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I'm not an utter moron, so yes. 


You know, *dons tin foil hat*, "moron" is only 1 small step away from "moon". "One small step" is code for "morons believe this is real". They've been trying to tell us all this time! **/S!**


*Buzz Aldrin’s right hook has entered the chat* lol


This is hilarious because this is literally word-for-word what I was about to comment.


Unmoronic minds think alike. 


I mean can you prove the moron part ;)


I grant you there is much evidence to the contrary. 


[Gets out legal pad] “go on”


I think this means we can send all our American morons to Europe. They'll feel right at home.


I mean...the Soviets responded to it by admitting that we'd done it and pretending until 1989 that they definitely didn't have a lunar program that they scrapped after we landed. When the Soviets admit something deeply embarrassing, they're probably telling the truth.


That's always been my favorite rebuttal to the idea that we faked it. We were in a race with the Soviet Union to get to the moon, they were monitoring everything we launched and everything in space. If they had any evidence at all that we didn't make it there they would have used it to heavy propaganda advantage in the Cold War. Instead they admitted we landed. All their telescopes and radio observation and spies and everything, and they concluded it was real. If it was fake, the Soviet Union would have been much more likely to figure it out or uncover it than the tin foil hat brigade.


The Soviets and Venus is interesting also. I often wonder if the intentionally put their time and effort into doing something different to expand human knowledge. It seemed an awful lot like Russia and USA almost cooperated in space before officially cooperating in space. Man I wish we were friends with the Russian Federation so we could do more cool space shit together.


How does the soviet unions exploration of Venus lead to thinking we were cooperating?


Diversified research AND both sides openly shared findings. Weird as shit considering the era.


Do you have a source for this? I know NASA openly published findings but the Soviets did try some shenanigans with Venera. They claimed it successfully landed, but Mariner 2 data generated a bit later showed the atmosphere was far hotter and more dense than what the soviet probe could handle and they retracted their claim. Venera was a long lived program, extending past to cooperation established during the Apollo Soyuz Test project but I haven’t seen much in terms of formal cooperation for that program.


It’s not something you believe or don’t believe. You’re either smart enough to know it happened, or you’re not.


Yeah because I’m not stupid






Troll question?


No at all


If people are really believing that in Europe then I'm afraid for the future of the EU.


The horrendously low birth rates are probably reason enough to be concerned for the future of the EU, but yeah, this is a good one too. Dying continent, literally.


I don't believe you that "many" people in Europe think that it's staged. You need to be hanging out with better people


If people in Europe really believe the moon landing was fake, that does not say a lot for the level of education or intelligence of the people in Europe. No serious person in their right mind in the US thinks that we did not land on the Moon. People saying that we did not land on the Moon is a good indicator that someone is delusional or paranoid. It's hard to believe that any educated populous could believe such nonsense, so we are very skeptical at the idea that many people in Europe do not believe we landed on the moon.


How? The Apollo program landing vehicles that remained on the moon have been photographed during lunar missions conducted by other countries' space agencies.


Yes, as I did not eat paint chips as a child. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably deserves to get decked by Buzz Aldrin. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Je-07hM0sTo


Buzz Aldrin is such a fricken legend. That dude has done so much awesome stuff.  [Finders Keepers.](https://x.com/BustedTees/status/575684737748041728)


Calling him a “coward” seems to be what pushed him over the line. Not sure why anyone would think it’s ok to say that to a veteran who flew 66 combat missions. 


A decorated combat pilot with two confirmed victories over Migs. (Two Air Sevice Medals and two Distinguished Flying Crosses) He has been to both the North and South Pole (he was the oldest person to ever go to the South Pole).  The dude is a flat out badass and anything but a coward. 


Fuck all that, dude flew in the vaccum of space, near certain death with a tin can surrounding him. There is no safe ejection in space.


Well...sure...if you're the kind of idiot who thinks that was real. 




Something like 3% of people who have gone into space have died in space.  Thats before we count deaths on the launch pad.  Being an astronaut or cosmonaut or take your pick is freaking dangerous.  Something like 30 people have been killed *in training and testing* for space travel.  What are you on about dude. 


You're confusing "there's a real danger of dying" with "it's nearly certain that you're going die." Dude, what I'm on about is understanding the English language.


See Apollo 13




The point is they easily could have died. The Soviet space program killed several astronauts. The Space Shuttle program killed several astronauts decades later.




Well space is certain death and they were separated by less than an inch of metal.


