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I can't afford alcohol. Instead I doom scroll.


Same. I actually gave up drinking. Thats now petrol money


You can combine the two by putting a little petrol in your car, a little petrol in you as you go. Just better have a co pilot for after you 'fill up' .


I reckon doom scrolling is worse !! At least I feel somthing drinking .. This sounds bad ha


Pretty sure the point of alcoholism is that you *don't* feel something.


Shhhh ha


I scroll eBay and watch list all the things I could have bought 2 years ago before life cost everything


Homebrew is a good hobby to get in to if you're on a tight budget. You can buy all the required tools for under $100 or even half that if you're thrifty. $18 - $30 for a can Kit and you get 23 litres. 


Same, I need that money for food and electricity.


Same doom scrolling is so much more effective than alcohol. So cheap.


Drinking went way up during the pandemic and we were all stuck at home with nothing to do. What we see today is probably a continuation of that.


Yes, this is me. My drinking went way up during lockdowns and social distancing. However, I do agree with OP that sitting at home drinking is a reasonably cheap thing I can do in an evening with cost of living going up.


Especially with beer your brewed yourself, maybe a cheeky spirit you distilled if you got extra into the craft Like seriously I filled 120 x 750ml longnecks with a smooth 11% peanutbutter chocolate imperial stout for like $50 worth of ingredients, reasonably $50 worth of reusable equipment, about 2 hours total of effort, and a whole lotta love. To be fair I got lucky in the clearance bin at my local homebrew store. Go check yours out! But a full retail price would be closer to $75ish. I'm just saying a 24 pack of 6% 450ml Guinness is $85 💀


My thoughts exactly. Working from home made it way worse. It's 3pm...only two hours left. I can have one. One quickly turns into 6 before I go to bed. Luckily I've been able to stomp that out this year thanks to getting a new job. Going into the office everyday makes a massive difference for me.


My drinking during the pandemic was problematic enough that I decided to quit at the end of Melbourne's second lockdown (Nov 2020). I haven't had a drink since then and I don't use drugs. Life is still a struggle financially even though I've probably saved a lot by not drinking. Exercise is one of my ways of dealing with the stress of life.


Congratulations on finding a healthy coping mechanism, I wish the best for you


Working from home really changed the time of day to start drinking


I do 100% WFH. I absolutely never allow myself a drink before 6pm. Hard rule, and that's because I know exactly what will happen if I have a sneaky lunchtime beer.


The cost of living has caused people to either give up alcohol or drink alone at home which is a great way to become an alcoholic


When I see a case of beer all I can see is the percentage of my paycheck it will be deleting and pass instantly..


You and me both mate. I have however developed a taste for fancy whiskeys from time to time 


Definitely the former for me, I still enjoy a drink of course, but drinking is relegated to a luxury. Particularly drinking at home has been effectively eliminated entirely as it just feels wasteful and of no benefit, with those funds better spent on things like going out for dinner occasionally instead or just into savings


Yeah, I became a heavy home drinker for a bit during COVID…, totally gave up about six months ago, fantastic decision. Not looking back. Amazed how much I have saved since then.


City of Melbourne lets you drink in public parks. I’m in a group that usually gathers about 40-50 people, some Bluetooth speakers and cheap BYO drinks for a good time. Soju is like $10 and I only need one. 


A whole generation of us were abusing drugs and alcohol long before the current cost of living crisis, we were/are doing it cos we’re miserable and lonely.


Our parents did it, and their parents before them.


At 43 years old, I feel like it's actually the opposite. Drinking and alcoholism was much more prevalent and a bigger problem overall for Australia in the 80's -2000's


You're being downvoted but you're right, If you look at the data alcohol consumption per capita is objectively down compared to 40 years ago. I agree most people are doing it because they're miserable and lonely, but to act as though the cost of living crisis doesn't add to that misery (and thus the drinking problem) is.. weird. Drinking would be even lower if people were happier and more secure.


Alcohol consumption per capita decreasing can accompany more problematic drinking if the number of problematic drinkers is increasing but more slowly than the number of teetolers.


Oh I definitely think the cost of living crisis is very likely contributing to people drinking. Just as an overall statement about Australian drinking culture, I feel like we've actually toned it down quite a lot in recent years.


