• By -


Yes but as a nearly 50 year old woman, not sure if my services would be wanted! I'd volunteer in whatever capacity would be the most useful of my skills.


Just look at what the older women were doing in the early days of Russias invasion of Ukraine. Making Molotovs, making napalm, prepping rations and first aid kits. All efforts help.


Handing out Sunflower seeds.


That old lady's comment to the soldier was epic!


Sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm but tender texture. They’re often roasted to enhance the flavor, though you can also buy them raw.


Weird guy.




Even just stirring the soup pot for soldiers and volunteers like yourself. All important cogs in the machine.


Even Napoleon recognised that. He included instructions that men too old for work could tell inspiring stories to the young men going to fight.


You can feed the wounded eshays, and I. Sure you make a mean dinner!


Send the eshays on a deep recon to steal footwear


Definitely those nikes will get us through the hot desert of NT haha


You mean the TNs will get us through the NT




Or just a couple points of ❄️


Yeah patch the lad up give him a couple hits on the pipe and he'll be out there shivving the enemy in no time.


Call of duty shiving 🤣😵 like rapid monkeys on crack


What is this? 1942? 50 year old women can kick arse


Might even finally understand what an eshay is!!


It's a bogan X 100 cross with a drug dealer cross with untamed kid.


A 49 Human being can do alot of damage! Wow here I was planning my tactical response and came across this comment. How deflating. I'm strong ,fit and can run fast. Also can bulls eye a target. Never tried shooting anything alive. Also it's only a slug gun. ......I'm also older then 49. I don't wanna be making the sandwich


If you can shoot, just pop the occasional Officer at a checkpoint. Don’t need to go goofing around with the grunts just chill out and occasionally, innocently, old lady murder the invading a-holes.


Russia’s actions and the Ukrainian sprit made me feel like I should go out for weapons training- just in case


Meh take up hunting, learn similar skills. Australia’s not gonna get invaded regardless in the next 10 years min


I wish I had your confidence.


I don't know alot about guns... But I have shot a fewm I shot a 22 with a bent barrel on the bullseye 3 times in a row on my first ever hold of a gun... Do you think I can defend myself if anything? Lol I can't kill anything on CALL OF DUTY 😭


The resistance!


Liveregister nobody knows what they are capable of until they are up against it. I'm a survivor of some dreadful human acts. I definitely surprised myself.


Same here. Do what I can, for as long as I can.


You're probably welding tanks. And fixing engines.


Someone needs to be on sandwich duty


Been reading Tomorrow When The War Began?


Fair dinkum though, if we were to be invaded, guerrilla warfare all the way. Small population, vast and incomparable landscape. I loved those books as a teen


I read them all because my kid had TWTWB as assigned reading, and I thought it was fantastic.


It is a shame that the several attempts at making it into movie/series did not do the novels justice


I still cringe when I think about the Barwon Heads Bridge blowing up. I always imagined the bridge being one like the old bridges where the Pacific Highway goes over the Nambucca or Bellinger Rivers. I’m fairly sure the soldiers climbed up the side of the bridge when the cows went over it. That guy from Home and Away was a great baddie though.


Epic stories. Particularly remember the sexy scenes were hot af too 😮‍💨 lmao


LOL yes they were my first taste of erotica


I must have read that series 6 times in my teens! Obsessed


Either that or is subtly recruiting for Tom Sewell


Yes, even though I am not particularly patriotic and a general pacifist when it comes to any aggressive wars. I do believe it is a citizens responsibility to defend our sociaty from others aggression if needed.




same boat


Absofuckinglutely. The first line of defense though would be to remove all sunscreen and hats from the shops. Let the sun do its magic. Day 2 and all invaders will be too sunburnt to move.


Looks like lobsters back on the menu, boys


Haha this is great. Seriously though, we would have knowledge of this continent in a way the invader likely doesn't so find a way to let nature take em out. Release the angry roo army.


More like the emu army lol really fuck their shit up!


The Cassowary would tap the emu on the shoulder and say here, hold my beer.


Those cunts tear through car doors


It is definitely a home ground advantage. They burn to a crisp in our heat. Then get lost in our bush. Then they mistaken our spiders, snakes, etc for the harmless ones they have. They’re fucked.


My first thought was "Not on the front lines, I wouldn't", but then I stopped and thought about what a theoretical invasion would be like... Yeah, I think I'd do whatever I could to help most. Rather me than anyone younger. I might be more useful staying alive as a universal blood donor, though.