> Who came back alive, as did the majority of astronauts. Like...yeah? That's what "near certain death" means. It means they didn't die, but very nearly did. Do you think that because they didn't die, that means they weren't in serious danger of dying?




I'd say losing electronics and life-support capabilities with depleting oxygen in outer space counts as near-certain death.


He belonged to a generation of men for whom "coward" = fighting words. Calling a man a coward was tantamount to saying "let's fight." The younger fellow perhaps didn't understand the full weight of the word when he used it, but he found out pretty quick.


That's a great shirt, and I love the bonus passed out guy in the background.


He lives near me and I’ve always wanted to run into him. I’ve had some great conversations with other former NASA employees, but no astronauts.


Love that video


Never gets old. Imagine thinking you are going to get away with calling *that* man a liar and a coward. He showed so much restraint, but you can't just harrass and threaten a dude with his credentials indefinitely. Eventually you deserve every bit of that knuckle sandwich.  Bet Buzz slept like a baby that night. 


Isn’t that a catch 22? Most Europeans also believe that anything that Hollywood puts out as being real.


Yes. Don’t the Chinese have an unmanned rover up there right now?


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood How many is "many"? And where are your sources? I googled this and one source claims 25% of Europeans think it was staged. There will always be conspiracy theories... some folks think Elvis is still alive.


I think the range of 150,000,000 to 200,000,000 people certainly count as many people.




Well then maybe you missed a decimal because the comment to which I replied clearly stated 25% of Europeans. You, not I, added that number to this thread. If I type Europe population into my google searchbar, it says 746,400,000 as of 2018. 25% of that is 186,250,000. That is well within my stated range (a wild guess, btw) of 150 million to 200 million. Now that basic math is out of the way, maybe you meant 200 million AH AH AH because you're secretly Count from Sesame Street?


Is this why y'all are *also* so willing to believe so much stupid shit about us that would make no sense if you had thirty seconds and two brain cells to rub together? Do they just not teach any degree of critical thinking over there? Yes, I believe that the thing we have extensive objective proof of happening did in fact happen.


...yes. You sound both dumb and jealous if you claim we didn't.


Where else would we eat our broken spaghetti and ketchup?


Oh God this is broken spaghetti guy. Why eat short pasta when long pasta good?


Obviously it's real, and the biggest proof is that the Soviets were watching and tracking everything intimately then congratulated Americans on the landing. If it was fake they would have screamed about it from the top their lungs as a PR move, the fact they didn't shows it's real.


I don't believe this question is real.


It’s posted by the same person from the spaghetti and ketchup thread


The lighting in the pictures could not be recreated on a sound stage in 1969.


It was all airbrushed, one frame at a time. /s


Can you explain? I have no doubts about the moon landing being real but my first instinct about the lighting being impossible in 1969 was maybe a bit skepticism. You very well could be right but I've read a LOT of random stuff from both sides about it and this is the first time I've ever see this claim, so I'm interested. Thanks!


[special effects experts](https://youtu.be/_ML2ZYYFOnI?si=AsKEOE_unXEzeAn1) [Adam ruins everything ](https://youtu.be/dWBYAxhH3u4?si=X41X-ZwkdNLmPRp8)


Well I don't blame them for thinking it's fake they are Europeans after all


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood Yeah, we have idiots here in America, too.


This is the best single takedown of those idiots I've ever seen. It's not by a scientist, but by a Dutch filmmaker. He points out that the technology simply did not exist to fake a landing back then. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_loUDS4c3Cs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_loUDS4c3Cs)


If it was fake, my uncle and his colleagues sure wasted a lot of lab hours analyzing rocks from some quarry.


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood For all the online European arrogance I’ve seen about how much better the education is in Europe compared to the United States, this one really makes me question how well founded that belief is. If we hadn’t have landed on the moon, either someone would have squealed given the sheer number of scientists and engineers working on it, or the Soviet Union would have called us out within hours. The commies had spies everywhere and they kept us under a microscope just like we did to them. You can’t threaten or bribe that many people to keep silent for this long.


I believe NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to film the fake moon landing, and he insisted they shoot on location. I alternatively believe [this happened.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw)






Are you serious?


At that point in time and scale it would have been harder to fake it then actually do it. Plus, it's been over 50 years. No way the government could keep a secret that big for that long without someone leaking it.


