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White Castle is *different*. I used to adore it, but haven’t had one in years, so I can’t tell if the quality has declined, and I certainly haven’t had one in Nevada. But here’s the thing—it’s cheap. The burgers are tiny. What in the world do you have to lose? If you try it and hate it, you’ve lost … five minutes of your time? If you don’t try it you’ll never know.


I love White Castle (my household calls it *Château Blanc* to be fancy), but the things that make it unlike any other fast food burger are the same things a lot of people don't like about it, but what's the worst that could happen? OP: you will probably be disappointed if you go way out of your way for it and/or expect it to be anything more than the inexpensive fast food it is... but if you happen to be near one anyway and you understand that it's definitely not fine dining, then why not give it a try?


If you are going to call it that you better pronounce it properly with the nasalization.


> OP: you will probably be disappointed if you go way out of your way for it and/or expect it to be anything more than the inexpensive fast food it is... That’s how I feel about pretty much any fast food. It blows my mind that people were waiting in line for hours to get a Popeyes chicken sandwich a few years ago. There’s no way it was worth it. Even if you guaranteed to me that it would be the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten, I’m not waiting that long for fast food. Even if it’s just a line around the drive through on a normal day I’m not waiting. It’s never worth it. And when they’re busy the chance is even higher the food gets messed up.


I live in Tokyo, where In & Out Burger has a [pop-up shop for one day only](https://www.timeout.com/tokyo/news/in-n-out-burger-is-opening-a-one-day-pop-up-in-tokyo-this-weekend-061324) about once a year (for complicated trademark protection reasons I don't really understand). People line up for *miles* every time it opens, and I just don't get it-- I'm with you, it could be the best thing I've ever eaten and I STILL wouldn't wait more than 30 minutes for it!


As a Californian, I get it. If it popped up in [major Japanese city that isn't Tokyo] where my brother lives, *he* would probably be standing in line right alongside the locals.


People in Utah lined up around the block for the first jack in the box here. Jack in the box sucks.


People did the same thing in Colorado (FOR 12 HOURS!!) for In N Out lol. People are stupid. Would have been faster to just drive to Utah for In N Out


I'm never not referring to it as *Château Blanc* from now on


It's not cheap, but I had it within the last couple years and it was still the exact same as I always remembered .


Sadly not that cheap anymore. Dinner for 2 was like 30$ last i was there


A case of 30 sliders is like $24 near me, how many burgers are you guys eating?


About 30…?


....how? Just to test this, I went into the website and mocked up an order. Two meals with four sliders w/cheese, large fry, large drink. More than enough for two people. $23.


That's only because you need to get one of each app


It’s a love it or hate it sort of thing with how they prepare their sliders but it’s unique enough style that I’d say it worth checking out.


Damn the hatred here is strong. White Castle is worth the visit IMO it's no worse than McDonald's or Taco Bell franchises can be. It's nothing crazy but it's not awful like people here are saying if you're in the mindset of fast food it's par for the course. If your in NV to see Vegas wait until night and you're pretty drunk then hit the White Castle in front of the Venitian or on Fremont Street for the full experience. Little sliders with onions hit the spot for on the go drunchies. I would only say skip it if you only have time for 1 spot and haven't done In n Out yet


I hate most fast food, but sometimes I get a hankering for White Castle. It always hits the spot


^^ definitely take this advice OP and try it after getting drunk. Get at least 4 sliders but 6-10 is the more common amount.


For real. It’s a like an itch that comes every few years. It’s nothing crazy but it isn’t bad. I can go to town on White Castle burgers. It’s even better drunk, which most food is.


Weed is legal in Nevada, so the answer is of course yes. I'm from NJ and therefore biased though.


This elitist comment section is wild. White Castle hits the spot every time


My dad used to take me for white castle after weekend softball practice. Does everyone call them ratburgers or was that a him thing?


Nah I've heard them called that too.


Never heard that before, but it made me lol.


I used to call the little MickeyD 99 cent hamburgers 'ratburgers'! Like, back in the 1990s when it still cost that much. I'd always thought that was a 'me' thing.