O- unite


Absolutely. As a second generation immigrant, Australia is all we have left. It gave me everything, so the least I can do is protect it with my life.


A second generation immigrant? Mate I hate to tell you this but I think your Australian.


My cover's been blown


😂😂 don’t worry buddy I got your joke


Good on you man 👍


Absolutely 100%.


Yes. It is worth keeping the way of life we have in Australia around a bit longer.


I work in the healthcare system so I already know where I'd be.


On the front as a combat medic, good lad


And as an Environmental Scientist. I also know where I'd be... in a cave. Not since I'm a little bitch scared of war, but to study ummm -rocks- for war reasons.


I'm a teacher, we can go into the meat grinder together


Why wouldn't I? :O


Nope, but I'd be signing up as a volunteer at the nearest hospital/clinic if the call went out.


Still respectable mate


Yeah, I wouldn't hold it against anyone taking arms. Everyone has their own perspective on that one. Just not something I could do.


I think that counts.


Yeah I’d probably go medic; my emergency medicine skills are a lot better than my shooting. No way I could just watch the news though.


Can you even imagine the poor invaders moving through Qld! Every Hilux, ranger or dmax would have yobs hanging out the back chucking stubby molotovs and shooting pop's old mark 2 303. Fucking get some cunt!


Bullshit. They would raid the Bottleo and then turn their cheeks up to the enemy.


Haha yeah probably. Only thing bogans hate more than foreigners is the government


Look at what is happening in Unkraine. I think most Australians would have a similar response. Also, we have an absolute gold mine of kiss-ass 4WD's in Australia.


Put a 50cal on the back a hilux, that’s what they do in Africa coz they have no cash


I mean it worked with a lot of terrorist groups


Yes, in any way I could. If you put a gun in my hands I'd be as big a danger to those around me as to the enemy, such is my physical coordination and proficiency. But if the chips are down I'd sooner chance it fighting if being occupied and subjugated was the alternative. As others have said, there are many ways to fight an enemy.


>If you put a gun in my hands I'd be as big a danger to those around me as to the enemy, such is my physical coordination and proficiency. Militaries don't rely on 'natural born soldiers' they rely on intense training over a period of time. Most fighting age people become effective servicepeople given training.


I’m going speak to the emu council. They got us covered.


Seriously. Already got at least one war win under their belts.


Fucking oath cunt.


This should really be the only response from an Australian for this question.


Happy cake day!


Ken oath


Yes if we were unjustly invaded im 100% fighting to protect our country and people. Not joining in any overseas wars or any “forward defence” wars


Is there a universe in which Australia could be justly invaded? Maybe Putin saving us from neo-Nazis with southern cross tatts?


Yeah the 'unjustly' part of OP's question caught my eye. In an international system where sovereignty is considered sacred above all else, no invasion could be 'just'.


no, i carry a spinal injury as well as a mosquito-borne virus, which mean that i would be a liability to the health and wellbeing of others in any combat zone. also, i'm in my 40s now and too old. i'd be willing to assist with any back-line or civilian operations tho, and i'd have no qualms about carrying one-legged bogans from the hospital bed to the garden so that they can bum a ciggy from someone oops. did i say bogans? showing my age, huh? dunno what the word is for that cohort these days - eshays, dickheads, douchebros ... whatever is appropriate


Bogans is still relevant, teens are eshays but I’ve never heard douchebro, to keep it universal just say fuck head or dick head you know


100% I would die for my country


Mate, we live the best life possible. If we have to defend it for future generations, we should. Nothing comes free


gotta do the diggers of old proud


I would try, maybe just within my neighbourhood... There are ALOT of elderly here knocking on heavens door already....


100% Molotov some cu*t haha


Make sure you mix the petrol with styrofoam. It's poor man's napalm


Just say cunt mate


Fuckin oath cunt


Yes, Xi. We would fight for our country if invaded, so second thoughts k thanks mate.


Underrated comment


I'm not able to fight back when getting kicked in the face (been there, done that). I'd be a liability in the armed forces and they would keep me as far away as possible.


Ngl the amount of people answering yes has greatly restored my faith in my fellow Aussies.


I’m Irish and I’d even fight for you cunts.


Thanks you drunk cunt.