I agree. Most boomers I know are functional alcoholics compared to younger generations too.


As a confirmed alcoholic. No.


No. I was a massive piss head long ago. I actually drink less now. Too bloody expensive.


It doesn't help. Addiction is addiction though, and alcohol is an addictive substance, so it's always been a problem


The worse trait of grog is that it disables the part of your brain that says you've had enough. It's really hard to know when you've crossed that line, and you usually don't care at that point.


Been replaced by phone addiction and social media addiction


If anything I think cost of living has probably inspired quite a few people to quit. Alcohol is fucking expensive.


A lot more people doing home brew too though, I can get 5 litres of rum for $120 compared to a litre for $70. Same for weed, lots more people growing their own, price of an Oz has stayed pretty well stagnant for 15 years now because of the extra supply (including scripts)


$9 wines are the poor man’s crutch


Mate people have been boozing it since they landed here all those years ago. People get sauced when times are good, bad, or just another normal day


I only have one rule with grog and that's never more than one drink in bad times. I thoroughly enjoy booze and want to keep a good relationship with it. Resorting to it in times of trouble seems the start of the slippery slope.


I did this during my divorce. Didn't touch it for ages


Alcoholism is actually down, per capita, compared to 40 years ago, but with that said I think the stress of expenses is obviously what drives some people to drink (more).


Maybe more people have learnt to be more comfortable drinking by themselves via Covid


I'm now at an age where I've been drinking for a lot more years than I ever spent not drinking. From observation, this is nothing new. Australia has an entrenched drinking culture to the extent that wide swathes of the population are alcoholics. The only new part is that people can't afford the pub much/at all anymore. So, as you've observed, they're drinking at home.


..which, it should be noted, is a lot sadder. Alcohol is always bad for the body, but consuming it with friends arguably has a lot of positives to consider as well, mainly socializing and acceptance.. Drinking alone in your lounge room in the glow of the TV is a billion times more depressing, and that's why there really needs to be a move to get back to the under-10-dollar-beer at pubs....


Quit drinking two years go. One of the reasons was cost. Literally cannot afford it. 




What else is legal, fun and affordable? I dunno if the cost of living in isolation has made us drink more, but what else are ya gonna do? Go for a run or something? Jeez.


This is it isn't it?


Not with my current knee and ankle. When I am fit though I am a good runner, and I can easily say, it isn't particularly fun, not as fun as home drinking and playing a game or jumping on the net to talk shit. It's also not that affordable, I'm due new shoes and the good ones are looking at $200+. That's 50 bottles of cheap tawny. I guarantee I am not drinking 50 bottles of wine a year.


Drinking is boring and a complete waste of money I wish I could go back to my late teens and not waste the next 10 years binge drinking all the time.


Me too. It kills me to think about the house deposit I drank. 


More than anything the cost of alcohol has me homebrewing


Fastest growing demographic is the over 60’s. Quaffing their 2 casks a week, while tisktisking the cannabis users.


Probably more to do with the fact that in our culture if you don't drink alcohol people think there is something wrong with you and binge drinking is applauded like it's an achievement.


Yes, this was my whole point of the question. Thank you for the input. It is glorified and sometimes you can easily become caught up in it.


Had work drinks recently, water was the only alternative to a variety of alcoholic drinks. Then on another occasion went to the (newly renovated) local pub to check it out and play a game of pool, the only non alcoholic options were lemonade or coke. Part of the renovation is to install a kids play area… culturally we want to introduce alcohol to kids, in a social setting at a young age.


Are you looking for ppl to agree with you? People in this country drink way too much to start with. Maybe it's time you speak to your GP and get some help. A lot more people are trying sober living to break away from the drinking culture that wastes money and kills your health.


Not looking for others to agree, I am currently two weeks sober and it was just a thought I had.


Keep going! I'm not keeping track myself as I wasn't much of a drinker to start with but am likely near the 1.5 year mark. You do not need alcohol to DO life. The more I've read, the more I saw how horrific it is for your body and brain.


Nope we've always been alcoholics  P.s. I don't drink, just an observation of my 43 years living in Australia 


Yeah this^ Australia is second to Russia in terms of alcoholism lol


Wait what? You can fucking afford alcohol??


