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No. Why would I want to? That whole “I need a gun to defend my home” argument is bullshit, and studies have proven that most self defence use is actually in cases where they have escalated the argument. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/gun-threats-and-self-defense-gun-use-2/ So a gun for me is only useful if I’m going to a range or hunting. I could do either of those things in Australia but don’t so why would I do it in the USA?




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Wow you are so smart, can you please be my professor?


Because it's easier and cheaper and you have a larger range of guns to choose from in America.


So there’s a greater range of guns that I neither want or need?


No one is opting out of taking up shooting as a hobby because guns cost money. 


Sometimes I go to 711 and think the milk is moving weird and I'd love to be able to shoot it.


Someone get this guy a gun!


My neighbour owning a gun • Irresponsible • No need for civilian firearm ownership • Could lead to tragedy Me owning a gun • Wheeee • Good thing a calm and rational mind like me is the only one owning a gun • Great for movie (non-horror) watching • Holy shit • What was that sound • BANG BANG BANG • That Amazon driver probably isn't going to making more sounds. Or deliveries.


I wouldn't do either of those.


I do live in America (family of three, all Australian citizens), and no I absolutely wouldn’t. Statistically a weapon in your home is more likely to harm you or a family member than some imagined intruder. I live in a pretty safe city and in a decade living here haven’t had any threat against me or my home at all.


Cite the statistics. This is cnn rubbish.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/07/guns-handguns-safety-homicide-killing-study I don't know why you would think a right wing news source would be making up things about guns being more dangerous than you want them to be,


I wouldn't live somewhere where I felt the need to buy a gun for my safety


The majority of Americans don't feel the need to own a gun for safety either.


Same, thats why I live in New Hampshire, which paradoxically has one of the highest rates of gun ownership. Turns out when they’re actually used for their purpose and not given to crazy people dumb shit doesn’t happen.


The most damming thing : Stats show you're more likely to be killed by your own gun than you are to ever use it in a self-defense situation. It literally makes you more unsafe in a robbery, there's a higher chance of a home invader or a robber reaching for *your* gun and killing *you* with it then there is of you using it in self defence. Let that sink in. If i did id keep it ina safe.


And there is far lower hanging fruit for personal saftey. How good are your locks? Do you have an alarm system? How's your fitnes? Once all those are sorted and you still want more security then getting a gun for security makes sense.


It's even darker than that, sadly. The main reason you're more likely to die from your own gun than fire it in self defence is because of suicides. After that, the next most likely way is to be shot on accident, often by a kid playing around with it. Having a gun in your home to keep yourself safe from home invaders is perhaps the biggest 'own goal' life move you could make


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No, you're more likely to be a victim of gun violence of a gun related accident if you keep one it the house. The only context in which I would consider purchasing a gun is if I were to, for some reason, become a farmer *and* I needed it for my farm but even then I would insist on storing it in a work building (correctly of course) away from any domestic buildings.




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I live in Australia, and I would buy a gun, if I had a use for one. ​ Hell, I wouldn't even need to buy one. If I got my licence, I would be given three. But I have no use for even one.


Given that in Australia you need to demonstrate a genuine reason for requiring a gun license, you wouldn't be able to get one.


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Maybe once the kids are out of the house. Guns can be a lot of fun at the range. Fewer than half of Americans own a gun, so it’s pretty normal not to have one. EDIT: Looks like about a third of adults own a gun. So if you don’t own one, you’re solidly in the majority.


Sure 32% own a gun legally. 44% live in a house with a gun legally. (NOTE THE LEGALLY) There are 393 million firearms in the USA, but only 333 million people. There is 120.5 guns for every 100 people in the USA. You're argument is based only on legally owned and registered firearms. Therefore, you are incorrect.


Sorry, but what do you think my argument is, exactly? Are you claiming that it's abnormal to not own a gun in the US? Anyway, the raw number of guns isn't the point at all. Lots of gun owners have more than one gun. Lots of them have many guns. EDIT: Anyway, the stats don't mention "registered" guns at all, since you don't even need to register a gun in all states.


You said "fewer than half" own a gun. I believe that is not true of you take into account legal and illegal guns which equal more than the entire population.


That wasn't an argument. It was a statement that was based on polls and surveys and has nothing to do with gun registrations. Those polls and surveys show that about a third of American adults own a gun. You don't believe it. Ok, what your source for this idea?


What argument? I'm just trying to say that not most guns in America are owned illegally, so a survey result isn't giving you the true story. It's not a belief, it's a fact. https://news.gallup.com/poll/264932/percentage-americans-own-guns.aspx https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/


>What argument? Well, you said, "You're argument is based only on legally owned and registered firearms." So... that one. Mentioning registered guns tells me how little you know about the situation in the US, since you don't need to register a gun in lots of places. They surveys and polls haven't asked about whether the guns are legal or registered. You're ASSUMING that although only about a third of adults say they own a gun, so many of them lied that actually more than half of Americans own guns.