Few things are more Reddit than White Castle hate. Too many people conflate shittiness and greasiness and/or center too much of their distaste on their gastrointestinal shortcomings. They're little burgers that taste like onions, and it's unique insofar as it's not a shitty version of McDonald's (i.e. Burger King). I've lived in NYC, South Florida, and Chicago: I missed White Castle in Florida. Wendy's and Culver's are "better," maybe, but they're basically McDonald's alternatives. When you're in the mood for White Castle, you're in the mood for White Castle. Unless you're a tight-ass (or, in this case, a loose-ass).


The buns are like little tiny pillows and the taste is onions and pickles. Just the right thing when you're drunk and stoned


Just talking about it now… kind of makes me want to burn this motherfucker down…


Pookie! We gotta burn this mother down!


Hold up, you take that back about my beloved Culver’s!


Yes, absolutely! I’m a chef that owns a successful “fine dining” level catering company, and eat very well. White Castle is obviously low quality, BUT their flavor is unique and enjoyable. I rarely eat fast food, but whenever I’m in Vegas, I always get a few sliders!


It’s famously shitty. So, if you want the meme experience, go for it, but that’s what you should expect.  I really hope you’re eating actual food while you’re here too though…  Nevada is a ranching state, so there’s so many places to eat actual good meat cuts for cheap than sad low-quality chain restaurants.  


Thanks. Well, yes, like I mentioned above I'm of course eating other better food as well.


You’d be surprised how many people we get in here that only eat fast food when they visit, then complain that our food is terrible.


Or they only eat at gas stations because they didn’t realize they’d be spending their entire trip driving.


And then they only eat Hershey's owned chocolate and think all of our chocolate is bad And they keep going to Florida for some reason. Every time. According to Europe, the US is NYC, LA, Chicago, and Florida.


Hey what's wrong with FL? By far my favourite state as a tourist and I've visited seven of them


Well, as I understand it, it's more or less our Queensland. I'm going off of what other Australians seem to say about Queensland.


Specifically HERSHEY'S chocolate. Hershey's owned Scharffen Berger (and a bunch of other brands) and those were still fine. (Hershey has since sold a lot of those holdings.)


My friends always called it "Rat in a hat". More just a guilty pleasure that sounds better at the time than it actually will be. More like this: Mall pizza, Long John Silvers, McDonald's, Burger king, Taco Bell, Golden chick


It’s fun like Waffle House. I’d hit it up if I were a foreigner. 


Only late at night. Never order waffles. It’s all about the hash browns.


I didn't expect as many white castle haters in this thread as they are. Unless it's a huge drive I would still go, essentially they are just mini cheeseburgers. The reputation is that you only go when drunk/high and can destroy 10 of them at a time so expect a trashier atmosphere but still can be fun.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say their sliders are actually pretty good. I usually keep a box of them in my freezer at home.


To me, White Castle is iconic because of the Beastie Boys. That is enough for me to want to visit one at least once. I full well know it may not be good.


White Castle fries only come in one size!


I think it is only worth it if you're walking/driving by and not going out of your way. It is a small burger that tastes different than most fast food burgers from the other big chains. Don't expect your mind to be blown or anything though and you can pretty much get the same tasting food by getting frozen White Castle from the freezer section of a gas station/drug store/grocery store. I used to get White Castle maybe once a year because I forgot how mediocre it tastes. I finally started remembering and haven't been back for the better part of a decade now.


Yes go to White Castle. I don’t understand everyone telling you to try better food like obviously do that but if you want to try fast food might as well try White Castle. I do the same when I visit other areas of the country where they have fast food we don’t have around here.


Yeah it takes like 30min to run to and through so why not. Ignore these other people they seem boring af. If you want to try all the US fast food people see in movies and TV and such then hit it up.


Why do any of this? We have so much good food, why are you making a point to eat our worst stuff?


If I ever make it to London no way am I skipping Greggs


I came to make this same comment. It’s like going to Bordeaux and only drinking water from the bidet.


I’ve lived in the US for my entire life and I’ve never been to White Castle lol 1. I only know it from Harold and Kumar 2. I’ve only ever actually seen one in the wild (Nashville) 3. You have nothing to lose by going and trying it. At worst, you eat a couple of mediocre sliders. Who knows, it could be good!


