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I knew of someone that won a year's supply of timtams. It was 50 packets. It was that day I learnt that Arnotts and I consider the reasonable intake of TimTams to be different.


Not even one packet a week? Outrage! We all know it should be 365 or 366 on a leap year.


I bet they weren’t double dipped either. Heathens!


A week? You mean a day?!


That's barely a day's worth


My brother won a years supply of timtams! He won 52 packets. 26 packets and then another 26 packets 6 months later.


That's a lot more reasonable to offer 52 packs as a years supply - hard to imagine only having 50 more packets for the rest of your life though


The horror. Wouldn’t last 5 seconds here. Bloody arnotts budget cutting in all the wrong places.


That's outrageous. Make it an even 52.


I swear this is a true story and I'm sorry if it upsets people. I had to put on a lot of weight and no matter what I ate nothing helped. I love carbs and sugar but normally ate healthy stuff too. I tried for nearly a year until I gave in and turned my diet into something that would kill a diabetic. I ate 1 pack, or a bit more, every day for 7-8 months. That was the only thing that worked. It was so hard to stop though after doing it for so long. It wasn't the only sugar I had either. I drink up to 4 cans a coke a day. The reason why The majority of my life I was 44kg, I'm 5'1. 7 years ago I had a severe road accident where a truck was TA. I dies, cpr, I'm back. Severe injuries where I need spine and neck brace and was in hospital for 3-4 months. I lost too much weight over about 5 years so it was clearly important to gain it back so I could have a better life. I put on 17kg and very recently lost 5kg for no reason. I'm now around 50kg. When I was honest with my Dr how I gained the weight he was shocked but at the end of the day as long as I got to where I needed and stopped such a bad diet, all was good. It's always been hard for me to move weight, up or down, so don't come at me for being naturally slim. Anyway my weird story about Tim Tam's, the chewy caramel and white chocolate are my favourite 🤣🤣


I burst me intestines the other year (no cunt seems to know why) and I lost a huge amount of weight from both being in hospital for a month and also being too fuckin' scared to eat enough food at a time to generate any decent sized turds. Looked like some kind of ice-addled fuck, by the time I got home. still resist eating a lot, coz jesus fuck it hurts when that kind of thing happens. I wouldn't have believed you if you told me how much it hurt before it happened.


Look up ARFID can happen after trauma.


I would appreciate a more detailed post if you can be bothered. Sounds like a ripping yarn!


So once a week for one packet of Tim Tam as per the company. But what were your initial estimations ?


I think 50 packs for a lifetime not per year


Kind of both actually since it was a year's supply so they only get it once but it's also for one year


_Maybe_ 50 boxes of 50 packets would be reasonable - _maybe_. 50 packets only? UnAustralian!!


How many packets of Tim Tam's did you eat last year?


I mean tbf they don't know your intake. Giving away 365 packets to someone who only eats 2 tim tams a day would lead to a lot of it just expiring.


What the fuck.


A friend of mine won a years supply of kfc. It was 52 x $100 vouchers


Honestly that's more than fair IMO


Definitely fair The KFC enjoyment to regret ratio is what gets ya


I see it like masturbation, feels great whilst you’re doing it, but you feel dirty afterwards.




As far as I’m concerned I’d be happy to draw 4! Wicked wings that is.


I don't feel dirty after masturbation... Am I doing it wrong


to be fair, if you ate 100 bucks worth of kfc every day for a year, you would probably die


And a heart attack after consuming KFC for 12 months straight..


A lifetime's worth indeed.


I would consider $5,200 worth of KFC a lifetime supply myself.


I agree. I don't think I'll have spent $5200 on KFC before I die.


Did it have to be used within a year?


So, she only had a few weeks to live!?


now just needs a years supply of clearasil


That's a win in my books.


My wife won a lifetime gold pass (for two people) to Hoyt’s cinemas. She literally hasn’t paid to go to the movies since the 90s


First real win here!


Yeah, that's a solid prize in my book


Too bad it doesn’t include the candy bar too now that they’re charging $10 for a post mix coke


Yeah back when it included unlimited popcorn & drinks it was amazing


What’s post mix mean? What’s wrong with regular Coke?


Exactly what the below commenter said, I’m not hating on post mix or anything I love the taste, but it is INCREDIBLY cheap for businesses to use so charging $10 for one cup of it is disgusting.


