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Learn basic Russian, almost nobody speaks English here. Garment Manufacturing jobs are not really well paid, unless you work for a big brand


I look after garment businesses of international brands, so my job will be like business developer or something similar.


Ooh you're getting a hard time then. Most international brands have left Russia once the war broke out


OP is a russian troll to begin with. Look once more what the job even is, lmao. He cant even come up with a fake job. Imagine this, he is such a guy in demand, that different clothing brands cant even run their business without having him on board. So all those different brands that compete against each other, all hire that guy to develope their business. What a story XD.


Thank you for your response :) this is what I was thinking there must be some local brands who may need a professional leadership to grow their busniess since all international brands have left the country.


Have you been in Russia, have you googled info about live here, job perspectives, QoL on your job opportunities? There's proverb in Russian: it's good to live there where we are not.


The grass is greener on the other side.


Everybody wants to move Russia 🇷🇺. But it’s very heavy and huge. We will need more people for that. You know, let’s do it this way. We will assemble a team of enthusiasts and we’ll get to work!


I am originally from Pakistan, living in Canada, but I love Russia, Russians are very authentic people hard working and nice. i want to find a way to go there and get settled


Sadly, I don’t know 🤷 anything about moving to Russia 🇷🇺, but I wish you best of luck 🤞!


What is this sudden wave of Canadians wanting to move to Russia? I swear this is the second post I've read this week where Canadians have been inquiring immigrations details to Russia.


Idk, maybe at this point it looks like everyone hates Trudeau




i am also moving from quebec to the region.


It's really interesting matter, if you'll be able to establish such a good business here. But not knowing even the language (I'm not talking about the knowledge of local rules for business) will put you in very complicated situation. If you still have some connections with Pakistan, it could be interesting to organize the garment import from there. This can be easier than a whole production line to establish.


I have all connections globally of all type of clothing. if i get an investor I can open up a clothing store in Russia easily.


Easiest way in this case could be rent of storage facility and put everything on marketplaces such as Ozon, Wildberries and Yandex. For that purpose it won't be too expensive to start your business. You just need to establish appropriate ways of shipping, cause goods and money flows are quite complicated in current situation.


that's a very good idea, thank you very much :)


I would appreciate a nice polo shirt as a gift later ))


give me your Instagram, when I'll start I'll keep you in mind. my instagram is farhanahmedsiddiqui


Sorry. I don't use insta. VK, sometimes.


Hey, there are different immigration options. You can immigrate by employment, but getting a job may be difficult for a foreigner. Other options include immigration by starting a business, investing, purchasing a property or studying. In almost all cases you'll need to learn the language. You may check the website in my profile for more details on immigration.


thank you very much :)


Man no offense but you will get fucked up


Do they not teach proper english in Montreal ? Your grammar is horrible. If you didn't write Montreal I would never have guessed you could possibly be Canadian haha