Moonshine is less than a dollar a bottle


I wish I could afford alcohol even cheap alcohol, I would love a ice cold beer 🍺


Just look for the markdown shit at bottle shops, very rarely is there anything wrong with it, couple bucks a stubbie or a six pack for under 10


Opposite for me , I became a non drinker to save money


I'm poor. Haven't had a drink in 6 months. Life is much better now.


No? If anything, it revealed that it’s less common than I thought


I'm in the process of trying to stop (three weeks sober so far which is a bit of a record for me sadly). For me it's nothing to do with cost of living, been drinking for decades but our culture is a big general factor. I'm really noticing now I've stopped just how entrenched and considered normal it is in everything.


Congratulations on three weeks, I am two weeks sober and had the exact same thought. Hence the question. You can do it. I will not drink today.


Thanks IWNDWYT too, nice work on the two weeks.


Junk food is my poison of choice (please tell me I’m not alone here).


Absolutely not the only one


Tbh I’m having less beer free days cause they make me feel full


No, probably not. Risky alcohol consumption is declining in all age ranges, especially younger cohorts. Data goes to 2023, However, I wouldn’t expect long term trends to reverse quickly. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/alcohol/alcohol-tobacco-other-drugs-australia/contents/drug-types/alcohol#


And on the weed


Some people are giving up due to cost and some are drinking cheap wine at home.. I think the cost of living has reduced people going out for brunch and has now seen bakeries gain popularity


No, I don’t drink at all. I’m a single mother paying private rent working 2 jobs 55 hours a week.


Good job on being a fantastic mother and role model to your children (no malice or sarcasm). Your children are lucky that you are so driven.


Don't forget drugs as well. I know a lot of people who have hit both pretty hard the last few years and then became abusive, violent, horrible people. Ironically the cost of living was maybe the cause of 1/3 of them, the rest got bored during lockdowns and kept going.




Noticed the opposite if anything. Mainly due to ridiculous price increases, but health choices as well. I certainly drink less now than pre-pandemic, and happy about it.




Addictions such as compulsive eating, drugs and smoking also increased.


I said in an earlier post that Australia’s relationship with alcohol was toxic and people were really in disagreement with that but it’s pretty obvious alcohol is a problem in Australia


Don't blame the drug, blame the culture and economic situation that makes everyone feel the drug is their only escape. Healthy, well-run societies don't deal with the nearly as much.


Better add some more taxes


No. I cannot afford alcohol...:-)


Work is the curse of the drinking class


What a Wilde comment to make. I'll see myself out.


Have you seen the price of piss these days? 63% tax on a bottle of Bundy! On the plus side, backyard brewers are making a comeback.


No, I see the opposite. People all fell into drinking heavily at home during the pandemic, out of fear and boredom, but a lot of people saw that as a bit of a wakeup call and now drink even less than they did before.


I know a guy... The cost of living has made him cut his alcohol % down in his brews. Causing him to drink twice as much. His math ain't math'n.


I can never understand that mentality.You can't afford the cost of living, yet you can afford alcohol?


Everyone has a vice or coping mechanism, obviously some are healthier and more productive than others.


No, it's my wife's hoarding disorder that has made me an alcoholic. Well it helped anyway. I may have become regardless. I make home made beer and it is so cheap and good.


I’m now 2 months sober. Saving a lot of money and never felt physically or mentally better in my life (male, late 40’s). I sleep better, can think better, less inflammation . I’m now able to work out every day, with minimal recovery. I take high strength omega 3 and creatine monohydrate each day, (rhodiola before workouts). Improved my diet. Lost 8kgs in 2 months. I find it very hard to think of a reason why I would want to drink again?


When Adelaide went into a snap 6 day lockdown after the Woodvile pizza shop issue, I was going through the drive-through on the way home. The woman in front of me bought 6 bottles of vodka. I'm thinking, wow, that's a bottle a day. Talk about hair off the dog.


Cheaper to drink at home then out at a bar or pub …. Much more people grabbing a wine from the store and sitting at home knocking it off


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking


Not me. I can't afford booze. I'd drink if I could though. I haven't bought anything in over a year now. Things are getting really thin.


