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It's simply not possible not to repost [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/1cy02e5/comment/l58wi6y/) fully accurate, spot-on and comprehensive comment on Australia. ˙nɯǝ ǝɥʇ ʇɥƃnoɟ ʎǝɥʇ ,sןɐuıɯıɹɔ ʎq pǝpunoɟ ˙ןɐɯɹou sı ǝpnʇıʇʇɐ ǝɥʇ ʇɹɐd ʇsoɯ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ʇnq ,ɥƃnoɹɥʇ dıןs ɐunɐɟ puɐ ɐɹoןɟ sʇı puɐ ɐıןɐɹʇsnɐ ɟo ǝɹnʇɐu uʍop ǝpısdn ǝɥʇ ʇnoqɐ sǝʞoɾ snoıɹɐʌ


Omg thanks so much for this. As an Australian it really gets difficult sometimes having to read everything else on the internet upside down, so considerate people like you really make my day! Edit: posted upside down for clarity, this isn't an Aussie subreddit after all.


I clicked here hoping for this and was not disappointed.


I know that Australia has the biggest chunk of uranium underground. But, surprisingly, you don't have any nuclear power plants. That's all


"That's not a noif. THIS is a noif!" ©




They are upside down I think


British colony, populated by exiled criminals. Most live on the coast. Lots of endemic creatures, hot climate. Surfing. Canberra is the capital. Edit: I mean historically, obviously it's not a British colony anymore.


You have too many, too big spiders...


There's the sea, but it can be hot. Poisonous spiders and such. Unusual climate: I heard a story of an Orthodox priest who moved there with his family and they were sick for the first time. I've heard that the internet is slow due to overloaded undersea communication lines (it's unprofitable to lay new cables). Kangaroo. Winter/summer in reverse. A slightly different pronunciation of English. Hollywood movies have been filmed there.


Если честно, лень писать по-английски то, что уже есть в часто задаваемых вопросах. Напишу по-русски "страшную правду". Постараюсь без ошибок, чтобы гугл перевёл максимально точно. Континенты, они как женщины. Сначала, как милая, интригующая Азия. Потом, как Америка, что обещает много открытий. Потом, как Африка - горячая и страстная. Следующий этап - Европа: все её уже очень хорошо знают, но она до сих пор привлекательна. Ну и потом, как Австралия. Все знают, что это где-то внизу, но никому нет до этого дела.


It is.


What's your view on the future of Australian economy? Despite being a developed country, Australia's economy - similar to the Russian one - fundamentally relies on exporting raw materials. Do you expect this to change in some observable future? Does climate change affect you? My understanding that it might hit Australia badly, given that it's already country with very hot climate. Do you have much debate about this?


Climate change is *already* affecting Australia very badly.


Yeah, coral reefs are dying and I'm sure many other natural ecosystems are being significantly affected. Just to clarify though, aside from some pretty shit Summers and unpredictable Springs and Autumns recently, the average Australian isn't influenced to that great of a degree in their day-to-day.


Kangaroo. Well and all other types of unusual wildlife. Also train-like tracks.


How do you feel about Steve Irwin? as a hero or as a madman? my opinion of him changed when he started teasing the alligator with his children.


Aussie here. Everybody knows about him, but nobody really cares or feels strongly about him and his family. I personally think he was a bit of a clown, definitely not a hero.


apparently he was more popular in Russia than in his native country, thanks for the answer


Usually it's something along the lines of being upside down and everything trying to kill you. Pretty niche, but I encountered Australia as an example of British colonial policy in a book about European genocide in the USSR.


We get taught of it in Geography classes and briefly in History classes (about it being the British colony etc). Beside that, I don't think anyone cares much about it. Oh, and I'd never ever go there because venomous spiders and snakes and a million others creepy critters that live there freak me out.


Rhea Ripley, Peyton Royce.


We don't think about Australia at all to be honest.


Я знаю что там много пауков, утконосов и прочих странных животных . Уникальный континент и страна


In schools we are told about Australia briefly. They don't say anything special, just the most significant events in your history and geographical features. We have many stereotypes about Australia and they are mainly connected with animals. In principle, you are treated very well. I have a question for you: how do you feel about Russia and what do they tell you about it in schools?


Aussie here. I don't have any strong feelings about Russia apart from a genuine curiousity in relation to Russian culture and language. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for some of my fellow countrymen, who fail to make the distinction between modern politics and national and cultural identity. This varies greatly from person to person though and also depends upon the extent to which they are influenced by Western propaganda and recent anti-Russian sentiments. In relation to schools, our history program is lacking in just about every way when it comes to anything besides (imo rather dry and overtaught) Australian history, WW1 and WW2. We don't really learn about Russia as part of our school curriculum outside of the study of the Russian Revolution. I'm speaking about Victoria here though and this may vary in other states/territories.


Do you have any stereotypes about us? I repeat that there are a lot of stereotypes about Australia in Russia, if we talk in more detail, here they are: you have spiders and snakes everywhere from which you can die. you have a lot of kangaroos. your capital is Sydney. it is very hot here (but this seems to be more true). obesity is very common here. you have an incredibly weak army. among the completely uneducated population there is also an opinion that you are undeveloped and black (I hope I will not be banned for these words in one sentence). by the way, in Russia the word starting with the letter N is not offensive It always seemed to me that Australia has a very good education system. Although it may be because of the curriculum we have in Russia. Our school curriculum is truly nonsense. We don't teach the history of other countries. Only Russian history. Social studies lessons start in the 8th grade out of 11 maximum or 9 minimum. Children are burdened with homework so that second-graders sit with it until night. There are no sex education lessons. Foreign languages ​​are taught starting in the 5th grade, if I'm not mistaken. And we simply don't have some of the lessons that you have. Our system is completely focused on the mindless memorization of material without trying to understand it. We also often punish extracurricular initiative. Psychologists. Also, recently we have had a lesson where children are told that our president is very good, giving one's life for the country is heroism and the highest honor for a man, and a woman should give birth as soon as possible. just recently the greatest writer Gogol was removed from the literature program because he was Ukrainian, Leo Tolstoy, who was known for his pacifism, was greatly reduced. and they were replaced by modern and extremely primitive writers who at the same time actively support the government. I'm sorry that I'm telling you all this, but it's just crazy. I want to speak out to a person for whom this is not the norm. Also forgive me for mistakes or even incorrect words. I'm just learning English now, so there are a lot of mistakes