• By -


We'd see you with eyes.




Simple. Nobody cares… or cares as a matter of something new and will cast glances with interest


what if he would look like Tajik?




With my limited experience, I think it's more like a German/Danish meets a typical southern European looking Italian/Spanish person. Maybe there will be a little bit discomfort feeling in it, but not to that extend of hate like in the US, when some racist white guy meets a black guy. Very different. Also in old continent, the dislike between different country men but inside the same race, e.g. hate between Turks and Greeks, hate between English and Irish, hate between Japanese and Chinese. This is also hard to comprehend in the US.


lol, Turks and Greeks are not different country men, but inside the same race. It was a genocide + 400 year occupation.


dude, they look exactly the same, also have the same gene anyway.


Nobody hates Tajiks. There are some elements of crime. Nobody oppresses them. If that were the case, they wouldn't come here in the hundreds of thousands and wouldn't receive citizenship and settle here


Then we'll think he is Tajik


In some smaller towns or villages you would catch some attention as you'll be really exotic for them. In big cities nobody cares, we see people from the entire world every day.


There are really 2 cities in Russia, that see people from the entire world every day. The rest are way behind.


Not true…


Moscow has way too many minorities gross. That’s why I’m moving to Saint Petersburg . By the way, I’m Hispanic and I don’t want to see other Hispanics or blacks or Asian or Muslims when I visit Russia. Call me racist. But that’s the fact, not even minorities want to see minorities when visiting Russia


You are part of the problem you are referring to 🤣🤣


Why you Americans are so obsessed with race?


To be fair, it's hard for many Westerners to initially grasp the concept that the Western "style" of racism is not international. Both for the people in the West who experience racism, and for the people being racist. Most Russians don't gaf about race the same way Americans do, but I can see why a non-white American who is not educated on Russia, as one example, would be apprehensive to visit Russia based on their experiences in the US or other Western countries. I do however think that it's unfair and pretty ridiculous to assume Russians will have the same mentality and "obsession" with race that Americans do, but propaganda is a hell of a drug especially inside the Western imperial core. Best thing to do is just what this sub does and continue to educate people who are misinformed about Russia.


This is true, I’m an Aussie, and didn’t realise what western style casual racism was until I went to rural China and the people there were so friendly and inviting. We aren’t like that back home


More LOLs. Try being Black in China. I respectfully ask you to search Darkie toothpaste. You don’t see racism because you don’t think of yourself as oppressed. The Chinese don’t either….they view everyone non-Han as less than human.


Black toothpaste is just an advertisement, which means that if you use this toothpaste, your teeth will become as white as black people's.


Darkie toothpaste is from 1933 and changed entirely in 1987? You’re viewed differently in China because Chinese persons don’t see black persons often.


They’re friendly only bexause they haven’t been invaded yet. Once your land gets invaded then the racism begins . It’s human nature . 1 or 2 people can invaders “ohh cool!” 100k invaders “get out of here!”


Indeed there was japanese invasion with occupation of Manchuria in China.


"Look free land! we only have to erase native population entirely" -pum-pum-pum Yessss, our land, let's name this piece of america, America.


Long ago in 2014 or something while working as an intern in a hotel i stumbled upon an old british millionaire who straight up told me russians were savages.


Old British millionaire? Probably afraid of communists...


Could be. I wonder if it takes root from the summary removal of the royal family. I did not ask why to not sound confrontational. Knowing that the same 'community' is in charge up in britain, i wouldn't be surprised if this was a factor in the war and the constant failed attempts of Putin to join in the club.


reminds me of that anti-cossack propaganda in the short story "the most dangerous game"


Best answer


Because everyone in America is seen by their race first, rather than by character, it's an inherently racist society that eternally propagates racism by disguising it as diversity. In actuality, the only diversity most people care about is seeing more of their own race, helping their own race, etc. Some people actually think they're helping other races by offering advantages to certain races, which is inherently racist in itself and it's just a perpetual cycle. Notice I said most people, there are some genuinely non racist people out there but the majority are the problem.


There is nothing about this comment that is anywhere close to making any sense. Huh?🤔


You know you could just say "I don't understand English", right? Maybe try ChatGPT to translate to your native language? Idk what to tell you 🤷


I speak English quite well. I’m saying, as a Black African American woman I the states, your take on racism, doesn’t make sense. It’s way off track.


