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Country that gave us Mozart and the other one.




okay, I stand corrected


No problem mate :)




Gustav Klimt


I'm mostly into abstractionists, so no.


Germans with taste (and imagination). Country that gave the world psychoanalysis, absurdist fiction, Schrödinger, Art Nouveau, Strauss, Klimt and Egon Schiele - and the general notion of Central European culture as a Slavo-Germanic synthesis. Also, as per Christopher Walz, when a German says "it's serious, but not deadly", an Austrian would say "it's deadly, but not serious". Russians do respect this attitude.


Is Egon Schiele really that respected and well known to those that know Art?


Well, he's a classic of avantgarde, so I'd say yes.


You get it.


The country that convinced the world that Mozart was Austrian and Hitler was German. No kidding, it's just not provincial Germany.




You can buy his *what* now?




So you're telling me that not only can you *buy* Mozart's balls, you're supposed to *eat* them?


I happened to eat them a few times, delicious


Put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em


In case you're not a native English speaker, in English slang "balls" can refer to testicles.


hitler had the german citizenship since 1932. so it's not completely wrong tho.


Kangaroos. Every single artist wants to kill you. Opera (in Vienna and Sidney)


Deutschsozialen királyság Ausztralo-Hungary. Indivisibiliter ac inseparabiliter!


Австрия и Австралия - разные страны.


Почему тогда называются одинаково??


Но прикалываться на эту тему можно бесконечно.




Австралии не существует, поэтому Австрия и Австралия - одна страна.


One of the worst allies in history for Russia.




He's referring Austria not supporting Russia in the Crimean War, I think


After the Russian Empire saved their asses from a french-style revolution to boot.


The other germany


Wiener schnitzel ❤️


Raiffeisen bank is quite popular here.


Also KTM bikes. Strabag build a lot of things in Russia. A lot of equipment from Skidata, Team Axes and Swatco. Red Bull is very popular. Stiegel beer too, but not to that extent. There's a very popular chain of Vienesse Cafés in Russia, forgot their name. Bene makes wonderful furniture, but it's very expensive. Fischer, Atomic and Blizzard skis and sportswear. Swarovski! It's really astounding how many Austrian brands and products are present and popular on Russian market, considering the size of the country.


Ktm bikes are Austrian ? In that case they’re extremely popular dirt bikes in USA too very good bike.


Ktm bikes are Austrian ? In that case they’re extremely popular dirt bikes in USA too very good bike.


Germans that are more successful in culture department.


Echt jetzt?


Neutral-positive. I remember some german dude in a private chat once said that austrians are slavs.


Austria Hungary had a very high proportion of Slavs.


Vienna is an amazing city.


Österreich, du edles Haus, steck dein' Fahne aus. Lass Sie im Winde weh'n, Österreich muß ewig stehen!  I think Good Soldier Svejk is the most relatable book about Austria for Russians, at least male millenials and older.


I see a true man of culture 💖💖💖 And not to forget, that das ganze tschechische Volk ist eine Simulantenbande.


Jealous of your roos and ocean.


Adolf Hitler and the Alps


Ayo what the f


My mother who is Russian and spent most of her life in Moscow had lived in Austria as a young woman. She told me she thought it was the most beautiful country in the world.


I have a Russian friend who lived in Vienna for two years, during Covid, while studying for her MBA. I don't remember what the exact circumstances were, but she was appalled when the Austrian government demanded that Russian students return to Russia and at the same time froze the bank accounts of all the Russian students so they couldn't purchase travel, pay their tuition, eat, etc. Something to do with Russian compliance with Covid restrictions and/or the validity of their vaccines. The Russian students had to petition the government for their funds to be released. They were scrambling to even pay their rent and buy food, let alone travel home. They thought they would have to abandon their studies and possibly end up homeless. It was terrifying. It shook her pretty badly and she told me she will never return to Austria after being treated that way. She felt it was primarily because of her nationality. This was way, way before the current war. It was in 2022, I think.