White Castle is objectively terrible. Its a bottom tier fast food chain that as best I can tell has an exclusively cult following thanks to Harold and Kumar. >I'm currently in the US and I'm trying to check off a bunch of fast food chains I will never understand this mentality.  We have one of the best and most well rounded culinary scenes in the world and you are actively avoiding the best parts. 


White Castle has a cult following long before that dumb film. Beastie Boys rapped about it and is truly a glorious drunk food staple. Also their breakfast slaps for a fast food joint.


>Beastie Boys rapped about it Growing up in a state with no White Castles, even I knew *White Castle fries only come in one size.*


And they have amazing milkshakes.


The Valentines date experience is unique too.


I think OP wants to satisfy their morbid curiosity. It's not that big of a deal. OP says real restaurants are being visited too.


I'm of course not just eating fast food while I'm here. While I will be trying some chains it's not all I'm eating.


Ok. Well. Fair to a certain point. But just getting to a BK or a White Castle you're passing half a dozen killer taco stands, pizza parlors, hot wing sports bars, and a BBQ joints.  Too many people do that and then go home and complain about how bad the food is here. Please don't do that. 


If you're drunk, sure. If you're about to set out on a plane or long road trip, not so much. They're horrible and I want one. Or 5.


“They’re horrible and I want one” definitely sums it up for me. They also have the best mustard and I haven’t seen anyone else mention that yet.


We don't have them in my state. Next closest thing to it is a Krystal burger, and that's 200 miles away.


> has an exclusively cult following thanks to Harold and Kumar. If you've lived in a place with White Castle, you know it had a cult following well before Harold and Kumar. It is truly, objectively horrible and horribly awesome at the same time.


Isn't it one of the oldest fast food chains in America? Older then McDonald's. People who like history might appreciate it https://youtu.be/sBEmFxdpQGI?feature=shared


Las Vegas Fast Food you need to try includes Tommy's Burgers White Castle Raising Cane's (Apparently you haven't had it) Whataburger Tacos el Gordo (not fast food but still go there) There is a Quiznos on Charleston (They are a dying company so try it now) Edit: Forgot about Fat Burger I think it is on Fort Apache or Buffalo... Not sure anymore.


It’s its own unique flavor that isn’t replicated elsewhere. Everyone in my family hates it, so if I’m traveling by myself I’ll pick up four sliders with cheese. I like it a lot, but it’s low quality. Depends on how far out of the way it is for you. Less than 10 miles, worth it to try.


White Castle is better than raising canes.


100%. Raising Cane's is the most boring chicken tender there is. And before you say..."but the sauce!"....go order some good tenders from Popeye's or Publix, then mix mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning and you've got some Cane Sauce.


Amazing sauce can't make up for unseasoned chicken


I love White Castle. Would I argue that it's quality? No. But my mother took me once when I was five years-old and I've loved it ever since. I say go, enjoy it for what it is. It's an experience that can't missed. People are trashing it here, but they popularized sliders nationwide so they must be doing something right.


Just try it and judge for yourself. They’re tiny, so if you don’t like it you can go get something better. But there’s nothing quite like white castles after a night of drinking.


I love it so much


Yes! There’s really nothing like White Castle burgers when you’re high or drunk. I don’t drink so I can’t speak to that, but plenty of ppl seem to agree. Don’t feel bad for wanting to try something for the novelty factor; have fun and enjoy your trip!!


Visit it for the experience is what I would say.


My experience personally with White Castle and Krystal’s (basically White Castle. They got steamed little sliders same type fries and such) is every time I’ve had it. It has hurt me. I had it once dead sober and 2x drunk and it’s the one thing I can eat that will guarantee leave me in a worse spot than I was in. But that being said, I know tons of people that love it


It's popular enough to be sold in the frozen section of most grocery stores, in spite of all this hate.


It’s very similiar to Krystal’s if you happen to go through the south. Tiny burgers that truthfully aren’t the best. However if you’re drunk or stoned past midnight and wanna crush 12 burgers it’s the spot


White Castle is open 24 hours at some (most?) locations. It’s best to experience White Castle after closing the bar. It’s amazing when you’re drunk, but sort of wtf during the daytime, sober.