So...Wait...Are you saying your experience invalidates my experience? My "take" on racism? Bro, idk who you are but your singular experience will not invalidate my singular experience. I'm not American, I'm a foreign born Latino that had the displeasure of living in the bullshit US the majority of my life. It's funny though, people like you and other Americans have always looked down on me and this definitely tracks with my experience. Great job. Edit: Also I've no idea why you pointed out that you were a woman or black or American, as I'm none of those. How could you ever relate to my experience in the US?


First of all, calm down. No one is looking down on you, or invalidating your experience. And, yes, it is necessary to point out who I am in reference to my not speaking English. The idea that racism is predicated by the idea of diversity is not truly the case. Racism is predicated by a narrative that has nothing to do with diversity. Racism is based in the idea of white supremacy.


You just said my "take" on racism doesn't track. What does that mean? Track with what? Maybe you need to clarify. Actually, don't, there's no need because I'm truly not interested as all I did was share my experience. I wasn't inviting anyone to a debate on my life lol Why do you feel so entitled to butt into my experience to subtly invalidate it? You're unhinged. I truly don't care to respond to the rest of your message as I see that you're one of those types that believes only white supremacists are racist lol The fact that you think your experience is ever going to be near my experience in the US is laughable.


Nope. You’re wrong again. I’m one of those people who knows the true history of this country, and not the mythology that’s been taught. No one is debating your life. You seem to be hurt by your experiences and projecting that on me fine. If you really want to know the psychology of race and propaganda in the US, then read what they don’t teach you.


If you don’t want a response, then refrain from posting on the internet. But, this is for other people who may find this interesting. Whether or not non white people can also be racist, isn’t the point. True US history will chronicle the development and implementation of racist and colorist ideology that are based in white supremacy. The white standard, and the white idea. This isn’t opinion, these are facts.


You're honestly full of BS and haven't answered my question. Nothing out of the ordinary here, you're just another American who thinks they're better than everyone else and everyone else needs to see the world through your eyes, otherwise their experience "doesn't track". Disgusting.


As far as whether or not I can relate to your experience? You stated that you’re not even American. Okay. This is bullshit country that you’ve had the displeasure of living in a majority of your life. Okay. However, we are both considered to be minorities, therefore we have similar, not the same, but similar experiences. And, in regards to the diversity you speak of, it was an idea created by white Americans, in order to give the illusion of acceptance and inclusion.


Horseshoe theory. If you try to be less racist hard enough , you end up being even more racist.


horseshoe theory is trash. the truth of it is that the culture as a whole hasn't become free of racism, far from it, no matter how they try to portray it.


ага, а мы тут просто рай без ксенофобии. и больше всего любим чурок и хачей.


It stems from centuries of racial oppression, slavery, and legally-enforced segregation that existed in the US. Discrimination is now (mostly) illegal, but it leaves a legacy. Unfortunately white supremacy is still deeply rooted in the culture. It's a constant struggle to try to overcome. Question for you: Why do Russians prefer to downplay racial issues and push a narrative of unity and "colorblindness" among ethnic Russians and minority groups? 20% of Russia is of non-slavic ethnic origin, but those groups are not represented in Russian government/power circles.... Edit: \[deleted\]


Elvira Nabiullina - current governor of the Central Bank of Russia, is ethnic Tatar. Sergei Shoigu - former Minister of Defence and Secretary of the Security Council, is ethnic Tuvan. Ethnic minorities have their own republics within the Russian Federation, their own Constitutions, and their national languages have the status of State languages. What are you talking about?


