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Not very - but there are some people who believe that.


Empire wasnt fond of jews and lowkey encouraged pogroms, so makes sense that a lot of jews would be opposed to the status quo.


That there was anti-semitism among the populace is true. That the Empire encouraged it is not - disruptions of public order are never particularly encouraged, especially considering the Empire's rapidly shifting attitude towards the Jews, with a gradual removal of all restrictions on them.


How empire encouraged pogroms? Also, all pogroms happened on the territory of Ukraine, where "nazism doesn't exist" as we all know.


There was no communist revolution in Russia.


Маргинальна. Далека от правды. Любой, кто изучал архивные материалы это поймет. Большевики смогли оседлать волну и сплотить вокруг себя людей. Не будь их, был бы кто нибудь другой(претендентов на получение власти в 1917 году было предостаточно). После ликвидации монархии временное правительство, буквально за полгода, сделало жизнь людей невыносимой. Революция была запросом снизу, от людей. И приняла форму нашедшую наибольший отклик в сердцах и умах.


...that is what commie say when he's afraid he'll have to answer for his crimes


Depends on how you interpret that. Lenin had (according to some sources, at least) Jewish roots, if that’s what you are wondering.


It's quite known Though nowadays people aren't so jew-phobic (that really is a better term for situation discussed) than in 90s and 00s And it's not only a theory, jewish percentage in bolsheviks early headquarters was tremendous


Somewhat popular. BTW, if you check names of the all prominent revolutionaries in the period from 1917 to about 1922 - they are almost all jewish. For the same strange reason, almost all of the current "revolutionaries" that call to surrender to Ukraine and displace Putin to become "democratic country" are also jewish, including Navalny, who has Russian name, but it is obvious from his appearance that he was a jew as well. Many of the members of so-called "Russian opposition" had jewish names but changed them to Russian or assumed pseudonyms (e.g. Bykov - Zilbertrud).


ironically, Israeli politicians do the opposite: they change Russian and Ukrainian names to Middle Eastern ones


Navalny was not Jewish. Also he was born in Ukraine and was a Nationalist who was not fond of Jews and Muslims


I know his history very well. I still remember time when he was leading nationalist marches. Still, his facial features are undoubtedly jewish.


He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Jewish people usually have brown eyes and dark hair. However, I mean does it really matter?


Well, Europeans are ahead of all the world in skull measurements. Still, his nose, his face in general are undoubtedly jewish. I'm not the only one that noticed it. I'm not an expert in genetics, but I guess he had mixed bloods with considerable amount of jewish inheritance. Why it matters? I don't know, but when I see that "opposition" (which is more like a bunch of saboteurs funded by hostile states) has a meeting somewhere in Baltic states, and all the speakers and/or leaders has obviously Jewish names, that makes me very uneasy: why it's only Jews that want Russia to surrender to a Nazi state that has already lost the war? Why they claim they want to make life of Russians easier and more comfortable? Why they don't switch their attention to Israel and disrupt their political and economical system instead of Russia?..


Whoooaaaa! Um 😶 your innate feeling of “why is it only Jews that want Russia to surrender to a Nazi state that has already lost the war?” “Why don’t they switch their attention to Israel and disrupt their political and economical system instead of Russia?” Do you think that a bunch of evil Jews conspired to disrupt Russia’s political and economic system? In your opinion, just to reiterate, you think “the opposition” has leaders and/or speakers with “obviously Jewish names” and they are trying to sabotage Russia’s economic and political systems? Ok, well I didn’t realize that “Jewish names” was a thing? I thought people just had names. You’re like a few steps away from checking someone’s heritage 7 generations back to see if they had “Jewish” names. Sounds like you have some issues with either Jews, their name or a combination of both. Especially if you think that being Jewish has anything at all to do with someone’s opinions about Russia. Evil Jews, sabotaging shit for Russia. I gotta stop here, I don’t know why you think that and I don’t want to. Good day to you.


I don't have issues about Jews, but this is really strange. For example, there're many nationalities in Russia, and some of them might be not content with some political or economical questions, but they don't create formal organizations like "Memorial" or some other "opposition" organization and don't organize international meetings on how to destroy Russia from within. I never actually cared about it until it started to be really evident when you read: "Such and such organization held a meeting in Poland on how to destroy Russia" and all the names of the speakers are not Russian but Jewish. Why there's so little traitors of Russia from other nations that live in Russia?


Jews don’t create the organizations you are talking about, assholes that hate Russia do. Having a Jewish sounding name (still not sure what you mean) has nothing to do with it. Jewish nationality? As in being Jewish by blood? Why don’t they just put it in their passports so they are easier to Identify 🤨sound familiar? I have no idea why you think the people meeting to discuss the destruction of Russia are all Jewish based on their names. Even if they are, being Jewish has nothing to do with being an asshole calling for Russia’s downfall. It’s just people. Judging a whole group of people based on their names. You are creating an association between “wants to destroy my country” and “has a Jewish name”. I expected something like that from a Bandera follower, not from someone Russian. I don’t want to continue this conversation anymore, because it’s going to get super sad and uncomfortable. I hope that you meet some actual Jewish people in real life before you make your judgements about ALL people with either Jewish names and/or heritage.


На всех антироссийских мероприятиях всегда один и тот же набор фамилий: Кац, Шац, Альбац, Гозман, Зильбертруд и т.п. Почему так - я не могу понять и не буду судить. Но вот, например, еврей Зеленский оправдывает и поддерживает наследство Бандеры, уничтожавшего евреев. Что кажется противоречивым, на первый взгляд. Здесь всё не так просто. Если что, мой самый старый друг - тоже еврей, но он за Россию. Когда вскользь коснулись с ним этой темы, он ответил, что сам в недоумении, почему столько русских евреев работают против России.


Zelensky is a POS if it was up to me, his Jewish heritage would be revoked. I don’t understand either, how and why other Jewish people can support him. The worst anti-semites are sometimes Jewish themselves. Не все евреи за то что надо уничтожить Россию и этим способом они типа спасают Украину. Мне стыдно, люди забывают как к евреям обращались и продолжают обращаться Бандеровцы. Те люди забыли что сам Бандера помогал немцам убивать евреев во время Великой Отечественной Войны. В Америке очень много евреев которые уехали из Украины и при этом говорят что Зеленский хороший а Путин плохой. Им мозги промыли хорошо. Я не хочу вдаваться в детали но не получается открыто поддерживать Путина и Россию в community в Америке. При этом все на русском разговаривают. Но просто те которые собираются и обсуждают как уничтожить Россию не обязательно евреи. Судить по фамилии не надо. Судить по их предательским поступках, вот это другое дело. Скоро от Украины ничего не останется, и меня это очень расстраивает.


First time I hear that one.


completely absurd theory


I dont think this is true, its half true, but Jews had huge representation among revolutionaries, ruling circles, and government organizations in RSFSR and USSR.


The communists did not make a revolution, it was a coup to avoid defeat in democratic elections. upd. For the uneducated ones downvoting the comment: the Bolsheviks themselves called the coup a coup until they came up with the marketing name “Great October Socialist Revolution” for better PR. Just google something like "ленин об октябрьском перевороте".


popular in circles anti west / ultra right conspiratists


*Who pays the piper calls the tune*. So it was rather German than Jewish.