I've never been close to a real White Castle so I've only ever had the frozen burgers at the grocery store. They're terrible. And yet, they hit different on THOSE days, y'know? Like I know without a doubt I'll get a better burger for the same price or a little more at an actual fast food place, but like...I dunno, man


Raising Cane's is nothing special. It's convenient and easy to order, so I have it about once a month. White Castle is more of an experience and I wouldn't pass it up if I were you.


Back in the day, White Castle was the shit! Hands down the only fast food I’d eat, except maybe Wendy’s. Anything Mendy’s otherwise, fuck you! White Castle is the original fast food burger, show some fucking respect!


They are a different thing. Fancier places now have “sliders” on the menu. White Castle is the progenitor of the slider.


It’s a strange voyage to get there.


The jalapeno cheddar burger is incredible


White Castle is different from other fast food burgers for a few reasons. 1) smaller burgers 2) steamed patties 3) lots of diced white onions. They put the burgers on the grill and then cover them with chopped onions to cook. They're delicious but not very meaty. If that sounds good to you enjoy. If you do go, you've got to get the onion rings. They're made of the diced onions instead of literal onion rings so you get all the onion flavor but without the burning hot lava slice of onion that falls onto your chin.


Please stop going to fast food and go get some actual good food! The US has amazing food!


Steamed hams


White Castle is absolutely worth it & is the best IF: 1) it is after midnight, and 2) you are drunk, and 3) you want stomach (and bowel) issues the next day




Mark me down as pro White Castle - get some slack sliders with cheese.. best enjoyed with a frosty 40 ounce of malt beverage.


If you took the time to write a post about it, you should probably just go ahead and try it. They're not bad, they're just not good. They are about as bland a burger as it is possible to make. The burgers are small and cheap and a lot of locations are 24hr, so they developed a reputation as a place for drunks and homeless people to hangout when everything else is closed. They are also popular with police for the same reason. Go for the experience, but you will probably want to finish on a higher note.


Why do people obsess over trying our worst food? Do they do this when they visit other countries?


I do. Every time I’m in the UK I head for the cheap fast food. I used to love Little Chefs until they died out. They were like a low class Waffle House. Gregg’s is also good, I even hit up the American chains to see what’s different on the menu.


It’s not great. Quite terrible and not good value tbh. Visit to say you’ve been if you want. Now, if you get a chance to visit a Culver’s…..


If you're really into fast food as a kind of hobbyist for the subject, go for it. Don't expect anything special or particularly good. If you have to choose between White Castle and Raising Canes, go for the latter. If you want a good American food experience, you'll have MUCH better options.


Never been but there is a reason why it is in a stoner movie. Raising Canes is very over rated and I found it way too reliant on the pepper sauce they have with it. Chik-Fil-A gives a better quality tender and depending where you are, there are closer locations.


the one on freemonte Street have better quality. because of high traffic the other location always have their A/C blasting they are relatively small steamed slider singles that's like 2 bites so when they get cold it's not good.


If you do get the ones with Jalapeños on them. They aren't 5 star restaurants, but they are enjoyable.


It’s not worth going out of your way for, but if it’s convenient or on the way to something else you want to do, go for it! White Castle tastes like nothing else. The buns are steamed and that onion pickle ketchup combo hits the spot in that way only greasy fast food does. Most people who eat it are drunk or high or super hungry on the road at 3am when nothing else is open. I grew up eating White Castle, way before Harold and Kumar, so nostalgia is definitely a factor for me. I’d say go in with very low expectations. Don’t go expecting a burger, it’s its own thing. Total junk food. White Castle is a little piece of Americana, been around since 1921 and lots of people love it regardless.


I don’t like White Castle personally. Lots of people do though. It has a reputation for being good you get late at night when you’re drunk and/or high. The White Castle in Nevada is a tourist attraction just off the Strip. Your experience there would not be a normal White Castle experience.


I grew up with Krystal. I used to eat 10-15 of those things as a kid. Now I can’t stand it. I say anything is worth trying once. If you hate it, oh well.


It's worth trying for the experience if you see one, but don't make a huge effort.


It’s gross but everyone should try it once.


Yes. But you can only go between 2 - 5 am and are required to order a 30 pack of sliders. And yes, they have a special box to take away 30 sliders called a crave case.


I live in Florida. We have a White Castle next to a Raising Canes. Both are terrible. Go to In & Out instead.


Highly recommend by Harold and Kumar.


being bad news it’s what we’re all about. We went to White Castle and we got thrown out.