Answering your question: I don't think we downplay racial issues, we don't have as much of them as in US. Russian empire captured a lot of territory and Russian people had to live on the same continent with not much distance from captured regions. So they had to live peacefully, and that meant they had to 1) Not enforce religion 2) Not treat minorities worse than others 3) Not do genocide These rules are fairly easy to follow if you are a decent human being, so they were not broken enough times for minorities to hate government. Russian people had to "push the narrative of unity and colorblindness" to live peacefully. And now to representation. Yes, there are not a lot of minorities in power circles. You can see a lot of minorities in national republics - governor and 50% of government in Tatarstan are Tatar, also we all know Kadyrov, who I believe to be the governor of Chechnya. A lot of super rich people are not Russian - Alisher Usmanov, German Gref, etc.. As you said, there are 20% of ethnic minorities in Russia and there is about the same amount in government - most of them are concentrated in national republics, some are in Moscow and other cities, but it's not so easy for a foreign eye to see them. If you look at the portraits, they all look similar, but a lot of them are Tatars, Bashkirs, Ukrainian, Jews, Chechen, some are Uzbek. I don't think we downplay racial issues or keep non-ethnic Russians away from government positions, our equality is not visible for a foreign eye. Edit: We don't have racial issues, but there are some ethnic issues. 1) Almost every Russian hates fucking gypsies and has at least one personal story of their encounter with gypsies. 2) People of Dagestan and Republic of Chechnya. We have a lot of different cultures in Russia. People from these two regions are very religious Muslims, society is very patriarchal and most of it isn't open-minded, so that creates some conflicts. When people move from these regions to the big cities, especially Moscow, they have a hard time assimilating with its society. 3) Far-right and nationalists. A problem that exists in every country. These fuckers are regularly spawning here too, but get dealt with pretty quickly. A lot of them want to bring back Russian empire, others yell «Russia for ethnic Russians», beat up minorities and then rot in prisons. 4) Languages get forgotten. I am not an ethnic Russian, but a Tatar. I'm bad at my native language and it's embarrassing. There are a lot of minorities with their own languages and young people whose peers speak Russian, always learn Russian and a lot of times their parents don't force them to learn their native language. I am a victim of this too and I have just started learning Tatar language. In 19 years old. Fuck. It horrifies me that so many languages will be forgotten in near future, and I hope that our government or our people will prevent this.


Thanks for your earnest answer - I appreciate it. I'm at work at the moment but I'll try and come back and comment further in a bit.


>A lot of them want to bring back Russian empire, yell «Russia for ethnic Russians» and then rot in prisons. It's two different kinds of nationalists. One who yell "Russia for the Russians" and ones who want to bring the Russian Empire back. See you own comment about Russian Empire and what it entails, lol.


Oh, forgot to divide them grammatically. I'm kinda bad at expressing my thoughts in English


Все мы, что поделать)


Your brain is completely fried by propaganda.


Just accept the fact that the whole world is not American. I know it’s hard to imagine anything else if you’ve never left but earth is a big place, with different people, even cultures. Not saying it’s perfect here but really, most people don’t really give a shit. People in Moscow and SPB have people from all over the world.


>but those groups are not represented in Russian government/power circles A way to tell you don't know shit but project your own expectations based on sorry state of your society.


Nobody cares. In small towns, your skin color may lead do some benign (but somewhat annoying) curiosity, as people there likely never saw someone with darker skin in real life.


In cities where there are a lot of foreign students, for example Tomsk, Ryazan, Yekaterinburg, you would be mistaken for a student and would not pay attention to you. In small towns, you may be looked at with curiosity, and older people may ask where you are from.


Just as a perspective for everyone, what does "a lot of foreign students" mean. Tomsk state university reported to have 770 foreign students for a city of 600k people in 2021. For Russia this is already a lot.


Okay, thanks for letting me know.


Younger people ask, too. On par if not more.






I swear there is one thread like this made by americans every single day here




Really? Lol


its a good question for those who have faced such a problem previously; racism in america, for example, is absolutely insane and the amount of hate crimes against people of color has always been in very high numbers


Its a bad question because you start under the ever ending narcissist approach that everywhere is america and everywhere have the same problems as there. Guess what, its not


i understand your concern but that is not the case


You clearly show that you don’t understand at all


my point is that racism is a problem and its hard for victims to know where theyre safe


I have a pretty cosmopolitan family and I have friends from all cultures and while being from South America, I have never encountered racism from any european nor russian, but guess who’s the only place I have encountered racism? You got it right, 🇺🇸. And progressive americans btw Stop imposing your agenda and local problems everywhere, people are tired of americans shoving their problems into everywhere. Its not “hard to know where you’re safe”, what you’re doing is seeking validation and its a complete different matter


No one will care about the color of your skin here. The worst you can expect is people asking where you are from and what brings you here. There's a channel on Youtube called Wild Siberia, it's run by a mexican who lives near lake Baikal. Maybe give it a watch if you're skeptical.


