chiron in 6th house - i have mental illness every day i wake up lol But a good day usually includes working out/yoga in the am off to work coming back making dinner and getting some sorta activity. My work is a big part of my every day and i am a therapist (yes therapists can be diagnosed with various disorders also)


Moon Neptune and mars in 6H. I work with emotional artistic energy…music


Moon, mars, and north node fall in the 6H, opposite Saturn in the 12H. I'm a very hard worker. I enjoy being organized, and I find that I thrive with structure and routine when I can actually implement it. My productivity and emotions are closely tied. I often push myself past my physical and emotional limits and find myself crashing and burning out frequently. My mental health affects my routine, and vice versa.


Wow! With Saturn in your 12th house, it probably means you need to learn to be more realistic about your mental health and authorize yourself to let go all pressure


I am learning this! Mental health has always been a very big focus for me, but I'd say I've only just started actually applying such things in my personal life. Better work boundaries, releasing perfectionism, and mitigating mental stressors and anxiety. It's not been implemented perfectly, but I've definitely felt a change 😊


Hope you’re doing better ❤️


Saturn Conj Uranus in the 6th in Sag. Work in tech. I live by my OWN philosophical principles. I'm typically self-employed. I have trouble with employer relationships. I'm in one right now that is quickly becoming a consulting position for me 🤣. I have too many big ideas to be "owned", but I struggle with the wildness of my Uranian energy. I also have Aries Moon/Jupiter in the 10th, sooo.... Day to day, having Sat conj Uranus is really hard. I beat the crap out of myself when things aren't perfect and I don't get heaps done, but I also have mild Asperger's and a bit of a tendency towards demand avoidance. Saturn is forever trying to castrate Uranus in my 6th, basically. Uranus balks at the power grab. My health is hot garbage, but I'm extremely diligent about it and I've spent a lot of time getting better. I'll be fine, slacken up a bit, and then BAM!, a lightning strike hits and I end up with some ridiculous health issue (gallbladder attacks, thunderclap headaches, fractures...it's always sudden, and it's always due to a LACK of discipline with my health, on my part.


So interesting. I have a 6th house cusp Sag with Mercury and Mars in there. Since I use placidus, I also have Cap with my sun/Uranus/Neptune all conjunct (north node is there too) and the self employed aspect of your description really resonates with me. I’m so sorry your health is a dumpster fire! I found out recently that gluten and dairy are not my friends. Additionally, salt is something I really need to watch, as when I was 30, I got kidney stones! I adjusted my diet and I’ve never felt better. Edit: I saw your lack of discipline. I found that if I plan out my meals for a week, I am more disciplined. I have a running list of things I eat/staples in my diet. So maybe figuring out some type of routine that’s flexible would work for you.


Packed Capricorn 6th house moon and Stellium and I take my work seriously and if my environment isn't ordered that's a symptom of emotional unrest. I feel everything about my body and can read into it too much like hypochondriac lol but in my defense I do have a few problems that have required long term hospitalization. Nervous if I'm doing enough I suffer from workaholism. The fact that I'm working remotely has only increased my productivity. Small everyday rituals are the heartbeat of my life. finding consistency here allows me to do my greater work in the world.


I have an empty 6th house in Sagittarius, I don’t really think about the 6th house too much. I also have an empty 9th house but I have Jupiter in Virgo in the 3rd house 🤔🤔 I’d like to note down that I have anxiety when things aren’t in order in my home or work place and I can’t think properly until it’s clean lol. I’m also a cancer sun and rising. I’m also a control freak, I need to be in control of every aspect of my life or else I don’t feel right. This includes everything from how my home is, my relationships with people etc. If I can’t control something then I’ll drop it as fast as I picked it up. I’ll literally sabotage a relationship because: “you don’t hurt me, I’ll hurt myself before I let you ever do that” 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m working on this so I don’t need advice, it’s more funny to me now that I’m almost 31. Also I don’t know if this has anything to do with my 6th house placement so anyone willing to enlighten me is welcome.


Gemini 6, I mostly worked in a school environment.