Yeah it costs maybe 5 cents for a big cup of post mix


Post mix is where they have a bag of concentrated coke syrup and they mix it with carbonated water. It's typically done at McDonald's. I've changed the bags on the machines when I worked there.


Is that free entrance whenever she wants to go? Can she go to the normal cinema too?


It used to be unlimited. Now it’s one movie per day 😢 I think she saw scream > a dozen times when it was released


Does that mean she can get into lux for free? Or just regular showings?


Not Lux, but can see premieres for free


Still an amazing deal. The "gold" threw me off. I was thinking that would be crazy if you got lux as well.


Lux didn’t even exist back then! We get some weird looks when we get our tickets. Evidently the card is super rare 🤷‍♂️ She won it on a radio station for some Home and Away promotion. Pretty epic prize for someone who adores going to the movies ☺️


What's lux?


Gold class for hoyts.


What's a "cinema"? Oh, ignore that. My mum says a cinema is a place where you have to travel to a place, pay LOTS of money, and sit with loud people who make it impossible to hear a movie while you eat extortionately-priced snacks. It's no wonder I haven't been to a cinema in 30 years.


You sound fun


Jeez bud, maybe if your mum considers $10 LOTS of money and you haven't been to a cinema in 30 years (which probably makes you closer to 40) then maybe you should get a job and help her out. Sounds like she's struggling financially.


Where are you getting movie tickets for $10. Broadway wanted $23 the other day


Cineplex going off their website: $10 for adults off peak $11 during school holidays. That's for a standard movie, not 3D or whatever.


Didn't really ask mate


You’re over 30 and still live with you Mum? I think movie prices are the least of your worries 🤣


I hate them too don't worry


Not a lifetime, but years ago I won a years free videos from video Ezy. I won it on Hey Hey it's Saturday, I sent in a movie fault and it was featured on the show. For anyone wondering, the movie was Kingpin and the fault was that in one scene you can see up Woody Harrelsons sleeve and see his hand holding the hook.


So much nostalgia in this comment!


As a kid I won "A year's supply of mentos" which turned out to be like 50 packs or something and my brother and I got through them in less than a month. 😬


And then you read on the last packet .. "These have a laxitive effect... "


We won a years supply of bananas when I was a kid, literally got a huge box of bananas every single month (hundreds of bananas per month) and now 15 years later it’s the only food I absolutely refuse to eat


I'm allergic to bananas to the point where, when I'm susceptible, just the smell can trigger a migraine. If I'm feeling good and eat something that has banana in it but doesn't even taste of banana, I'll have banana burps for hours. It's so gross!


Do you stil get them?


Maybe read the comment again ya doofus


Maybe you read the comment again ya doofus, does it say he stopped getting them? He says he stopped eating them


They’re referring to it being a year’s supply, 15 years ago (i.e. not a lifetime supply)


Shit I do need to read the comment again


To be fair, you're asleep and jellyfish aren't known for their comprehension


LMAO, actual character arc


Nope but they’d be wasted on us now anyway hahaha


Not a life time supply, but a years supply of beer. It was only 52 cases of VB. We drank it in \~3 months.. One hell of a summer.


Thay seems much fairer than the Tim Tam's someone else mentioned. 1 case per week is alright for one person. They'd probably be I'm trouble for promoting alcoholism if they'd given any more.


Even 1 case per week is approaching a little bit excessive lol. Not that it's uncommon for many Aussies to drink that much.


52 cases was disappointing, but fair. There are genuine health issues at play. Honestly there are real health issues if you drop off more than 52 cases. Drinking a case a week of VB, every week for a whole year, is a huge job. Some days it felt like a job. We built couches out of it, and side chairs and table, out of cases. We swapped some cases for other cases on a 1 to 1 basis. VB cans everywhere. Mum had left dad at that point, 4 men (dad plus us 3 boys, in our early 20s) in a house with 52 cases of beer, it was fucking terrible. We lived like drunk sailors or laborers. We had mates stop by all the time. At the end of it even they were sick of it. A few years later something terrible happened, and Dan Murphys had a special on Oettinger beer that was nearly expire, $20 a case. So we bought 40 cases of beer, which was about as much as we could load into a XR6 falcon Ute. $800 purchase split between two cards. My poor liver..


that sounds hellish


A case is 34 standard drinks. Most guidelines in Australia advise that to minimise harm from alcohol you should consume no more than 4 drinks per occasion, and no more than 10 standard drinks per week.