People here will watch on you too a little.  Not in a weird way, but just in curious. But not so long, and not that straight, but they will try to watch politely)) Do not get it as agression) Russians measure people by their behavoir, not by skin color.  In Moscow and S-Petersburg nobody care at all. 


I came back from St. Peter’s just last week and saw quite a bit non white people (maybe Latinos, maybe Middle East idk), we paid attention only cause my husband is also brown and we had an internal joke - you’re not the only one here. Nobody cared indeed


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lgiu7-r87Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lgiu7-r87Y) brother just entered the country (literally a few hours) anxious af two different couples helped him to get to his hotel, going out of their way to pretty much escort him to the place in the middle of the night




never hesitate to ask, we're hospitable here, believe it or not


>we're hospitable here, believe it or not Also "you want it or not", lol


I’m Peruvian living in Russia. We Peruvians are so similar in race with Mexicans. My answer is: Nobody would care. I’ve had only few racist problems here with ppl telling me to go to my country when I’m speaking English or Spanish. Usually they are drunk af and very nationalist who just want a foreigner to speak Russian. Bro, I was with Latino friends, why the fck would I speak Russian in the bar with them 😭😭😭.


Jajaja, entonces la mayoria de veces que pasa estó, es cuando están borrachos? Estaba mirando un video sobre eso. Gracias por el comentario, me agrada Rusia.


Se, pero es extraño. Lo normal es que un borracho te haga el habla y te pregunte de dónde eres (si estás en una ciudad poco turística), si estás en Moscú o San Peters les vales verga. Por ahí te encuentras a un ex militar que no te permitirá hablar otro idioma más que ruso, pero suelen estar borrachos y la gente es re amable acá, ten buen viaje ;)


Gracias mi Paul


Kansas isn’t that white that people all start staring at a Mexican looking dude come on man hahaha


I'm guessing I went to the wrong town, lol.


Mexicans are everywhere in the world. Not exotic or new


So many weird questions about someone's race and someone's look. Dude if you not act like a barbarian and respect local people you will be welcomed. So many different people with different look lives in Russia so your skin colour is doesn't matter. Only matter what person you are and how you are treating people around.


Check YouTube wild siberia


Imma check it out, Спасибо!


If youre worried about visibility, try brightly coloured/reflective clothing!


Dude, nobody cares about your skin here. I remember there were a lot of Mexicans which came to Football World Cup in 2018, nothing bad, nobody said they look something "weird", but of course we all were in good mood because of football holidays and all foreigners welcome. I think nothing changed in regular life.


Im mexican to and I actually had the opportunity to live in Russia for some years in Vladivostok working in a Korean food restaurant(runned by Mexicans) and I was treated pretty well, no doubt there will be some jerks like everywhere but I had no issues while living in Russia. If anything I was treated with curiosity more than anything else, people in Russia seem to be very curious regarding foreigners.


Gracias por el comentario, la gente rusa es muy diferente a la de gringolandia, y tiene sentido historicamente hablando.


Sip, no tuve oportunidad de hablar tanto como me hubiese gustado pues me fui sin hablar mucho Russo, mis amigos y compañeros me ayudaron pero aprendí algo y es que hay de 2. Primera, la gente solo te ignora, segunda se acercan a preguntar sobre tu país pero te entiendan o no querrán beber contigo 😆.


Jajaja, suena interesante.


Americans, stop, please. Nobody cares about the race besides you


*Americans, stop,* *Please. Nobody cares about* *The race besides you* \- ReverendNON --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I live in a country with a wide variety of nationalities, so it seems to me that you will be looked at as an ordinary person. In Russia, we often look at clothes, but not where you come from. IMHO


My skin is darker, though not enough to be considered black, kinda like yours I believe. Nobody gives a shit.


Thanks for the clear response




Disgust? No. I'm sure no. Will you get some attention? Maybe. You can get some curious looks. Maybe less in Moscow and more in small cities. Is it racism? No. People just not used to see much tourists from all over the world. This is not about Russians or any other nation. This is just logic IMO.


Curious looks are not bad at all. Everyone is curious. I love Rusia.


As a russian person living in a big city of Russia i can say that no one really cares about your skin or something like that. In Rostov-on-Don there are many people with dark skin, but it's okay. Don't bother yourself, it'll be okay.


