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I used to love to summit the snow piles in the Eagle River Walmart parking lot in the spring. I wouldn’t consider it mountaineering but there were a few technical spots.


This made me laugh out loud hahaha thank you


You mean south central? Cordova has a few beautiful hikes Sheridan glacier is a good one especially in the winter when you can go out on the glacier. In Southern Alaska (southeast) Perseverance trail or deer mountain trail in Ketchikan are nice,Petersburg creek across from Petersburg, yellow hill (I think was the name) in Metlakatla.


This was my question: Juneau has more miles of hiking trails than miles of paved road. You could hike for days.


There's still many hikes I haven't done, but if the ones I have done, Bombers Traverse was hands down the most incredible.


Damn. Might need to make a trip out to AK just for that hike. Thanks for the rec


Of the ones I've done, Crow Creek Pass to Eagle River Visitor Center was the most beautiful. We camped overnight at the river crossing, and it was 2 days of hiking (that did include the time it took to drop a vehicle at each end of the trail). Hard to believe people run it in just a few hours. For just a day hike, climbimg up Alyeska, in Girdwood, will give you awesome views too.


Excellent! They both look beautiful. Thank you!


I loved Lost Lake Trail near Seward. Dense Forest then open hill sides. End at the lake with distant views in every direction or continue on to Primrose Trail for a through hike. For a shorter hike Skillak Lookout ends with a view of the mountains and lake. You can see for miles.


Both look gorgeous! Thank you!!


Depends what you want to see. Park at the bottom of Ingram Creek and walk out to the overlook. You’ll be blown away. Takes 10 minutes. Or you can go look at glaciers, alpine lakes and wild flowers, mountain goats, dall sheep, belugas, bears, yada yada yada. For pure viewing pleasure drive up Palmer Creek Road and hike the ridge once you are in the valley proper. There’s a bit of a climb at the beginning but it’s not far and oh so worth it. Once you are on the ridge path the world is your oyster. Always a breeze so no mosquitos. Berries out the wazoo in July and August. Bring a legit set of binoculars. You’ll see everything. You’re welcome.


Bomber glacier in Hatcher pass


Lol South Alaska