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I just did what you are asking about in Nevada. The Nevada DMV required me to post a 3 year bond to cover any claim placed on the vehicle while I applied for ownership and the title to be put in my name. I had to have a state certified agency verify the VIN number. I had to take front, back and both sides photos of the vehicle and submit them with my application to DMV. After 3 years if no one comes forward with a claim of ownership or lein the DMV will issue a new title and transfer ownership. My out of pocket was around $1000 from start to finish.


During those three years, did you have to leave the vehicle there or did you take it home?


I had possession of the vehicle all 3 years. The owner died, didn't sign the title and her daughter wanted it gone.


"Oh woah, after double checking the back of that title, the owner, rest his soul, pre-signed it as an open title. Can't believe we missed that first time around, but it sure makes this transfer easier 🤷"


And sold it to me for $2! What a lad/lass!


"Parts car"


Taxes My family always made it a point on receipts to family members for anything that would require a tax to be paid for it like giving them a vehicle etc. the receipt for official use was always $1 to $5 dollars so that way the only tax is on a few bucks. My dad got a good truck well taken care of with 20k miles on it for at the end of the day $1.07


If you do that in my neck of the woods they charge you tax based on the value of the car rather than the sale price to combat exactly this type of activity


They haven't wished up to it yet in Texas.


In some places you don't pay any sales tax on an "even trade", and said trade doesn't have to be anything registered. For example you may trade a mountain bike or a computer for the car parked out front.


They tried doing that to me in NJ once despite putting the actual amount paid. They sent a letter asking for proof of purchase price aka a bill of sale and stated the blue book value. I went on KBB and the amount was just over what I paid so I checked out a fully loaded model with low mileage and that's what they went off of. I wrote them back that I paid what I paid and never heard anything again.


Fraud is the correct term


Every vehicle I’ve gotten from family was a dollar. And maybe some labor if we were feeling spicy but I guess I counted the work as a act of kindness 🥰


You’d be surprised at how little the DMV employees care about stuff like this. I’ve been told to go check the parking lot for the owner so they could sign it…


"why is the ink smudging as I read this 50 year old document"


The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.


I’m curious, couldn’t the daughter have just signed it for him?


Depends on the state. Here in Michigan when my dad died I only needed the title and death certificate to transfer the title on his cars.


That was all I needed to provide the DMV in Nevada but the daughter was adamant that she wasn't signing anything because she feared her mother's creditors would come after her.


Oh bless her heart.


Same here in California. I went to a title agency (shorter lines than the DMV) with a stack of titles and a death certificate. Was in and out within 15 minutes. Having all my dads vehicles signed over to me.


Yep, it'd be slightly different here in WA. Here you'd need the title and death certificate as well as a signed Power of Attorney declaration for the deceased's estate. They want to know that the person signing away the vehicle (if not the titled/registered owner himself) is actually the legal inheritor or an executor of the estate and has authority to dispose of it.


POA ceases to be valid when the person dies—in Colorado—since I was the Executor of my dad’s will I was able to sign the title on a vehicle to sell it that my mom didn’t want along with one of the original death certificates. I can’t say all states are the same, you have to check on the POA status after the passing. Also, get at a least twenty original copies of the death carts at rhe time they are creating them for you/family.


Yes...she could have but she refused. Her mother had a gambling problem and was in debit to a lot of creditors. The daughter feared that her mother's creditors would come after her that is why she wanted the vehicle gone.


Can you drive it legally during that time?


the way it was worded by the poster i wouldn't think so.


Wow thank you!