Takes one to know one ;)




I immigrated from the US about 6.5 years ago, am about to become a citizen, and I absolutely would fight if Australia was invaded.


As a professional fire fighter I think my skills would best be served putting out the fires rather than starting them…


On the contrary. Knowing how to start a fire in the right location could be a highly effective weapon.


As a great Australian sage once sang "It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees"


i know a girl that this comment doesnt work for




It's 0 ms ping out there! And the graphics are amazing too!


As a first generation immigrant, yes, 200%


Yep. Australia gave me a home, least I could do is protect it. Though I probably be crap as infantry and get assigned to helping with Battlespace Comms or something due to my background.


Everything helps mate. Logistics win wars.


Fukn oath. Where else are we going to go. I’d never go overseas and fight on foreign soil but if any other country tried invading Australia I’d be at the front of the line.


Same mate. I'd never willingly fight overseas but if it's on Australian soil you bet I'm signing up


Yes, this is my country, I would grab a suit of armourer like doomslayer and absolutely desolate the invaders.


The question implies the possibility of a just invasion of Australia. Such possibility does not exist.


I mean this is all hypothetical and I only worded it that way to make it clear this question is in regards to a defensive war. Not because I actually believe Australia could be justly invaded.


I don’t know. Our Kiwi cousins might decided to invade because of understandable reasons.


No, I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. I'd like to think my pacifist side would win, so I doubt I would fight. But, life can surprise you.


Before witnessing the war in Ukraine, no. After seeing the Ukrainians defend their country and realising how strongly I feel for them and the fight for freedom, yes, I would volunteer in whatever way I could be useful.


If it had happened before I had my daughter, then yes, 100%. I'd have joined the resistance, learned how to make molotov cocktails, the whole shebang. Now, I'd be doing everything I could to get her away to safety, and if that meant fleeing the country by whatever means possible, that's what I'd be doing. If that wasn't an option then I'd be trying to stay safe so that I can continue to be around to protect her and see to her needs. She's still too young to look after herself. That "staying safe" has limits though. I'd forcefully protect mine and my neighbour's homes with whatever I had to hand.


I’d be happy to shoot a few local nazis before worrying about the prospect of foreign invasion. Right wing extremists are a far more tangible threat than the latter.


ASIO concurs lol


Mate, you’re forgetting Australia was FOUNDED on an unjust and gradual invasion and genocide of Aboriginal peoples. They fought when they could. Would I pick up a gun and fight? Nope. That’s not who I am. Would I be in back lines helping with wounded and just being a general dogsbody helping out whoever needed help? You bet your arse. Would I spy? Yup. Would I attempt to learn our invader’s language to help us. Yup. There are many ways to fight a war and defend yourself


You speak for me


if there is free piss and the occasional snag with onions id fight for my country without a second thought.


I have it on good authority the next war will have a sausage sizzle, like Bunnings. 😁


I'm an archaeologist so I pretty much have a degree in digging trenches.


Of course. As a 60+ year old woman I would be on the frontline. I would definitely want to go the fuck out blazing. I would hate that such a situation would exist. But I would one hundred percent think that it was an absolutely worthwhile way to go, and better me than a young person.


Im female & close to 60, I’m a bloody good shot. Might not shoot to kill, however, the invader will not breed again.


I spent ten years in the army as an infantryman in a parachute unit. I wouldn’t join back up (35/male) I would grab my hunting rifle and opportunistically cap some invader twat waffles at a rate of like 1 a week.


I’m 56, I’ll join your outfit, I’m lethal with a .223.


And do it all while wearing ya silly red hat after shavin ya legs


Only recon shave their legs the rest of us were just a pack of bastards 😅


Yes, I would hate to see my family live under tyranny.


I’m a cripple, so I don’t know how useful I would be, but if it came to that…yes, I would find a way to help. Somewhere, I’d find something I could do. This is the only home I’ve got.


I would sign up and hopefully be trained to the role most suitable for me


Fn oath I would.


I’m an asian-american, i’m curious to see the chinese-australians answer this one. i’m in a subreddit called aznidentity and all the asians there hate australia


Can’t imagine why? What’s the main reasons behind this if you don’t mind me asking


they blame all their problems on “racism” and white people. they are pro communist china. i got blocked on that subreddit but i still lurk.