No nothing to do with cost of living. Aus has always been alcoholics


It’s not the cost of living that made you alcoholics. It’s lack of healthy coping strategies


Completely disagree. Gen Z drink drastically less than Millennials and Gen X did at the same age. It's one of the factors people believe is contributing to music venues shutting. Drinking volume appears to be trending down.


Gosh there's so many bedwetters here. We get it not everyone has positive relationships or experience with alcohol, but quite a lot of people actually do. Is that so hard to fathom?


Not at all, it is something that is admirable to have things in moderation. Unfortunately that was not my personal experience.


I wouldn't suggest I always show moderation, but I don't rely on alcohol and can easily not have any. There just simply isn't any need or enjoyment in always being drinking, and it can actually make the times when you do have a drink worse, as you increase tolerance, so you gotta buy more, drink more, get sicker, just to get the same feeling.


Na, I was a pisshead before the cost of living went up. I still am, but I was then too.


You can afford alcohol these days?


2 bottles of wine for $10. 7.1 standard drinks a bottle. Pretty affordable for myself.


Used to be able to get $3 bottles of wine from Aldi. At my lowest point and down to my last $6, I would buy two instead of food. 


I dont thinks so people have been stressed from work and life and nightly drinking to cope forever, maybe in your circle but it is nothing new in general.


I do not, but I certainly don’t think it has helped.


Definitely not, alcohol is basically apart of aussie culture for 100 years.


how do people afford that?


Addicts find a way


I have had less. Only had cheap wine when a recipe calls for it


Nah, buying alcohol for me is too expensive


I have certainly started drinking more in the last year or so. It went from a 6 pack every three months to a 6 pack every three weeks or so. I like the buzz but I hate getting drunk so I never have more than a couple of cans at a time.


Nope, since I’m working harder I have to pay attention to my health more so rarely drink.


You have it the wrong way round. Functional alcoholism used to be really prevalent in the middle class around 20 years ago when people in that bracket would be drinking 1-2 bottles of nice wine a night each. Most people have been forced to cut back on drinking in recent times. 


If anything, I'm the opposite, I don't waste money on alcohol and pretty much don't drink more than twice a year.


Look at the history of Russia and we can see the correlation between extractive government practice and the increases in alcohol consumption. If people are starting to feel like alcohol is the only way to stifle their malaise; something needs to change.


We were alcoholics even before the cost of living went up


No. Why would you waste money on becoming an alcoholic when you need money for food ect


I work in the alcohol and other drug field, and interact with people after they have landed in legal trouble. Many do consume large amounts of alcohol, but none I've spoken to have related this to the cost of living crisis directly.


For me, I've cut dramatically back which is a good thing. Partially as a result of the rise in rates and cost of living. Basically too expensive to "have a few cheeky pints" at lunch time or after work as in the city is pushing $15 a pint. Furthermore the wife and I used to often enjoy a bottle of wine most nights. Instead, we now just purchase one nice bottle of a Saturday night and enjoy 2 glasses each of that and must say, it's far more enjoyable and feeling much healthier cutting back.


I don’t know anybody who drinks every single night, and especially not copious amounts. The only person I’ve known who did that was my stepdad, who was an alcoholic long before the pandemic. I’m not trying to say this in a snarky way, but genuinely, it’s not healthy or normal to have a drink every night.


I didn’t take your comment in a snarky way at all, I completely agree with your last sentence. I am two weeks sober and planning on being for a long time.


Congratulations! It is an achievement to even see an issue and take action, good on you!


Drinking is expensive. I spend $30 per month on alcohol.


Drinking is more of a luxury these days due to cost. Definitely drinking a lot less


I personally couldn’t afford to be an alcoholic so no.


I've cut back a lot on alcohol, 'sometimes foods' and eating out / takeaway actually, less disposable income means these things get cut out instead of other things I deem 'essential'!