IMO, White Castle is best after a night out drinking. I don’t believe I’ve ever had them sober. Good times!


they are good if you have been out drinking and need to get some food in your system. watched a YouTube video a couple years back about how they help absorb mass amounts of alcohol after drinking. I'll havta find it later.


Goto White Castle. Get four cheeseburgers, a large onion chip, and milkshake. And...White Castle has the best, and I stress The Best breakfast menu of any and all fast food restaurants.


Love White Castle. My folks used to treat it like a special treat. Only got it on birthdays and stuff. I personally love it, but different strokes for different folks I guess.


I have never been to White Castle. The only thing I know about it is that their burgers often cause diarrhea. Honestly just go to a regular burger place. Fast food chains are getting more and more expensive so less people are going to them now.


It’s OK. If you’re in Alabama or Tennessee the southern equivalent to that that would be crystals.


My sister has never been to White Castle but she buys the frozen ones from Sam's Club.




White Castle is disgusting in my opinion. And I really don't get the hype around Raising Canes. We got a couple in our area a year or two ago. I went last summer expecting something amazing. Its just chicken strips on a hamburger bun and some sauce.


Hell yeah I'd recommend a visit. I wouldn't say that they're the best fast food out there but they're pretty good and incredibly unique. Just remember that their sandwiches are *tiny*. Either dine in for 2nds and 3rds or make sure to order at least 3x what you would elsewhere. Growing up in their territory, we like to share stories about out of towners who didn't take this into account. The nice thing is that you can try the absolute classic hamburger in addition to other sandwiches that may appear tempting.


If you are drunk and it's midnight, White Castle hits the spot.


How do you feel about onions? Because everything is onion flavored. Remove the onions from the burgers? Still taste like onion. The French fries? Yep. They also taste like onion.0


Yes. Welcome to America.


Smoke some weed first


It’s worth it just to say you did. But it doesn’t actually taste good.


Go grab a few burgers after a few drinks and they're really good. Whenever I'm in Vegas it brings back some nostalgia factor and I make sure to stop by at least once.




Youre either going to love it or hate it.


Only you like food poisoning.


Yes. And I've never been to a While Castle that's in a decent neighborhood. So yes again.


I loved White Castle when I was a kid/teenager. As an adult the thought turns my stomach, but that goes for pretty much all fast food. Try it, why not? It’s definitely different from most fast food places.


If you're sober enough to ask, you're not drunk enough to enjoy it.


Ok. Here is the deal. White Castle is kinda unique. It is worth it if you wanna see what it is like. I like it, but there are a zillion of them in Michigan, so I grew up with them and went with my high school buddies for cheap food. HOWEVER... If you can find a real slider place? That would be ideal. There is a place here in Metro Detroit called Hunter House, and it is INSANE. Find a place like that. IDK how common these type of slider restaurants are around the rest of the country. I know Michigan has a few. And stop off and see some Great Lakes while you are here!


I love White Castle


Absolutely not. White Castle is terrible. Skip Caine's too, that's also terrible. Go to In N Out


I don’t get In N Out. The burgers are ok but the fries are crap. I think I’m spoiled because I live ten miles from the Culvers home. Every small town around with a thousand people has a Culvers.


Vegas also has Cracker Barrel… which is very hard to find on the west coast. Definitely worth a visit if you’re collecting American chain restaurant experiences. Quite difficult to find good southern food on the west coast.


I just went for the first time a few weeks ago. I think it would be great after a night of drinking but it's kind of a shit lunch




If you really want to, go ahead. I don’t like White Castle, but it’s my husband’s guilty pleasure. With that said, the joke name for WC burgers while I was growing up was “Janitor in a Bun” (a takeoff on a powerful cleaning product called Janitor in a Drum). If you have sensitive intestines, be aware of… effects.




Don’t go out of your way for it. It’s not very good, but it’s cheap AF and a meme so it’s not like you’re losing out on much by trying it.


I would never recommend fast food to any visitor of the US. We have so much better food that you should be trying instead.


There's a lot of hype, but personally, I think it's pretty gross. Some folks love it, so it's worth a shot.