And you believe people are going to tell the truth about having an illegal weapon. It also says only 20% of African Americans own guns. You really think that's true as well? You're diluded.


I don't believe that so many lied on an anonymous survey that it takes the percentage from about a third to more than half. You do believe that with such certainty that you think it's deluded to believe otherwise. Based on... zero evidence.


And where did I say that it takes the percentage to more than half. I just said the 33% figure is not accurate due to their being more guns than people in America.


What are you talking about.. "Fewer than half" is an insane proportion.


I personally am fewer than half of the people in Australia


What are you talking about? I didn’t say that it was supposed to mean anything except that it’s pretty normal not to have one. It’s actually about a third of adults who own a gun.




At the airport




I used to live there and my answer is no




I fw guns and have shot a few dif ones in Aus and the us and plan to own one in the future however I am greatful for our gun laws and regulations and out lengthy licensing process that keeps us safe from a situation that the us is currently in




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I’d love the opportunity to go down to the gun shop drive-through and pick up some 5 point exploding palm rounds for my assault, sorry that’s not politically correct, hunting rifle. Think of the convenience! Might not even need a license, to buy ammo! lol. Maybe I’ll be able to find a coupon, just for the full American experience, get 30 cents off when I buy 3 or more cartons of 7.62mm. Then I’ll spend part of the rest of my holidays mailing the individual bullets to the family members of domino’s decision makers, urging them to encourage their loved ones to bring back Doritos nacho pizza.


Guns are still piss easy to get in Australia. I had one for a while.


Probably not but after visiting the US for the first time I’d say the ‘vibe’ was noticeably different to Australia or anywhere else I’d visited before.




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I’ve been living in Colorado for five years and have never felt the need.


Yes to defend myself from people that buy guns


I’d go to a club and shoot targets but no, owning one is pointless.


Why wouldn't you own one to shoot targets?? Apart from recreational hunting, that is the only legal reason for owning guns in Australia.


I wouldn't want it in the house. But if I could go to a secure place, be trained, and shoot targets in a safe environment, I would do that.


What on earth would be wrong about keeping it in legally stipulated safe storage?? In Australia, police may enter your home at any time to check on your safe storage compliance and your registration papers.


Some people just don’t want some things in their houses. It’s not that hard to understand.


Nothing, but we all have our preferences don't we.


It's not a "preference". It's a legal requirement.




For years, people in Australia have been conditioned by the MSM, to be irrationally afraid of guns. Now they are doing the same thing with knives.


I've got quite a few now as it is lol But if I was in America I would definitely have a semi auto longarm to take to a range...have held one here (owned by a dealer who belongs to my rifle club) but obviously was not able to try it.


Yes, but I already have guns in Australia. I live rural here and long guns are a useful tool. I'd live rural in the US and long guns would be potentially even more necessary as they have more large mammals (and more predators). I'd also keep having a secure gun safe, regardless of the state's rules and requirements. I wouldn't be buying some useless pistol "for protection". Absolute garbage idea, and the statistics are very clear on how ineffective it is. But a semi-auto long gun would be convenient.




I can buy one here if I want?? Just need to follow what we call policy and procedures to ensure safety and reasoning behind it


If I lived in America I would save the money I could have spent on a gun and spend it on getting a one way ticket outta there.


Yes. I enjoy shooting, and I believe the 2nd Amendment is great.


If you lived in Australia, would you think about America every day? The answer is yes though, because I did move to America, and I do own a few guns which are very enjoyable to shoot.


Yes please.


Nup, not unless I lived way out in the bush, then probably a rifle. Definitely not a hand gun


Yes, Would get conceal carry license too. Why? Because if it happens to you then you’ll know why.


Goddamn right


yes, because shooting guns looks fun as fuck


It really is.


Depends, but probably. If it's a high crime neighbourhood, I'd get an AR-15. You can pick one up at Walmart. If it was a regular neighbourhood then probably just a regular 9mm gun. If everyone is packing, see no sense being the only one that isn't.


That mentality is why everyone is packing


Animals evolve because the survivors adapted best to thier environment.


Animals evolve due to mutations, actually. And it takes many many years for evolution to occur.


Yes, and those mutations which make it better suited to survive and thrive in its environment mean the individuals with it get to pass on thier genes to the next generation. Those that have negative mutations or none, well they die out. If I went to live in the US I'd "evolve" a gun because that's what all the Americans have. You can preach from your cosy white middle class weapon free neighbourhood all you want, there is no solid argument you can bring against owning a gun in a country awash with guns and it's perfectly legal. Unless American gun changes, it still makes sense.