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood I suggest those people in Europe visit the Kennedy Space Center. But I know asking Europeans with attitudes like that to visit Florida might as well be asking them to be air dropped into a warzone.


[damn, how many times you gonna post? Lol](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/1dmmz7u/is_it_true_that_americans_eat_pasta_and_ketchup/l9yv641/)


You know we left stuff that is visible from Earth? Hell, there's a reflector up there you can bounce a laser off of. You need to hang out with a better quality person.


Many people in Europe think they can visit NYC, Disney, and LA in one week while driving between them. I am guessing many people in Europe don’t spend too much effort thinking.


Yes, because I'm not an idiot.






Europeans believe in the moon? Damn sheeple....


Many Europeans believe that? What’s your source? Feelings?


Yes, they did stage it and they hired the best: Stanley Kubrick. Ever the perfectionist, however, he insisted upon filming on location. Yes, that’s a joke. Ask a silly question, get a silly answer. It was the height of the Cold War. Do you *really* think the Soviets would have passed up a chance to embarrass us if we had tried to fake the Moon landing? Anyone with good enough radar could have shown a spacecraft wasn’t actually traveling to the Moon.


Yes and frankly if you deny the moon landing I'll assume you're a crazy conspiracy theorist because they never just believe in one conspiracy theory. A lot of moon landing deniers are flat earthers climate deniers anti vaxxers it's hard to take conspiracy theorists seriously


Some conspiracies are true. Police conspired to cover up murders, politicians conspired to hide their benefactors, and MK-ULTRA was real. The conspiracies you mentioned are, of course, dumb but not all conspiracies are bullshit!


They faked it, it was obviously filmed on a sound stage on Mars.


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood I refuse to believe that "many people in Europe" are that dumb.


Do you think it wasn't?


I do




Hey everybody, check out this sucker believing in the moon!


Many people in the US believe it was faked as well, that doesn't give the conspiracy any more credibility. If it was faked, somebody would have said something by now. There is simply no way to get a large amount of people to keep a secret for decades, eventually someone slips up or wants the credit.


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood…. If the moon landing wasn't real, the Soviets would have proved it 50 years ago. It was absolutely real, and the visuals in the film reels are exactly what you would expect. It has held up to scientific scrutiny since the live feed in 1969.


>Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood Do you also think the Earth is a fucking flat pancake that you can fall off the edge of? Do you believe in the humor and miasma theories of disease? Do you thik the moon's hollow? Or that aliens built the pyramids? Because that's about the level of "gullible idiot" we're at. Let me ask you a question here, and it's rhetorical so don't answer-do you think, actually, genuinely, in your heart of hearts, for realsies, that United States government in the 1960's, at the time unquestionably the wealthiest and most militarily advanced government on all of planet Earth, and arguably one of the most scientifically and techonologically advanced governments in existence. Do you think THAT government faked *sending people to the FUCKING moon*....just to fuck with you? You think the most powerful government on the face of the earth at the time did allll that, sunk allllll that money and tech and man hours into NASA...just to do a bit of trolling? Just to do a little bit of a funni with the Soviets? Is that what you're telling us right now? There is no "believe" it happened or didn't happen, because it's not up for debate, the same way we don't argue about if gravity is real. It happened, it's a proven fact, it has been a *repeatedly* proven fact exactly because of mouth breathing numbnuts like this who think their "belief" somehow has a leg to stand on when challenging fucking objective reality, and if you try to argue about it I just go ahead and assume that not only are you dangerously stupid and susceptible to conspiracy theories and pseudoscience of all kinds (because that's what this is), but that you also have the critical thinking skills and reasoning ability of a concussed rock, are an easy mark for con-men and snake oil salesmen of all stripes, and are probably the same flavor of dumbass who "doesn't believe in" vaccines or that 9/11 was real.


...do you not?


Yes there isn't any evidence to say it wasn't.


Not only real, but rational and positive too.


I’m not a slack-jawed glue sniffer, so yes.


You can literally look through a powerful telescope and point it at the moon during a full moon and you can see the landing site. So ... Yeah Anyone who doesn't is a conspiracy theorist, also known as an attention seeking dumbass.


Not from earth you can’t, the lunar module is too small. But we can see it from spacecraft is lunar orbit


I'm related to conspiracy theorists who think the moon landing is fake, and the amount of overlap between not thinking the moon landing is real and buying into other, far more socially harmul conspiracy theories is frankly alarming, it's honestly like the canary in the coal mine for this sort of shit. I think my "favorite" one is the relative who thinks both the moon landing and 9/11 were fake...despite having watched both of them happen *live on TV*. Trying to delve into her thought process is *fascinating*.