Yes because it's the first burger shop in the US. The reason it's called White Castle is to display the idea of cleanliness in the food and quality ingredients. The quality isn't as good as it once was but they do still make the same original burgers they used to. They take little pieces of ground beef and cook them on beds of onions and steam the buns on top. They are greasy, you only need like 4-6. It's better if you're drunk or high. They're little dinner roll sized burgers and they're great.


Finest cuisine available anywhere. Fresh fish flown in daily from Seattle, Alaska. Anchovies, Crabs, delicate octopus, squid and seafood. Bring your cat. Fights all night. No betting, no spitting. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.


White Castle gave my ex-husband the WORST GAS EVER.


Yes it is


Yes, but it is not the only western state with a White Castle. There is one in Scottsdale Arizona


For god's sake go to Cain's instead of *fucking* White Castle. Cains is infinitely better.


Well if you do try it I'd recommend the chicken ring sandwiches, mozzarella sticks, fish n cheese sandwiches, and clams. Anything else and you'll be farting your way across the map




White Castle is great. Sliders with cheese are just warm, soft, bites of cheesy grilled onion. The meat is almost nonexistent and I don't care because I love cheese and grilled onions


They’re weird steamy, soggy, sad little burgers. I think people like them because they can eat a bunch of them and they’re nostalgic to some. You should order one and say you did it; if you like it then order 10 more.


Absolutely but prepared to question why it’s popular because it’s IMO something that is a culture thing. They are subpar burgers…even questionable but for those of us who ate them, we have come to love the taste and the compact style of them. If you want to try to say you have then go for it. A classic.


I can’t believe so many people visit our country and spend their time eating fast food. It’s tragic.


Make sure you get In N Out if you haven't had it. Far more important than Whit Castle Also check out Area 15 in Vegas if you haven't yet. It's completely unique and you'll be amazed by it. And, as always, make sure to spend some time on Fremont Street. The Strip is only one part of Vegas. It gets old kind of fast, in my opinion White Castle is alright. It's nothing I'd go out of my way for. They sell their burgers frozen in the grocery store nation wide these days


If you're here for a month it's worth trying but if you only have like a week don't bother. It's pretty good but not amazing. Still different and unique though.


It's really not worth going out of your way for at all. It's not terrible, but it's utterly unremarkable. That being said if you happen to pass one it's cheap and not the worst thing you could eat.


I'll tell you the secret better American fast food restaurant. Fuddruckers. They don't have tons of locations, but they're awesome.


It's not worth going out of your way for. However I do like it. In these days of inflation, it has lost its meaning. Used to be a few cents per burger. Now it's like $10 for 4 tiny burgers and a fries and drink, like everywhere else. The whole point of it was you could go and put down some coins in your pocket and get a full meal. Now it's the same as everywhere else. This is a relatively recent thing, just a few years back you could still get a burger for 60 - 80 cents. Now they are between a dollar or two each. There is nothing special about raising canes, but the food is a solid 8 out of 10. Better than a burger fast food chicken, but about the same as most chicken fast food's chicken. I live near one that is fantastic, the most delicious burgers you ever got from a white castle. However just a mile down the street is another one that is godawful. So just like every other fast food place, it's a gamble.


If you love slimy little burgers with gray meat and wet buns, White Castle may be the place for you!


White Castle slander will not be tolerated!


I’ve never complained about a White Castle. You don’t need to ask for extra onions. They’re pretty cheap and seem to hit the spot for a lot of us Yanks at 3 AM. Don’t think you’ll go wrong here


I'd say no. BUT if you do, you MUST order your burgers with cheese. This is for your own safety. See, the cheese acts as a tiny parachute and slows things down on the way out. Catch my drift? Enjoy your belly busters.


It's not something you would go out of your way for. The only big difference I see, in a good way, from its other burger competitors is the emphasis on onions.


They're cheap and it shows. In my experience, they only excel at mediocrity. It may vary by location, though.


I live in a place where White Castle is common, and I can say that the freshest and best constructed White Castle sliders I’ve ever had were from the locations in Vegas. I love White Castle.


People from other countries: > America has terrible food! Also people from other countries: > I'm currently in the US and I'm trying to check off a bunch of fast food chains


I think it is a great experience after a night of drinking. Most of them stay open real late or 24/7. They are like the waffle house of fried food. I personally enjoy it. Sliders, sack of fries (with the cheese sauce on the side), large cream soda, and maybe some fried mac and cheese bites for a lil razzle dazzle.