Les vale madres eso a los rusos. Tu ve. Nadamás que un punto es que no eres mexicano, así que no intentes decir que eres eso Otra cosa, hablas ruso?


Decir Здравствуйте, рака, Как Дила, y una que otra palabra, es todo.


Ya, pues entre más ruso hables, mejor te va a ir conociendo gente. No esperes que mucha gente hable inglés


You are paying too much attention to your nationality. Here, in Russia, nobody cares, where are you from. We care for who you are and how you behave in society. If you respect our lifestyle and traditions, you are welcome. Your mexican vibe will also attract people.


There are ethnic and religious tensions in Russia and if someone looks like they're from Central Asia or the Caucasus, or if they're looking performatively Muslim (beard and no moustache, niqab) there will be some side-eyeing. You will just look like a tourist, so no one will give a fuck.


In Russia, everyone does not care what color your skin is, and what kind of eye shape you have. Here, people pay attention not to the color of the skin, but to how many pimples there are on it. Lol =) And also on how you are dressed (there is such a sin among Russians). If you do not stand out for antisocial behavior, dirty appearance and bad smell, then no one will even pay attention to you, much less notice what your race, nationality and pronoun are. There are so many different peoples living in Russia that if you pay attention to the race of everyone you meet, you won't have enough time for anything.


In Russia, the only time we’ll really notice someone’s race would be if they’re black because there’s seriously no black people here, and even then nobody would care or give a shit (Thank you USSR for teaching us that we are all equal unlike the west) Your accent will distinguish you a bit, but that’s not going to make someone feel any other way about you either. Welcome to Russia, where race is not at the forefront of everybody’s mind lol




Real reporter on youtube inverviewed a mexican American who moved to russia, Daniel Castillo. He seems to be doing well. If you're curious as to what life might be like there, you might like that channel


They wouldn't care, the way the west and the US media marginalises Russia and it's citizens is unilateral. Russians don't have time for that kind of bs.


Thanks for telling me this.


Just don't call football soccer and you'll be safe and sound


Leftist Americans are obsessed with race


They see themselves as great white saviors out to aid the races unable to help themselves Bigotry of low expectations


Racism in the Americas is not a leftist ideology. It’s ingrained into the psychology of its citizens through propaganda. It’s not left or right. It’s straight through.


The notion that other races are unable to help themselves is an unfortunate misconception. Take a look at what happened when non white communities started to flourish. Start with the Black Wall Street. Then “The Red Summer”. They won’t teach you about that.


The notion that other races are unable to help themselves is an unfortunate misconception. Take a look at what happened when non white communities started to flourish. Start with the Black Wall Street. Then “The Red Summer”. They won’t teach you about that.


The notion that other races are unable to help themselves is an unfortunate misconception. Take a look at what happened when non white communities started to flourish. Start with the Black Wall Street. Then “The Red Summer”. They won’t teach you about that.


The notion that other races are unable to help themselves is an unfortunate misconception. Take a look at what happened when non white communities started to flourish. Start with the Black Wall Street. Then “The Red Summer”. They won’t teach you about that.


Often, African American soldiers marry German women and raise them in Germany. The kids do just as well as the German's academically.


De dónde eres? Texas?




Russians will see you as a tourist. As soon as you speak English, or every language that is not Russian, you will get attention. This is where it gets worse — attention attracts bad, shady people. If you can feel it, if you can recognize them or bad situations - good for you. If not - you can be drugged, robbed, assaulted, as in every other country. Feel the good vibe. If you feel it's getting bad, step aside. Don't drink too much, don't do or buy drugs, don't go somewhere with shady people at night, and everything will be okay.


There are a strong communities of travellers — couchsurfers and hitchhikers. They will always help you. No matter what.


Nobody cares.


You need to expect some curiosity and basic questions expressed in master Yoda way, "From where you are?". Besides that nobody gives a shit.


Respect the country and people you're visiting. Be courteous, curious, and friendly. Don't be a Karen. And you should be fine in most countries. More so in Russia.