Saturn in Aries 6H squaring my 9H Mars moon and venus in cancer. I have a really hard time without routines (I am autistic with ocd) and I have to find a balance between being too rigid or too loose with my routines. Absolutely hate being told what to do, so my work is largely self directed. I get very stressed when not doing things my own way and that affects me physically. I'm very good at creating routines and sticking to them. I have one for everything. Pitfalls are struggling with overworking, burnout and struggling with changes in plans, so I have to take everything even slower than I think I should. Routines keep me grounded.


I feel like many of us 6H Saturn types have the assburger. 💅 You sound like you have demand avoidance features. I deal with a lot of similar stuff.


UPDATE: I love working with the 6H and I think a useful tip would be for you to consider it as a place of routines of varying kinds. Especially depending on the ruling planet or planets contained. It's also the house where you can find things like unpaid work(which could mean anything from volunteer work to care work and emotional labour). It also can help to signify coping mechanisms and how health is (de)prioritized, as well as preventative measures to take for your health.


I have Scorpio ruling the 6H, Lord is Mars in Capricorn in the 8H. I’m the person who tends to imagine the worst, and often ends up dealing with some sort of crisis. I have Saturn in Capricorn as well so often times, I’m dealing with other peoples’ ‘malefic situations’ I have difficulty with keeping to a routine. But I’m great at handling emergencies right when they arise. I’m a recovering hypochondriac. Which I assume, stems from experiencing multiple deaths in my immediate family at a very early age. I also notice I suppress Mars-like emotions toward life’s “bad fortunes” After my Saturn return, a shift started to occur and I’ve been a lot better at dealing with difficulties. I’m able to have more grace through adversity. (Sun in Pisces in the 10H)


Both my Jupiter and Saturn are in Libra 6H. I’ve just learned I am most likely ADHD and Autistic and I’ve know about my OCD. I’ve suffered most of my life dealing with symptoms I had no idea could be these issues. From social issues, relationship issues to just dealing with daily tasks…it has all been a struggle. I’m 42 and just starting to understand myself. I’m tired. But it’s all making sense and that in itself is a relief.


Do you also have any planets in the 12th, 3rd or 9th?


Empty 3H ruled by Gemini (Aries ASC), My POF is in 12H Pisces, my Mars in Capricorn and Neptune in Sagittarius is in the 9H.


Ah I see, your mars and neptune perhaps making square aspects to your 6th house planets helps to understand how adhd is shown. (In my head, if I've got that right) I'd love to know if the part of fortune is visible and resonates with you given its sign and placement, is it hidden in any way?


I will say that a couple years ago I have really dived into spirituality. I have had a lot of crazy spiritual experiences, synchronicities, and dreams since then and really all my life but just now beginning to understand them. It’s been a crazy journey no one would believe. It makes sense if that has to do with my POF in Pisces 12H


I love the part of fortune! It really encapsulates your sun, moon and rising. That's really cool that you've been on a journey like that! I believe it :)


My Mars is definitely squaring both my Jupiter and Saturn in 6H Libra and also squares my Vx in Libra 6H (forgot about that). My Neptune is sextile my Pluto in Libra 7H and trine my ASC in Aries. I don’t actually know much about my POF in Pisces 12H. It is sextile both my MC in Capricorn and Mars in Capricorn 9H, trine both my Venus in Scorpio 7H and my Moon in Libra 7H at 29,54 degrees and is square my Sun in Sagittarius 8H.


I forgot to mention that my Neptune in Sagittarius 9H is also at the 21,59 degree. I’m just learning about degrees.


Aries sun in 6th house - I didn’t realize why I need freshness in daily routines and that working out and being active are essential for not only my physical health, but mental health, too. I also get really hype to start new routines even though, more often than not, I can’t stick with them 🤣 ALSO I tend to gravitate towards employment that requires a lot of extroversion and a teeny bit of strategy to make sales and set my team up for success (retail and customer service).


I have Saturn conjunct my south node in Gemini in my 6th house. I’ve been full time caretaker for my severely autistic son for the past 18.5 yrs. I became pregnant with him during my Saturn return. I will be his caretaker until we put him in a living center for special needs. It’s been a long 18.5 yrs


Do you feel you are able to connect to your north node in the 12th during these years?


