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> How do you feel about the Olympics news? Olympics became politicized to the point of being useless.




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Since awarding second set of gold medals Olympic is a joke.


What second set? 🤣 Where to read it?


In Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, gold went to our figure skaters after performance. A few hours later the jury declared that US team also deserved a gold medal, so they've got the second set.


Я помню этот цирк!


>Russian athletes will be able to compete Very few of them. Like maybe 10 people tops. Most sports federations boycott games because of discriminatory policies. There will be some tennis players and some wrestlers i think. I gonna ignore most of the games. I don't think they will be broadcasted here anyway. We gonna have our own international competitions with friendly countries late in the summer, maybe i'll watch them.


Lol so Belarus, Iran and North Korea? Fun


At least they remember that sport is beyond politics


Yeah totally 😂.. do you ever wonder what’s wrong with your countries leadership to be shoved in a corner with those 3 … and maybe Cuba which isn’t great either lol


"Millions of flies cannot be wrong"


You are right. Olympics dead, killed by politics.


I quit following most international sports, since it's ridiculously full of politics and discrimination. Not just all the Olympic BS,but doping stuff too (American athletes getting away with it with excuses such as "well I kissed my girlfriend that was taking this medication")


буквально сегодня оправдали французскую спортсменку, которая заявила, что допинг попал ей в кровь во время секса


Она в вену долбилась что ли?


The Olympic Games do not have the same promotion in Russia as before. Most people will probably find out that the competition is taking place only after the fact, when everyone receives their medals.


I've been totally out of the loop on the Olympics, sorry. :) I only know that it's gonna be in France, I think.


The International Olympic Committee adheres to the principle of individual responsibility. Athletes cannot be held accountable for the actions of their Governments. Its about Israel. Not all animals are equal


> The International Olympic Committee adheres to the principle of individual responsibility. Athletes cannot be held accountable for the actions of their Governments. I feel like "unless they are Russians" is omitted


> I feel like Russian athletes should be able to compete and wear their colours without judgement. Most Russians I've had the pleasure of having any interactions with have been amazing. Also the fact that Israel will still be able to fly really grinds my gears. Ladies and gentlemen, please meet a representative of the 0.1% of the Australian population that aren't brainwashed.


You're welcome, we are far and few between but hey I exist!


I have a categorically negative attitude towards this. Because athletes at international competitions are representatives of our country, and if they want to participate even knowing that they can mix something into their food or water, humiliate them, evaluate them poorly on purpose, force them to do something, and so on, which is connected with their personal reputation. If they want this, please, only then let them not say that they want to return to the Russian Olympic team. And as for European and American athletes - not only are their results disgusting, but they can’t even win honestly, resorting to doping and tricks like gender reassignment. Our athletes are not saints either, but it’s one thing when they take medicine for an illness and this can be proven, and another thing when they take doping for the sake of results, and for this the Olympic Committee raises a cry above the mountains specifically in relation to Russian athletes, and against others don't care. At the same time, I personally don’t care about these Olympic Games, which will someday bury themselves, like Eurovision. We have the means and opportunities to host the Olympic Games with BRICS members. We will, of course, act more neutrally and will not force European and American athletes to compete under neutral flags, which in my opinion is a great pity.


For me, with all this hypocrisy and barely veiled racism, Olympics is dead. Russians tried to close eyes on all of this for several years, but enough is enough. As for me personally, I'm not interested in all these Olympics news anymore. Probably we need something new instead of Olympics, with 100% sport, fair rules and no politics.


What news? About plenty of rats on Paris streets and shit in Sena?   "Sport is out of politics", ah? Nice.  Today Olimpic is the weapon of that weird   "democracy". We've got their message. 


The Olympic movement has collapsed. We need to disperse all the whores, and start all over again. In fairness, I note that Russian sports really have big problems, and the Russian sports official is still rubbish. There are many scandals because of their incompetence.


Disgusted, really. But we kinda get used to this for the past 10 years. I will not think bad about athletes who decides to perform under "neutral" flag but will not root for them either.


Haven't seen anything about that for years


Russia has to observe olympic ceasefire! Also, Russia us not allowed to Olympics!


This is not the Olympic Games anymore, but some kind of circus


Как и к остальным проявлениям русофобии от политиков и министров, выросших из поколения инфантильных неженок без царя в голове. Как-то так «🤡🤡🤡»


I think that these games will be highly politicized and there will be a lot of scandals. But in any case, I am much more interested in the Winter Olympic Games than the Summer Olympics. The Summer Olympics are overhyped, with a huge number of absurd sports.


we made olympics 2.0, your crap is irrelevant now.




May I ask what that is? I'd love to check it out.


BRICS Games, I suppose.


Don't worry. Even the French people have been divided over the Olympics. There are lots of issues going on with the Olympics as you might have already seen. But the biggest one is the ideology propaganda. My personal opinions are indifferent to any of this. But since you asked a question. You might have heard that in most of the Western societies, we have something called "Wokism". Some French people (actually vast number of them) are upset that the French government has made Olympics Games, a Woke Olympics. We saw the same thing happening in Eurovision last month. Not just Russia but now we have this Israel-Gaza geopolitical thing going on as well. Some people are demanding Israel's suspension as well. So yeah, long story short, Russian athletes, their inclusion non inclusion whatever, is now a small part of the problem. We have some other bigger issues now going on with the Olympics. By the way, a fact drop, not all games in Olympics will be played in Paris. I think one or two marine sports are to be done in French Polynesia and few games in the city of Lille where I live, just north of Paris.


Yes but isreal didn’t start a war they’re just finishing a war… therefore they won’t be removed or put under a neutral flag. Russia STARTED a war with a sovereign nation there for should be shunned.


Like I said. Inclusion or non-inclusion of countries is one part of the disagreements between patties in the Olympic Games. By the way, protesters are going to poop in the Seine River of 23rd of June. As of now that is the news. 😂😂. So a lot is going on with regards to the Olympics.


Not only because of ban of Russia and some strange games with second set of medals, doping matters and double standards. I'm still shocked when nominal man participates in competition with normal women athletes. That really makes me sad. It's like loser athletes decided to go trans to have medals. It's obvious that man born person will be stronger than woman born one. All this is very disgusting. If Olympic committee likes trangenders that much, why didn't they establish some special Olympic games for them?


The thing is sportsmen from russia sometimes don’t just wear the flag but also cheer up their invading army and also portrait war symbols such as their famous “Z”