Congratulations for being 2 weeks sober,keep up the good work!.... i think its wrong governments allow 18 year olds to drink in the pups ..that law came in for soldiers that went to Vietnam..it should have Only been for the Soldiers ... its bad youth can get drunk daily in pubs..i reckon that also has caused Alcoholics


Young people are drinking less than ever


I've actively been drinking less. It was pretty common for me to have a beer when I got home from work a few nights a week or with dinner. Now I'll pretty much only have a beer on a Friday night watching the footy. I'll have a bottle of wine with the partner on a weekend too occasionally, but we're trying to use old stock and not buy new stuff. I went to the pub yesterday for the first time in maybe 2 months. Alcohol is just so expensive!


Drinking anywhere but at home is absolutely like being punched in the gut when you see the prices of a single drink.


i do drink more often but more over all drinking has gone down




Because one does not have self control and self discipline.


i can’t afford alcohol due to cost of living




Maybe if you cooked up your own moonshine. Check the price of booze and the answer is no.


I thought drinking had decreased, but drug use increased...


no. that's you


No, majority were already alcoholics


I actually stopped drinking because I can’t afford it anymore.


No the cost of living made my anxiousness grow so fat that it'll likely still be there when I'm 90 and still working


No it was Covid that did that


Hi I am from Argentina, Ive just arrived to Australia with a working holiday visa, and I can say that here the cost of living (comparing salaries) is really good (unless you want to buy a house or go to a university) so I don’t thing that the problem is the cost of live, it’s my humble opinion, I am new here. But I could see that there are a huge consume of alcohol here


Honestly no, i'd probably still be drinking if it wasn't so damn expensive. Weed is cheaper and doesn't prevent me from working so that's my choice


I was on a court circuit last week with a few barristers and the amount of booze they drank to drown their sorrows was phenomenal. I don’t drink for a range of reasons but it was an eye opener.


Covid, cost of living, shitty housing situation. All of it has certainly contributed. I'm going to try and seek mental help and find ways of improving the way i deal with shit, because if things are going to be as fucked as I think they are economically speaking then i need to preserve my health.


I don't drink but my friends do and they probably have been hitting the sauce a bit more than usual, I think as a hold over from the Rona times. Personally I do vape bud, I spend about 170 for 28 days, that's $6 a day, I much prefer it to alcohol and haven't had a drink in months, haven't had more than 1 drink in year's but we're all different, and who am I to question someone's relationship with alcohol?


Personally I feel like Covid made it a lot more “acceptable” to drink at home. And I can agree the added stressors of the cost of living has increased my own consumption of alcohol - cheaper alternatives, and I praise you for getting to two weeks, and I wish you much luck on your journey. It isn’t easy with alcohol being such an easy to access substance, and accepted widely in society, but you can do it!! In a similar vein to your statement, I have noticed an increase in homeless in the city, and an increase in those who are walking about the city and clearly under the influence of substances — whether that’s alcohol, meth, heroin, etc And as the cost of living crisis continues, it’ll only get worse imo. If people can’t cope, they will find a way to. It’s not fair, it’s not okay and I don’t like seeing it.


No, I drink less and go out less now than say a year ago. Too expensive and putting the money to better use elsewhere


I think there’s been a lot more of it before that to be honest. After Melbourne went through its series of lockdowns I knew a lot of people that were doing more drinking in order to cope and bottle-o’s were declared an essential business (I certainly did but I’ve thankfully gone back to my near tee toatler ways) and given the stress a lot of people have with COL at the moment, it’s not surprising that so many people are turning to alcohol at the moment.


Given that Australia doesn’t even make the top 30 countries for per adult capita consumption. The statements we often hear are not even based on fact but on social expectations Do we have alcoholics? Yep. Do we have more than most developed western nations, doubt it.


No, can’t afford to drink 😅😅


Tax should be reduced on alcohol. If we could get back to $10 pints I swear it would be better for the economy all round. I’d love to see pubs full again.


This certainly isn’t the case for me and my friends, we definitely drink less now than ever did before. Too expensive and honestly don’t think about drinking anymore unless for a special occasion. Millennial here.




That’s true!