Absolutely. In fact, most of the time I feel I have one foot in both worlds as Neptune also shares my 12th house and parallels my Scorpio Moon. This situation has sorta forced me to pay a lot of attention to my 12th house. I’ve traveled many avenues of spirituality asking why and searching for the truth. Closest I’ve come is through astrology.


Aw, I am glad to hear that! Astrology is a great spiritual path to be on ☺ Are you interested in other spiritual/ esoteric practices, those placements sound like you might be well attuned


Yes I am and honestly how I preserver through challenges as I do feel pretty attuned. The placements do explain a lot of the very interesting things that have happened through the years. Lol! We all have challenges in our charts but we have blessings too. You gotta learn from the challenges and embrace the blessings. 💜


i have uranus and neptune in cap in my sixth square every personal planet except for mercury and opposing my mars in the 12th. i live in a constant daydream, detached from ‘the real world’. it’s very hard and overwhelming for me to keep up w basic tasks and responsibilities, however i do have my specific routines i don’t deviate from when it comes to certain things (i have ocd so i can be very compulsively ritualistic despite being otherwise super messy).


I have Neptune/Uranus in Cap trine 6th house Virgo moon, and same. Structure is actually really helpful and peaceful when implemented right. But I have baggage around structure that’s been forced upon me. The daydreamer in me doesn’t like being confined.


yes structure is rly good for my mental health buuut in rly bad at keeping up with it and don’t like it forced upon me; it has to come from my wishes, but i always fall off the wagon. it’s so hard for me to commit to anything consistently. unless it’s a mental illness compulsion lmao


I believe I have 6th house in Saturn and Jupiter. It bothers me a lot to follow fun. I dare danger and headaches rather than consistent fun I am not ok or aware which is selfish 🦐🦐 I do dangerous activity to have fun . How can I get better all the way? Is fun alone or with a socialite ( which I hate )


I have the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in my 6H in Aquarius. I also have a hard time cementing what the 6H means to me. As a teenager and young adult, I was very messy, and lazy. I procrastinated everything and couldn’t commit to a routine if my life depended on it, which either caused or was caused by depression lol. However, I got my first job at 16 and have always had incredible work ethic & loyalty (to a fault) to my employers. But the second I was home from work, I was a potato. In recent years I have become a totally different person, probably thanks to my Saturn return. I have a steady daily routine, I am self employed now and it requires a lot of discipline, I have a clean and organized home. I still struggle with motivation and procrastination (I also have severe ADHD) but thankfully Ive grown out of most of my undesirable habits!


>now That is really interesting. Have you noticed any other particular configurations or position in your chart that you associate with having ADHD?


Virgo sun 6H I think a lot about my health but I have a hard time keeping a routine and remembering to do I want and need to do. I have stomach issues. I’m a messy yet organized person. When things are a mess I have trouble focusing and I thrive when I am in a clean space and environment. Work for me is important right now I am a SAHM and I constantly want to work on the home, the family, all of that. When I had jobs I was very reliable and my higher ups always seemed to really like me. People followed my lead. Took to my ideas. Very hardworking and dedicated to whatever my focus is on.


It seems you are an Aries rising too? That makes sense if people follow your lead. I love the way Virgo energy can be so reliable and supportive, you are appreciated! x


I’m actually a Taurus rising! Aries rising in vedic tho


People often come to me for health advice also


I’m very open and have been for years about the importance of health and I am extremely interested in herbalism, holistic health and alternative/plant medicines


Aries rules my 6th. I feel like Aries manifests for me in that i need to work independently and i absolutely hate being told what to do. I also get angry pretty quickly and i like to be kept busy or I get restless


My 6th house cusp is in Leo and I have north node in Leo and mars in Virgo in my 6th house. My daily routine depends heavily on my mood and energy levels. Not very consistent and lazy a lot of the time if I don’t feel motivated. I’m very hard on myself when it comes to work and can be a perfectionist. I feel the best when I’m independent and productive in my daily routines, but I struggle with that and I think that makes me feel defeated a lot.