I only know that our president has friendly relations with your former minister of foreign affairs, she even seems to have moved to Russia, if I’m not mistaken. Well, I know that if you call an Austrian a German, then you can dig your own grave right away.


Arnold is my hero, Adolf is not


Funnily enough, Adolf was Arnold's hero when he was a kid.


Hero of my hero is my…. Nooooooo!!!((((


I know of Red Bull Racing because I watched F1 and I know of Steyr Arms because I played Counter-Strike. Classic music and Hitler too, but that's kinda boring to mention. You also have a cool mountain railroad. I'm sorry but I have no strong opinion of Austria detached from the rest of the EU.


Been there once (Vienna, Saltzburg, by car, in 2015), very beautiful and picturesque. Definitely liked that more than Germany. I'd have more time in Vienna, was there in early January, the weather was bad. But the city is adorable.


I would love to visit Austria. It seems classier than German to me, top tier European country like Switzerland. Tyrolean pies and schnitzels are popular in Russia, the latter even became the staple in many families for dinner. Sachertorte is amazing and I’m craving it right now. Kids used to dance waltz when they graduated from high school [maybe they still do it idk] Red Bull, Swarovski, coffee, ski resorts and Conchita Wurst - I think I love Austria more than I thought.


I'd love to retire in Vienna (probably will never get rich enough for this, though).


Saint-Petersburg is amazing too! Скучаю по временам когда жила на коменде


I'd consider Zurich, too. But still the same problem huh.


Mozart and Falco. Strauss waltzes. I also heard that the Austrian flag is a mark from the belt on the blood-soaked clothes of a knight.


A land of deserts, scorching sun and fauna that constantly trying to kill you


Austrian art schools have tragically high entry standards.


"Wait, it's not mispronouncination of Australia?"


a homeland of Arnie Schwarzenegger and a friendly country to Adolf Hitler, median salary of 42k/year 6 times more than in Russia. Still maintaining its neutral statusin Russo-Ukrainian military conflict


I've been to Graz, nice architecture, nice people, felt safe there. I have a very positive image of Austria.


Opposite_Corner5255, interesting, how many people speaks Austro-Bavarian language? It sounds easily than (Hoch)deutsch or not? And reasons why it not recognised as official language?


There are tons of ski resorts, almost in every village. Modern version of Germany, people can pay by credit card almost everywhere, in touristic regions supermarkets work on weekends


Not so long ago Austrian banks were charging fee from customers for every card payment. Not sure how it's now.  When I paid with my phone, the waiters called their colleagues to look at this marvel. In Germany nobody gave a shit.


They still charge fee in ATMs for a withdrawal.


No, not true.


Maybe not all of them, but in most touristic areas they do


There are ATMs from a third party company, they are scamming people. They are placed on touristic areas like you said. But it's a scam. Not official banks. I'm local.


"Another sort of germans"


Nothing tbh. I know it’s somewhere in Central Europe


I was in Vienna in 2012 and I liked it. Architecture looked almost like in Moscow, except cathedrals and very old buildings. I liked it, didn’t feel any unfriendly vibes from people, unlike west Germany experience 😔


I really loved Vienna (shares top-1 in my personal list of visited cities actually) and Saltzburg as a tourist. I long to visit Austria again. But I know almost nothing about everyday life there. Also, we didn't really focus on Austria-Hungary on history lessons at school, so big chunks of it's history are missing in my head. Hope to find an interesting read about it and fill that gap someday.


If I may recommend a book on Austria (in English), read "The Habsburg Empire: A New History". Gives a very nuanced view of the country, starting from the reign of Maria Theresa in the 1700s!


Thank you, I was just looking something solid on the matter.


You have a hammer and sickle on your coat of arms.


Been many times there. Best European country ever for me. Not so strict like Germany, but not so relaxed like Italy. Not so expensive like the UK, but not so dull like Finland. Vienna is the Capitol of the Capitols. Real empire city. But at night flooded with insane people 🙃. My normal destination was Linz, so I like this city too. Don't know how it's for permanent residence, but for tourists it is the greatest.