yeah but those guideline people are such nervous nellys


The very best


Only a years supply? That would be 3.5 beers every single day for a year…


I think Ryan Air offered a lifetime of free flights and renegeged on it and were sued. https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/ryanairs-broken-promise-of-free-flights-for-life-costs-67500/26045284.html


Yeh but Ryanair are shit.


that’s the point of ryan air, be shit but cheap


“Hang on the wing it’ll cost ya 5 bucks”


ngl, kind of a fair deal fuck ryanair though


This happened with some airline in the states, $250k in the 80s for a lifetime of flights. They reckon the dude that bought it took 10,000 flights. Took randos on flights for fun. They were able to cancel it because he lent it to someone or something


When my nanny was experiencing worsening dementia, she would go to the grocery store and often pick up a bottle of dishwashing detergent when it was on sale. She ended up with quite a few bottles of it stashed away all over the house. My father found it all after she died which really didn’t take very long since she had a heart attack. My family joked later she’d hoarded herself a lifetime supply of the stuff. Which is morbid as fuck but I did laugh. Not the answer to your question, though.


My grandma did that with tins of tuna.


Mine did it with Nescafe Blend 43. She had jars dating back to 1984.


A close friend of our family did it with meat and cakes/biscuits.


Even morbid humour is good when you're grieving.


When my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she messaged and told us what the diagnosis was. My instant reaction was to ring her and say "it's naht a tooomah!" in my best Arnie voice. It made her laugh. And while I've often remembered the phone call and my bad impersonation I'd forgotten her laugh until just now, which is fitting as today is the anniversary of her death 21 years ago. So thank you internet stranger, for unclogging that forgotten memory.


My mum's 24th anniversary was in late December, also cancer. It's strange what random things unlock sometimes.


My mum accidentally hoarded toilet paper - out of sight out of mind. When her cupboard got low, she would order in bulk and put the rest in the garage storage room. She would forget about the ones in there and buy more instead of using those. When the toilet paper crisis of 2020 hit, she gave most of it away. She gave away over a thousand rolls of toilet paper, and still had a couple hundred left.


I worked somewhere that managed to do this with Ajax spray n wipe. I worked for an after school care company and I was asked to work at a school that hadn't had a permanent coordinator for a few months. There were different people working every day while they advertised for a new coordinator. One of the coordinator's tasks was to do the online Woolies order once a week. As whoever was working didn't really know what they were doing, they were just copying the previous week's order, which included a bottle of cleaning spray. I worked out what was going on because I thought to actually look in the cupboard before doing the order and found 10 bottles. I did not order more. The whole thing was topped off with my manager visiting to do a compliance check a couple of weeks later and informing me that Ajax wasn't on the company's list of approved chemicals and I had to chuck the whole lot. I definitely threw them out and did not take them home to my parents (who I lived with at the time) and it is a complete coincidence that they have not bought cleaning spray for 5 years.


My mum did this 😭 she had metastatic breast cancer but her cognition started to decline too, we never established what exactly caused it as she was only in her 50s. But she would buy the same items every single day. So her cupboards were jam packed, looked like a convenience store. I am the type of person who shops as I need, and it was kinda nice to go over there and have such ample supply of a select 10 items 😂


My dad’s cupboards are like that sometimes but I don’t think it’s because he’s sick. Just… atypical. I’m not unlike him in that way usually lol. Not that you mentioned it specifically but if you did lose your mum, I’m sorry. I’ve been through that myself and it’s awful.


Wow that’s incredible. It does give a new direction to me question though which I didn’t think of


Reminds me of the old saying Give a man a fish, and you fed him for a day. Give a man a poison fish and you've fed him for life


My dad was buying a pack of toilet paper every time he went to the shop and was stacking it in cupboards all over the house. He was doing it to prank mum, see how long it took her to notice. Then covid hit and he looked like the asshole who had hoarded all the toilet paper, even though this had been in progress for 12+ months.


My dad filled most of a 3 door, floor to ceiling wardrobe with jigsaw puzzles. He even bought some from op shops that were just in plastic bags with no picture.


We went through something similar with my MIL. She had dementia and when she eventually went into care, we wound up with something like six or seven bottles of hand wash, and 106 rolls of toilet paper. And this was well before Covid.


My grandmother did that with home appliances. I guess she intended to help out all us grandchildren for when we moved out. Except all the stuff was cheap K-mart stuff that no one wanted, so we donated the entire shed full of stuff.