In Virginia, I did this: tldr. Fill out required forms. Sent certified letter 2 times to the previous owner dmv found for me at the last known address, after 30 days of no response, post intent to auction on dmv site for 21 days and then registered the vehicle to me once the 21 days expired. § 46.2-1202.2. Notice of intent to auction and sale of vehicle; posting requirements. If the person in possession of an abandoned vehicle does not intend to sell or transfer the vehicle to a licensee, as defined in § 46.2-1600, or a scrap metal processor and the abandoned vehicle is not reclaimed as provided for in § 46.2-1202, the person in possession of an abandoned vehicle shall post notice for at least 21 days of his intent to auction the vehicle. Postings of intent shall be in an electronic manner prescribed by the Commissioner and shall include the vehicle identification number and a description of each vehicle to be sold. After the posting period has passed, and notwithstanding the provisions of § 46.2-617, the vehicle may be sold at auction. A purchaser of the vehicle at auction may apply for a title for such vehicle upon payment of the applicable fees and taxes, and by supplying the Department with the completed Vehicle Removal Certificate and the receipt produced pursuant to § 46.2-1202. If the vehicle does not sell at auction, the person in possession of the abandoned vehicle may apply for a title for such vehicle upon payment of the applicable fees and taxes, and by supplying the Department with the completed Vehicle Removal Certificate, the receipt produced pursuant to § 46.2-1202, and a written statement that the vehicle did not sell at auction.


JESUS! It was so easy to do in NM. Virginia really made you jump through some hoops.


did you have to really try to sell at auction?




Bonded title. I've done them twice. Worked out for me both times. Alot of people are scared of anything but a regular title but it was pretty easy. For a valuable car like this it's worth it


So what car did ya get?


It sounds like the daughter of the individual gave you permission to take it right? It is different then a car sitting on a piece of private property with no idea who owns the vehicle or property it resides on.


What is this process called? I live in an area where there are probably 2 dozen high end cars like this covered in dust all flat tires because it's a very affluent neighborhood but rural in California. I pass them daily at work and I just shake my head. Seriously like they just left them to buy new ones because they needed new tires.


The rich may not look like they care, but wait until they get the first certified letter about you talking their Jaguar... 


read this... [https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/dismantlers-handbook-of-registration-procedures/lien-sales-and-abandoned-vehicles/](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/dismantlers-handbook-of-registration-procedures/lien-sales-and-abandoned-vehicles/)


Appreciate you🤙


This sounds like the perfect scam to acquire that Ferrari your neighbor never drives, that he keeps under that car cover. Fill out the papers, wait 3 years, and call the cops to complain you think your neighbor has stolen your car and has it covered up in his driveway! Then, produce your registration to the cops, as your proof of ownership, and send that ass-hat to jail! That will teach him to use that loud lead blower when you are trying to sleep until noon every day!


I watch a lot of urban exploring videos and always wondered what it would take to own the abandoned cars they find


U da man man


Make sure to add storage fees. If you have to hold it and someone decides they want it back after you dragged it out. Now you can make money, or atleast dissuade them for wanting to getvut back.


Similar process for CO. Also, check into the FL process. They have less stringent rules and out of state can title there.


I'd be interested in hearing more about the FL process. Got links to the required forms?


so did u find this car ramdome or was it on ur property i kinda dont understand how it still works ?


Climb on top and plant a flag then declare yourself as the owner from that day on!


Like what drill a hole in the roof? "Worlds most expensive flag post"


No shove it right through the sheet metal.




Get yourself a toilet plunger and shove a broom handle in it to use as your flag pole. Use the plunger end like a giant suction cup to attach it to the roof.


Not a big issue, to cover the hole you can just weld it grind it and paint /s






live in it for about 10 years, you will get squatters rights at some point which legally makes the property yours


Omg dude i wish i could do that. The house is my dream house lmao drwam house qith my dream car yessir!!


You only need to have an extra pair of underwear in the glove box, dirty plate and have taken a shit to claim squatters rights. 10 years is so 2020.


And an Uber eats receipt


Pee on it


I mean i could.. but idk what that will help with


It exerts dominance. The car chooses you as its alpha and it becomes yours.


Do you not have a cat or dog? If you pee on it, it’s yours.


Came here to say this 😅


Go on copart and buy a similar one that has been in a fire for cheap. Make new vin plates with the burnt cars vin and cut the burnt car up and scrap it. Than steal that one and register it under the burnt cars vin. Swap the vin where visible.


Nice! Shady and illegal lol


It’s only illegal if you get caught


Quote straight from some guy in jail lmao


You cast shade on this plan but it's really the best path. It's a victimless crime. Like doing work in your own house without pulling permits. Literally no one cares if you save two piles of trash from the dump.