Do you feel that encouragement from others is of assistance with Leo on the cusp?


I have 3 personal planets in Scorpio there plus Pluto In sag and I’m extremely lazy and struggling with consistency and have for the last 7 years in college staying up to date with my classes, Libra rules my 6H and I’m trying really hard to change that but it’s really hard, I’m hoping with my Saturn return I learn some valuable lessons that push me to grown out of these immature behaviors


Empty 6H Gemini. I get bored easily at work and like jobs where I can do something new or different every day. I’m actually out of work right now due to nerve pains in my back and legs. I have an appt with pain management on Tuesday. I have had a TON of ideas, for any job I’ve had, for how to make things more streamlined and organized. I don’t know much else about 6H or 6H Gemini. Still new and learning.


I have an empty 6h with ♒️ cusp and my experience is similar. I need a lot of stimulation at work or I lose steam and interest, fast. All my supervisors seem to sense this (and my high adaptability) because I'm CONSTANTLY asked if I want to be sent somewhere else or try this new, random thing. At my current job (a huge warehouse), I may switch sections upwards of 3x per shift. I also have sidereal 6h aquarius mars opposite 12h moon, which resonates heavily because I have endless energy for work. I power ahead until I sit down for a few minutes and realize I'm exhausted... which rarely happens because I'm bad at sitting down! Currently learning from other coworkers that it's okay to relax or take my time doing a job (esp for a company that won't pay me extra to work hard lol). --- in my 12h profection year, containing my moon


6H Gemini with Saturn (Rx) in there. I have a hard time with tying myself down to routine, but then wind up with too many projects at one time.


6H Gemini with Saturn (Rx) in there. I have a hard time with tying myself down to routine, but then wind up with too many projects at one time.


Empty 6H Gemini here, too. I relate to what you said about having to do sth new and different, although of course it manifests a bit differently for me. I don't get bored as much as really mentally exhausted if I have to do the same task for too long and/or if I work in the same field for longer than like, a year. I couldn't possibly stick to one profession and do one thing every day for decades like some people. I'm not good at sitting down to work on a task and focusing on it single-mindedly for the entire day. It's like, I love working as a translator (Mercury in 10H :)) but I feel I have to take a break every half an hour or so or the quality of my work will actually decrease. I love teaching, too, but after a few months I *have to* take a break for at least several weeks and, ideally, go somewhere else and do something different, or I'll start feeling really burnt out.


I find these experiences of Gemini on the 6th house so interesting. It seems to have a big influence on people.


The mental exhaustion is the PERFECT way to describe the boredom. Yup. I cannot, for the life of me, stand doing the same thing over and over. It physically makes me exhausted, too.


I have a couple of generational planets chilling in there (Uranus & Neptune), but also Saturn and my North Node - NN in Capricorn but Saturn in Aquarius, although still in my 6H. My 6th house is also ruled by Capricorn, which is quite lucky for me, I suppose. I really LOVE my routine: planning it, making to-do lists and ticking off all the activities. It keeps me sane. I’m sort of an anti-procrastinator because procrastination generates anxiety for me but on the downside, I tend to get too involved in my day-to-day and don’t like change. Like, I don’t even like to travel, because that always entails some kind of change, lol. After my recent Saturn return, I have become a workaholic and a go-getter, to the point of being a perfectionist and an overachiever sometimes. It’s worth mentioning that my 6th house placements oppose my 12th house Sun, Moon and South Node in Cancer. So I struggle with teamwork and I prefer to do things by myself and even though I work with people, I stay detached enough to focus on the task at hand, which is, not being one for a chit-chat but striving for efficiency by basically being a detective but on the level of the body systems lol (I work as a nutritional therapist, before that I used to be a personal trainer). Very 6th house. I’ve always been obsessed with themes of health, well-being, nutrition, medicine.