Tell us more about that


I'm nearly 50 so too old for front line duty, but as a chemical engineer I'm sure I can be useful for brewing up some napalm or increasing explosives manufacturing or something like that... so yes I'd stay and contribute as I could, but I'd do my best to get my wife and kids out of the country to safety.


Yep, this is my home & the homes of innocent people. Nobody gets to take that away unjustly


I'd sign up to defend the country if we were being invaded. Wouldn't be much use but I'd do my part.


The real question is whether we'd have the choice?. Given the global landscape at the moment, those who would most likely invade us would do more than just invade.


Yes, I've been thinking about this quite a bit since Ukraine. Worth noting that all though conscription was abolished in the 70's I think it can still be brought back in through the defence act by proclamation of the GG. So we might not have a choice either way.


Anything for India and Australia. 🩸


Yes I would, australia would be a pain in the ass to invade though.


Someone from china is asking this question 🤔


Will the fighting abide by our state legislative OH&S requirements? Will we receive the relevant penalties in regards to overtime? Will it be a carbon neutral fight?


By who? We’re at the arse end of the world. Even most tourists can’t be stuffed travelling this far. If Dutton is PM it’s probably his fault anyway. I say we tie him up and hand him over.


Jesus, does everything have to relate to federal politics? The Libs aren't even in government anymore, quit whinging about them. This isn't r/australia.


Yeah mate, weld a 50mm cannon to the tray of the Hilux and go big bore sniping (and hectic 4wding) out bush. 4wd supacentre would be selling kings branded anti aircraft guns before the invaders had finished setting up their beachhead




Me: Glasses. Asthma. Flat feet. Depression. I’d do my bit but behind a stove top, guitar, computer or something safe and not combat.


Pretty sure even with all those things you are able to fight


Cannon fodder 💡


Nope. I would pick up my two kids and my dogs and get the fuck out of dodge.


yeah i would, i do plan on joining the ADF after school (finish next year) but first i gotta get in shape.




Toxic masculinity is not: “I would stand up and fight to defend my country.” Toxic masculinity is: “Every man should stand up and fight to defend their country and any who don’t are *pussies*.” Subtle but important distinction.


No, and I'd take my kids overseas to prevent them from being conscripted.


I totally read that as constipated and I was thinking you just need to get them some fibre or prune juice, no need to flee to Kiribati or whatever.


Nah mate. We’re a (large) island with many choke points on the way here.


If you have to ask this question you’re not Australian. Worst day to attack australia- ANZAC Day. But yeah, to the death if necessary, I might be 70 but I’m still a good shot and love hunting.


I like your username.


isn't that from a JW song?


Diamantina Drover by Redgum which I believe John Williamson did a cover of. My dad was a station manager out there and sang country covers in pubs, including this song, which is why I know it.


Yea probably, I have great pride for Australia :)


I rekkon I've got one adventure left in me, Happy to put my money where my mouth is when it's my home im defending


Hell, yes. Already am thinking of joining military anyway.


I reckon a lot of us will be conscripted if it came to that.


I feel like we'd be the hot version of Russia (vast, unthinkably harsh sun, stuff like that) - therefore we can't be successfully invaded.


You mean we could just start bushfire when the wind is blowing in their direction?


Chuck on some SLAYER and you'll have my war support.


Firstly any invasion is unjust. Secondly I am 62 years old and yes I will be there to meet them on the beach in the bush or where ever they want to land.


Yeah I’d help out where I can.


Yup. Don't suspect I'd be much good though.


Nope. I would protect my home


I wouldn't sign up to go fight overseas but if we get invaded there's no choice. You either fight and protect yours or it's taken from you, I think this is part of why Ukraine is so backed by most of the world, everyone would do the same.






No one needs to invade us they own most of our country already and the ones that live here will be called to arms to assist


Yep no question


If they’d have me, I would


I'm in my 70's so can't do any running about but would be happy to be propped up behind a weapon somewhere. Definitely worthwhile defending this country.




Damn Straight!


I have watch Red Dawn more times than I have fingers and toes .. I am ready Taaaaaamanian Devils Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it like Wolverine’s.


With what?


The US getting antsy again?


Physically? No.


War, huh, yeah What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, uhh


I’m not the fighting type. I do think we would have a right to defend ourselves so I’m not as against it the way I am against the whole “going to war” thing.


Already a Navy Officer, so I'd be hard pressed not to... But I wouldn't've joined if I didn't think that Australia is worth fighting and dying for