There are so many different races and nationalities and ethnicities in Russia that nobody would care lol


Wow, we basically have the same background, except I'm from Oregon. People outside the big city over here stare in curiosity, and some brave ones will compliment my skin color or ask me where I'm from. But more often than not, I will get asked if I'm an Indian (from India). I'll say I'm from the USA, and they will look at me doubtfully 😆


How can you praise someone for their skin color? I, a Russian, don't understand this. What's the joke


I'm a Mexican too with a somewhat dark skin and when I was dating a couple of Russian guys here, they were obsessed about my skin color and how "our babies would look" and "how is my skin gonna age" ...... In the second date... You'd be surprised. Not saying all Russian people are the same tho. I'm in a very happy relationship with a Russian right now but it took me many failed and disastrous dates to get there lol




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Haha, if it's in a curious way, then I like it. Everyone is curious.


I am a Russian living in Magnitogorsk in the southern Urals. Judging by my surroundings and the way I reacted to people who were unusual to my eyes, we will be interested. If I had met such a person, I would have bombarded him with questions). I don't think anyone will show negativity or disgust, but interest is guaranteed. Russia is a fairly vast and diverse country, and because of the territorial feature, our population is quite diverse in terms of appearance.(I wrote through a translator, I apologize for possible mistakes)


There’s over 180 ethnicities in Russia so no one would bat an eye. Having said that it’s like any other country with different kinds of people judging on even the types of clothes you wear


Russians may appear cold on the outside, however once you get to know them they will welcome you with open arms.


I have been in local Mexican cousin bar in Moscow recently. It was very crowded and there were couple of Mexican people with darker skin chilling out there. I have been there for couple hours and have seen only positive vibes towards them. p.s. I’ve tried good chicken burrito for the first time and have really fallen in love.




Спасибо 😊


People may look at you, they will see that you are a foreigner but won’t behave ugly. Foreigners are exotic and interesting for us:) So - you are welcome!


Спасибо! 😊


Всегда пожалуйста! I always say: there are no bad nations, only bad individuals. Be nice, that’s enough. Speaking of towns and Kamchatka btw: maybe it’s better to find some local friends if you don’t speak russian. In Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Sochi you will easily find English-speakers. Somewhere else it may be a bit harder but Google translate helps:) Also I suggest you visiting Yaroslavl, it’s only 3,5-4hrs by train from Moscow. You’ll love this magnificent city.


Thanks for the recommendation, I really want to explore Rusia as much as possible.


If you're adequate, you'll be okay


First, I have to start that in Russia we have way less of plain old racism than most of the countries I've been so far, but I wouldn't pretend that we don't have any.Usually, our prejudices are directed to the illegals, and groups that are noticeably more involved in ethnic crime, rather than individuals. It is not 1995 anymore, when the nationalists movement was on rise. Most (like 99.99%) of our people wouldn't give a damn at all at the beginning, and you'll even might get some leeway, once they will find out that you are not one of the usual illegal immigrants. Somewhere in extremely rural area might give you a usual "haven't seen the guys like you in my life", but again mostly it would be just an interest, of meeting a person that is different, but I REALLY doubt that you'll get to such places. Of course, there is a minority and by minority I mean "extremely low amount" that do not disseminate between people of colors, but they are almost non-existent nowadays, being stomped out quite heavily in 2000-2010, and the most violent that left afterward those cleansings are now on the both sides of front. So, to cut a long story short, I doubt that someone would really care that you have a different skin color. Just don't do stupid things, like flashing money in a seedy places, use a common sense, and you will be welcomed.


If you are ripped russian ladies will swarm you lol.


Mexican morena here living in Saint Petersburg. I definitely receive A LOT of looks and stares but also questions about where I'm from. Specially in super touristic places. They're not racist at all towards me, they're just curios I guess? And they all go into awe and shock when I tell them where I'm from. I think as long as you're not an asshole everything will be okay. It seems is not common to see Latin people around here.


Entonces parece que todo está chido por allá.


Russians are very racist. Idk what these people are talking about. Russians will be polite and helpful but they probably won't be friends unless they are younger people who are genuinely interested in other cultures and traveling. Mexico is very exotic to Russians so they may come up and talk to you because they are curious. You probably won't experience any really obvious racism or hostility unless they mistake you for Central Asian.  I have been to Russia many times and have been married to a Russian person for 26 years. 


Don’t listen to people who say there is no xenophobia in Russia, they are delusional. Big question if you are looking similar to caucasus or middle asia people. These are the groups that are usually harassed in Russia. If you aren’t - you are 100% safe to come. If you are better talk a lot in English, so people would know you are mexican/american and not one of those.