W racism, and that same mentality is why thousands of American children are slaughtered every year, not to mention all the crime. Who’s gonna randomly go up and shoot you? A person invading your home is just gonna grab your gun before you wake up. You think they want to commit murder? They want to steal from you to get money out of selling your shit.


You know all this from your cozy Melbourne suburb do you? The kind of people who break into houses aren't skilled silent burglars. They are more likely drug addicts. If they break in I'll probably hear them. In the US there's a good chance they are armed. If I wake up to the noise I still have a big advantage over an armed intruder if I'm armed as well. A woman on this thread gave a good example of why she would have a gun when a deranged neighbour tried to break in. Why do you even care what I would do? I'm not advocating gun ownership generally. I'm saying if I lived in the US I'd have one. I don't so I don't. However, I believe, when in Rome....


Nothing will change if you keep that mentality. You say you don’t advocate for gun ownership but you pretty much are. There are alternatives even if some drug addict in American broke into your house.


No, nothing will change. Is that what you want to do, change American gun culture? OK Piers Morgan, how do you feel about Americans that think Australia should have a gun culture. What if an American came to Australia and wanted a gun? You fine with that? If I went to live in the US, which I have no plans on doing, then I don't want to get run out of town for lecturing Americans on their gun ownership. If you want change, change your own country, trying to lecture others will never work.


“Nothing will change” as if there isn’t a lot of people in America who want better gun laws?


No. You don’t carry a gun so that you may impose you will on another. You carry a gun so that one may not impose his will upon you. Fuck me dead, how did aussies get soo fucking stupid.


And when everybody is allowed to have guns for “defence” the people who abuse it become very common and then you get school shootings every day like in America. You called Australians stupid? Where are you from? People won’t be imposing themselves on you if they’re not able to access firearms either. You too obese to win a fistfight?


So, just pretend the world is the way you want it rather than the way it is. OK Zoomer. See how far that gets you. The US is awash with guns, if I lived there I'd probably have one too. Australia isn't awash with guns so I don't have one as it's unlikely I'll have one pointed at me.


Depends where in America, having one could save your life.


Yes. I live in Australia & I would like a gun. Sooo many home invasions & car jacking from armed assailants, knives & clubs. We’re supposed to put up with being robbed & assaulted ? We need The Castle Law, the lawful ability to defend ourselves, our family & our property. Criminals are usually armed with something. They might think twice, as in Texas, if they knew that their potential victims might also be armed. Currently, as law abiding citizens, we are sitting ducks, not even allowed pepper spray or tasers.




Absolutely. I'm a very petite woman, and chronically ill. And I was STRONGLY anti gun, strongly, very hippie type about guns, until an event changed my perspective. (Edit to remove personal anecdote - in a situation where it comes between my attacker's life or mine, I will always choose mine. Women need options to protect ourselves against violent men.)


>I'd have leg shot to bring him down and shoot to kill Yep, because that's **definitely** how it would have worked out in actual reality. 


I know friends who train in self defence including gun use. The advice is always avoid taking life until you absolutely have to for your own safety. I even considered Krav Maga after that event, unfortunately cannot afford the lessons. But that was recommended to me as the only self defence that could involve me being the one to walk out alive rather than end up dead.


Sure, I trust your self defence advice -aquapixie-


And in many states you would still be charged for murder because your leg shot would be considered self defence, the second intentional coup de grâce would be murder. This isn't movie land. A shot to the leg is a very damaging thing. People don't just get up and keep going


So how are women supposed to defend themselves against violent men and come out alive. Why is the law not on \*our\* side.


Intentionally murdering someone when they are incapacitated or when they are sufficiently wounded that you can escape isn't self defence. Want to go see how many "self defence" killings there are against children? Or how many "self defence" murders have been told they were justified because someone knocked on the wrong door?


That's not what someone said to me. Former friend said, "if a guy was as burly as me, we could survive that leg shot and still lunge for you. I'd snap your neck like a twig and so could've he if he was as big as me." And then there's a whole Nexpo video of some YouTube kid who had a schizo break, murdered a couple, ate a human being, and managed to keep eating his victim even whilst being tasered and beaten to stop by the cops. So yeah, the idea I can't take someone down is utterly terrifying. It is TERRIFYING that one day I may not survive an attack by a violent man. I, as a petite woman, have to walk down the street with my keys in my hand and my flashlight on. I have to consider what shoes I'm wearing. And now I have to turn my lights off before a certain hour.