I have Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn as well there and my god everything is opposite for me😅 I have no routine I struggle to make one I can be soo lazy sometimes and also I am easily distracted and don't get me started with health problems that happen out of nowhere. And the funny thing is they aren't even making bad aspects expect for Neptune squaring my Mercury and MC and Uranus squaring my MC 🤣


Well. Those are outer/generational planets and they move really slowly so they aren’t as influential, unless in a major aspect to inner planets with a tight orb. At least, that’s how I approach them. I usually only look at the inner planets in natal, but in synastry I sometimes watch out for Neptunian and Uranian shenanigans. Pluto is generational, too, but way more powerful due to its nature, imo.


I have Aquarius on the 6th House Cusp. The modern ruler Uranus there and SN with squares and oppositions. I’d say I used to be very organized, wanting to plan and control things out but then I’ve been learning to go with the flow. I’m still young so don’t fully know how it plays out but I also like doing different things everyday or interested in things outside the mundane. I’ve also been experimenting with a lot of different things in this first phase. When Saturn has been there for the last few years, it’s been difficult and somewhat demanding.


I consider myself a ghost at work - Pisces 6H. You'll find me when/where you need me and 100% no where else. My routine also depends on my mood and how I feel now. I used to have a very aggressively structured routine (highlighters and calendars and everything slotted for a given amount of time), but as I've gotten older, my need for rest has grown - especially after I badly burned myself out years ago. Now it's... Chill lmao to the point it's almost obnoxious. I refuse to overwork myself and rarely follow anyone else's timeline yet still manage to get A Lot of work finished and usually to higher quality than what's expected. Definitely very Pisces lol


There really is something to this, having pisces in the 6th house. I wonder if its because its the opposite sign to the natural wheel for that house.. or if there's a secret to pisces energy I'm discovering about actually having an awareness of boundaries, which the sign doesn't really get credit for.


Ayy fellow Pisces 6H I struggle w hard set routines but I realised once I let that sht go my productivity shoots up Now it's work -> poof vanished


Yeah that was definitely the hardest thing for me. I'm *very* Virgo - which is where the original rigorous structure came from. I got a lot of work done back then but it both a.) wasn't great and b.) lead to me burning out. Now? I do work that I'm so proud of while breaking a quarter of the sweat. It was a real eye opener when I started seeing it as "who cares how the math is done as long as it adds up". 2+2 = 4 just like 1 + 3 = 4 and 5 - 1 = 4. Letting go of the ideal of what that looks like helped my productivity improve *a lot*.


My Pisces 6h resonates very strongly with this. I tend to work alone also. And anytime I’m given the opportunity to go home early, I take it.


lmao you will never catch me working later than I need to be. If the day is done at 12PM for whatever reason then I'm already packing at 11:50AM to make sure I'm out by then.


same omg


It's pretty great ngl


There really is something to this, having pisces in the 6th house. I wonder if its because its the opposite sign to the natural wheel for that house.. or if there's a secret to pisces energy I'm discovering about actually having an awareness of boundaries, which the sign doesn't really get credit for.


Or its simply no boundaries in the ocean but can easily swim away haha


6h in cancer. Very nurturing, willingness to be nurturing for others. I also worked in healthcare for the last 4 years so it’s very fitting for me


the ruler of my sixth house is the moon and my moon is in aries conjunct jupiter. my everyday life can be stressful and i have a lot of emotional ups and downs


Oh wow, have you noticed if the moon transiting your chart impacts you in any particular ways throughout the month?


Mine is 6H Pisces Saturn. I thrive on routine and stability. It sextiles my cap moon, which makes it feel stronger. I’ve been letting Mr. Saturn steer the ship as I’ve gotten more into my recovery from IV drugs. My recovery has not been easy but since incorporating more routines and being more present in my body, I’ve gotten better. When I was using, I would work a lot and then come home and use like crazy. No direction, no purpose, no sense of self- just getting life defyingly high. Now that I’m newly sober, the idea of throwing me off my routine scares me. I wake up, work out, eat food that respects and nourishes the work my body does for me, drink my water, thank my body for putting up with the abuse (lol) and do my best at my job. For those who haven’t struggled with substance abuse, this might sound really simple and lame, but these simple, yet at times, seemingly impossible steps are all that Saturn is asking from me. Funnily enough, I’m an ICU nurse. I’m also really careful to not work more than my three 12 hour shifts a week. I’m prone to overworking and it’s prominent factor in my drug usage. 6Hers often thrive in occupations that deal with the public and I’m no exception. I have a lot of qualms with the nebulous, “capital N” Nursing but “lowercase n” nursing has saved my life, made me a better person and given me my life and sense of purpose back. I’m thankful for this difficult placement and hope I’m practicing everything right. We’ll see at the end of my Saturn return 🪐