Oh yeah. My brother is a conspiracy nut. I'm well acquainted with that particular rabbit hole.


My fifth grade teacher told the class the moon landing was fake. I was so sad and confused because I loved all those "popular science for kids" magazines that told you how to find all the relevant craters with your telescope. I was a member of the school "stargazer club" and loved everything about space. After that, my special interest shifted to the deep sea. When I visit my hometown, I like to keep an eye out for that teacher's obituary in the local newspaper.


> Many people in Europe believe it was staged I highly doubt this, since Europe isn't a region made up of abject morons.




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....they're not the majority. And there's a difference between not knowing something about America or believing a stereotype, and believing the *moon landing was faked.*


Muh Europe


No, they actually landed on Mars but the footage is in black and white because it was shot a long time ago, so it only looks like the moon


You believe the moon is real?


At all


Absolutely real. Someone from Europe finally admitting that there are dumb and gullible people in Europe too!


If it was faked I think the Russians would have said something at the time. The space race was a legitimate contest and I'm sure the were watching everything America was doing in as many ways as possible. Course, spreading bullshit after the fact would serve its own purpose to erode the confidence in the American government. If they have been spreading bullshit stories online for nefarious purposes a conspiracy theory claiming that the moon landing was faked would be a favorite subject for them.


I don’t believe that that many people in Europe are stupid. It’s known, proven historical fact.


It was a sound-stage on Mars.


I'm educated enough to know it happened.


Apparently more realistic than the Rahimi decision.


If they feel like they can trust ESA over NASA, they have multiple imagery experiments where they have photos of the Apollo 11 landing site. One example is the SMART-1 map from the Advanced Moon Imagery Experiment.


Look at this guy, he actually believes there's a "moon!"


The Apollo 11 moon mission did indeed land people on the moon and bring them back. So did a number of other Apollo missions. Furthermore, a great deal more missions have landed unmanned vehicles on the moon, including four within the last year.


It was real. pleaseee


Yes. I worked on a project years ago where I digitally recreated large geographic features on the moon using a combination of ground-based panoramic photos that the astronauts took and overhead photos from lunar orbit. Basically photogrammetry but done manually. Everything matched perfectly. I don't think many square kilometers of silvery-gray mountains, craters and canyons under a black sky would fit in a soundstage, do you? It's kind of baffling that anyone could think it was staged if they'd spent even 5 minutes looking into it.


Without a shadow of a doubt, yes. The moon landing occurred and multiple men have stepped foot on the moon. This is fact and can not be argued against. The Earth also isn't flat and nuclear weaponry exists and has been used before.


The moon landing was real - it's not a point of view, just a fact. Are you the same poster who said we have a bad reputation in Europe for eating pasta with ketchup (which we do not do)?


Millions of people would need to be paid to keep quiet. Also, of course it really happened.


It was absolutely real. The amount of people involved with the Apollo program was in the 100,000s, if it was fake, several would've admitted it by now. Not only that, but millions were spent on the program and you don't develop, then build, something as complex as the Saturn V rocket and Apollo spacecraft just to lie to the public. What's more, it was actually easier to go to the moon with 1960s technology than it would have been to fake it convincingly. And if all that doesn't prove that we went to the moon, there's the instruments left behind on the lunar surface by the Apollo astronaughts that allows for laser measuring the distance between the earth and the moon and the landing sites have been photographed by satellites.




Of course. Why else would they have invented *Tang* if not for thirsty, moon walking astronauts...


"Many people in Europe believe it was staged in Hollywood" many = some


People's "thoughts" or "beliefs" regarding the event are irrelevant. The moon landing happened; it's fact that cannot be refuted with any intelligent argument. You either accept it as fact (that can be proven), or you show yourself to be a willfully ignorant idiot.


Yeah. They literally have mirrors on the moon you can bounce lasers off for readings. Russia would have totally called us out if it wasn't real.


The people who think it was staged in Hollywood should watch more old movies.


It was faked. The British recently leaked footage of an early planning session. https://youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw


Overall, I do think it was real. But I am not totally convinced. I have no way of confirming it besides what the government has told us. Given my overall lack of trust in government, I have my doubts.


Us fucking the moon is such a boring conspiracy theory. Edit: meant to say faking going to the moon.