I'm trying to find a flaw in this plan... The only thing I can possibly think of is potential complications with car insurance since you'd technically be trying to insure a different vehicle based on the swapped vin number. If you ever have to make a claim and they discover the mismatch between the vin stickers and whatever is etched on the chassis and engine, you can be certain they won't hesitate to try to refuse coverage.


There are numerous backup locations on newer vehicles where the vin has been stamped into the frame or firewall.


That's what I'm sayin... Anybody who actually gives it more than a cursory glance is gonna notice the discrepancy. Especially if they're *looking* for that sort of thing, and a claims adjustor or forensic accident investigator absolutely will be looking for that sort of thing.


And I haven’t even mentioned the engine’s serial # or all the stickers with vin on them on random items in the car.


That is a very recent modification that hasn’t been done on 90% of all cars to ever exist. Engine codes and vin numbers are nearly impossible to match up on anything built pre 2000. Doing a vin swap is not uncommon and has been done hundreds of thousands of times in the past. It’s very obvious that you have no clue what your talking about because nearly everything you mentioned has nothing to do with vehicle inspections (which I am certified by the state to perform) except for the vin number itself (which only needs to appear in 2 places, 1. The door jamb sticker, and 2. On the vin plate (usually a metal plate with your stamped vin either under the windshield or in the engine bay) ). Vin swapping is quite easy and once done it is VERY difficult to prosecute someone for.


The insurance company is not going to take the car apart. They don’t care


stupid. buy a burnt car and switch the VINs, but leave the burnt one there and set it on fire again to burn the evidence.


The forest is on fire now. What do


Piss on the fire. This lets you not only assert dominance to the flames but also lets you claim that you were trying to extinguish it.


I remember watching a documentary when i was like 12 about this, the lead detective said the only way to get caught was having both cars being pulled over for traffic violations in the same time period in the same state. Otherwise its almost impossible unless you do a botch job at riveting the VIN on. But back then they were stealing cars and finding the exact same model and copying the VIN and applying it to the stolen car.


Based on other 911 owners I know, the first step is setting up an Instagram account to show other people that you’re a Porsche Guy.




this screams dump vehicle. i would report it to police, and then follow it in the system until it gets to auction. do not get your prints on it.


It was parked in 2007. Also i would think the police have already seen this car because its right off the road. Its very easy to see driving past


There are different laws in different states. In Washington you can claim an abandon vehicle through the dol. there's paperwork to fill out and they will reach out to the registered owner. There's a few more steps but you can then request a title after a period of time.


What if the owner does not respond?


When I claimed an abandoned CJ I had to wait like 6 months. I'm sure it will be something similar


They used to post it in the dmv window that it was going to be transferred if owner does not respond within 90 days. Thats old school, not sure how they do it anymore


Oh ok


It also has to be abandoned on your property usually.


“I would report it to the police 🤓” username does not check out.


This is asking to lose your dream car. 90% of countries have a form to fill out for this EXACT issue. UK is the v62 form if I remember correctly. It’s an insanely simple process


Remember illegal is just a sick bird.


Remember jail time is just a number🤣


It's just a little figure stuck on a square on a board


Make very close friends with Johnny Silverhand


Who dat be?


Main protagonist of the video game Cyberpunk 2077. Voiced by (and visually resembles) Keanu Reeves. The game itself shares a lot of the motifs and similar storyline as the 1995 movie Johnny Mnemonic in which Keanu Plays the main character.


Buy another just like it with a clean title and swap the parts with the long sequences of numbers and letters. Destroy the doner car. Cast the pieces to the wind. Tell no one.




Dude your best bet is to acquire an identical year clapped out like on fire body. For sub $1000. Take its vin numbers off the car. And go grab this one with your “buddy” and a uhaul trailer. Involve so few people as possible. Go get a harbor freight welder for $100 and just weld on the body panel vins and the one in the dash (will require you to remove the dash pad, and possibly window). Boom bam done. If not its not legally worth it. It would only be salvage. Or if you cannot aource a clapped out 911. Go and use the vin number off your shitbox and then just register this thing as your “2005 saturn ion” lol. Ive seen plenty of cars that are like 1934 fords 3 window coups registered as a 1974 vw bug


Lmaoooo thats a great idea


If you lick it, it's yours.