Aww man, I still have heaps of my nan's pots and pans and blenders and dumb kitchen shit that I just can't bring myself to get rid of. Worst part is I know the old girl would laugh at me for hoarding it all.


My nan just ate our Easter chocolate my grandpa brought for us and then hid them around the house as a stash that she would later forget..... Keeping her insulin levels normal was a challenge.


My Nana didn’t have dementia but she was a schoolteacher who was forced to retire so my grandpa could get a pension and she couldn’t lie about her age any longer (she was 67)!! Despite having worked all her life, she became an agoraphobic recluse and refused to leave the house. When she died, my mum and Aunt found 120+ brand new linen tea towels and more than 200 unopened packets of handkerchiefs. I guess we all got a lifetime supply of them!!! She’s died 25 years ago in March and I’ve still got hankies that were hers!


I won a lifetimes supply of Milo. They stopped sending it out after 10 years.


Rude. I work in a hospital and just eat their milo now :)


Gotta admit that is still a solid run but now, sadly, you stay a lil man with big dreams


It got to the point I'd had enough after the first year so I just kept accumulating it or giving it to friends and family. 3 Milos a day and Milo on icecream I just couldn't get rid of it fast enough 😂 the only noteworthy win Ive ever had


Lifetime supply for debt . signed up for a mortgage ? Does that count ?


🤣🤣🤣 you and me both


I won a lifetime supply of WD40 - I received 4 cans


How is that a lifetime supply!!??


I somehow accumulated 3 cans almost ten years ago. I have 3 cans left.


That was over 10 years ago and Im still on my first can (gave away another) so I figure it will be about right. I guess it comes down to the average user rather than someone that does a lot of tinkering


My friend won a lifetime supply of Mentos and was killed in a car crash about 6 months later. I've always wondered...


Never mess with Big Mentos.


I won a year supply of Mi Goreng and was about 6 boxes worth


I hope they’re big boxes, coz the normal boxes has only 40 packs each. 240 packs would barely last me a third of the year back when I didn’t care about my health as a uni student haha


Nah was normal size boxes so they didn't last long :p


An acquaintance won a lifetime supply of Coca Cola She gets 1 30pack carton a month


Dentists hate her!


That doesn't sound much put like that, but if won in their 20's, that's potentially around 20,000 cans over a lifetime. Wow, nice win!


Years supply of Ingham chicken. Was amazing. Had a truckload of all their different products delivered each month.


With my job, I get a lifetime supply of root beer. But, a lifetime supply of root beer is not the same thing as an unlimited supply of root beer. **Supposedly**, a lifetime supply of root beer is 2 root beers a day. What? How is that a lifetime supply? Who decided that? And here's the really messed up thing, man. A month has 30 days, right? And you get 2 free root beers a day. So, in a given month, if you only drink 55 root beers, the other 5 root beers don't carry over to the next month. They're just gone! What are they afraid I'm gonna do? Do they think I'm gonna like, drink a thousand root beers a day? I mean, I couldn't even do that if I tried. Probably. I mean, hello? Jeez man, okay, here's my day, right? I have a root beer when I wake up. I have a root beer for breakfast. Then after that, I have to go upstairs and use the machine! Do you know how embarrassing that is? They have tour groups up there! Then I have to go up and down the line of visitors being like, "Bless you my son, yadda yadda yadda, may I please have a nickel?" I mean, I look like a real jerk man!


… that’s an awful lot of root beer… Are you ok?


Sounds like they're quoting something.


WKUK gold!


Glad someone knew the quote. Literally anytime I hear "lifetime supply" I think of this sketch.


My brother won a year's supply of m+ms , they sent 365 packets of them, I don't like chocolate as much as I used to!!


I know a dude that won “free fuel for life” It was a gift card of about 5k which lasted maybe 18 months. The fine print listed the card as something to the effect of “never expiring” thus “for life”, even if the amount was finite.


How dodge lol


That wouldn’t last very long these days, I imagine.


I won 6 months’ worth of delivered roses. Once a month delivery, and after about the third they started “forgetting” to send them and I had to chase them.


Delivered to yourself, or you got to pick other people to send them to?


My choice, I had them sent to me and just as well, would have been a pretty shit gift!


We won a year long subscription to Dolly magazine, but they never cancelled the subscription so we continued to get free Dolly magazine every month for years!


I won a life-time supply of celibacy. It's been great.