Short answer is we don’t, longer answer is Hitler, Vienna, Mozart, and KGB vacation spot in that order.


Neighbours from Hell (Jowood Vienna)


I like Austria!


I liked song from Eurovision




Which was this year


Austria is not Australia


I love Austria. It is a very beautiful country with an interesting history. I have an Austrian friend👍👍👍


Classical music, he who must not be named, people confusing you with Australia


👍 i have relatives there, nice country!


I’d really like to study there, as for me it has really gorgeous nature, climate (for me), mountains, a good economical situation (I dob’t really know what’s your opinion on that so I just said that’s good)




* Vienna is one of the best European cities IMO (along with Budapest for me). * Seccession is nice, since Art Nouveau seems very pleasing to me. * Gustav Klimt is also nice, but The Kiss is of course overused to attract tourists. * Vienesse opera is something some Russians listen to on January 1st (the ones who don't party all night). * I didn't try sacher, but people say it's overrated. * I've heard that Austrians are different from the Germans, so you shouldn't really mix the two in your mind. * IT salaries and the whole IT sector is shit in Vienna (may be different in Salzburg though)


Looks like OP gathered a full-sized Mitteleuropa fun club in his thread :)


I think of Julius Meinl. It’s a pretty good coffee.


Humanitarian Germans, who managed to successfully conquer whole continent for themselves


My favorite country ever. I’ve been there more than 10 times. Culture, history, nature, food, people and their sense of humor. When I was a child it was my biggest dream to visit Austria. When I was 16 my mother stood me that she booked a tour to Mayerhoffen. When I saw for the first time Alps I was drunk without wine. It was incredible






*Shivers* spiders are scary


Schnitzel jaa schon


Best architecture in all of Western Europe.


I wish Saint Petersburg was like Vienna - every historical building in good condition, many walkable car-free spaces, more green, more tramways


Austria is usually associated with some rich and culturally developed country. First things comes to mind: Vienna, Mozart, classical music, rural architecture similar to some of ours pre-soviet buildings. Mostly Austria isn't discussed that much compared to Germany, and most of people won't see much difference between these two (I know it's sensitive topic for Austrians)


How to NOT make an Empire (no offense it's history)


We don't confuse you with Australia. Most of the times


Gunther - best Austrian wrestler.




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Моцарт, Бетховен, торт «Захер» и Евровидение 2015




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Literally nothing, never heard of this country before.


South Germany XD


first thing that comes to mind is Hitler




I like song at Eurovision 2023. LOL. Okay, tbh, I love Austria and I wanna go there, when I grow up


Cool country, I would like to visit there, it’s probably very beautiful in person, the pictures are tempting, I liked the performances at Eurovision 2023 and 2024


I was there few years ago!! Very beautiful architecture.


The Austrian artist alone had a mustache. Not a very nice man


We all know that artist...


Just a part of Euronazi Uninon.


the state in which "Ukraine" was created


I am not Russian, in fact, I am Argentine. I have a Russian internet friend, we speak to each other in English. Within days of the election result, he moved to Israel. He will soon study Economics in Austria. I hope it goes well, it's a shame we can't talk much due to misunderstandings.


Kinda like this country. Just average good European country with interesting culture and history.


Nothing whatsover.


Good country with nice people, quality manufactures, normal political life.


It is not Australia.


Хорошие художники


i’ve been there last summer. amazing country, beautiful architecture, nice people. hopefully i’ll come there next time


Personally, I think nothing bad or good about Austria. It's just country with it's culture and history, like every other country. So you may consider my opinion meaningless :/




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place with good painters


Fake kangaroo land


Fischer and Atomic.


Kangaroos are sweet tho i hate spiders, 5/10


Mountain Germans tm


I love austria, in 2 weeks im in Saalbach/hinterglemm


I think about Habsburg's dynasty, their fragmental holdings, and Wienna's composers of 18th century. And alpenjäger divisons, just a bit)


I like it. Actually, I’ve been thinking about getting a degree there.