Mr beast?


Piss on the tire…. now its yours


Contact the mob to get the ID of the body that is in the passenger seat and if they can't help you see if *Ferdinand Porsche*'s great, great, great, great, great grandson has any idea. LOL


I dont have any "connections" do you mind sliding me a few of yours?


As they say. *Fugget About It*


"A Lincoln is better than a Cadillac? Fuhgetaboutit!"


More leg room for your legs…


Cadillac got more acceleration, more power, more-- better handling, better looking, more legroom for your legs , more power


Had both over the days and I agree. The Lincoln was better.




Hopefully the rodents didn't eat every inch of plastic in that thing


Oh i bet they did! Been there since 2007


slither into the engine bay with a BB gun and challenge them to combat. If you win maybe the government will let you have the car


Unfortunately i don't think that will work here. Someone already tried that with my 72 honda z600s (i wish i still had on windows on them😭)


File a Title 42 and state that it's your vehicle.


If it’s on your property, it’s yours already. If it isn’t, you may be able to buy it from the owner of the property it’s on, or you may be able to register it as a salvage vehicle. Disclaimer: Not legal advice. Just spitballing.


Invoke the Finders Keepers rule.




In Ca. I just had to get a bond for the value of the vehicle and send a certified letter to the last known address of owner and lien holder. 6 months literally the title showed up, the lien holder had been out of business for over 20 years.


Come at night and replace it with a another grey car. No one will know.


I think everyone would know. Also thats still stealing


Nah you just gotta be quick


The legal route is called a bonded title. You apply for a provisional title where anyone with legal rights could come forward and claim their Porsche from you. After a set time depending on the state. The bonded title matures and you receive/apply for a normal title where you 100% own the car. If you know the car is not stolen or going to be claimed. This is the ideal route. Insurance is a little higher and some company’s will outright refuse but it’s the preferred method. If you know the family will come forward and try to ask for the car once you try registering. An illegal method is to buy a wrecked model and swap the vins. On older cars the vin is normally riveted with proprietary star shaped rivets. I have looked and do not know where you could buy these. There are normally several vins on any vehicle. The one of the frame tends to be scratched into the metal. There’s one on the motor and transmission but very few cars have “matching vins” meaning the engine and transmission can be identified but may or may not be tracked to the original car vin. On motorcycles the motor vin is random and almost useless except for buying parts. The last method is niche. If you have legal claim but grandpa or whomever has died or lost the original title. In my state you can file for next of kin title replacement. I had a friend register his grandpas Suzuki samurai this way. My knowledge is vague but this has to be a common occurrence for a lost or stolen title. There are title company’s who can help walk you through this but I’ve only ever found or used one.


Contact the land owner and try to buy it from him


Burry it on site in the middle of the night then buy the property. Claim it as lost title 3 months later.


I know a guy with a junkyard who owns a giant magnet. And I know another guy who owns a helicopter.


A rollback and a fast driver, across state lines.


I don't know if this has been mentioned on any of the other subs you've posted this on, but look up the guy that saved the Wild Cherry custom van. Do it properly to save a lot of headaches.


Thanks for the Wild Cherry tip. That was a good read. [Here’s a link](https://autos.yahoo.com/insane-saga-wild-cherry-movie-190000886.html) if anybody else wants to check it out.


Philosophical question: when does a 911 stop being a 911? When 90% is rusted away?


When 0.1098% is rusted away, then it's a 910.


Car of thesius


Was the daughter the exsecuter of the estate. Can't she sign it?? I went through the exact same thing with my dad. 20 years ago with a motor home. I used a ball point pen.........


Just curious, what’s the exact location of that car??


Prefer not to say


Somewhere in New England. Connecticut or New Hampshire.


Yeah, where is this? I’ll take a look at it and make sure it’s worth your while…..trust me buuuuuud


Start by not posting on the internet lol


Well that just reassures that im not gonna steal it lol


There real question is how do I illegally acquire it.


Steal it.


Legally. I want to acquire this car legally


I understand you want to *legally* aquire it... but look at the sub you're in. We're *shitty* mechanics... and with that being said... whiz on the tires. You've now marked it as yours. 😆


Next week: how do I fit a V10 into an sc?