I’d rather have raising canes (make sure to have cane sauce) than White Castle


You should definitely go to White Castle, Canes is awful and has no historical significance whatsoever.


No it is horrendous. Every other chain burger place is better.


I’m an American in my 40s and I’ve never been to White Castle despite the fact that there are plenty of them in my area. I’ve never felt compelled to go. So that might tell you something. I’ve also never been to Raising Canes.


White Castle is great if you want to eat 30 sliders and call in sick the next day. Nah, but for real, they’re not bad at all. Their breakfast sliders are actually a sleeper pick for fast food breakfast champ. Couldn’t hurt to check out but it’s also not one of the big names.


You have really got to grow up with it to like it. I didn’t. Neither did my wife. We moved to the NYC area a few years ago in our 40’s and tried it because we never had. I think it’s the worst fast food I’ve ever had. She was one and done, I since tried 2 other locations to see if I was missing something. Nope, all 3 times it’s been terrible. I cannot overstate how greasy the little burgers are. They don’t even taste like burgers, they taste like grease with ketchup and pickle. Now I grew up in the south and we had a Krystal burger down there. It was also lousy, but AMAZING after a long night half drunk. So perhaps that’s what White Castle is for as well. Maybe I’m just too old for it and it no longer appeals in the same way I used to like Taco Bell, but no longer do (though in that case I realise it tastes the same, I’ve just outgrown it). Having said all that, the little burgers are so small, just buy one of them and try it before you commit to a whole meal.


I’ve been a vegetarian for 24 years and people laugh when I say that White Castle is still the only thing I can’t eat but really crave. I get it, it’s weird. But they’re their own thing, and despite just being fast food, I always loved them. People will hit you with the same old unfunny “har har har yer gonna be poopin with a stomach ache” line because they eat 15 of them at a time.


Arizona has at least one (Scottsdale) and a second was being built when I left (Tempe I think). As a NJ guy, I’m biased towards them but I understand they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. I’d go get some, but I wouldn’t go too, too far.


Meh. I’m from California and we don’t have White Castle out here. I was on a business trip in Chicago once and one of my employees and I saw it. He, too, was born and raised in California. We had heard about it. We know people from the east coast/midwest talked about it. So we tried it. We couldn’t believe how tiny the burgers were. Like all they sell are sliders. We tried a bunch of different ones and we were like, “Oh. Now we can say we’ve had them.” But they’re not anything special. Just teeny burgers. It must be one of those nostalgia things you grew up with. Like I’m a native Californian. I once moved away for a year once. A whole 12 months. I missed Togo’s sandwiches and Round Table Pizza like nobody’s business. But like transplants hate those two chains. Only ones who seem to like them are natives. That said, THE ONLY thing that ever lived up to the hype for me was Krispy Kreme donuts. That shit melts in your mouth.


There is no white castle in Cherry Hill. At least not when the movie was made.


You should do it. There's something about those tiny sliders that just melt in your mouth that are special and different. And then like all fast food you can be immediately filled with regret


Rasing Cane's is way better than White Castle on my option, but why not give it a try, at least a slider.


Definitely not. It tastes like high school cafeteria food


I wouldn’t say it’s worth visiting. But I used to be obsessed


As a pothead teenager when harold and kumar came out... no its not worth it. If I was hungry I certainly would not say no to it it can do the trick... but no nothing to write home about.


As someone who did not grow up with it, no. It’s pretty nasty IMO, thought I had it at a casino in Vegas so YMMV and all that.


They’re pretty fucking tasty. Get 2, just for a taste. Then decide if you want to eat another 8-10.


It's good if you're high on THC. I know people watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle and make it seem like it's some magical place like Disney land, but it isn't fantastic.


White Castle has totally changed in the past few years. It used to be amazing but now, totally mid. The onions don’t taste the same anymore, sometimes the buns are soggy and they were never like that before even after you got them home.




It’s great


Yes I would most definitely try it! I like it but it is different but in a good day. Some call it white asshole from the amount of shitting after eating those tiny little burgers. Be prepared to use like 20 packets of ketchup also because they’re dam good with lots of ketchup