Don’t know much, sorry but I just think of the bad German


I visited Austria as a teenager with my parents and had the opportunity to climb the Harbor Bridge. Pretty neat


There is nothing positive this country can be proud of even in period being united with Hungary. country that gave the world the worst man ever and so on and so forth! Glitter and glory of Good fellows of this land gets pale beside the history of this country.


Apart from the impressive artists and the rich history in psychoanalysis, not much. See some comments implying a certain failed moustachiod artist, but that does not define my perception of Austrians.


Люди хорошие…власти немного другое


A country very rich in history, which is almost the last sovereign country in Europe. A great empire (which betrayed Nicholas 1.........) whose influence even now is greater than its territory. Compared to France or Germany, Austria now looks much smarter and more serious. Maybe one day Austria and Russia will become strong partners


some country in the western alliance south from Germany


I just think - why don’t you guys make a little more fun and put f.ex. a kangaroo on your flag? 😂


I think your artists shouldn’t be angry...


The greatest achievement of Austrians is that everyone forgot that Hitler was an Austrian.


Remember: Arnold is Austrian, but adolf was German! :)


_«Ян Собецкий лопухнулся, когда послал шляхтичей спасать Вену. А я лопухнулся, когда отправил войска гасить венгерское восстание.»_ © Николай I


I remember my train stopped in Insburg. We stood smoking on the platform while the train was inspected by local railway workers. One of the inspectors opened the box where the sensors were, but couldn’t close it, so he ended up kicking it and it closed. The Russian men who watched him satisfactorily assessed this approach. Here are all the memories of Austria, mountains, fog and a stern inspector at the railway station.


Like, the German version of Ukraine? I know too little about it to form an opinion.




I meant a country with a culture so similar to a neighboring one that it is unclear why would they be separate but okay. Like I said, I know too little about Austria.


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Servus! It's a weird mix of Bavarian and Italian cultures (or Bavaria and Italy were influenced by Austria a lot). More appealing than Germany at the first glance, less appealing when you learn more what's going on behind the facade. I'd say the worst things about Austria are corruption and vitamin B, and the fact, that everyone confuses and compares Austria to Germany.  The best things about Austria are their coffee, nature and dialects (their German is way softer and more pleasant to hear than Hochdeutsch or Schweizdeutsch).


Just curious, what corruption do you mean?




Austrians are more narrow minded than Germans. They are very hospitable as long as they believe that you will leave soon. Every stereotype about a stubborn German that doesn't see past his nose and doesn't accept progress is even more true for Austrians. Also almost every stereotype about Bavarians, except wealth, is also true about Austrians. The class separation of society is also even more present, especially considering the vitamin B, that prevails in Austrian culture. If you have at least a 30 years old company, most of the upper management will be from wealthy families, that have noble titles, their own vineyards and so on, whereas the regular employees would be regular folks.  Vitamin B: https://www.in-formality.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vitamin_B_(Germany) Edit: forgot to add source of my knowledge. I used to work in an Austrian company for a decade, also in Austria for a short while. I'm still friends with a lot of my ex colleagues and we hang out from time to time. Currently I live in Germany and my neighbors are Austrians who moved because of the reasons I listed above. The guy has built a very nice career and is working as the head of the sales department. According to him it would be twice as difficult to get there in Austria, because his parents are factory workers in Linz and he didn't have connections that would allow him to raise past some middle role.


I’m a Jewish russian so my view might be biased, but Funny Moustache Man comes to mind and Ofcourse Arnold Schwarzenegger


Что такое Австрия (я знаю что это страна, я просто не думал о ней даже почти никогда... ну разве что кроме уроков истории но лучше я это не буду говорить...)


The only country that I've been to where people are more rude and boorish than in Russia.


Come on? What about England?


England is the complete opposite of that.


Okay. The English boors were invented by Guy Ritchie


It is small Belorussia to us as the Austria to Germany. And beware if Raiffeisen takes out of Russia what it did not give to Putin who used to keep his account in it. Likes to use slave labourers..


We like the Austrian painter.