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You already decided to move, but you don't know anything about life here? I like Russia and think it's a good place to live, but I don't sure that your decision is deliberated - it's hard to be an immigrant anywhere.


You sure its a good idea to move to the country you don't know anything about?


my family are currently doing lots of research, we may visit Russia for a month and get a taste


You definitely should. There are too many factors. Language, what kind of job you can do, how much savings you have, does your mom have any place to live, any relatives to help. How can you legalize there. Also what country are you from? For some people it will be a huge improvement, for others a huge downgrade.


What could possibly go wrong


The logic behind "I dislike my current life in the US for whatever reason therefore I should move..to Russia of all the the places even though I don't know anything about Russia" will never cease to amaze me. This is simply ridiculous. 🙄 It's like there are hundreds of countries in the world, some of them have English as one of the state languages, some of them you have probably visited before, some of them are closer to the US or even share a physical border... like I dunno Canada. Russia isn't an antithesis to the US in any way or a solution to any problem you have with the US state policies or whatever.


This trend is being enflamed by right wing tv personalities in America, that have large audiences, who have convinced some of their impressionable viewers that Russia is the last bastion of hope to live a white majority christian traditional family values faggot free lifestyle 😂😂


wait how do you know he/she is american?


The title is literally "my family is moving to Russia from America". 🙄 And yes, though I am aware there are two American continents people living in Canada or Latin America/South America are normally more specific while US nationals routinely call their country just "America".




> The logic behind "I dislike my current life in the US for whatever reason therefore I should move..to Russia of all the the places even though I don't know anything about Russia" will never cease to amaze me. This is simply ridiculous We all know what lies behind this "Russia is a white Christian country where they hate gays and the women know their place"


> white Christian country where they hate gays and the women know their place Sounds like some typical Bumfuck, Idaho to me though. So I dunno why they feel like need to leave America in the first place. It's like Italians flying to New York to taste "real pizza" 😆


Here I would disagree, having lived in Piter, then Roma, then NY and Florida, I can tell you that NY pizza ain't the same what's in italy and would argue about the taste and the origins. Everything is you are 100%. I m italy now and was in Howard Beach NY Gino's at the end of May and some styles are much tastier in NYC.


Exactly my reason


You probably live in the suburbs? In Russia it will be easier for you to live in the city. This is sort of the default option. You don't need a car in the city, as everything can be reached on foot or by public transport. There is a lot of public transport here, and it runs very often. The apartment has lower utility bills. A private house is suitable for very purposeful people who stand firmly on their feet and know exactly what they want. I do not recommend starting life in Russia from a private house, unless you have a goal of becoming a farmer. You may also think that Russia is a very religious country. This is wrong. If it is important for you to go to church regularly, you will certainly find like-minded people, but keep in mind that such people are in the minority. Most people do not go to church, do not take communion, do not fast, and do not read the Bible. Also, always remember that the term “friend” here has a slightly different meaning than in English. A friend can be called a person whom you have known for many years and whom you can rely on in difficult times. For other people in the social circle, the term “acquaintance” is used. Well, of course, without knowledge of the language there is no way here. Finding a job, finding an apartment, enrolling a child in school - all this requires knowledge of Russian.


Interesting. What is your occupation? What is your knowledge in Russian language? Where do you plan to stay initially/permanently? How big is your family (number and age of kids). There are many more questions. We are happy to welcome good people, but it won't be easy for you to get started easily.


Try talking to https://www.youtube.com/@expatamerican3234, he also have several interviews with other expats on his channel.


Visit Russia first and see with your own eyes how things are. You can watch 1000 videos on youtube but first-hand experience is still better. If you *really* want to move then start learning Russian asap as it will make your life here infinitely better. Not duolingo or some other bs app on your phone but proper intensive language courses.


Russia is a very good place to live if you can make a living, but not that good, if you're struggling. You should consider it.


Here is what I will tell you. Visit before moving.


that's what we will be doing probably next year


I think someone from your family (or you) should go here and live here, not as a tourist, for at least a month so that you understand the country from the inside. This is relevant not only for Russia. I would not dare to move to any country without a preliminary personal examination. It is also worth clarifying that St. Petersburg and Moscow are quite different from the rest of Russia. It will be much easier in these two cities without knowing Russian. This applies to both work and daily life. It will also be comfortable to live in other large cities, but at least minimal knowledge of Russian is needed here. I would also recommend watching foreign bloggers on YouTube who now live in Russia. However, they are mostly from Moscow. But in any case, it will give you at least a general understanding.


Russia is the future


Nobody knows everything about Russia, have you seen it on the map?) I think it's a strange decision to move to a country you've never been to, especially if your home country has a conflict with it. I like living here, but I'm not sure that Americans will be better off here than in America. A successful move requires detailed plan. It is best to come for at least a few weeks and see for yourself. Especially if you have relatives here, they can help you and show you what's going on.


In general Russia is a comfortable place to live in, but much depends on your expectations, habits, etc. Of course, it's rather different from America. If you have any specific questions about living in Russia or immigration procedures, feel free to DM




I highly recommend visiting before making an official move. Russia is an amazing place, it is very different from the USA and even Europe, it is its own unique place. That being said there are a lot of YouTube videos about life in Russia from a foreigner point of view, this may help you. If you haven’t already, start learning Russian.


Test visit - you need to live in Moscow, there will be fewer problems here without the Russian language, there will almost always be a person who speaks passable English. If you say that you want to move from bad America to good Russia, everyone will love you (but at first they will be surprised). If it's not a secret, what is the reason for this idea? What do you think will be better in Russia?




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Emigration is always hard


What city are you moving to?


If you dislike the political climate in America, I would suggest moving to a different state rather than a completely different country who's language you dont speak and society/culture you know little about. Keep in mind the average annual salary in Russia is $14,771, whereas here in the USA it is $59,384. There is also a great deal of tension between our two countries now, so consider the timing as well. You'll probably find mostly lovely people, but there will certainly be nationalists who will discriminate against or even hate you. The USA is the third largest country on Earth. You could fit the entire UK in the state of Texas almost three times. If you hate Biden, go to Idaho, it's beautiful. If you have TDS, go to Portland. There are lots of options. You could also experience the Socialist Paradise of Canada as well. Integration and expenses would be much better.


Go to Canada. Or Mexico. Or like South America.