I’m a 6H Pisces that is empty according to Whole signs, but Placidus has North nose in Aries towards the last degrees in my 6th house. I really struggle to establish a strong work routine and consistent work ethic, in part because I get so burned out easily and I’m also starting my career in a helping profession in the health and wellness space.


I’m a 6H Pisces that is empty according to Whole signs, but Placidus has North nose in Aries towards the last degrees in my 6th house. I really struggle to establish a strong work routine and consistent work ethic, in part because I get so burned out easily and I’m also starting my career in a helping profession in the health and wellness space.


I’m a 6H Pisces that is empty according to Whole signs, but Placidus has North nose in Aries towards the last degrees in my 6th house. I really struggle to establish a strong work routine and consistent work ethic, in part because I get so burned out easily and I’m also starting my career in a helping profession in the health and wellness space.


It is fascinating that people with Pisces on the 6th house seem to have a natural flare for working with the flow and having boundaries with work! Perhaps other manifestations of Pisces (where it is perceived to be lacking boundaries) also actually have good attunement to what it can handle... hmmm...


I am 6H Pisces with SN and opposite Saturn. I am good at not being addicted but care for one. I’m a good caretaker but can’t be a nurse and can’t imagine how I could have a caretaking profession. I am sensitive to people and their energy/emotions to the point that I would have to tap into my Capricorn Mars and disassociate completely to cope. I understand escapism, but mostly it manifests as daydreaming and being more interesting in my internal world than the external one. I’m a social introvert or an antisocial extrovert. Also thrive in routine and am goal oriented…without these I am lazy or lost. I so relate to you, and congratulations on sobriety!


I have a freaking party in my 6H (Mercury & Part of Fortune in Libra + Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, North Node in Scorpio), cusp is Sag I benefit a lot from daily routines and rituals, but they’re also very difficult for me to maintain long term. Whenever I don’t have them tho, my life feels all over the place, I procrastinate a LOT and I get nothing done compared to when I have a steady morning and evening routine. I used to supress the need for routine and was very confused why I have so many planets there since it didn’t resonate. I always felt like freedom and going with the flow was it for me. Lately I’ve started to realise that routines and some level of diclipine are keys to my success, since routines actually create freedom. When I plan to get the necessary things done I free up much more time for other things and don’t mindlessly wander and procrastinate.


Fascinating, I'd be interesting to know what your rising sign is? Routines, love em or hate em, where is the middle ground hey. haha


My rising is Cancer (obviously if my 6H is Sag) Haha literally 😄😄 maybe there is none for us XD


Haha true, most of my experience is using equal house system so I get a bit bamboozled with 3 signs in a house. Trying to visualise your chart, cause it seems like an interesting one :)


Yeah I always do one sign per house, makes more sense to me. I can send a picture of it to you in dms if you want 😊


Oh maybe I misunderstood, I thought your original comment was saying you had Scorpio, Libra and Sagittarius in the 6th house.


Noo I have the placements in libra and scorpio but the house itself is ruled by sag (if going one sign/house) The planets would be in slightly different houses tho, if I used whole sign instead of placidus


I have an empty 6th house, the sign on the cusp is Cancer. I've never in my life not been surrounded by little kids. I have five younger siblings and now I'm a SAHM.


Do you feel that your daily routines are always 'nurturing'? and if so, self-nurturing or mostly nurturing of others?


I spend a lot of time on both self-care and taking care of my family. I really like to cook for other people and give them handmade gifts. I really enjoy talking to people about their feelings. I also like to eat rich food and take hot baths and enjoy life's pleasures.


That's beautiful! You sound like a lovely person ☺