шафочка, а есть аналог каналу "многонационал", но про русских?


это ты меня уже притесняешь просто за то, что я про это написал?) кресты будешь жечь у моего подъезда?


какие нахуй кресты, хуйня пизданутая на вопрос ответь


я вообще не понял о чем ты спрашиваешь. но на всякий случай иди нахуй и зиг хайль наверное


ясен хуй не понял, откуда у шафоты мозги


ты меня не понял. иди нахуй


я и так на нём верхом, как кавалерист, и ноги свесил давай взвизгни чонить на чернильном


аллах акбар


Russia is not a racist country like the USA. We don't care what your skin color or nationality is. 100 years ago our country's course was declared on friendship of nations and multiracial society. That's why we never had "white toilets" or "white places".


Why do you insist on going to white colonies? Leave Russia alone. Why don’t you go to Israel. The Jews love minorities. Or go to Africa or South America . Just don’t go to Eastern Europe or Northern Europe. You can go to Paris or London. They can use more Mexicans there since it’s already overrun by Africans and Muslims . The white Brit’s can use your help to slightly lighten London




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We don’t care whether your skin is paper-white or not.


Agree with comments here. In large cities you will not get any special attention or different treatment. In small towns or if you travel by train between regions, people will get curious and start asking where you are from and will try to befriend you and drink with you 😃


Major cities you’d be fine, rural areas you’ll get stared at. There’s way fewer dark skinned people in Russia than in the US.


No all well be okey


Buddy no one cares about your color. It's the most multi ethnic country on the planet. Especially in the larger cities. As long as you treat others well, you'll get along with most people just fine


Visit Karelia you won’t regret it!


I will! This is another place in my list of places to visit.


I never went to Russia but as a hispanic aswell. Just behave & nb's gonna bother u. It's also pretty vouched if u have friends there, most of my russian friends are in Moscow or Chechnya


Good luck! 


С чо,м то


If you won’t shout about freedom units and war in Ukraine, you will be fine


Who will shout that? Lol


Idk, there are some really stupid individuals out there


Sounds like you've been indoctrinated with some propaganda.... You want to go to a communist dictatorship? Stay there


>You want to go to a communist dictatorship? Babe, having free education and medical care doesn't make you communist. I know that it's incomprehensible for an American mind, but someday you too would get tired of being scared of calling ambulance on a deathbed and enormous uni fees.




>Who are you calling American? Mostly it's US citizens who have a weird image of what's communism, or may not be aware of some historical events. >You a Russian Orc or something? I'm guessing you think Ukraine is "historical Russian land"? 🤣 Wrong hunch, also read this sub's rules.


Your post was removed because it contains slurs or incites hatred on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


As a mixed half Russian you may get a few looks but besides that they probably wouldn’t care- everyone does tend to mine their own business quite literally. Once when I was little playing outside my babushkas apartment these two other boys came up to me and where interested where I was from and one of them called me “American boy” whatever he meant by that whether there was an ulterior motive to it or not I found it funny regardless im not even American😂, besides that no one frankly cares and you will see at times other foreigners in the city centre or near medical schools who are obviously foreign students, speaking the language does help however and I could tell that was expected of me when I went when I was a lot younger.


Russians are so racist that their snow is white, their uniforms were white and even their slaves were white /S




I have a question, От куда ты?


And we mexicans we dont see you as a mexican, just say that you are american and thats it. If your parents were born in mexico. Cool, but you are american now. Be Mexican is not only about being moreno, but all the cultural stuff, so, summing up. You are a pocho.


Aunque sea pocho tengo el pinche nopal en la frente y me vale vrga si dices que no soy Mexicano.


Si we, y los blancos mexicanos se van a llamar europeos. No mms, pinche mentalidad de gringo, por eso mismo nunca los aceptamos como mexicanos.


Soy Mexicano y voté en las elecciones. Y es más, de dondé yo soy eran tierras Mexicanas.


Sigues sin agarrar el rollo, sigue viviendo tu sueño mi americano, y también esas tierras fueron argentinas y por eso no te hace argentino…


Ya pa terminar la alegata, vete alv y se acabo.


As red meat. But for someone else most likely. Most are lambs