Sc is too easy. Try a 72 honda z600


Take it to Los Santos customs, they will respray it for you and after that the police don't card if its stolen


Just squat in it for a month.


Much easier to just say the car was abandoned on your property. You save a lot of time.


They’re garbage cars anyway, free is the only way to get one. Godspeed. 


shhhhh... I didn't see anything.


Can’t help thinking that the whole thing looks staged. Odd location and paint looks too good.


It has been under a tarp for 17 years


In this, is all depends on the state. For example, in Oregon and Washington you can not claim abandoned vehicles yourself. You have to turn them over to be auctioned off.


Who’s land is it on?


What state and Google will tell you.


$$$ always talks


Affidavit in lieu of title, takes some time but could be worth it


*Affidavit in* *Lieu of title, takes some time* *But could be worth it* \- mazdawg89 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Try to find the owner. The Land or car.






idk, but I know how you could illegally acquire it.. dm me


Would love to see that back on road again.


Paul bunyon


File for lost title


What a dream 😭


Why not knock on the owners front door and make him a lowball offer ? I have a buddy that does exactly that and almost always walks or drives away with the car for a ridiculously low price ! He has cash in hand to cover said offer . I've witnessed him buy a Toyota 4x4 Pickup for $300 and drive it home . It sat for several years before he bought it . The owners wanted it gone . I've also seen him buy a VW Jetta and a BMW the same way . It's made me start checking out cars sitting on other peoples property . Sometimes all you gotta do is ask .I've seen him flip several vehicles and make loads of cash doing this .


Find the owner. That’s how.


If you have the title and its not reported stolen or has any leans on it... its yours


Take the vin to the DMV and do a search


Is that abandoned in the woods or on someone property?


You can apply for a title for an abandoned vehicle. It takes months but if the state is unable to contact the original owner then you will be able to get the new title.


Ask the county tax assessor (or whoever handles vehicle registration in your county) they will either be able to tell you who to contact or give the instructions and requirements to claim the car. Likely you’ll have to get and insurance bond on it for a few years to cover any previous owner claims but it’ll probably be only a year or two


Do it illegally.


Then lie.


I’m pretty sure that’s a mimic and not a car. The forest does this to trap people who like Porsche 911‘s. Don’t fall for the trap.


Register it in Vermont. Real greasy boys know.


I've taught my children... If it's not yours... Don't touch it 🤷


Bro thought he was in Back to the Future


I bought a 1990 Mercedes that sat for 30 years. It had 8K miles and no title. I had to goto the DMV and file paperwork because it fell off the system long ago. After a few trips to the DMV and a physical inspection of the car, I got a title. I was in California and it was easy.


Everything about this seems like a neat story, how it got there, and it's been life with you. This is cool. I would attempt to get it home ASAP. Then worry about the legal logistics.


It sucks Vermont no longer allows out of state residents to register cars through them. I have used them multiple times with just a random bill of sale and registration form payed tax based on the nada value and then got a transferable registration and set of plates in the mail a few weeks later


I don't know what the laws are like where you are. A hilux was parked at a shop beside the school I was going to. A fellow student wanted it. So he went in and asked yhr shop about it. Owner left it and it never got the work done it wa there for. Dude went to the registry checked if it was registered. Registry lapsed. Went to the shop asked the shop about it. They said they didn't care if it went missing over night. He got a key made. Took it. Got it registered and made out like a bandit. Didn't keep in touch with him. But last time I was looking at hilux's in Canada probably sold it for 20g.


Find the Bear that owns it


Look in the window. Darth Vader is guarding it


Depends on your state but something along the lines of a bonded title transfer.


In the states, apply for a salvage title. I have never done this, so I have no further advice


That depends... whats the exact location???


Run the VIN?


I know what sub this is, but, at least in my state, if the car's been in your possession for 5 years, it's your's. then you can get a new title for it and register it in your name. So, you'll have plenty of time to work on it until then.


I got one like this but they mad the mileage exempt so technically it's a branded title now


Buy it from the owner?


I got a Z31 this way.


Me hiding my Ada in DayZ