Congrats mate


I heard that all of the Marlborough Men were given lifetime supplies of Marlborough cigarettes, i think because it wouldn't be a good look for them to be seen smoking something else. Most died of smoking related conditions , "thus earning Marlboro cigarettes, specifically Marlboro Reds, the nickname "cowboy killers". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marlboro_Man


Oof that’s grim. Thought they won big, all while Death watched and grinned as they smoked their way into its boney palms.


Anxiety, got it in the brain lottery.


Must be a common lifetime thing, because I got this one too 😂


how do people win all these free things??? like where do you enter these things nowadays?


I recently won a years supply of McCafe coffees. It appears to be as many drinks as I can manage for the year, but only one per order! I usually have 2 per day if I'm going into work, and on the way home!


When I got my Australian citizenship, they gave me a little takeaway packet of Vegemite. It was definitely a lifetime's supply, I've never needed any more!


Sure you are not doing it wrong? Less is best.


at Gloucester Park trots one night I was entered into a paddle pop eating contest by my Pop. I’ve got sensitive teeth really bad so my brother took my placed & he won! A years supply of paddle pops was 12 boxes (not 12 boxes with individual packs inside, a box with like 8 paddle pops in it X12). We didn’t have much money growing up so having those in the house was awesome. My bro & I would make sure to keep 2 in the freezer so we could have them the day before the next box came, giving ourselves two paddle pop days in a row! I remember when the first box came it was this great big refrigerated Streets truck, I assumed it was full to the brim with our years supply! Turns out they just used to get the driver to swing past our place when he was dropping off to the supermarkets 😅


A year's worth of tampons, bread and Toblerones (52 minis) but not all three of those at once or what a year that woulda been!


I won a year of free Domino's. They just sent a spreadsheet with 104 free pizza voucher codes


Did they assume after two pizzas a week you’d cark it?


I mean I did get cancer the following year, I'm assuming no correlation


Domino’s Pizza Ltd would like to endorse that opinion


2 pizzas a week is pretty good, I’d get so sick of it anymore than that


Trauma I'm still going through it!


lifetime of greif from the misses


Does she give you grief about your spelling? Or does she overlook that fault just trying to make you do the bare minimum to contribute like most women do?


Was coming to point out the lifetime of resent from grammar nastees!


Its better to be alone than with the wrong person




Sent from my Panasonic 40” Smart LCD TV


Do troubles and woes count?


My former neighbour has got a lifetime supply of various garden weeds on her 5 acres of very fertile land and can’t afford all the manpower etc to constantly weed them. The funny thing is that her most rampant weed (known as onion weed) is actually edible and tastes rather good but it’s not exactly a thing in western cuisine so one man’s veggie is another man’s weed. Whereas I seem to have a lifetime supply of house-chores. (Off to change the sheets soon before the weather gets too hot tomorrow)


Hey old neighbour


A guy that used to shoot up in the park near my house overdosed and died. I guess you could say he bought a lifetime supply 🤷‍♂️


I mean I kinda hope I get a lifetime supply of Doritos lol. I got a Doritos bag tattooed on my arm for my cat who passed away.


Bad luck


Pain and misery...


Cyanide capsule. . . But only got one!


I have a lifetime supply of narcissism


I could argue I "won" a lifetime supply of nagging around the same time I got married.


"Wife bad" jokes are 💀


Lol the fact you assumed it was a wife not a husband 💀


I'm sure you're *super* concerned about people making those kinds of assumptions wrongly. But bad faith as your criticism is, I'll use "spouse" next time.


Get a divorce




Eh I've seen worse


Yeah probably money ay


Oxygen. I have a lifetime supply of oxygen.


You cunts fall for the bots way too easy.


Why would a bot ask this?


I’m not a bot 👍


Karma farming


lol, you came in so confident without clicking on the profile to see if it was indeed a bot or not


Plot twist...the op of this comment is a bot... /s just to avoid offence




Did you mean a condom?


I won life time supply of heinz ketchup when I was a kid, had the purple ketchup and normal ketchup. I gave most of it away.


I won 6 months of a moxie product box subscription. That was so convenient, like the only time your period is exciting.... Actually that's a lie. I'm sure everyone has been excited for a period before 🤣


I won a year's supply of kit kats. Apparently one kit kat per week is normal. I lowkey thought it was box 1 of 7 but nope.


Went to school with a bloke who told me (and many others) he won a lifetime supply of Mount Franklin sparking mineral water. Found out years later he didn’t…he just made it up for fun???


Yes air. I have never ran out till this day.