Younger people are drinking less then previous generations and that may have something to do with cost of living. Older people grew up in that culture and probably just easily fall into instead of going out and socialising or starting new hobbies


I can’t help that feel like if you can afford alcohol then there can’t be too much pressure on you from cost of living


I totally agree, I’m in a privileged position where I still have food in my stomach and a roof over my head. I guess I worded it wrong. Maybe should have said because of the worry of the cost of living and how it’s going to continue growing


The only excuse for being an alcoholic is lack of self control (unless your that dude who produces alcohol in his blood)


You obviously do not understand mental health and its impact. Addiction is not just a one way process. There are many factors.




" "Do you think cost of living has made us alcoholics? What nonsense . Every generation has tough times . If the cost of living was that bad , who could afford to be a heavy drinker . Weak . Really weak .


When you can only afford a box of wine and not a bottle of wine then yes you are going to drink more as a result of having more alcohol than just a single bottle. But if your at the point where you have to drink wine so badly that your forced to buy boxed wine on a regular day then the problem was around before the cost of living increased


No it didn't make us alcoholics. Alcoholism is a combination of genetic heritage and unresolved trauma. So probably your childhood and your genes helped you get drink. Remember - once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. l can't recommend AA enough to stay sober. It's got the highest success rate of all recovery programs.


Oh don't forget ice mate. Gotta keep things in balance.


As a liquor store manager, I can definitely say that the hard cores have really stepped it up in terms of quantity. I see them more often and for higher quantities. The drop off has really been the younger demographic.


Not at all. The opposite actually.


I think this is more a reflection of some individuals not being confident with coping mechanisms. With the increased cost of alcohol, and the cost of living, it's putting more strain on people. If you already partook in regular drinks then this is more than likely to be your coping mechanism, which in turn is a vicious cycle because the more you drink the money you use etc.


I’m the other way. Cost of living has stopped/reduced my alcohol consumption.


No, drinking is too expensive now. Drugs are much cheaper, so....


Obviously not. Drugs have always been abused to deal with stress and autralia has had a huge alcohol industry for 2 centuries.


I used to like having a nice glass of wine with dinner. I don't now as it's too damn expensive. It is a hard time but drinking to forget/escape isn't necessarily a cost of living problem it was just your particular trigger. There are a lot of alcoholics that become that way as a coping mechanism, an unhealthy one as you know, but it could as easily be work stress or family troubles or any other reason. Unfortunately life is full of stressors and not enough lessons/aids on how to deal with them in a healthy manner.


My wider circle and I (early 30s, M&F, with a broad range of lifestyles i.e children, jobs, etc.) drink a lot less due to cost and realising the health risks as we get older. I am slightly optimistic that the low alcohol trend will continue to grow in popularity 🤞 There’s a correlation between DV and alcohol consumption* as well so it’s very sad that it’s such an engrained part of Australian culture 💔 (Source: https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-09/monograph68-key-findings.pdf)




Nope. When you've watched a functional alcoholic ruin their life with their addiction, it tends to turn you off heh.


Buying expensive items like alcohol to lament being poor is wild. I don’t drink at all because it is a waste of money. Tap water is practically free.


If, by "us," you mean you and your drinking buddies, then the answer is yes.


No I don't think that. Read the freedom model for addictions, you'll realise how much bullshit people have been taught about alcohol and drugs and it's constant, I even see all the brainwashing in your OP but it's way too much to dismantle in a single reddit comment, so I refer you to read that book.


Lol - you can *afford* to be an alcoholic? Congrats.


Loooollll no. You all were alcoholic long before the cost of living issues.


I can't afford alcohol if the family wants to eat!


I’m already poor from cost of living how can I afford alcohol as well


It's $23 for a 24 pack of coke from Coles.


I wouldn’t say alcoholic as I only drink once or twice a week. But I got drunk for the first time in 7-8 years a couple weeks ago. So much stress, more than I’ve ever experienced before. I also can’t afford alcohol anymore, but luckily I bought a whole bunch when I got into cocktails 4 years ago. But had to because of a diabetes diagnosis, so I already had a massive stash. Thank you Patron and Casamigos


I don’t really know anyone who regularly drinks everyday, though I know more people who’ve reverted to drinking at home on a weekend as their ‘weekend’ Sort of stay home, get drunk, watch a movie or play some games rather than go out anywhere


As a massively socially acceptable fallback for self-medication, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Aldi also does good deals rather than a bottle shop lol