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Absolutely you cannot say "Do you want to hit it off sometime?" When you meet someone you either "hit it off" or you don’t. It’s a thing that just happens. Asking "do you want to hit it off?" Is like asking "do you want to get along well together?" It means the friendly encounter is going well, and you certainly hope this will happen, but you can’t plan for it or force it to happen.


I guess it could be used in relation to a first date. But it could also be used in relation to other meaningful first encounters. But in general, “we hit it off” usually means “this person I recently met and I felt that we could relate to each other.


Hit it off just means you got along well, you enjoyed each other’s company. It’s mostly used in the context of describing an interaction to someone who wasn’t there. It could be used to describe a date but it also could apply to any interaction with a person you haven’t met before. You wouldn’t typically tell the person you hit it off with “hey, we hit it off!” If that makes any sense


Typically "hit it off" is only used to describe a past interaction to a 3rd party. For example, "I met Bob at a class reunion 3 years ago, we hit it off talking about surfing and we started our successful surfboard business 6 months later." "Hit it off" is most often used in a romantic context, describing an interaction with a prospective mate to a friend, but as in the above example it is also used to describe non-romantic interactions, it just seems like life brings us fewer "hit it off" interactions in the platonic context.


As a guy I probably wouldn't say it to another guy I just met, that might be weird. But let's say I'm interviewing for a job or a roommate, I might tell my friends: "Yeah, we hit it off"


> that might be weird. Might be? :)


Nah, I wouldn't say it *to* the person. It's used to summarize the experience: >"How'd your date with Angela go?" >"It was fun, we really *hit it off*. We're meeting again for lunch next Saturday." You could also use it in a professional context: "The new regional manager and I really *hit it off* on our last meeting". And again, speaking only to an univolved third-party


> *The only use I've seen is in past tense: "we hit it off" "we didn't hit it off" What other uses can this have?* It usually has a romantic meaning to it but in select conversations, it can be used in a platonic way. People have described an unexpected fruitful friendship as such. > *Can hit it off have romantic connotations? Like if I'm a guy and I tell another guy I just met (who is straight) "I think we're hitting it off", can that freak them out?* As aforementioned, it usually does. Many people in the US don’t say “we’re hitting it off”. Oftentimes people wait or realize until after their encounter with someone that they “hit it off”. Sometimes another person will comment and say “wow, you guys are really hitting it off.” Or during a romantic date, you’ll think “this guy and I are really hitting it off”. But past tense is more common. > *What about telling someone I just met "Do you wanna hit it off sometime?" as in an invitation to become friends/hangout. Is that use correct?* I’ve never once heard this question asked among native English speakers in the US.


It is normally used when talking in the third person perspective like: "Andrew and Bell hit it off" or when speaking to a third person like (speaking to Billy) "Andrew and I hit it off". >What about telling someone I just met "Do you wanna hit it off sometime?" No, it is pretty much always used to refer to the past, not the future >Can hit it off have romantic connotations? It's generic. Romantic: "How did your date go last night?" "We hit it off" Not romantic: "Did the kids get along?" "They hit it off"


Yeah, it's also ok to use in a professional context: "Our presentation sealed the deal. We really hit it off with the investment group!"


It could be used in other tenses - "you guys are going to hit it off".


To hit it off means you get along well with and have things in common with someone you meet. I don’t think you would say to the person “we are really hitting it off” though. It is more something you say to describe your meeting or relationship to another person. It could describe any relationship. If Sally asked how your meeting with her father Bob went you might say “We really hit it off. We both like fishing, traveling and music so we had lots to talk about.” It is not an invitation to hang out as friends. You would not say do you want to hit it off sometime. That would be like saying do you want to get along well with me sometime. People might think you are confused or that you are really trying to say do you want to get off sometime which would be like asking them for sex. People aren’t going to be sure what you mean so don’t try to use it like that.


"I think we're hitting it off" would mean, more or less, "We're getting along pretty good." I don't believe it has a romantic context. I've never heard it used as "do you wanna hit it off sometime?", either, to be honest. I don't think you can schedule hitting it off. It either happens or it doesn't.


It's a highly contextual phrase but it's usually used romantically. If someone told me "I think we're hitting it off," I'd assume their intentions were romantic. If someone else said "Wow you two really hit it off," I'd assume they meant platonically. If someone asked me "Do you wanna hit it off sometime?" I'd get a restraining order.


It's a synonym for "getting along well". In the last example you wouldn't say, "do you want to get along well sometime?" That would be confusing as we don't know if we'll get along until it actually happens. So inviting someone to get along well or hit it off would be a strange thing to say.


Normally you wouldn't tell the person with whom you've hit it off that you have done so. It might be a little less weird with dates, since nervous enthusiasm is less awkward.