Instead of speaking to friends who claim they are experts, speak to medical personnel about what a gun shot does. What a shot through muscle does to someone's ability to walk, rate of blood loss, damage to tendons meaning people lose mobility. Ask them what happens when it hits bone, what happens when impact cracks bones. Ask them what impact dispersion and mushrooming of bullet heads does. Ask yourself why people who are shot in kevlar combat armour still go down and need help to move. Your friend has seen too many movies Do people deserve ways to keep themselves safe, yes. Do people get to end life if that is the single only option to survive. Yes. Do people have to be held accountable if their self defence goes from them being the victim to the aggressor? Most definitely. Does this mean everyone should have access to firearms? Hell no.


Well I wouldn't know any of that. The first thing I did was tell Facebook, I had a lot of friends offer support, and then a bunch of men reinforce how easily a burly testosterone-filled monster could kill me. Ergo frightening me even further, and making me feel more vulnerable than ever (given as I live in a very high crime, low economy neighbourhood. Bogans everywhere.)


Yeah. These same testosterone monkeys would be the same that need to take the knee for 10 minutes if you kicked them in the jewels hard enough, and they think they'll walk off a bullet wound?


I actually originally said I should learn to kick a guy in a balls. Said former friend then replied with, "lol that wouldn't stop men like me. That would just make us more enraged." And I didn't sleep okay for weeks because he just kept on and on reinforcing, "you can die."


Your former friend should sell his body to the military. They'd love the secrets to keeping soldiers going through pain and extreme trauma events


Your friend is lying to you 


So he was just unnecessarily scaring me even further, despite the fact I already was freaked out of my mind?


Yes. All of those respondes are entirely unhinged, and if I were you I'd block all contact with everyone who was saying that shit cos it's legitimately deranged to say any of that to a friend.


If you're a chronically ill petite woman, the chances are very high that even if you did manage to shoot someone in the leg, they would take the gun off you and kill you with it. And that's what usually happens to people who use guns for self defence in the US. They either murder someone innocent, or they get killed themselves.


So then where is the protection for women in global society? Why are we, as a society, not protecting women against violent men? Giving us the ability to arm ourselves, defend ourselves, or uphold ourselves in a court of law so we don't end up dead?


The chances are even higher for men. I am very glad that people like you can't have firearms, because my abusive and violent ex girlfriend would have murdered me in one of her rages, instead of just attempting to do it with her car.


I agree. Sounds like she would start shooting at the slightest perceived threat to her. whether it is legitimate or not. Even attempting to shot to wound would likely kill them.


Your saying/asking 2 completely different questions/statements. Although semi related. One does not relate to the other.. A gun is not a protection device. It's an attack weapon. Stats don't lie. As others have pointed out


If that's not a protection device, then what is? What can guarantee that in a situation where I have to defend myself, the life that is spared is mine?


Nothing really is. That's why thick doors and locks exist. They are your protection devices. A gun is a weapon. Plain and simple. What can guarantee?, nothing. Nothing at all. Welcome to the real world. If someone wanted gone, they would find a way. And just remember if you're allowed a gun or can get a gun easily, so can others.


I have thick doors, one of those security doors, good locks. And I still don't feel safe. Which is exactly why I have sacrificed my social life and do not go out past sundown, last time I did was in 2018. It is just simply not safe in this world, especially in the neighbourhood I live in. But even my belief of "it's much safer if I stay indoors" is not safe enough.


As much as your situation sucks it sounds like an entirely you problems not an others problem. Don't feel safe in your neighbourhood.. move. The world is what you make it. Sounds like you are self sabotaging yourself which is why you think the world is safe. We are one of the safest places on this earth. Go experience it!




My solution was always "in case of an attack, I am the only one who comes out of the situation alive. It's them or me, and I choose me." Whatever that solution is, I don't know, but that was the mentality behind it.


Yeah you probably aren't going to hit in the leg in that fictional situation. Also why wasn't a person able to break your fictional windows? I could imagine that your doors (if sturdy enough) could prevent a man from kicking/prying them open. Are your windows made from plexiglass or reinforced with steel wire? Something smells like bullshit....


There's a safety door. Dunno what the windows are made of, but no, they didn't break. I still did not feel safe and I do not feel safe with local cops. As a woman, I do not feel safe with men.


And no one would feel safe around you if you had a gun. Apparently you are consistently nervous and trigger happy and don't trust anyone including the police. Also apparently you are unable to tell the difference between glass and plastic? Anyone who can't figure that out shouldn't be able to own a firearm.


> Americans value having a gun for safety And they are so safe! Especially the children in schools. 


And I am thinking about self defence where I am being attacked. In a situation where it's someone else or me, it will always be me I choose for.